(2011/08) Aug 2011

Hi mummies, I have a medela freestyle pump for sale. It is a local set, still under warranty. It comes with its original packaging, with necessary items included. It is in very good condition as I had only used it for 1.5 mths due to low supply. I have not used the lithium ion battery as i only used the power cord. I will throw in free of charge Pigeon breast pads, milkbags as well. Interested parties, pls sms Jas @ 96358398. Self collection @ Pioneer MRT station.


Pipi, no prob. I was busy last min on Fri too, due to sys problems - my work = SHIT! ~_~ Anytime can go on escalation one... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] May be I will get triggered to give birth earlier if the systems still didn't behave properly. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hope your grandma will be discharged soon... pray pray...

Yufeng, relax relax.. work can never finish. I know say is easy, when it's me, oso same lo... work till no lunch type. Sigh... for money sake, wat to do???

Yalo... the koyok seems not advisible. Luckily I still not yet use. So, will hold on till can't tahan one day, then ... may be... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Karen, Mamy Poko includes NB offer. I thik is $20.65. I bought 1 pack S, 1 pack M and 1 pack L oso, coz i have stocked up 10 packs from JB. This price is about the same price as in JB liaw. For the calf ache, I use the Clarin oil to rub my calf. For the nite i rub with the oil, it didn't cramp. But not every nite so free. So, only rub for a while, to decrease the chance of cramp lo. You try. At least if the oil can rub on the tummy, means ok for other parts of the body too.

Bur, wish you the best for yourself and bb... both safe safe and healthy... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Take good care, ok? We here supporting u...

BDQ: wow.. u bought so many diapers already ah..

i haben buy one pack yet.. yesterday went to JP NTUC, the size S already sold out. and NB is not under the promo offer (if i did not see wrongly)

lately, during sleep, my calf cramp is getting worse i think. when i want to massage to ease the pain. i found that i cant even clench my fingers properly cos my fingers are quite stiff after sleeping for a while. like that how to massage.. cham..

Hi Ellmo:Yeh..i oso dilated 3cm nia the last x..my labour was overnight n stayed 4d3n in gleneagles..ya super costly for my no 1!Hopefully no 2 cooperate to wait till my caeserian date..gg for epidural again tiz x.i changed gynae tiz x he is realli much better oways helpg to reduce cost cse he doesn't offer packages anymore..i c him once a mth but for the followig wks will be 2x a mth cse v near delivery date liao...

Mummies:Thks fr sharing the MP promo shall go get today aftr lunch!I recently went for wedg dinner n many say my tummy so small!hehhe...guess i didnt reall eat much tiz x...my bb is 1.49kg at 30 wks nia..heheh...Booked my maid liao..am realli lookg forward to her coming cse soooo sooo many x to wash n pack n prepare!REalli need a helper!

To all Wkg mumies may u hve a great week ahead!JIa you tog!

Morning Mummies

Great week ahead!


i can meet on sat morn for bf at buangkok. Can demo the medela too. haha. Oh yah dont sterilised the shields. I didnt know that I cant sterilised them and soon it turned yellowish. I threw it away and bought the normal ones. I prefer the normal ones too! mayb u can consider getting the normal shields as well.

Hi Karen, ya, stock up all the diapers while got promo, and my colleagues helped me bring in weekly as it's much cheaper when it's offer in Giant JB.

Karen, try to apply those tummy oil or rub with lotion. I find that it's quite work for me. If i have time before my sleep, to rub with some lotion or the tummy oil for strechmark, rub for like 5 mins both calves, I wouldn't have cramp at nite. So, you try it. I dare not use "axe oil" coz the whole room will be with that smell and not sure if it's good for bb. The fingers stiffness is due to water retention, according to my gynae. I oso have the same prob, esp if i put my hand down and walk for sometime, i can feel the fingers become very "fat".

