(2011/11) Nov 2011

awwwww... seems like quite a no. of nov mums fall sick... me too!

sore throat n running nose n my blocked nose worsen...

now slightly better but abdominal starts to ache on n off... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


Thanks! I will have to go thru the book and digest bit by bit. Btw, u said u have tried out many carriers before. Have u tried both the ergo and babybjorn active? Thinking of getting the green ergo organic one.

HI Mommies,

I hadn't been posting for a while because I was having bleeding and wasn't sure if the pregnancy would follow through. Now the bleeding has stopped and the gynae seems to think that everything is ok so I'm back again!

Can i have my details updated please? Thanks

EDD: 9th Nov

Gynae: Dr Joycelyn Wong

Hospital: Mt A

BB#: 2

Gender: Boy


I followed the gina ford book when my first boy was just a few months old. Personally I find her routine a little inflexible because the baby has to wake up and sleep at the exact time. I would recommend another book "Healthy sleep habits, happy child". It explains to you what's a typical sleep pattern for a baby/child and gives suggestions on how to improve your child's sleep.

But with both, it will be very hard to reinforce the routine at first because you have to let the baby cry it out. When I first started my boy on it, I cried when he cried, had arguments with my husband and parents, and felt my heart break. It could last for a few weeks, so be prepared for it.

Little_One, Tiny_Voice: Blessing in disguise ba! Haha, cos the issue had that good article about baby sleeping patterns right!! :D I wanna read it! Hehe!

Joybleu: Congratulations that all's well now and see that you're having a baby boy too! May you continue to have a smooth smooth pregnancy and delivery! Glad to have you back! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


I've also received my asos items! Looks okay lah. Model wear very nice but if I wear may not be as nice. Lol! But luckily I got the right sizing. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Little one,


How can a one year ago magazine still be sold?

Go back to the shop n get a refund or free copy of the current mag.


baby bjorn active really doesnt give the back support.

When bb is younger wont feel the ache but once bb starts putting on weight, can feel the strain on your back.

If u considering baby bjorn, get the baby bjorn synergy.

Then again, i dont advocate baby bjorn as the way bb is supported is by the crotch which is unnatural n straining the thighs.

Ergo is good in terms of back support.

The downside is the material quite thick.

What is good about ergo is the hood that can be used to cover bb's head n shield from light when bb is sleeping.

Carriers like ergo, beco, pikkolo, manduca have natural seating position for bb when we carry them.

Ergonomic for the bb and us.

U can go to babyslingsandcarriers at novena square 2 to try them all incldg baby bjorn.

As for the Gina Ford book, i took time to digest.

I read it few times..hehe


glad to hear the tough phase is over.

I devoured every article n book on sleeping habits n routine for bb n tots...hehe

i know..very kiasu rite?

Compared n tried a few methods.

There is no hard and fast rule to it as it depends on individual bb too.

What works for my #1 might not work for #2.


I had very bad bleeding with this pregnancy too and even passed out blood clots. Thought I was losing this baby for sure but God is good. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Glad everything is fine for you now.

And thanks for sharing abt the Gina Ford routine. I know it is a very strict routine but anyway will just read it first and see how. My girl isn't on the Gina Ford but every evening at 8pm, she would start yawning and sucking thumbs - signs that she wanna sleep. I guess it's partly her own body clock and also our daily schedule has more or less been the same so she also adapted? Even in the tummy, she was more active in the day time than night time. Hardly felt her moving much after midnight.

Sidetrack a bit.. I think I'm having slight incontinence now. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] Realized that when I was coughing a bit earlier. Bladder wasn't full but could feel a bit of leakage. Sad.. Last time I remember this happened later nearer to 3rd tri. Hope won't get worse. Otherwise will be so embarrassing!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

On a happier note, baby is moving a lot more lately, especially after Babyplus sessions. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Yesterday felt 2 huge somersaults from her. Right now she's like hiccuping. Very cute! This is my favorite part abt pregnancy. Something exclusive to mommies and which the daddies will never ever get to share nor understand.

Thanks ent29 and lynzi,

I really hope that the pregnancy will be all smooth sailing from now onwards. Now I'm just waiting for the detailed scan to make sure baby is ok.


