(2011/12) Dec 2011

I juz employ 1 from philipines salary 480 levy 170

Agent fee+ insurancr+ medical examination arounf 900

Mayb u csn install web cam or sonething to monitor ut maid??

At least until baby is 18mths n go childcare??


Hi Mummies,

I am from June 2011 thread I have the following item for Sale (Brand New/2nd Hand)

- Medela Swing Pump (Use only 3 days) Singapore Set

- Pigeon Breastpad (1 box open use only few pic)

- Mastela Stratchmark Cream (Brand New)

- Tollyjoy Nappy Liner (Brand New)

- Tena Waterproof Sheet (Package open and use only 2-3 pic)

PM me or email me at [email protected] if anyone is keen on the above item Thanks

Hi dacylet, congrats on knowing your baby's gender! I used to be able to tell what is what during U/S except the last visit. Probably because baby is bigger and doctor kinda rushed through I didnt really know what is what as well. Woah, drawing blood from the side of the wrist sounds really scary! Is it painful? >.<

Hi bfly, $1500 after subsidy is per month or per year? Infant care is so expensive?

Hi bfly, least per year sounds a lot more reasonable. I'm not sure the normal rate for infant care but if it's convenient to you and you can afford, I think it's a nice arrangement. By the way how does the subsidy works? I heard only working mummies are given subsidies is that true? How much before subsidy?

Hi dacylet, yr encounter is funny! Lol! Congrats on knowing it's a little guy!!! ;) I can't wait for my turn during detail scan in 2 weeks time ;)))

Hi bfly, understand yr worry about leaving bb w maid, ESP bb so young, whether w maid or infant care, sure got things to worry. But I guess plus point is u can visit yr bb during lunch but seems really really ex, $1500 after subsidy some more... Hai, so many things need $$!!

morning mummies! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Thanks. not really painful at the wrist. in fact, less painful than at the arm. Previously, got nurse comment the vein around my arm is the thin one, so it will be more painful. Maybe could be I am not afraid of needles? =X


thanks. i'm also waiting for the detailed scan. Hopefully little one is growing well.


glad you can see your bb being active. it is always so fun to see them kicking and jumping inside. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

gd morning! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

went for routine check-up ydy. Bb is growing well, in fact a little bigger than normal bb but gynae said it's alright, mummy no need go on diet coz bb growth isn't linear progression. He showed me her buttocks and the white lines that indicates her gender [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Nurse then offered me their package. $650 from 5th mth, incl of the detailed scan & standard vitamins/supplements. Sounds reasonable or expensive? Per visit now is $100, excl. vitamins/supplements.

This morn was checking out MAH's parentcraft session. Seems like only can commence from wk 24. Is it too early to register now? Coz it seems like MAH courses not as popular as TMC?


need to go on diet at this early stage??

thot usually when see white line = boy, dark/black = girl?

my package starts from 3rd month onwards. includes scan. excludes vitamins/supp, any blood test, emergency visit. but usually the supplements can last 2 months.

i believe TMC got Mdm Wong, that could be the reason. my SIL also say, if you want TMC, make sure get Mdm Wong.

dacylet, I scared I overeat then bb become too big so asked if need to watch diet. But gynae said no need. He said grow big ok, he'll be worried if bb is too small. 3 wks ago scan show bb as wk12+2day, ydy bb become 16 wks liao.

there were 3-4 white lines which he said is the labia folds of a girl. He said something like " genetically she's a female (based on my cvs report). These lines also confirm she's structurally a female". Haha!

You found out gender of your bb already? I think many in our Dec group will know bb gender within these few wks?

I see, so pp go to TMC becoz of Mdm Wong ah? Like that I prob sign up with MAH for the inpatient discounts & probably lesser participants coz i'm sure Mdm Wong class very fast full.

see all the cutie girly bb stuff on sale, so tempted to buy, esp now GSS! but my dad & frds all say pantang, cannot buy too early...


wooo, kind of interesting on how they identify the gender thru the black and white image. :D

yup, gynae say most likely should be boy. i'm ard 18 weeks. more or less developed to be visible.