Hi Milkyway, ok, what time for Sat morning? I bring the Medela pump together? Where to get the normal shields? Actually which part is call shield ah? hahaha... blur like sotong, and yet not yet got time to flip thru the books. What is the price range for the normal shields? Thanks 1st. I PMed you my hp number le. Thanks. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

good morning mtbs [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

weekend juz zoom by and still haven't get to washing bb clothes and pack hospital bag *duhz*

cutie, haha, really true that we think and plan more than actually doing it :p

ah bur, jia you! u must be excited to meet ur prince [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] continue to beef up the baby with ur durian feast (remember to counter the heatiness from durian)

re: pre-admission

m @ KKH TPS -- dunno y they ask me to do pre admission so early... during #1, we were caught off guard as i was admitted due to early contractions at 33 weeks...

re: 3L of water

BDQ n pipi, yah, it takes a bit of getting use to drink so much water! due to morning sickness, i was unable to drink too much water at a go -- else will puke all the food out... seems like MS is gone finally -- now i gulp down water in 500ml bottle at a go :p cons is hv to go toilet very often...

re: herbs

will get da fen chao from nearby medical hall... my mum only let me bath after 2 weeks.. but i still feel not clean with the brown water -- will rinse with shower secretly :p

re: relief weight of tummy

i m doing lotsa yoga hip roll to relieve the weight of tummy on pelvic... from experience with #1, i think hip roll also helps to move up my low placenta...

adv_sport: am looking forward to the arrival of bb but @ the same time, anxious, worried & scare if bb is healthy or not..

will hv a last round of durian tis wk!

ah bur, bb is growing with ur durian feast -- so it is a good sign [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] relax and enjoy the final week of being preggy! i have 8 more weeks to go -- so near yet so far!

flowerie, here's a link on the yoga poses for 3rd trimester... http://yoga.about.com/od/prenatalyoga/a/thirdtrimester.htm

if u hv not done yoga before, pls be careful.. best to do it with instructor who can advise if u r doing the right thing...

my hip roll pose is actually bridge pose -- but i dun lift my butt that high as shown in the pic...

*warning* bridge pose and poses on all fours are good for turning a breach baby but should be avoided if ur baby is oledi in head down position.

mine is oledi head down -- so by right, i should not be doing bridge pose...


u can make it de and sure bb will be fine [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

dunno what's wrong wf me today, super tired.

maybe coz no coffee. I hv to stop my coffee, tea and cold drink as adv by TCM.

i feel like zombie now, later hv to fetch my gal and hv dinner w/o DH coz he'll be late. Not sure i can handle or not.. TIRE!!!!!!!!

i feel like taking leave tomolo to rest at home but hope i can rest well well coz whenver i take leave will end up eyes open big big..

Baby Engaging in position (in Pelvis):

Some mummies say baby already engaged. Today, I checked with gynae, he said bb not engaged yet but head is down, which is good news.

Baby's Weight + Mummy's Weight:

My weight only increased by 500g nia. And baby weight increased by 0.10kg per today's check up (at wk 33)

bur: Have your last dose of durians to boost baby's size. My baby din eat durians so only grow 0.10kg... I will increase my durian (last dose) intake nearer to my edd.

milkyway: If you doing demo, can I join in cos I am first time mum too. Are you meeting BDQ this Sat? Lemme know.

BDQ: My grandma is out of hospital on Sat, stayed at my pl till Sun before we send them back to their own hse. Unfortunately, now my mum is down! I think she over tire herself taking care of the folks!

Pipi, if u can come, join us lo. I think is not demo at the nei nei... but rather how to fix the "lego" together and get to know those parts, and which can be sterilized and which are not bah. To demo with nei nei, I think we have to do it at either my hs or Milky's house. haha...

Good to hear your grandma is out from hosp ler... must be a relief...

Doing massaging for my calf after this post, else tonite will be torture again.

Tomoro is my date with my gal... 3 wks never see her ler... hope she is 1.5 kgs at least bah, i ate so much, don't tell me she didn't "eat" at all... pray pray pray... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


sure come join us for bf. Errmm yah like what babydreamyqueen says not going to do the real demo lah. Just show u guys the parts and how to assemble. Will pm u my mobile k


errmm the shield is the one that looks like a funnel. I got mine thru one of the BP or spree threads can't rem already. If I come across let u know. Sorry for the late reply cos today my new staff came in so didn't really have time to come in till now! Replied u with my mobile.

adv_sports, thanks for sharing! currently not very sure if bb is indeed head's down. will have to wait till the next gynae visit. have done yoga before but not since getting preg. mayb i'll just stick w cat pose in e meanwhile =D

BDQ: wahh... u bought so many diapers.. I have 2 packs of S at home liao.. yest i went to NTUC and wanted to buy more but hubby stopped me leh... said dun need to stock up so much... haiz..