Ergo one doesn't allow baby to face forward right? I saw that the one I'm contemplating to get is 100% cotton so I thought should be cooler. But I guess with the required support, material can't be too thin. Oh, the ergo also works the same way as babybjorn - hanging by crotch area? I don't have the energy to travel so far to novena to try out so probably won't. Thanks for the advice though. Really appreciate your input. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I've been having bad bloating for the whole evening! Quite painful.. Can't use ruyi oil now cos uterus has grown to the level of the navel. Scared not gd for baby. Too late for eno also since gas already accumulated in the intestines. Grrr...


Thank God for you too[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Seems like your girl is already on her routine and just needs a little push both on her part and the parents part to maintain it?

I have a little incontinence ever since I gave birth. Even doing the don't know what exercise on the pelvic also doesn't help. Hope it doesn't get worse with this pregnancy otherwise I might have to go for surgery.


I'm using the Manduca and I love it to bits. Tried quite a few carriers before settling on the Manduca.

I don't have very broad shoulders, so Manduca's strap fit me well. Now that I can't use it, my SIL is happily using it and her 5 months old boy loves being in too.

Like what Lynzi said, bring Jadelyn to the baby carrier store at Square 2 and give the carriers a try.


ergo doesnt support bb by crotch.

It has the correct seating position for bb.


does manduca allow bb facing forward?

I know ergo and beco doesnt.

Pikkolo can.

Sigh..i also have been having slight incontinence recently when i cough.

So troublesome as i have to keep changing.

Have to start wearing pantyliners.

Funny part is, i realised my cough will come n be very bad when my tummy starts getting empty.

I would cough n cough till vomit.

After vomitting the coughing stops.

Anyone knows if I can go back kkh n buy obimin? I just realize I only buy 1 bottle n not enough till next appointment.. They got sell at the pharmacy?? Or I have to go see my gynea for prescription then can buy???

Starry, no Manduca doesn't slow front-facing. The guys at the store and I've also read online that front-facing isn't very encouraged.

Huishan, you can get obimin from Guardian.

Oops, sorry I meant Lynzi instead of Starry.

When I went to the babycarrier shop, I wanted 1 that could allow front-facing too but after trying a few the Manduca suits me best (I went w/o Jared :p). They also explained about front-facing.

lynzi- Your coughing have phelgm or just throat itchy and do you burp alot.How long have you been coughing?For mine case i had been coughing for more than a month,i cough seriously and can coughed for hours non stop.Took all kinds of medicines.Last saturday at 7am i went to SGH as i coughed throughout the night.Doc told me that my cough is due to sinusitis and probably gastric reflux.He told me to try out the nasal spray first as i cant take too many medicines at one time.I felt slightly better this 2 days after using the spray and i suspected im having gastric reflux as i burp alot.Do take care,cough very difficult to heal,

Hi Ladies,

Sorry, have not been very active recently... I saw that some of you are still coughing badly... I would like to recommend my Chinese doctor. She is good.

I had terrible bad cough during my 1st trimester that my throat was soooo itchy at nite during sleep. At that time, I coughed till I vomitted a few times in the middle of the nite. That was really terrible. I seen 2 GPs but the medication was mild ones, that I find it doesn't help much.

Until after I seen this Chinese doctor at Fortune Centre.. and I took her medicine (in chinese pills and liquid) for about 2 to 3 weeks, and it helps!

Let me know if you need the contacts... just tell her you are pregnant and she knows what to give you.

Starry: I only received ONE out of 3 ASOS items I ordered leh. Is that normal?? Hmm. One last day to wait for my Gina Ford, if not it won't be in time for Bali - oh well!

All you ladies who are coughing, take care! Not sure if it's cos of the 'wind' in the tummies, then keep pushing the air out making you all wanna cough...Hope it leaves you all soooooon!!

Hi everyone, I'm also a nov mtb.

Can anyone of you recommend your gynae who is very patient to do 3d scan for me?

My gynae doesn't offer 3d scan and my last checkup I didn't manage to know bb's gender and am anxious to know.

