(2011/08) Aug 2011


lol.. congrats!!!

fifteenmay: [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] congrats!

Sel: Congrats to u too! Such a coincidence...lol. So u, me & Sus #1 & #2 abt same age. U take care! Definitely not easy taking care of a sick toddler during 1st tri.

dink: sus is also here? so coincidental.. hee.. nice to meet old friends here...

the sticky girl just merlioned.. sianz...

Hi carole,

Thanks. I juz seen my gynae today. am 5+ weeks now [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Did a v-scan. My edd is 25-Aug. Gynae is Dr Yvonne Chan from TMC.

I just went to read up roughly what will happen to our body like each week till birth.. Sounds so scary.. Worried I won't be good mummy n can't handle the baby leh..

I'm 26 this year say young not young say old not old.. But my friends around me not a lot of mummies and still have a lot of friends not settled down to.. That's y worried...

Hwee fen: don't worry.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] you'll be able to handle it when the time comes.. I had the same worries as you when i was with No.1...

No point worrying abt it now anyway... Just enjoy your pregnancy..

Hi Summer, let's see when we due yah... ;) doctor also said estimated nia, not sure the exact EDD, coz not yet measure this and that??? ;)

No problem wear pants yet, coz weight not increase yet. Kind of weird, but breast increased by 1 size, very pain and bloated also.

Morning mummies

Any of you got mood swing? i just flared up at my hubby for no rhyme or reason yesterday.. so guilty now...

sel: *wave* we're in the same thread again with dink hee.. how are you coping? take care!

nitestar: yeah Ive been feeling more moody.. but din think it was bcos of preggie

anyone knows where i can get Phil & Ted strollers? I m too lazy to shop.. just want a shop and zero in.


Mothercare - Singapore (Marina Square)

6 Raffles Boulevard #03-150/1/2

Singapore, 38985

(65) 6513 3225

Mothercare Plaza Singapure

68 Orchard Road #03-08

Singapore, 238839

(65) 6513 3213

Mothercare - Singapore (Centrepoint)

176 Orchard Road #01-34/39

Singapore, 238843

(65) 6513 3218/9

Mothers Work Baby - Singapore (Great World City)

#02-12/14 Great World City 1 Kim Seng Promenade

Singapore, 237994

(65) 6738 5886

Mothers Work Baby - Singapore (Tanglin Mall)

#03-11C Tanglin Mall 163 Tanglin Road

Singapore, 247933

(65) 6738 2161

Mothercare - Singapore (Vivo City)

No.1 Harbourfront Walk #02-79

Singapore, 98585

(65) 6513 3213

Mothercare - Singapore (Parkway Parade)

80 Marine Parade Road #02-34B

Singapore, 449269

(65) 6513 3216

Mothercare - Singapore (Tampines Mall)

4 Tampines Central 5 # 03-04/05

Singapore, 529510

(65) 6513 3241


hahahaa... yeah, placenta linked to baby's bb.. not sure abt mommy's kekeke... keep us updated on ur visit tonite!

Saw my baby yesterday! So happy...at first, din wanna bring #1 into the consultation room cos she's a bit hyper yesterday at the clinic but the nurse said it's orite.. true enuf, she made noise when saw the ultrasound screen & heard the galloping sounds.. so paiseh with my gynae.. to cover it, daddy said, "u jealous, huh?"

The heartbeat rate is 160. Anyone believe the gender prediction from the heartbeat rate? Some said above 140 (faster heartbeat) tend to be a girl. Slower than 140 might be a boy. I asked my gynae & he said it's not proven! hahaha... so I guess we should just wait patiently for another 2-3mths..

I asked for Obimin. The nurse said still gotta take folic acid for 1st trimester. Anyone take both folic acid & obimin together? Wait I folic acid overdosed as I know obimin contains folic acid too.. Din get a chance to ask my gynae cos I bought the obimin at cashier from the nurse [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

The rest of vits (ie calcium, fish oil, etc) we could take after 12wks/2nd trimester onwards as baby won't be able to absorb now..


could you help me update my EDD to 03 Aug 2011? Doc said it's more accurate now after yesterday's scan.. thanks a lot for always updating for us! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Lastly mommies, dun forget to sleep on your left if u haven't done so. It's better for our babies..

Carole: eehh.. I know u ar?? From where ar?? Me bad memory...

Sus: hi!! MS isn't here yet, so not too bad.. Only hv the cranky todd to deal with. U back in Singapore?

