(2011/12) Dec 2011

Ling, you mean the fitflop platform sandals? I specially bought that to wear even since I got pregnant leh.. But have to be careful since it's platform, I'm quite used to it though I'll still be careful while wearing

Good day ladies,

I had strong craving for KFC just now and went for a 3 piece meal set. WOW.Shiok! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


I took HIV test at gynea a few week backs. My company has a compulsory HIV screening n can't wait for my gynea report so gotta take blood again. I've been eating quite well these days so can't be low blood sugar so can't figure out the cause. Will see if it happens again.


same like you. all my clothes cannot wear during 1st trim... din gain much weight but tummy looks big.


it could be low sugar lvl. if you feel dizzy, take a sit and rest. try to put your head lower so that blood can flow to your brain.

Hi Happygal.

Yup I'm trying to drink more water nw [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi Dacylet

Yup will try not to eat too much fried food. Anyway my body can't take it too..

Hi Betsmok

Too much carbo not good leh .. Try not to eat too much

Hi Safiya

I also lost 2.5kg for the past 14wks .. Seeing gynae tis at my 16wks.. Hopefully I gain abit cos I was reminded by my nurse abt my weight b4 [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Didn't hv MS but jus dun feel like eating [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi Ling

I think jus dun wear the walk n tone series .. I wore Sketchers.. Was reminded by the staffs not to wear those series if I'm pregnant

Hi JJJ_Mummy

Hahha I had 1piece of KFC last nite n my throat is alrdy reacting today

Btw Happygal / Chan PL / Yallo / Betsmok / Jacqueline n all

Tried not to eat to much durians

I had a friend tat is super underweight .. Gynae kept telling her to put on weight as bb is too small

Thus she ate lots of durians .. She put on a total of 30kgs!!!! N she can't lose the weight now!

Thus eat but dun eat too much ya ;)

Stella, hmmz.. i know the last time i was hospotalozed at KK, the gynae id tell me headaches and giddiness is 1 of the cool 5 signs of pregnancy... so he only says if it happens to me often, take a rest.. thats what i am doing. I have always having terrible headaches and giddiness so i take panadol and rest. maybe u try o rest more?

dacylet, how come our tummy so big?? i just saw gynae and he says my baby got very big leh..

OMG!!! Ace, 30kg????? faint... okok.. noted.. i will take note...

OH YEAH!!! SO HAPPY!!! hubby and my youngest bro was with me at gynae's clinic just now and gynae confirmed it's a BOY!!!!!! Somehow, feels very happy and excited when i got to know the gender of my baby!!! My dear prince.... Hehez!!!

Mamaash, please help me update the table when u r available..

EDD: 8th Dec 2011

Next appt: 3rd Aug

Gender: Boy

Stays in: Bedok North


Hi Jacqueline..

Yes .. No joke.. 30kgs.. She said she can't even see her neck! She found difficulties in slimming since delivering

I also hv friend tat ate junks n etc.. Put on 22kgs.. Also cant slim down after tat

But of course as mentioned, I had a relative tat hv no appetite at all n end up losing her bb at 8mths!!!!

Thus I'm trying to balance between putting on too much and not putting on as well .. Aiyoh .. Headaches [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


congrats! now u can get start planning for your little prince. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

maybe our tummy want to prepare for the little one to grow and prevent us to wear tight clothes? hehe.

Ace, 30kg? OMG! that's a lot!!! i got a fren who gain ard 20kg, she quickly go and exercise and slim down. although din hit 20kg, but close to it. I salute her!

and yah, we got to balance ourselves in our diet. measure your weight daily to keep track how much we have grown [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Jac: Congrats on your little prince!!! :D So envious hee... Btw did your gynae say in detail how he define the baby to be big??? Mine last time also say wow your baby is big, but I was too excited to see the ultrasound scan and didn't think to ask him what he meant haha.

Ace: 30kg is DAMN SCARY!!!!! Actually I just crossed the dreadful 60kg mark [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] sianz, trying not to think too much about weight gain now.