Anyone at 16wks knows your bb gender already? Can I just book an appoibment with another gynae just to do the scan?

Ryes: I don't have the firsthand experience, but the ladies were sharing about how they went to the hospitals to book 3D/4D scans and these costed about $150 per scan? You can check with hospitals like NUH and KKH and someone even mentioned a company called Radlink...Hope this helps!

Wendy-May i have the chinese sinseh contact? I had been coughing for sooo long,had went to see docs and TCM.My mum told me to grind mint leaves with half cup of warm water then,filter it and add alittle honey.I kept burping think due to gastric reflux so i boil some ginger with a cup of water.Had been taking for 3 days and now slightly better.Glad that your cough had recovered.

Vis: I got mine from the Book Depository (http://www.bookdepository.co.uk/) when they were having 10% off, cos the good thing is that it's free delivery...It is now USD$17.70 (if you're talking about the book 'The New Contented Little Baby Book'), compared to buying from Kino, which is $29.10 (or $26.19 for members)...Hope this info helps!

Hi Little_bb, here is the address:

It's at Fortune Centre, #04-01, Guang Zhou Pang Jin Chinese Medicine Hall. Tel: 63370626, open fr 10am to 6pm daily, Sunday fr 10am to 2pm, Wednesday off.

Both husband n wife are Chinese docs. Look for the wife. No appointment is required. Advise u to go before lunch cos after lunch sometimes gotta queue very long. The clinic has no reception for registration. All done my the doc.

Btw, I forgot what the doc said abt my cough. It was real bad... At night was worse! I had phlegm too.

Hope u recover soon n let know after u have seen this doc.

Take care!

Wendy-Thank you so much for the info..My cough was terrible,can cough non stop for hours,will vomit more than 10 times everyday.My phelgm doesnt seems to be phelgm actually as its white and watering.Doc at SGH told me that its actually from the mucus of my sinusitis.Even so badly i coughed,my throat not swollen at all so the coughing is not because im heaty.My cough started in the night,when i lay down to sleep.Then it becomes day and night.

Good morning ladies! Its the Monday bluesss again

Little one: Re: Dr Yeoh. Well I hate the waiting time and sometimes calling the clinic is frustrating. The nurses don't pick up the calls. I don't like the feeling that they are unreachable. Also, I had bad Braxton hicks and went down to the clinic. Still got to wait for 1-2 hrs. As I was dilated 1cm I thought mine should be considered urgent? Anyway, apart frm this DR Yeoh is nice but I just think that the above mentioned exp make me thunk twice.

Ok ok...updates about my checkup. I complain abt on off pain on tummy, cramps and sharp pains so was prescribed medication. BEST news, my DS test is cleared!!!!! WooHOOOO. Ok another news...ermm having another BOY lol!! Am happy but of cos dh n I hoped for a gal cos can close shop. But think I will still close shop after this as I can't imagine having 3 boys hahahahaha. Still it's a blessing and I know my boy will love his didi to bits! Just that at times the thought of 2 boys monkeying around scare me abit

Oh no! So many mummies falling sick?? Take care ya?!?!?!

CONGRATS in clearing ur DS. 2 BOYS can be very fun too, they can share n fight it out [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

my 1 & 2 are both girls too, but i am unsure if i still wan no.3 to try for a boy? kekeke

Megg: ermmm...thats the thing, they FIGHT it out. Gals are more to arguing. So u n dh open to the idea of having #3?? we are quitter concern as can't imagine handling 3 kids on the plane leh, n the air tix can kill!!,

Awbb - so glad to hear everything is fine! My appt is this wed can't wait! Yeah the nurses take abit of warming up but some of them r v nice..just have to look for the right one. If there is emergency, can also contact dr yeoh directly. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


hooray! glad that everything is fine. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] and congrats on having another little boy. it's gonna be very bz days ahead with 2 boys, but still such a joy! enjoy your pregnancy from now on!

girls, i think my hubby accidentally threw away my box of prenantal fish oils with vits. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] how?? actually been wanting to get supplies from elsewhere other than from gynae since prices are marked up. any recommendations? would like to shop from iherb, but not familiar with the brands there. appreciate any feedback! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

awbb, right now, dunno if i wan no.3 or not! i juz cant imagine 2 girls, talk n talk all day leh. my no.1 is 3 yr plus, and she yak non-stop, me n hb reali scare of her talking.... kekek

actualli, i hope i can stay home n lok after my kids in few yrs time, so meantime, juz enjoy preg process la... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


same as you. my #1 is a gal, very noisy she is coming 3 this year. Noisy and always shout cos she cant talk very very well not in those full sentence, so sometimes she throw temper, dont want share toys.