AC: i'll be more than happy to update the table with more data!! hee hee...

i was hoping gynae can see the gender fr yesterday's check up, but she say bb position can't see! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] gotta wait another 4 wks for the detail scan to know! argh... tot i can start to grab some bb clothings!!

Hi mummies, sorry to interupt.

I have a BNIB Avent nipple cream to let go.

It's very useful for breastfeeding mummy to prevent and reduce sore nipples.

PM me if interested. Thks.

Hi mummies...

So many posts to read almost lost track liao...

Last week was so busy that i dont have time to log in. Bz until have postponed my appointment with my gynae. Finally this week i can relax hahahah.

Yesterday went for check up, now baby is at 17 weeks and its a GAL hahaha... gal again... but yap ... so long as baby is healthy im fine too... now baby weigh 150grams and i have put on 2 kgs in 1 month since now i can eat better. Blood test results shows all negative and low risk for bb, 1:1664 which is quite ok.

Missy said next visit (1 month later) have to pay half of the deposit for the package le...they have increase the charges over the years... now are much much more expensive le... my next visit will be 25 July.

Ohhh have any mummies taken flu jab? yesterday my gynae required me to take the flu jab... i remember having it for my #1 but forgot was during which weeks.

Linea Nigra - for my #1 i have it too... now i saw faint line tooo... guess i will have it bah..

Belly button - also getting shallower... very soon will pop-pili-pop kekez.. pop out...

Tummy - now quite big liao... last week almost every colleague realise im preggy le hahahah... at least im able to hide for 16 weeks by wearing loose clothes.

bfly - the childcare is sooo ex worz... i guess town area will be that expensive de... HDB type oni few hundred bucks...

New MTBs - hello and welcome all...

been bz and haven logged in for days...

went for checkup last fri...

bb's growing well & my oscar results were pretty good, belonging to the low risk ratio despite my age...hahah...

anyways gynae told me tha 70% tha i may be expecting a gal but to be confirmed at the detailed scan next mth...

dacylet, congrats on ur boy [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] interesting happening at the gynae's last week!! hope ur wrist is better now!! my belly button still in tact but think it will pop out soon ba...

kimiko, hope its a boy for u... if #1's a boy, at least u are "answerable" to ur ILs :p

giselle, welcome to the thread!! sorry to hear abt the lost bb but at least the other growing's well...

spagetti, wow u are still wearing ur normal clothes...think i started wearing maternity bottoms like 3 weeks back!!

piggy, think if u want ur mum to take care of ur bb, maybe every few mths, u have to bring the bb out to chop passport ba cuz there is a maximum no of days tha we can stay in malaysia... u better double check with the malaysia immigration lor

jjj mummy, hopefully the results are fine for u and no need to go thru aminotic test...

jasline, my oscar test results with tmc was also not given to me on the spot, its sent to my gynae's clinic instead and he juz shared with me the results last week (which is like 1 mth after the test)... dun worry abt edd la, usually most pple will pop before edd, so u may have a bb before xmas...

bfly, josiah is very ex as its montessori... think infant care is usually abt 1k plus...josiah shd be 1500 a mth ba, instead of a yr...heheh...

littlefren, ur detailed scan is very soon...like 2 weeks time!!

chan, congrats on ur bb gal [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] good to kno tha bb is growing well [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] yes pple go for tmc prenatal class becuz of mrs wong...shd go for her class, highly recommended!!

krist, congrats on ur bb gal [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] i didnt take any flu jab during last 2 last pregnancies leh... anyways i also dun wanna take cuz i very scared of jabs :p

Ms Ling,

Dont mind me asking. Which week do you realised that you have lost them? After that loss, I'm always fearful to every scan. My next scan is next Tues. Hope all will go well.

Hi Kimiko, I agree with you. Sometimes, I wonder if 4weeks is too long. Kinda feel insecure. ;P

Hi Ash, are you also considering Origins Jamu as well? My fren told me to book early too. That's why I'm doing my research now. What did your fren say about their service? Did she slim down alot?

Have you booked your confinement lady?

