(2011/12) Dec 2011

Mummies who bottle feed, does ur baby making "smacking" sounds when drinking from bottle? Anyone knows what it means?

Mine does that sometimes and when it happens, she'll become frustrated and needs coaxing to go back to suckle from the bottle. I tried changing the bottle teats from size S to M. Noticed that she drinks faster from M but sometimes, she also gets angry at the faster flow of the M teats.

So I'm very puzzled at the smacking sound. Teat hole to small? I'm not holding the bottle correctly? Baby doesn't know how to drink from bottle?


Yi Chin: My does make some sound when drinking from bottle. But don't know whether it is 'smacking' sound. If he is hungry, he will suck quite hard and difficult to pull teat out. He was quite fussy about teat, tried to change bottle brand from medela to nuk but he didn't like the nuk teats. Also changed from S to M size teat recently, initially he choked but adjusted quite quickly.

Hope u find out what is frustrating your girl. With more practice drinking from bottle, she will be able to without problem.

ejunko: u r really blessed to have routine plus baby that naps well. I'm sure he is growing well and he looks really happy in photos =) Still struggling with my boy's naps, sometimes only 20 min then wake up already. Sigh, they say some babies need less sleep...is mine one of them?

Hi, am back to work today. Now expressing milk. Lol. Btw milk from my one breast becomes PINK! Got blood trace right? How? Bb can drink? Can still continue to pump? Now stpped and pump again, ok liao.. So scary. If cannot use then I wasted 100ml of milk.

SQin: I've bled before while nursing. I've read before that it's ok to continue nursing when nipples bleed. After that will see some blackish stuff in the poop which is the blood. I'm not sure whether u can store ebm with the blood though.

SQin, i experienced that before due to blister on the nipple. I threw away the milk as I don't think it's nice for baby to taste blood.

Ejunko, did your baby have scratches or cuts on his leg after using the manduka carrier? Mine has although I have used the carrier for a few times already.

Thanks Tangerine and snowyotaru! Will it keep occurring? I very scared will happen again. Any way to cure?

Tangerine, if u latch, how do u know that there's blood?

Yuet_sim: Hehe no lah, nothing works until we trial&error.

We testrun everything and monitor how baby falls asleep - i basically stay beside him 24/7 and the only time im away is in the bathroom lol. Didnt wanna overlook anything. The first 2weeks was ready crazy trying to figure how to make him sleep (with various "props").

So just wanna share that we really can set a routine one. Be it by the books or baby's preference. Its just how much we wanna be in control thats all. And yes, imma control freak hahahaha

i think the "smacking" sound is very normal ley.. been bottle feeding my ds since he is 3 wks old and always got the "smacking" sound.. as long as he dont frustrated while drinking i am fine.. sometimes he can get frustated while drinking then i just burp him and he will be fine..

I try to intro flash cards..but ds is more interested to talk to me than see the flash cards..

SQin: there was some milk oozing out from the side of his mouth as he sucked. That was when I realised got blood, otherwise I wouldn't have known. My nipple wasn't cracked or anything. Then later that day my hubby asked me if I bled, cos he saw black stuff in baby's poop.

Thanks yuet sim and poseidon, so could be she still not used to drinking from bottle and also the M teat? More practices for her!

SQin, read from Internet that if u let the pink milk stands for a while, the blood will seperate into different layer from the milk. But don't know how to pour out the milk without pouring out the blood though??

I got the red, black and white baby flash cards. Tried it today. I showed her the rabbit card and told her that she is a bunny cos she's born in year of rabbit, then she cried. Then I showed her the hippo card and said she is a hippo cos when she cries, her mouth open so big, then she laughed at the card. Aiyoh, don't know if she really understands what I am saying or not!

Yi Chin: You have gotta try those cards with Faces one. I think babies love seeing faces at this stage. Just now i played with my son and he loves it - i showed him various expression that looks like those in the cards.

=D =) =P =O =(

And point to him the cartoon's eyes and then point at my eyes, and so on for the rest of the features, trying to tell him that im mimicking the image. Very fun leh! To me lah lol.


Pampers now having sale at Gmarket!

I think size M44, L38 & XL34 are now S$12.10...and NB is only S$3.30! Anyone planning for a #2 can get it first!!! =D

$3.30 is very cheap. Hmmm.. Don't think will be needing it again.

Ejunko, how come u got so many lobang for online shopping? U search one or people recommend?

Yoyosan...my ds took pneumococcal together with 5 in 1 on wed... yah..there is a drop in his milk intake after the jab..

Used to drink 140ml..now only 100ml..sometimes cannot even finish 100ml..think will take a while before he get back his appetite..

How abt ur baby? eating lesser too?

Poseidon gal, yah, v little. I latch, so by duration I know her intake dropped drastically. only took pneumococcal jab alone.