and update us on ur gal also.. hee!

cutie: wash ur face with cold water or go for cold bath when sleepy... mi drank half cup of sprite yest... jialat... must control must control... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

re: pre-admission

i received an sms from Mt A over the wkend that my delivery booking is confirmed. I saw from FB some mummies received the letter from Mt A liao... so now i wait and see what i need to do..

re: fixing breast pump

i stay at central area leh.. can't go and join the 'legoing'.. in case i need help.. will PM one of u?? can can??

re: extend confinement period

wanna ask mtbs whether u will be extending ur confinement period to 40 days.. i hv CL for 28 days so thinking to continue wif confinement on my own after that. Any idea for DIY confinement what do we normally do? just eat confinement food and bath in da feng cao??

feel like slapping myself now coz i feel sleeping again, sigh..

had ang mo liang teh last nite ~ 100plus

yes must control else back pain gets serious.

I stay far far away from buangkok so cant join u guys le although i also want to learn how to use the breast pump.

Think this weekend i m going to bugis to buy dried herbs like longnan, red dates etc. Must get ready some of the stuff else i dun feel comfortable..

RE: Pre-admission

At Week 33 now, my baby is at 2.5-2.6 kg! Very big, huh? And head down. Then I did pre-admission at KK.

Already bought confinement herbs at Bugis. Spent almost $300.

Baby diapers, only bought 2 packs of S size.

i got the longan and red dates liao.. duno enough anot.. which shop u all getting the herbs ah? but i duno where to get those teabag to put them.. end up i bought those small plastic bag from SKP. so will pack in seperate plastic bags and pour into cup at hospital.

Sorry to interrupt. I have a brand new avent manual breastpump (BPA-free) to let go at $90.

Please PM me if interested. Thanks!


Sakura 25: your bb is growing well, mine nvr grow much at wk 33 - only 1.87kg. But as long as she is healthy I am ok. Cos I also scared bb too big, as I am petite.

I also did my pre-admission. Chit chatted with the gal at counter - KKH. Hahaha I told her I am a first time mum and sure going to take epidural. Then I say if dun take - like gila like tt... Then she told me she din take. Hohohoho.. But she also said the pain is SUPER PAIN. So now I double confirm will take epidural.

Elin2201: I think you can compare pricing at all the medical halls. I think the Bugis ones should have v fresh supplies since many ppl go and buy there...more human traffic so goods come and go faster.

I am getting mine 1 week before I pop cos CL refused to let me put in the fridge. If grow moulds - I sure blame her. Kekekekee

Thanks Milkyway, for the explanation, bp link and demo on Sat. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Elin, I very kiasu one... coz of my hubby's condition, i think i better stock as much, esp when the price is low. Without much help from family, I mostly have to depend on myself and you all in this forum. If not suitable, the sell it off in forum, or worst, give out to all mummies here or donate out lo.

Elin, ya ya, u can pm us if u nid help for the legoing... but i'm not expert, you can ask the experts. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Cutie, I oso bought the dry longan and red dates le, from Fu Hua Compasspoint. My fridge is quite full ...

Sakura, your bb is big ler... mine is very small if compared to yours.

I'm back from gynae, in my week 31, bb's weight is 1.47kgs. Ok right? My gynae said ok, normal. And guess what? I have done my pre-admission at Mt E. Seems the date draws closer. Scary eh...

Any mummies have signed up for the cord blood? I checked Cord Life, there is a talk. May pop by see if can sign up there, coz time is running out. Here is the details.

Young Parents Fiesta 2011


Learn about the lifesaving benefits of cord blood with CordLife at Young Parents Fiesta 2011.

Venue: Marina Square, Central Atrium

Date: 24th - 26th June 2011(Fri-Sun)

Time: 11am – 9pm

Dear mommies & mommies-to-be,

I've some bestsellers parenting books and nursing book for cheap sale.

1) The Baby Whisperer Solves All Your Problems by Tracy Hogg

2) The No-Cry Sleep Solution by Elizabeth Pantley

3) The Happiest Baby on the Block by Harvey Karp

4) Secrets of the Baby Whisperer: How to Calm, Connect, and Communicate with Your Baby by Tracy Hogg

5) What to Expect The First year by Heidi Murkoff, Arlene Eisenberg and Sandee Hathaway

6)The Nursing Mother's Companion by Kathleen Huggins

Pls see these links for pics and condition of books:-




BDQ: I think I am signing up with SCBB instead of Cordlife.

