(2011/08) Aug 2011

Just saw gynae and he confirm that I Am pregnant!!! So happy! 5 weeks only and can see the sac only.he say next visit shld be able to hear hb! So excited!


BJY: your gynae info pls

Aisah: your gynae info pls

(",) (icebubbles): LMP & gynae info pls

Celia P (sugarfly): LMP & gynae info pls

Christy (zerochristy): # , LMP & gynae info pls

Cottoncandy7681: # , LMP & gynae info pls

Dandelion(dandelion82): LMP & gynae info pls

DCK (Crosailo): LMP & gynae info pls

Hope4baby: LMP

Iziz (Zina): LMP & gynae info pls

Lynn Teng (lynntbh): # & LMP

May (Maynight): LMP & gynae info pls

Milkyway (milkyway18): LMP & gynae info pls

Mrs Lim: LMP

Sel (Selenal): LMP

Winnie the Pooh (icybluegal08): LMP & gynae info pls

Thanks mummies :p

Good Morning Ladies.

lots of early birds here. i had a hard time getting out of bed.. only dragged myself out at 1+pm cos i was starting to get gastric pain.. Everytime i go for my pregnyl jabs i wake up feeling triply tired.

Envious for those gg on hols! no planes for me too.. so will prob be gg to bintan quite a bit for the next 6mths...

If soul is not having identical twins.. means it might be 1 boy, 1 gal..? how cool is that? at least u pregnant 1 time, deliver 2. economies of scale yah! Congrats again

BJY : So fast need to find clothes at maternity shop feels weird for me LOL...Cos I don't want other ppl to know yet. If I often wear dress, other ppl wld be able to guess or will come to ask me why wearing dress so often cos normally i wear jeans most of the time haha

Carole > U missed me out ...[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Gynae: Dr Sandy Lek / Parkway East

hehe..Thanks for updating again ... e

eermmm Christy dun belong to Aug de MTB

Carole> Thanks for being so thoughtful LOL... I am at June 2011 Thread de hehehe.

I came here cause I know demongal...

Demongal> So u got rest and eat enough?

Christy > eat still little ..can snack junk nia ..finish a whole big pkt of pop-corn within 2 days...still koonzzz at 10pm every nite yet still so sleepy ..dun kw is it year-end mood...so no mood to work

Now thinking of my new flat coming Apr-June...wonder how to do reno lei ...how how

Demongal> Aiyo try to eat okie? Pop-corn not healthy food le... mmmm u can take bread, bee hoon dry or soup base, fishball soup, Pasta my fav got tomato sauce cause sour sour very kai wei de try that [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

You must sleep slightly early la.. at 9pm, one of my friend sleep at 8pm le.

Hmm U deliver at Aug mah.. than confinement 1 mth pray ur flat come in June la so after ur confinement u can reno ur flat. Unless u want to be like Debbie (the one in MBR forum) she big tummy reno house le very tired de.

demongal: mine too will be taking keys in April. I got hold of my gf cum contractor to get things done. she die die doesnt let me step into the house till its ready. i said i cant... for the fact i need to see through the work, but i promise only at night when no hacking and drilling is done. she is cool abt it. :p

I want to move in before i due. at least my bigger kids get a proper plc to play and etc. and my CL gets a room to be with baby.

oh ya.. i found yours and updated ur info :p

Carole, so ur new flat u design urself? or let ur gf do the designing too?

Gd that u gals flat is coming next year. Mine still long way, 2014. Haiz..


LMP is 13 nov. Edd supposed to be 20aug. But mine is a 30+ days cycle. Dr said mid to end aug.

Delivering at tmc

BJY: its a new plc with all things except some fixtures which i want to be done like wall hung for TV, praying altar (which created a BIG HOO HA by OUTLAWS), oven / microwave oven, lights on side of stairs and ceiling fans.

I m not a huge fan of IDs, just something simple and practical for day to day use.


thanks for updating.. my gynae is Dr joycelyn wong/TMC. as for EDD, will need to wait till i go for my 1st visit on 22nd Jan before i can update... yes 22nd Jan.. super looong wait! omg.. i wonder how i can survive till then!


yes i'm getting hhis feeling too esp after meals!


i did my renov when i was preg with #1 although there were alot of arguments with mil. So end up i could only see the place when there is no hacking, ie no workers around moving stuff,working on the ID.

telling colleagues, frens and boss

i've only told my close family... still dont know how to break the news to my boss esp as i've only started work for like 2months! think he's going to fire me man!