I went to check at Kkh admission centre for premier gynae service n 2days stay 1 bed A1, cause now no. 4th no subsidise. deposit $2560, medisave $2100 normal vagina birth... gynae will be there once we check in and monintor me through out labour process... If caesarean deposit $2607, medisave payble $3950. I dont opt for classic service which gynae only come to deliver the bb when we are fully dilated. For the 1-3child got subsidise so i paid deposit cheaper $2000 only.. So i wonder if i go TMC or any private hospital for the no4th child does it make any different?Please help me to check the prices if anyone of u have it...

Hi Yallo

I'm also over 60.. But becos of my height n bone mass .. It is still within the BMI ..

Bur I'm watching my weight.. Dun wan to put on too much [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi Jacylet

Let remind each other to watch our weight [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

My face become more & more round! And my evil boss said that confirm I will be having a girl because I turn ugly!

So depressed now.

Hi Joanne..

U depressed becos ur boss said it will b a girl or becos ur boss said u turn ugly?

Anyway cheer up.. Bb will b able to feel our emotion so smile ya [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


30kg will make me faint leh! No way!


Congrats! I more anxious to noe mine now, since everyone noe liao. Geez..... Big bb good also lah. Cute and chubby.....


Mayb can just call the hospital and ask. They will tell u I tink.


Dun depressed ok. Anything for ur baby. MAyb ur boss juz jealous lah.

Ace: Wow how tall are you??? Actually during my first appt with the gynae, he already told me that I would likely hit 70kg by the end of the pregnancy. My hubby almost fainted coz that's around the same weight as him and he's like 178cm! Hahaha

CT: I have the prices for delivery at Mt. Alvernia

Caesarean w GA: $3,375 (Single Room) to $4,065 (Super Deluxe Room)

Gynae charge: $1,100

Hospital charge: $1,300 (not sure what this is for?)

Baby doctor charge: $350

So total will be between $6,125 to $6,815, likely more coz probably got more misc charges that we don't know about now. Max claimable amount from Medisave is $3,500 for Caesarean, I'm not sure if this changes depending on the number of kids you have...

Hi Yallo ..

Ur hubby is too skinny lah.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

How is his BMI?

But well .. I can still go dwn to 50+ but hard nw le [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

hi mummies,

i rem reading some post asking me abt the cot i got but cant find it liao... i think the reply i posted din get thru too...

anyway, my cot is a simple light pine color one... thats teh only design available... not white... but then its good not to get painted cots bcoz paint might chip/peel... n also bb might chew on it next time... but i like dark mahogany color lah... too bad they only have pine (light brown) color... but the quality not bad... cant rem the contact but i think the brand or company is Rocio... they are usually there during taka bb fair... so i think coming one, u all can go recce, i think yearly their offers are similar one... the coconut husk mattress, bedding set n mobile all in... the mattress is good but not the bedding set... the fabric of the pillow/bolster cases end to pill... u know that small lumpy "fur" on the fabric after some use? so when that happens, i just kept the pillows n bolsters but threw away the covers... i rem the pillows are even better quality than aussino ones!!! i wash the pillows in washing machine n the aussino ones will be all distorted n lumpy after wash!!! but not the FOC pillows n bolsters... toking abt good branding... sigh....

Yallo- wow more expensive compare to Kkh.. Kkh the deposit and medisave incl doctor fees and hospital stay.. it exclude epidural or any induced or assisted deliveries such as vacuum n forceps...So Mt A is out for people like me... Waiting for my friend feedback about TMC,she going today to check ...


dun care about your boss' comment. Be happy and cheer up. bb's emotion follows you. so always be happy [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


my doc told me it would be good I don't gain too much weight. my reserve is enough... i think that another good way of saying "fat"? wahaha...

you planning to deliver in Mt A?

CT: Wow KKH fees already include doctor fees? That's really good. By the way, what did you mean when you said medisave payable $3950 for caesarean? Means after claiming medisave that's the final amount you need to pay in cash?

dacylet: Hahaha your doctor very funny! Yeah I'm planning to deliver in Mt A, my sis had a good experience there for her first child, plus I feel more secure coz my gynae's clinic is right in B1 of Mt A, so anything he can just run up [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] What about you?

Good morning to all MTB,

Long long time din login and i was a bit lost hahahaha....congrat to all mama that already know bb gender...

Many of you already start searching the price in each hospital...i think i will consider KKH coz i scare if got anything touch wood no matter where u r they will just tranfer back to KKH...