Actually I wanted to sign up with Cordlife after speaking to all the forum mummies and understanding from them.

Then I asked my cousin and she said she donated it to SCBB cos if bb is infected, we won't be able to use bb's cord blood. ...anyway its something along this line...

The confused me decided to ask my gynae in KKH-TPS. At first he said up to me, then I said I dunno cos I am a first time mum and I told him what I know (about the forum + what my cousin said). Then he said go for SCBB.

I am not stingy over this cos if I can help or give my bb the best, I will. I mean who wouldn't? Since my gynae said that, I decided to donate to SCBB lor. Hopefully "hao ren you hao bao". If sway sway bb needs it one day, will have priority.


i banked #1 with cordlife. Hubby says dont wanna bank for #2.. he says can use #1 in case (*touch wood*) errmmm... how do we donate the cord blood? if i'm not banking then i will donate it ba

PiPi: I go to Bugis this sat to recce the medical halls.. hee!! any of u bought rice wine/sesame oil for confinement liao? I tink cordblood banking is like buying insurance lo.. just store in case anything happen.. if cordblood is contaminated during birth the blood won't be stored also. will consider to donate for #2 bah..

Talking about insurance for bb, anyone bought liao?

BDQ: As long as gynae say bb is ok and weight is ok den ok liao.. I signed up with cordlife during the motherhood fair at expo. i went to one of their talk at TMC but the pricing was higher than what i got at the fair.

milkyway: my fren told me we need to contact SCBB before wk32 and pledge to donate.

sorry mommies, what is SCBB?

i donated my #1 cordblood and now i m thinking to donate for #2 as well. Thought of doing good deed before they born [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

On the other hand, I was worry too due to my grandma and mom passed away due to illness, my grandma was due to cancer, my mom's one is consider cancer as well. But that day the lady in KKH approached me explain to me is ok, coz skip 1 generation and furthermore if i were to keep, i hv to go thru the procedure again.

After talking to that lady, I m thinking of donating the cordblood again esp #1 cordblood sounds perfect to them (i dunno their term but the gynae and midwife kept saying good, fat, thick etc when they saw my #1 cordblood). That lady also shared wf me, if to donate but cord very thin also no good wor.. aiyo think i might as well donate loh


u bought those dried herbs from Fu Hua, isnt exp? coz I saw the price at my side that day, although is pasar branch but price seems a bit high as compare to FB secret group research price.

elin: for rice wine, my aunt is making for me. for sesame oil, i will just get the pagoda brand.

I haven't source for the confinement herbs yet cos my CL insist I get it nearer to my edd. I dun think I can make it down by then, so will entrust my mum to do the herbs marketing for me.

SCBB replied me already, I think you just need to ask about how to donate cord blood to scbb during your next gynae visit and they will tell you.


Have you done your pre- admission. Finally got it done - feel more "an xin" now. I am going to use hubby's medisave cos he got more $$ than me. Hohohohoo....

KKH - 1 bedder, estimated around 2k thru medisave, and 2k to be paid by cash. Does not include epidural, assisted labour, etc yet.

Hi mummies, I'm quite pro-donating the cold blood out, but we have seen real case in our life. So, we better play safe, since this is our #1. So, will sign up with CordLife and pay $5750 for 21 year. I think this is the price I get quoted last time. Not sure now or when at Marina Square this weekend.

Elin, my gynae said ok, though can be bigger. I think I was too stressed over my hubby's hospitalization during her crucial growing time - 2nd trimester, so she didn't gain as much. I was stressed till I can't sleep and worried for so many things. But, as long as she is healthy, a bit smaller in size, I still happy enough lo.

Cutie, I didn't know Fu hua price is higher than others ler. I just buy when I see them last weekend. Is it more expensive than other medical hall? I think not consume a lot, so, since Fu Hua is a pretigious shop, I just get it there, rather than recce ard. No energy ler... Pls don't tell me how much more expensive... being a tortoise here. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

For rice wine, my mum made Foo Chow Red wine for me. I have 3 bottles liaw, she going to make some more and smuggle in from Msia when she comes again in Aug. Hope the custom let her thru. Sesame oil, I just buy the pagoda one.