Hi Chan & Krist,

Congrats on your bb gal. Seems like there are many bb gals here!! hahaha....my next scan is next Tues. Wonder if I get to see it. so exciting!

Giselle, I found out during detailed scan which is week 20. I am also fearful during every scan. First thing I ask gynae to show me where is the hb.

im having a baby girl too [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Ling/Giselle: I am fearful when I go for scan too as unsure what is the baby's development till the gynae scan. so i feel more at ease when i merlion haha ..

FBI @ TMC: I tink its quite worthwhile. Got discount for Oscar+detailed scan, parentcraft class, delivery stay etc. I only found out more after I paid for my Oscar+detailed scan (so not entitle to discount already) but still worthwile itink. membership will be valid for 2 years @ SGD 148 if sign up before 27 weeks.


thanks. my SIL suspects that my belly button will pop out a lot more at later stage. i think can start "polishing" it soon. haha


usually the first thing they check should be for the hb. to make sure bb is growing well. my gynae will always comment "horay horay horay horay horay" for each hb.

morning mummies...

Ms Carpe Diem - thank you thank you...

sporty.. congrats to your healthy bb too...ohh... doctor said its better to take the jab wor.. so i take lor... i think should be for our own good bah...

Giselle Giselle... must relax and not stress ya.. baby will be ok de...

this time round my gynae didnt let me listen to the heartbeat leh, he should able to detect or see from the screen bah, i also not sure... or maybe my baby is moving so should be ok.. i also forgot to ask hahahha.

Ling - you also have to relax and rest well ya... dont worry.. baby will be ok.

Littledarling... congrats on your bb gal too... hi5..

congrats Krist, Chan and little darling on ur bb gal!!

i m secretlty hoping for a bb gal too though my body hormone changes r reflecting otherwise! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

most of my frenz n relatives (even my hb) says it will be a boy!

anw, a healthy bb is more impt!


happy for u! a/o bb gal! ;)

i have been down with very bad inflammed sore throat and blocked nose.. on medication but my body is aching like crazy...

so pls tk gd care everyone!

Wow, seems like more baby girls! I see the trend in my circle of friends that if your No. 1 is a girl, then most prob No. 2 also girl...Is it true for some of you here?

Hi Krist - I also got the flu jab. Think we have the same gynae? Dr Ong? I'm at week 13 now, saw him at week 12 but he said he can't tell yet, only week 16 then can see. He didn't let you hear heartbeat huh? usually he will let me hear ley. Which clinic do you see him?

Had problem trying to post the past few days.

Hope this gets posted.

Jasline, I did my OSCAR at my gynae's clinic last Fri. Maybe this 2 days will get the report.

sporty, thanks for your concern. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

yeah can post liao. funnie...

Anyway, was so tired last night that after dinner, after a while coaching my kids, I buay tahan and went ahead to bed and lie down. Then the next thing I knew was 1130pm liao. Continue to sleep until this morning. Headache and backache till now...

Jasline, take care ya.. drink more water.. hope you will receover soon.

bernice, my #1 also gal hahaha should be following the trend bah!

Ya mine also Dr Ong. Mon checked up he didnt let me hear leh, maybe he is concentrating on checking the gender heehee... i went to the Bt Timah Plaza de... how about you? I found that Ten mile junction is much more convenient compared to Bt Timah Plaza... but no choice lor... Mount E is even further... am staying at cck ma...

U took the flu jab so early? I took it on Mon only, bb is at 17 weeks.

gd morning mummies!

seems like many bb girls here ah? my sis was commenting her 3 frds who popped this yr also all gal bb. I'm not surprised i'll get a girl coz hubby side got 3 gals before finally a boy. His bro's only child also gal.

After gynae said bb's hb is slow during oscar, i'm also quite nervous for subsequent scans. Recent scan he let me hear hb but never mention anything, so I assume bb's doing fine. Detailed scan will be on 26 July. Nurse said will take 40mins and a dvd of it will be given.