Cant imagine #2 out.. #2 not out yet, HB want #3 already but im so scared of having 3 gals..

jasmine, ya lor! i also scare of 3 girls. but my mum had 3 daughters and 1 boy and she also managed to lok after 4 of us at home. i also wondered hw she can do it!

i will be reaching 35 soon soon, nt sure if i still wano no.3 coz i most prob csection this time!

are u in ur late 20s?

Little one: Dr yeoh can chat non stop to my dh. Always talk abt German history until I buay tahan LOL! Oh ya! I hate the parking fees at MT E!!!!! Haahhaha! But still, Dr yeoh is nice. I like her.

Megg: ehh now she talk to u better treasure the moment hor. Next time she throw u aside Liao.

Starry: yup definitely gonna be busy!! And I gonna save so much $$ on clothes with all the pass me downs from kor kor.

Aabunny: thanks gal! A huge relief !

good morning everyone!

i oso have a news to share. went to see gynae last sat and it's confirmed tat i am having a boy! hooray! 1 girl and 1 boy. i asked hb after the gynae vist 'are u happy having a boy?' his reply was 'do u see i have an excited expression when gynae confirmed it's a boy? i alrdy said gender doesnt matter. im fine w another girl cos our girl is so cute'. anyway, gender doesnt matter, health is most impt than anything.

awbb, congrats! glad to hear you r fine and having another boy. can protect you next time!

ryes, at 13 wks i alrdy knew the bb gender but gynae didn't want to 100% confirm until last sat when i was at 17 weeks.

megg, by the time i deliver my #2 this nov, i will be at 37yo. (i guess im the olderst one in this thread). u sure k go for #3. I believe the rest of the mummies here are quite young.

jasmine, ur girl is abt my girl's age. maybe i can organize a gathering at my house. see how the girls are 'chatting'. my girl is v chatty and 'lor so'. she talks non-stop fr the moment i reached home fr work till she sleeps.

gina ford:

if anyone wants GF book, i can lend u the book. i also have the baby whisperer by tracy hogg and no cry sleep method by elizabeth pently. i personally prefer tracy hogg than gina ford. anyone want to borrow the books, pls let me know.


my mum have 2 daughter (including me, im de eldest) and a son. Me and my brother differences 13 yrs old apart. so scary lor. I dont want my kids to be so far apart.

for my #1 i had csec, c sec the most 2 times only izzit?

nope, i'm 26 this year.


i dont mind! my gal got limited frens around her age. my gal is born sept 08, urs? btw where u stay? hope they do not snatch toys.. HAHA!


that's the good thing about having same-gender babies. no need to spend so much on clothes and accessories. i'm still buying things for my girls though. lol! cannot stop spending, but i've cut down a lot from last year already.


we are of the same age! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] but you started your 'factory' earlier than me!

Hihi ladies!

Im back to work today.

Even my pc dont recognise me until must log in few times..lol


yeay!! Glad to hear your test results is good.

Gab will be so happy to get a didi to play with.

Little one,

my cough is not perpetual.

Only when my tummy is empty then will start coughing.

Other than that, no cough.


after little one, can i borrow your baby whisperer by tracy hogg?


Frenlop: ermm I just hope he don't runaway with wife or gf n dun wan his mum. That's y I wan at least 1 gal, so got my heart hehehehee!

Starry: hehe! Boys nothing much to buy. Their clothes all the same. Gals, so many fancy fancy stuff, even I not having a gal tempted to buy!

Lynzi: ya, gab gonna have a didi. Hope they dun fight much or else I will scream.

Btw, anyone know of any childcare at siglap or katong area? pats? Baby planet ? Mindchamps? Any recommendations

