(2011/08) Aug 2011

i dread chicken too!! especially the steamed kind or those in soup with that chicken-ny smell.. omg so gross...

wow.. FB so happening now [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

i cant view from my office PC, too bad [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

anyway is CNY eve le, will all the mommies m/s stop for the time being to load more CNY goodies haha..

cutie> same i also can't view from my office PC... so i only view the facebook occasionally via my HP. ever since i started working, been lazy to on the comp when i'm at home...

yakult / vitagen

I don't know leh.. but 1 or 2 weeks ago, i drank 1 vitagen and i puke it out... ever since i don dare to drink le... so i don't really know if can drink or cannot drink... =(


really cannot squat ah? i squat really often leh... oh no....

OSCAR scan

just went for my NT scan on monday and my baby was in the right position.. so very fast.. but baby did not move around like all of ur babies... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] even thou i already ate sweet before hand le... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

my hubby was disappointed as he tot they will print the scan for him.. but they didn't! so for those mummies who are waiting to go for the test, u might wanna get ready to take some picture to keep cos the screen is bigger and can see the baby more clearly. heh...

the lady did not tell me any ratio.. not sure issit cos i din go take the blood test... she just said baby is normal. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] well, i think that's good enough.

and HAPPY CNY to all mummies!!!

tonite i gotta faster go bao all my ang bao and do my last bit of cleaning up



dun worry, is CNY eve leh..

where did u go for ur scan?

for KKH, they wun tell the ratio on the spot..

wow.. fb happening.. here also happening.. i am totally lost now.. haha...

pipi: will try to go work if i can.. cos dun wan my colleague to suspect :p

so envy that most mummies are in 2nd trimester.. I will be having my Ocsar test on 10 Feb.. after that can announce le...

squating: we cannot squat? i always squat when I am washing my own clothes at hubby's place wor..

better dun squat so much leh..

i know squating is not so good for woman esp pregnant lady

think i squat too much during my 1st preggy, now cough esp, will cause me urine leakage sometimes.. so sad


y dun u sit on the stool?

ur hubby bear to let u squat to wash his clothes meh? throw them into the washing machine lar

cutie, I did my oscar at KKH & I was told the ratio immediately after the scan.

bunnymummy, sure to be excited, going to meet baby!

cac, where did you do your oscar? How come no printout of the scans? I was given like 8 printouts.


Sharksfin is not advisable due to mercury content. I don't eat sharksfin as I am anti-sharksfin. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


really, haha.. that nurse told me they will tell me later.. so they bluff me lar.. haha..

never mind, i ask the doctor again upon my next visit..

which doctor r u seeing?

wow so many mummies have been for OSCAR scan... looking forward to mine this Sat to see baby again... I'm gg TMC to do the test.

Should the baby be good and pose for the sonographer? or keep moving around? does taking sweets help? I'm kinda worried if it'll be a waste trip as my slot is 8.30am in the morning!

Having huge reunion dinner tonite... hope I dun puke at the smell of food... else so embarassing.. tonite sure many relatives ask if me preggy.. my tummy damn obvious. But not obvious in train coz people dun dun give up seats to me.

mei & cutie > i did my scan at TMC leh... after the scan, my hubby was asking the lady several questions like so we wait at the reception? or wait outside? (he was thinking later they will pass us the printout).. then she told us nicely that we all can go home liao.. my hubby came out then tell me wat he was waiting for... so funny.. thought should have asked her directly.. hahaha... but too bad la... no more photo le..

think those doing e oscar scan @ TMC will hv to wait, cos my colleague also went to TMC, and she need to go back for another session to do the review.

Babysee, ya lor, I'm also not offer seat on e train.

Sharkfin is ok to take, so long nt excessive, one bowl or two is not going to hit the actual mercury level that will lead to poisoning, so enjoy your CNY feast., if ur bb can let u stomach it/ [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Squating is ok, i squat all e way for both #1 and $2 cos weekly need to shower my two dogs.

Happy Lunar New Year to all.


Did they take your blood test 2 weeks prior to your NT scan? If you did, should be able to get the combined result after your scan. I am seeing Dr KT Tan at The Private Suite.