Christy > dun worry i still force food down..had Yong Tau Foo soup for lunch...little bit of rice every nite cos mum cook everyday..wkends hub will force me to eat de ..

just crave for unhealthy snacks...i'm tibits monster mah ..u forgot ah ...curry puff my favourite too ...Pasta...hmmm maybe wkends ..but i dun like tomato based de ... cream cream...yummy

what ..10pm still want earlier ...cannot la ..by the time i finish dnr 8pm liao ...still must have my tv relax time .... lol lol ...very early compared to 1+ 2am liao wor

Carole > ya my mum say go at nite to see when workers not around ..but i just cant trust hub n BIL over-seeing de reno works ...so sad cant join in the fun..also afraid no energy to go shop for furniture...

BJY > very fast de la ...i also waited since '08 n nw it's here ... =)

What area u all staying ??


Its ur own place? How come ur oulaws also want kpo abt it?

I wanted to design my own place its a 3room flat. Din expect myself to have another bb. So thought just nice for us.

But no nothing abt design. Have being looking at how ppl design their flat until so nice.. envy

Milkyway, then u still under probation?

Demongal, u wait for 3years only ah? Thats is fast. I went to the site n see, just start fencing only.

I staying at Smb. Think quite a few mummies here from smb?

Demongal, i m sure you wont miss that fun. Shopping for furnitures is already part of the fun. I dont hv to do much as will be moving my current beds over except my Inlaws will be getting new ones. theirs are far too old and lost it "spring" so that will cost me 1k just to have them replaced.

i hv contacts for Bed delivery, if u need just let me know, i can pass u the contact.

As for my reno, this contractor got awarded a huge PUB project, so its gng to be really trustworthy. no horse run kind. she is also super good friend of mine. I hv yet brought her to new place to check it out, once my MIL gets her call on where to put her altar, i will activate her to come in and get me a drawing on things i want.

Currently in AMK, moving temp. to Lentor. Then off to Serangoon (close to chomp chomp)

BJY: no... we bought, and they will be staying with us.. and worse.. her religion and mine diff. but what to do, she kicked a big fuss.. i told hb... i compromise.. but the moment she hits that grave.. i m sure to tear that altar apart. hiak hiak


yah for 6months! omg... how how?? that's is a terrible headache i've been worried about since i tested +ve... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Lao milkyway, gd luck to you! Hahaa.. my first pregnancy i was ask to leave when i am pregnant too. 3months probation but i i am already close to it somemore..

But if ur hubby is working hmm i think should be ok?


mayb i should just break the news earlier since makes no diff?? aiyah... dont know man... guess worst come to worst will be SAHM lor..

BJY > ya most BTO will state 4 yrs but mostly 3rd yr can get keys le..

Carole > but i'll miss de fun of painting & shifting furniture around... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

on de other hand ..it's good to push all dirty job to hub also ehh.. hehe got excuses no need to clean up also

delivery think no need..i should b getting all new funitures so just need to arrange for them to send over..Thanks!

As for reno, my BIL is ID so will let him settle for us ...just hope everything will go smoothly...

Ohh my new flat at Punggol ..no one staying around there? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Thats always de case when staying with in-laws..really bo bian...lucky i still have de freedom of staying with my parents n in-laws only over de wkends

Milkyway, SAHM isnt that bad la. I am a SAHM for more then 2years. I came out to work when my boy around 15months old. I miss being a SAHM.

I am staying with my parents due to lots of conflicts. 3yrs meaning 2013 can be ready? Still very long ><

moonyuki> i staying with PIL lor.. FIL is ok, will take effort to small chat with me sometimes. but MIL is a monster...

I got no name in the house one. It was bought with my hubby's name and his parents. So we couldn't have our dream home and no choice got to live with his parents. Even they get to get the master bedroom. We're only in the next room. even a baby cot will not fit in our bedroom...


Carole, thanks for updating. btw, how did you calculate edd to 29th Aug for mine? i used my iphone application and all say 31 Aug 2011.

Pooh> thanks! so happy that i am pregnant. been tryin for a while and got depressed when it was always negative.

yup milky sahm is good! more me-time n more time with 1st baby. but guess if finances is a worry then maybe not a good idea esp babies are really expensive. maybe once u past the 12 weeks, HR wldnt dare do anything even thou u are on probation.