Today I m going to have cardiac scan...a bit scare coz i din c any of you here doing this scan...hope everything is fine....

ace, all so ma fan.. nv eat enough also no gd... eat toomuch also no good.. i guess we just stick toyour proper meals and occasion scacking when hungry bah..

thanks dacylet!! for me still ok coz i havent worn tight clothes for quite some time le.. but i am only having prob with bottoms.. haha!!

yallo, thanks!!! doc didnt say what is consider big leh or normal leh.. but i am happy that baby is healthy.. =) she just me to start eating more beef... it helps to make baby bigger. beef is yummy!! but too bad no medium rare. haha!!

joanna, maybe your face is rounder coz u put on some weight le?? the myth not accurate de.. coz when i went to go through the list, alot dun match.. i have friends whose face/skin is like normal but she also give birth to gals. so dun bother about what ppl says.. they are also guessing...

happygal, thank you... actually when i see alot ppl knowing baby's gender, i also very gan jiong to know mine.. so when doc says today can see gender, very happy.. and when she re-confirms, even happier... my mood changed totally lor.. den last night hubby went to search for more boys names.. actually we have a name in mind le but thinking of can find other names..

met insurance agent after my appt to confirm the policy... den my agent says he sponsor stroller!! lolx!! duno true or not.. but this agent is also our friend lah! haha!!

piggy, gambatte!!! all will be fine.. dun stress yourself too much...

oh ya, i also asked my gynae after rebonding, meni and pedi.. she says all can do!!! but rebonding wise, dun touch the sclap can le.. yeah!!! hubby speechless!!! planning to go JB do my hair after hubby finish his project and before he go ICT... I miss my long straight silky hair!! haha!!

Hi Jac, Envy? haha.. I act envy those with big stomach! At least they look preggie.I shall wait patiently for my stomach to grow! :D

Ace, me too! hopefully gain some before i go for my scan next week. For once, we want to gain weight! hehe.. And 30kg??!!! Goodness! Hopefully, yr friend is doing healthily fine!

Joanne, don worry abt ppl comments. Whats imprt is that u and yr baby are doing fine. Just be happy and yr bb will be happy as well. :)

Piggy, everything will be fine. Just be relax k! :)

To all who have already known their baby gender, CONGRATS!!! I am soo excited for my little one gender!! Cant wait! hee..

safiya, i think big tummy maybe 1-2 more mths and u will see it?? at least u r still slim.. unlike me.. not here nor there.. tummy so obvious but duno if look preg or not.. i think it just looks fat and big tummy.. =(


yup. will be delivering there. gynae also recommended me there.


welcome back [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Jac: You're very brave, dare to do rebonding!!! I'm the "kiasi" type haha, even normal hair treatment also don't dare to do. Now everday got to contend with frizzles & knots & hair dropping sigh. My gynae quite liberal, say Singapore so safe, eat raw food like sashimi should be no problem! Beef also just ask for medium rare, well done where got nice! But I don't dare hahaha still guai guai stay away from all these temptations :p

What insurance poicy? Are you refering to the prudential PruFirstGift thingy? I'm still considering whether to take that up or not leh... any mummies here got any thoughts on this?

Jac, i am not slim lei. normal size with hidden fats. hehe.. i am sure you look preggie! It definitely wont look like fats, esp when it is visible, not to me! Don worry! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Am into my 5 mth, so jus a bit worried la that my stomach is not visible/showing. but guess, different ppl body shows differently! i even bought maternity pants at 3 mths, thinking i will outgrow my current pants. Now, its sleeping in my wardrobe...

yallo, i canot tahan my perms lah!! i am not applying anything on it and it looks frizzy and messy!!! i dun even know what to do to my hair.. so boring!! haha!! rebonding i dare! but when it comes to food, i feel its more direct in a way.. so i think i will just avoid raw food for now.. my friend says we can take medium well.. it's cooked but still juicy... unlike well done.. so hard!!

yap yap!! the Prudential Forst baby thingy.. which we can start taking at 18 weeks.. to me, i feel that it's more like self-consoling in case anything happens from now till deliver.. or anything happens durign our detailed scan..(choy choy!!!) and after delivery, it will be passed over to the kid mah.. so i think its ok.. plus its cheaper leh!!! we only need to pay $100 every month all the way (although 1st payment got additional $320 for other coverage). usually when we buy policy, premium usually increases as we grpow older so i thought this sum is still ok.. plus it also covers the mum from day of purchase for 3 years!! although if anything happens, paypout not so much, but ultimately, it's all for the kid.. i am preparing to buy hospoialization for the kid too after born.. u nv know what will happen...