Just don't empty your bladder right before the scan. I think if the sonographer is good, shouldn't be much of a problem what position baby is in.


I also puke sometimes when I drink yakult. Yesterday was ultimate...


yesterday when i puking, i think i leak urine...does that mean that I have to start keagel exercise?


my tummy also not big (plus i skinny) My neighbour asked me what happened to me cos has been seeing me at home lately. When I told her, she say'" kan bu chu leh". When I look at myself in the mirror, I still look the same, the only part which is diff is my tummy, protruding out.(in my opinion lah, maybe my husband thinks I have a fat ass) Whahahhaa.

Those mummies going for OSCAR, jia you jia you jia you!!!!


not sure abt the procedure now..

last time, nurse say they will inform me if anything goes wrong..

then no call from them, thank god..


i had my blood test le, OSCAR scan will be aft CNY [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


My mum also boil pork liver + ginger soup for me to drink, but no cure for MS for me lah.


I also waiting to eat cny dishes but then, have been puking so not sure if I can stomach the dishes today.

bellering, me oso had StrepB during my first preggy. Gynae oso prescribe antibiotics and say if want natural birth, will be on drip of antibiotics before baby comes out to prevent the baby kena the bacteria. This time preggy duno if I will have anot. But I think so since I am a carrier already. But Gynae says eat more yogurt helps as yogurt and Yakult have those good bacteria.


Ohh, means correct lah, they'll only reveal the results to you after the scan. They'll combine the results of both tests & tell you after the scan.


not too gd to eat too much pork liver though i love it too.... it has too much Vitamin A... if need to try to moderate k


i cant think so much liao..

if puke then puke loh, at least something to puke rather then puke the gastric yellow juice.. haha..


Haha, same as me. I just tell my mum, since I dont know what I can eat and cannot eat, just eat everything. The most vomit out only. Yesterday I vomit till I turn yellow...

But today I think got to moderate cos going to in laws pl...

vit A

i read that vit A from meat is no good to take too much.. but vit A in other forms from veg is okay.. eg: carrot. cos vit A is in the form of beta caroline(dunno spell correct?)


yea! no mood.. wanna go home fast fast! :D

happy to be finally in my 12 weeks.. all mummies jiayouz! we'll get over our ms soon!!! :D


think i will be the 1st one rush out frm the company gate haha..


my hubby yst say i looked green, like hunk..

i didnt answer him coz i was too tire le, if i m hunk, i will turn green and haunt him.. dare to joke that fellow..

MummyYan: thanks for sharing.. what's the cause actually i dunno when but my gynae puts a remark on my profile reminding other nurses im a strepB so they will take caution hmm..

Oh i luv Yakult. At first i thot u say yogurt cos i dun eat yogurt de... Btw its kinda scaring me when u said gotta put on drip during natural birth, does it mean better for pple like us to go for csec har??

cutie: I wash my own clothes only during bathing... hubby's clothes washed by mil :p

pregnant lady cannot eat sharksfins? oh.. another thing cannot eat le..

hahaha, my neighbour saw me today and chit chatted abit, asked me why I am always at home recently...when I told her I am pregnant, she say,"huh, kan bu chu leh." Dunno how to answer her also...I just smile smile.

Realised that all the mummies are so pretty and slim in FB...envy leh...I also realised my tummy area has a little bump already, but I will be turning week 12 next week, isn't it too early?

Oh no...cannot eat shark fins? I also got eat wor...hope everything turns out fine!


i usually eat like half small coup bowl of rice + dishes. I cannot eat more in 1 go. I also dunno why. Maybe stomache small? But nowadays sometimes I will vomit whatever I eat...

I eat at least 2-3 times from 12-6pm. 1) lunch, 2) fruits snack, 3) tibits,cny snacks,curry puff, whatever I can find.


I also got a small beer belly. I only found my boobs bigger, and belly slightly bigger. (but not obvious yet)

coralpip & Pipi

When you hit 2nd trimester, your tummy will balloon suddenly! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

same here pipi... boobs bigger and slight belly - if constipate for 2days my tummy will looks round bum, once 'output' then back to flat haha!