Any babies here use Huggies Ultra M64?

I have a new pack and one opened ( i think half gone?) for give away. I think total should be 90-100pcs bah.

Let me know if anyone of you wants it. Can meet at CCK or BPP =)

Hi all,

Just wanted to share that I bought this Hippychick hipseat carrier and it's the best carrier we have gotten so far! We've tried the usual baby bjorn carrier, the sarong, the pupsilk carrier, all didn't really work coz too hot/ too complicated/ baby doesn't like etc. Only thing is its not handsfree but it's easy to use. Think most of our babies are at the same stage, when awake, want to be carried facing outward. When sleeping, want to be a koala bear. My wrists are seriously hurting coz my girl is coming 7kg! So thought you all might wanna take a look at the hipseat.

*I'm not selling this product, just want to share with all of you coz it really helped me!

Have been having fever since the day I return to work. Found with mastitis (blocked duct + fever). So that day the blood in the milk is due to infected milk duct for my case, not due to nipple. Breast still feels swollen.. So terrible. I reduced from 5 to 4 expressing cos I return to work.. Din expect to get this, mc till Tuesday. How did u all reduce pump frequency or stop bf all together?

Ouh! How come so sudden? What is your pump interval?

I was told to drag the pumping time every day bit by bit when i want to stop.

Rest well, are you feeling better now?

SQin, better now? U still contine pumping to get the milk flow out. V painful I know. Ouch. Did dr mention how to prevent occurrence again?

Ejunko, u upgrade to huggies L? Nah, I trying to finish my huggies now. Dun like the cutting, v low n small. Maybe tmr the gals will reply la, weekend no login? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Ccs, the hipseat looks cute, but cannot go hands free.

SQin, whenever I go back to work initially, will get engorgement for 1 week, but never go to extend of mastitis. Then supply will drop by 2nd week, so that's when I start fenugreek and nursing tea. Eventually supply will dry up on it's own one. Like pumping for 20min, only yield 30ml, that's when I stop pumping completely.

Ejunko, I just bought $150 worth of huggies diapers to get this:


See if anyone wants it first. If no one else want can pass to me. Ur boy doesn't like huggies?

Yoyosan: No lah lol, baby still size M lol

Yi Chin: Wah sai! You can use for very long ah! Lol. Yup if you want can meet you at bpp shunbian have a lunch or something. Oh, no leh but he kena abrasion at the thighs area from wearing huggies. =(

I used to be 4 hrly pump, return to work change to 6 hrly. But at nite, 1 breast will stretch to 7 hrs then pump cos baby now only feed at one side. Then that breast can pump out 170ml ater that.. Very happy. But now kena mastitis!

Went to see GP on fri then gynae on sat. Gynae actually told me not to let baby drink milk from the infected breast. But I read online and the GP and even bf frens told me must latch baby on that breast to help clear the blockage. Gynae said the infected breast got pus.. sigh. But just now too painful, I latched baby on that breast, felt better but only for a while. Still swollen now. I getting the Malay massage auntie to come and help me tmr.. Hope will help.

Ejunko, my baby using huggies M but I stay very very far from your place lar... =(

Ouh welcome, mommies. I think can just print the flashcards ourselves so thought of sharing the site nia. =D

SQin: Where you stay?

Anyway 170ml on ONE SIDE! Thats alot! I think your interval too long le, but there isnt a decrease in supply right?

No choice, you have to keep pumping...endure...and will be better soon.

Mummies, how long do you guys intend to bf? Gynae said next month she wanna talk about weaning...i have no idea about that at all. -__-"

Ejunko..ur gynea soo gd har.. talk to u abt weaning..i dont think my gynea will talk to me abt weaning lor..

SQin..ouch.. i read liao also feeel painful...u take care okie.. i going back to work in april.. now headache how to pump in office and stretch the pumping interval..now is 4~5hrly..

Yoyosan: Duno leh, next appt is 5th April, i'll update you guys what she says lol.

poseidon_gal: Not gynae! PD hahahahaha! I saw SQin typed gynae, i also typed gynae LOL. PD lah, my gynae cant be bothered.

Ejunko, ur gynae not pro breastfeeding? Maybe should talk more to baby's pd rather than gynae. Unless ur gynae is coming from health reason. But the World HEalth ORganisation also recommends at least 6 months of bf, 1 year if possible.

Oh typo, no wonder I was thinking how come u still seeing gynae. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] but strange that pd talking about weaning so soon. Your pd knows that u are a sahm?