I have done my admission and packed my hosp bag. The admission letter, have to bring ard with you oh... in case anytime the bomb .... ~_~ u know la hor... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

For those in Buangkok, we are meeting up this Sat for breakfast ard 10am. PM me if you keen to join, ok? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Free breastpump lego session @_@

morning mtbs!!

BDQ: try to relax... recently i also have a lot of things to worry. end up i got myself so depressed. lucky i manage to resolve some of the issues liao.. the rest will slowly resolve. sometimes somethings beyond our ctrl.. haiz..

re: pre-admission:

i received my Mt A letter yesterday. will be doing the pre-admission tdy.. super kiasu! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] now left with hospital bag nia.. pre-admission letter bring ard ah?? i intending to file and put in hospital bag leh..

re: herbs, rice wine and sesame oil

last night checked with CL agent, she said dun need buy cos i'm buying the herbs from her also. everything included and she'll deliver to me on the date i discharge from hospital.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Bunny_Mummy82, where did you sign for $5150? This is promo price or usual price? What is FBI? The last quote I got is $5750. Lucky you tell me... $600 diff is A LOT!!!! Thanks.

Elin, when issue is burning, sometime hard to ignore... the mind will keep thinking lo. So, I tried very hard... hope things will get better... pray hard [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Thanks ...


hello mummies! sorry to interrupt, i'm a sept 2010 mommy.

I have a 400g tin of Karihome infant milk (0-6mo) to let go @ $18. Expires late 2012. Got it for standby for my son last Oct but didn't use it.

Pls PM me if u are interested. Tampines collection. Thanks!

All the best to all of you ! have a good birth!

Hi BDQ. yes I signed at $5150 before gst during expo baby fair. FBI is a programme by TMC. Signed up for $100+, can get some discount off Cordlife and hospital stay.. X

Hi mummies...haven log in for sometime...caught the flu bug still sneezing n tearing away..sob sob...wow most of u already done pre-admission..mine not yet...have to wait 34wks...seems like so much to pack n get ready for the new bb...stil so much not done yet..lol..

by the way thse who have ordered from mannapot catering previously...care to share wat r some of the nice items?Their pricing is good..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Wen: their honey glazed chix is good, curry chicken also good, bee hoon good, I dun recommend the fish with creamy sauce...cos the sauce seems too oily. That's all I can remember.

I am at wk 33 when I did pre admission. You can ask your gynae that you want to do it...cos I asked him 2x before he gives me the go ahead. Maybe he too "fan" by me.

I just had my first dose of fresh thai young coconut water yest. Taste so fresh and good....

Dear mummies, anyone of u having bad acid reflux and how u over coming them? I am at my 30th week now and every night will be plagued by refluxes and cannot sleep. @.@

Hi pipi@thks for the recommendations!!wow so u oredy clear 33wks yr due date comin soon ya?i just booked my C date liao..kinda gancheong bt lookg fwd to c my no.2 

Wow shiok le drink coconut..me shivering from the flu bug still

Hope to get over by tom man sian weather so hot cant blow fan.

Saw party city got sale tinkg of gettg the ballon $1 usd nia lei!

Wen: Rest well, I know how you feel, cos I was sick before, feel super terrible. Just tahan, take medication, sleep, drink lottsa water, and eat lottsa fruits (apples, pear, kiwi) Vit C helps, which is what gynae told me.


Just sharing, my CL just called me and told me to start taking coconut water weekly. She said minimize ginger, heaty stuff (like durians), bird nest with rock sugar only (no ginseng allowed), eat less carrots, papaya, those which has orange colour.

She also told me to eat more fish if I want to breast feed. Actually she is quite nice lah, imagine how many CL will call you before hand and tell you all these?

But she said something which I dun agree (but I just tiam tiam) She ask me to tell doc to deliver my bb before 7th Lunar mth. I feel that if my bb wanna come out on 7th lunar mth, then come out on 7th lunar mth lor, I not "patang". My mum says chinese dun like bb to come out on 7th lunar mth cos the kid will be "gui ling jing guai". But to me, I dun mind. I told my bb to choose the day she wanna come out.


Wen: Actually doc says I will be due on National Day week but not sure if baby will pop sooner.

It's quite scary to start seeing some FB mummies getting hospitalized for various reasons. Maybe next mth, we will hear some mummies popping soon. Feel excited yet worried at the same time.