Just 'output' this morning. Shiok! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

pipi> my mum says for preg woman with MS, can try fying pig liver with a type of vege called "Gu Cai" in Hokkien. It look like spring onion... I duno what's the english name for that vege but it's appetising for me during that time... well, at least I managed to eat coz that time, I hadn't had any decent food for 24hr and serious giddy spells...

coralpip> I'm a plus size mummy leh... dun be deceived by my wedding pic... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] my tummy is superbloated around wk 8, so when i wear baby doll dress design, some people can tell... or maybe becoz i have a tummy all along.. haa...

Now at wk 12, I find my tummy very round all of a sudden... duno is it baby bump or bloatedness. Just pray hard i'm not gaining weight for no reason coz have reduced my food intake by 40% since preggy due to MS.


IS it true that 2nd trimester, the tummy will grow v fast? I am scared!!! Cos this is the time whr we might see stretch marks. (dunno who say if my mother dun have I wun have...but my mum say i will have cos I am skinny.)


must tell you something disgusting, i also poo poo this morning. SHIOK! can eat more CNY food later...hee hee


your original size is A, or B? I think usually increase 1 size but not sure if I am correct. But I heard big boobs doesn't mean got more milk leh. My friend say her milk supply low...she C cup pre-preg.


Really...I like GU-Cai kueh...my favourtie! Ok, I will tell my mum to cook that for me to eat next 1-2 wks.(cos just drank pork liver soup this wk, and better not to take too much vit A) I got listen to all your advice one...

for boob size hor... me having a little prob... coz I belong to plus size, original is cup D-E. lately I went to buy bra... the salesperson upgraded me to G for full support. But I didnt like the idea coz I thought I look like cow... nothing to envy...

pipi> ya yah... that's what my grandma passed down to her daughters... but hor, my MS still the same lah... although I was slightly better the next day. my mum also added a little DOM. I broke the taboo for alcohol & liver.


For me, my tummy ballooned when I was in my 2nd trimester for #1. & my tummy was pretty big during 3rd trimester, I went to take some maternity shots when I was 34 weeks (can look at my album in Fb if you want, hehe). I don't have any stretch marks, not sure if it's hereditary or I apply stretch mark cream religiously. For me, I prefer tummy to grow big, at least I look preggers than fat, lol.

Yes, you're right! Big boobs doesn't mean more milk.


Gu cai is called Chives if I'm not wrong.

>>babysee: you certainly dun look like a plus size from your wedding pics!!

>>PiPi: my original size is A only...:S haha that's why I welcome the increase in size...but then, increase in boob size comes with increase in belly size...


I saw your pics...very nice. But I don't think I will be taking cos my tummy got a vertical stretch of baby hair that has grown out for some reasons...Eee, take already not nice...like he-she like that.


you want big boobs, you must drink papaya+fish soup, or payaya milk during confinement to boost up your boobs size. (this is what my flower arrangement teacher said) Give it a shot!


"fang gong le"......can go home and prepare for reunion dinner....and its time for me/DH to break the new to in-laws.


The vertical line is common during pregnancy. If you really don't like, can photoshop. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

It'll be the best news of the year for your in-laws!

papaya + fish soup is to boost milk production.

Sharksfin cannot?? So sad.. its my favorite.. little bit should be ok right?


Haha all this talk about boobs is so cute! Im secretly happy its growing again.. cos hor.. after breastfeeding, boobs shrink one.. very sad =p

I find second pregnancy, tummy pop out very fast.. think stomach muscles loose already tts why..

fish and papaya soup not yet right? I heard last trimester eat, will help milk production when baby is born, but now too early?

PiPi: So exciting, breaking the news.. all the best!!


thanks Mei. yah papaya soup only after delivery. i had plenty of milk without it, and my secret was to latch her regularly. yes i was sleep-deprived and boobs were leaking for the first month but after that it was okay. must drink plenty of fluids, so that's what i've learnt to do while at the hospital and waiting for milk to come in.