For those staying with PIL.. i salute u.. really not ez and sth i def wld not have tolerated. made it clear to hubby before we got married. now we have our own place and my brother + wife stay with us. best of both worlds cos they take good care of me when hubby is overseas. I guess all MIL loves us, just not good at expressing themselves and ultimately they want the best for their grandkids.. so use ur kid as the trump card =)

i m almost dying right now! WTF!!!! my MIL is scolding right behind me... Piece of shit!

Fifteen: based on your LMP.

PIL stand for?? lao... Pauline try to adjust the room abit? I also have this problem but too bad. imagine now 3of us in the room n another one coming too. Dunno sleepwhere.

I also have a house in sembawang. But staying with hubby at his house now..

Next time u mummies if want gathering I dun mind have it at my place at sembawang cos only my bro lives there now..

So far live with PIL still ok. Maybe necks I seldom at home also. Always working out. Then weekends got hubby home with me so not much conflict. But for sure one thing I dun do housework one luckily never ken a scolding.. Just make sure our room ok can liao


LMP: 11th Nov

Gynae: Dr Heng

Hospital: Parkway East

Baby #2

thanks in advance for consolidating the list!


i am hving bad cough too.

cough till like wanna cough my liver out...

maybe u wanna see gp and take some medication?

the doctor gave cought syrup and lozenges.

but remember to tell docu pregnant.

i asked the gp whether i need to test again or not since i only tested at home.

he told me most likely positive de loh.

y test again?

i got very giddy today at work.

took cab to see doc, ended up puking right after i got off the cab...

bad bad day.

hope the ms goes away fast.

i didnt hv that for my 1st baby...

ah bur: hey I was also in same thread as dink and sel.. means our kids are close in age! not easy since terrible twos coming during this time!

Im also feeling bloated and constipated and pukey.. just need to endure!

carole: wow I think it must be so wei da to stay with ur outlaws cos I think I couldnt do that.. take care!

Carol: endure!!

Hweefen: wah good leh, I also staying at sembawang! Keke.

I feel so giddy these days, dunno is bcos of ms or lack of sleep, very gastricky, bloated, pukey, constipated! Just recovered from stomach flu, so still feeling very xin ku!

BabyDreamy,✿sel✿,jiajuan> I think we all Du Zi Zhang Feng.. my Gynae ask mi eat some ginger can lioa...

demongal27> yes yes i'm staying at sengkang!

Congrats to all MTB and a lot of baby dust to TTC ing mummies...

Thanks for the advice. I will check with my gynae if he can give me mc for each check up. Evening check up on weekday is too rush for me as I need to pick up my dd from in law's place.

Hi beowie, yes agree the waiting time for Dr Cheng is very long like an hour even though got we made an appointment. I went to Dr Cheng for fertility check in 2003/04... He is very patient gynae who does not want to stress his patient with a lot of advice unless his patient asked. So when I preggy with my dd in 2005, I decided to go back to see him.

I am not looking forward to go back to work next week... Have been enjoying clearing my 3 weeks leave this month... Can wake up late and have afternoon nap...such luxury is coming to an end [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

I don't have ms but often feel nauseous and hungry most of the time. I put on 23-25kg for my1st pregnancy and unable to lose that pregnancy weight yet. I am hoping that I only gain 15-20kg this round...

http://www.motherhood.com.sg/tools/gender.asp --> say i have a boy.

http://www.webwomb.com/chinesechart.htm --> say I have a girl But if i follow lunar age next year and lunar month of conceive, then I will have a boy. So, we follow lunar calendar or ang mo calendar ah?

Puzzled. I dont have twin. LOL. My gut feel is boy. According to my fortune telling, also boy ler. So, let's see lo.

Summer, ginger so disgusting, how to eat woh! You also stay in Sengkang? Wah seh... next time we can go lim kopi liaw. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

From today, after a few mouth, I feel full oredi. Then after 2 hrs, i feel hungry and kind of gastric pain. Why like tat? Hope it stays like this, dont get worsen. I am only week 6, far to go to week 12 ler... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

I just finished 1 packet of indomee goreng... nice in such a cooling weather... going to sleep soon. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Hi Carole, take care..hope u can ignore whatever she has to say... I know it is not easy... Remember Happy mummy = Happy bb.