Just started on multi-vitamin, calcium & fish oil pills ydy. Feel a bit sick, want to puke after eating it [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

sporty, glad to know your oscar results are gd [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I'm prob signing up for MAH class even tho TMC's Mdm Wong is highly recommended. As i plan to deliver at MAH, I get to enjoy some discount. Plus also get familiarized with MAH, the nurses & meet other mums delivering there.

mamaAsh, thanks for the update [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I also sleep in air-con room at nite coz weather so hot & humid! But every morn will have sneezing fit & runny nose that lasts till afternoon. By then I'll be tired & wleepy. If use fan instead, I end up with headache in the mornings [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Krist - My #1 is also a girl! I go to his Mt E clinic. Icic, the previous location of his clinic is so much nearer for u! Did u ask why he shifted? so for detailed scan, its also done there? Ya i took the flu jab at 12 weeks, the nurse asked me to take so i took. Erm..too early huh?

dacylet, ur gynae is so cute and will comment hurray for each hb! so cute!!

jasline, thks!! hope its a gal for u too [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] i also been down with a bad cough for 2 weeks liao, wanna take leave/mc to rest also cant...haizz

jjj, sounds like a flu is coming...rest well!

mama ash, ya la...same lor...bz but have to work even no mood lor

geez...today only wednesday!! when is the weekend coming??!!


keep us updated on your result [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

we tend to get tired easily. my hubby also comment that when he is driving, i can just doze off in the car. nobody talk to him during the ride. =X


you going MAH class also? when are you planning to start the class?

I also wish to sleep in air-con room, but my hubby cannot sleep in air-con room. He will get a flu the next day. so every night I got to sleep and sweat throughout. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


yah lor. he is always very funny. perhaps, trying to make us happy for each visit [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

How come cannot take mc? you better take care!!

looks like we got more gals in dec [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Keke. Its a great day! Wanna book a trip and agency advise me to get letter from gyna that i am fit to travel as some airlines may ask for it. Last min this am, I pushed forward my next week visit to today.

Back from visit. This time round did a lot of different measurements, no more CRL. Measured bb's head, stomach and leg. BB's position is not veri conducive for checking gender but after some time, gynae think 80% its a gal! Not sure why, almost tearing when i heard that. So happy to know the gender! I can buy cute girly stuff on my holiday next week. BB's head looks big compared to the body and my gal has pretty fat thighs. =P She is now 211g.

Detailed scan is 3 weeks later. Gynae now starts me on multi v and calcium.

Mamaash, gotta trouble u to update:

Next appt: 27 Jul

boy/girl: girl

Looks like alot of ppl seeing dr Adrian.

Im looking forward to see little bunny this fri. duno whether can see gender or not. A lot of my friend suspect gal cos if boy should be able to see quite early

dacylet, i plan to start the class in Sept/Oct coz EDD in mid-Dec. Scared go too early I forget. Plus I'm taking evening classes now which ends in Sept. Are u taking MAH class too? U also deliver at MAH rite?


just now i asked my colleague to guess the gender. she look at my back and guess "boy". she mentioned something like if gal, it will be round from the back. hmmmm.


yup. planning to deliver there, so might as well attend the lesson there. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Dacylet, i put on weight not only on my tummy, overall i put on weight [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] my arms and thighs also. My colleagues thought i put on weight instead of preg. Only recently my tummy start to show then they know. so i duno whether i am round from the back or what

some funny myths to predict gender that I had heard so far:

1. round tummy = girl; pointed tummy = boy

2. belly button pop out = boy; never pop out = girl

3. hairy tummy = boy; normal = girl

4. round from the back = girl;

5. eat a lot = boy;

6. heartbeat > 140 = girl; heartbeat < 140 = boy

7. bad MS = girl; no MS = boy

8. using the wedding ring + red string (must be full ring, no diamond on the surface) and rub the red string at the side of your hand, then hold the string above the hand. if moving circle = girl; straight = boy.

9. bb very active = boy

10. if you are happy, and hubby treat you very good = boy

Well, some proven not the be true. Just read for fun [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


initially i also put on weight, then most of them guess is girl. but as time progress, one of my colleague initially guess girl commented that i might have boy, cuz the tummy looks different now.