safiya, i think i look fat lah! whahahah!!! i think some ppl tummy wun be too big de.. it depends.. i have personally seen big ones, normal and not that big de.. all doesnt matter as long baby is healthy right?? and i believer u will get to wear your maternity pants very soon!! =)

i also thinking of rebonding my ends. im so pissed off with my hair right now

i also wanna sign up for the prufirstgift. next week will be 18 hence can start signing up. only prudential has this policy right


wow u dare for rebonding . Pei Fu!


I definitely not the slim type. Haha. I already wearing pants around 2-3 mths! growing too fast initially.

Ling, high 5!! haha!!! we must always feel gd and look gd right? hehe!!

yap, i think only prudential has the plan.. i think u can start contacting your agent now le bah.. give him time to prepare the stuff den after that can sign le..

dacylet, bo bian, usually my perm hair only last me for less than 6 mths de coz i cannot tahan 1.. and i confirm cannot cut short coz it will be even messier and during confinement will be very hot!!

hi, long long time no post.. but have been reading silently...

i went for my check up last week and confirm is a gal.. my next appt will be 29 jul..

Jac - can PM me ur Prudential agent contact? i oso keen on the plan but dun have any friend with Prudential...

congraulation to all who know the bb gender...

Thanks all!

But what he says was really hurting. Like " I already told you not to get pregnant so early. See, now turn so ugly. Wait later your hubby starts to think the same too! "

And because he just sit right beside me, he is always talking about it!

2boysmummy!! so long never see u here.. glad to know everyone is doing fine for you..

OK!! msg sent! =)

when are u all doing the detailed scan??? mine is 2nd week aug.. abit gan jiong though...

joanna, ur boss is craxy lor!! either he is jealous, or too free nothing to do and nothing to say.. stupid boss!!!! maybe he is upset that u will be going on maternity leave (some bosses feel that they are wasting $$ when staff go maternity leave coz need to employ a temp staff to cover or need to pay 4 months salary but staff not at work, etc...) so hr try to make u feel upset and guilty?? eat full nothing to do!! IGNORE HIM!!!!!

Joanna: he told u that? U should answer dun give birth now then give birth when, some ppl wan give birth also no luck n givr birth later = higher risk = more rest more mc haha

Durians: it fatten baby fast, limit urself

I had durian in my 1st pregnancy my boy induce in 37 weeks 3.62kg

Joanne, yr boss is evil!! U should jus ignore him la! Jus keep yr spirits high!! Just hear the good stuffs! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Jac: Am going next Wed for my detailed scan! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]Will keep you all updated.

I have a medical plan with Aviva and it comes covered for my future children (up to 3 kids). My baby will be covered after 2 weeks once he/she is born. And baby will be covered till 20 years. Took the plan before i got pregnant. The coverage for the baby is same as mine (hospiptalisation and etc) [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] haven really heard abt the prudential plan. shall go read abt it.

Hi Joanne

Ur boss deserve a gd slap.. Speaking without using his brain

Why dun speak to him n ask him not to affect your emotion right now?

This is wat i told my ex-boss .. We hv the rights to tell them so tat it won affect us n our bb

Do reject all these negatives words out from ur life.. Claim joy n love upon urself n bb .. Stay happy k.

Pregnant mummy can be the most beautiful woman when we know we hv a life growing within us... Thus stay happy ya ... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] God bless

Hi Jacquline .. No ma fan .. No ma fan [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Jus do wat u wan .. But jus not too much

And stay happy... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I'm goin to see my gynane 2molo [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hopefully I will get to see my bb's gender 2molo [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


MamaAsh .. U miss out mine [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

At 1st I was logged on as Anne but I prefer my nick Ace [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

EDD: 20 dec (changes everytime I visit my gyane)

Gynae: Dr Fong Chuan Wee

Hospital: Gleneagles

Next appt: 09/7/11

BB#: 1 (my 1st bb [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] )

Location: Punggol