@sqin u have to gradually increase ur hrs of pump not suddenly esle cfm jialut esp ur milk is alot.

with regards to mastitis ; U can check with a LC with regards to latching? u can actually call them (KKH hotline or MT A or TMC)

I do not feel u shld stop BF at this time. pls dun. i am miserably having real little milk ever since work cos at times too busy i cannot pump or held with meeting etc. whats worse my workplace is super not pro nursing (no nursing rm etc) but i am not giving up. Pls dun give up ok esp u have so much milk! Its tougher for u cos we little milkies can afford to not pump 1 feed but u probably cant. Hang in there...

and yes WHO and lately HPB are very pro BF, and starting next yr if im not wrong, all hospitals will start to fully BF with no option of FM like what we have had.

but still the choice is urs, if u really want to wean u can just get cold cabbage/ eat cabbage, pump bigger and bigger frequency and it shld go off gradually.

Yi Chin: Duno leh, she mentioned something about baby's milk intake...and duno what iron thingy and then digestive system...its all too cheem for me lol.

Maybe coz my boy suddenly jumped from 100ml to 160-180ml? So she thought its time to introduce solid? =\

Bunny: How come weaning has to give cabbage?

Ok im very confused...So weaning means stop nursing is it?

I thought it meant starts introducing solid lol. I am very lazy to read up, i guess i'll just wait till the 5th and see what she said lol.


I am a jan 2012 mummy n have a $399 from dumex. Comprises 7 tins of 900g stage 2 mamil gold milk powder (follow on formula) and 1 tin of mamil mama 900g, a feeding set and some toys, amongst other things. 

Willing to let go at more than half price $180.

Interested pls SMS me 93679627 (preferred) or pm. Self collect from Pasir Ris .

Paiseh i meant if sq wishes to stop bf completely now... Then she can use cabbage etc method to stop.

@Ejunko ur huggies still no takers huh? U stay at cck or bk Bpanjang?

Bunny, eat cabbage can reduce supply? I din notice but I always eat. I got put cabbage on the infected breast to ease the swelling but only put once a day cos I scared supply will be gone all together. I try to endure and see if can get through this time or not first...

Ejunko, I stay in hougang leh... Too far. Many mummies here stay near ur area.. The diapers sure have takers. Thanks yar!

Thk 1-2 mths later we can have a meet up for our babies?Anyone can organize? Or some of u met alr? Feel like getting the babies to meet after seeing all the cute pics in fb. My house not ready leh

SQin, if bb latched, cannot finish milk still pain n blocked, get ur hb's help. He may not be as good a latcher but definitely better than a pump n be in pain.

Saw pd today for hep B jab and the rota thingy. Still yet to take the 5 in 1 and prevenar. Baby only 5.6kg at 15 weeks. Pd said need to fatten her up some more. To go back 2 weeks later to check weight. If ok then can give the other 2 jabs.

Ejunko, weaning means to gradually stop something. There is weaning from breast, which is to get baby to bottle feed. Weaning from bottle for bigger kids, to get them to drink milk from cup. Weaning from milk, which is to start solids and to reduce the numbers of milk feeds.

Bunny: Eating cabbage will reduce milk supply? I thought only use cold cabbage to apply..I definitely wun eat any cabbage then!

Mummies @ work: After pumping, do you store the milk, in bottles, in cooler bag, in the freezer or in chiller?

I placed it in the freezer and noticed that the milk gets frozen in the bottles, does this mean i should not transfer the milk into milkbags to freeze when i get home anymore, as the milk would have been thawed.

Bunny: Oic...No leh duno Yi Chin wants or not. I stay at Cck, you stay at Bp right?

SQin: Yes we should all find a date and meet up for lunch or something!

Yi Chin: Oh then the weaning im talking about is weaning from milk...PD gonna talk about the type of solid we can intro or something.

Girltradester: Cabbage is the one major cause for gas. So its best to avoid either way ah~

Girltradester, I store the ebm in the bottle and put in the fridge, not freezer. I then label the bottle with the date and time of pumping with post-it note and pass to infantcare teachers, who will give it to baby the next day. If the amt I pump out is more than what baby drinks, then I'll freeze the excess at home. I don't freeze the milk at work.

Ejunko, if other mummies want it, can pass it to them. I still got 5 cartons of pet pet plus that $150 worth of huggies ultra pants at home. Can last me a few months. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] no taker then u pass to me lor.

Yi chin: thanks!!

I brought my bb to see pd last sat and he was diagnosed with colic - at 3.5mo! His feeds also varies from 20-150ml. The pd advised that if it doesn't get better after 2-3 weeks of ridwind n probiotics,then prob its time to introduce other kinds of food. He might be bored with just milk.


@ejunko i dun need them.. pass to yichin bah since u gers stay nearby.. i stay like across the island from u all [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

@girl i seriously think my bb same as urs. u went to see PD cos ur bb kip dun want drink isit?

my bb feed drop real drastic. but she still very happy and playing well, thats why i kip hestitate want bring her see pd anot.

Probiotics can get off shelf ma?