Linsu > i'm taking utrogestan + folic acid + obimin together. prescribed by my gynae. been taking obimin for the past 2 weeks. i'm also seeing TLC, but different gynae.

Hi Carole,

In the table, I think Sus is also sus(sunsmile). My EDD should be 18 Aug or so.

sel: yup we came back for a few months le.. my MS is killing me =p seems many of us are having no. 2 here.. next time can organize playdates for this thread hehe

Linsu: is obimin = iron?

Carole, i will try.. not easy to slow slow slow lo.. #1 is too active liao...

whow.. since my MS is gone n worst now is festive period... I eat alot man... confirm gain alot wt.. jialat...

Just came out from the gynae's consultation room. Abt 5 weeks... Gg for review in 2 weeks to hear heartbeat..

bbpotato: why not? i m super keen and hubby too.. guess we hv the same thinking.. cos one is bb n #2, the other is #1. so 2 of us go out, can manage 3 at one go. whahahahaha

Sus: updated! :p


thank u very muchie! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


I requested for utrogestan in my 1st visit cos I had history of miscarriage but my gynae din wanna give & said that it's not necessary [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] Only gave me folic acid.. The obimin also I asked on my own request in my 2nd visit.. haiz!


Obimin is multivits & mineral supplements for pregnant & lactating women with following composition:

(Old version) Obimin -> took this for my #1


New Obimin -> I was given this yesterday


The diff between old & new are their iron & calcium compositions. New version has higher iron but lower calcium. Not sure why though.

Can I check how much mg of colic acid we are supposed to eat per day?1mg enough?

Suddenly my ms disappeared,dun feel pregnant..scared


mine is 5mg [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

folic can be derived from yr daily food also

Food Folic Acid μg/Serving

Dietary Folate Equivalents*(DFE)

Ready-to-eat breakfast cereal 100 – 400/serving; read labels

Enriched wheat tortilla 98 / one 8” tortilla

Whole wheat tortilla 24 / one 8” tortilla

Enriched white bread 39 / slice

Enriched pasta, cooked 92 / half cup

Whole wheat bread 14 / slice

Whole wheat pasta 23 / half cup

Lentils, cooked 180 / cup

Black-eyed peas, dried, cooked 105 / half cup

Pinto beans or chickpeas, cooked 140 – 145 / half cup

Sunflower seeds, dry-roasted 152 / half cup

Okra, cooked 37 / half cup

Orange juice 60-100 / cup

Spinach, raw 58 / cup

Asparagus 110 / 5 spears

Collards, frozen 88 / half cup

Grapefruit/pineapple juice 23 / cup

Linsu > different gynae different style. my gynae is quite attentive. only downside is the extremely long waiting time. i'm taking new obimin. heard from the nurses there that some mtb need to take calcium depending on their blood test. did you take the iron deficiency blood test? i did it, and result was good so i don't need additional calcium supplements.

i try to avoid caffine, cut down my daily morning tea. substitute with fruit juice (no added sugar) for breakfast. but sometimes will give in to coke on a hot sunny day.

Hello all MTBs:

I'm back (from bad MS, still gg on but better) Visited my gynae ytd saw bb's hb again felt assured as i've been staining for past weeks. Gynae said it shd be fine since my BT result shows hormones very high and consistantly increasing each week =)

Anyone done any special tests during gynae visit so far? I'm on my 7wk this week with MS going on, stimes gotta take anti-vomitting pills to help stop bad throw up but according to my doc it shd have reached the peak and soon will be gone. I hope real soon! My doc scheduled a first trimester screening for down syndrome for my bb on next appt, 7 Jan 11. Anyone done the test so far? It's a standard screening and i hope everything goes well - fingers crossed.

Linsu: is it true that faster hb is girl?? i hope so too.. saw my bb's hb not sure what's the figure but according to doc and my eyes it's beating so fast! It's funny how i change my mind that i wanted a boy before pregnant but after searching for names and going thru weeks of MS i suddenly feel girl is my choice now.. I even chosen a girl's name for my bb already haha!

Bellering: my eldest girl already gotten a name for the bby... if a girl, Clara.. cos her name is Clarisse. :p

Hi all,

Today should be my wk7. Ms started last week. Lose of appetite and feel very nasuea. Have not start vomitting yet. My Sis told me just starting and next week will b worse....[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

I also hoping for gal gal. Do u all notice any fine hairs growing on the tummy area? Last few days I noticed my tummy becomes more hairy.. Will be seeing my bb on thursday.

Hi all,

New here. Just got a +ve home test last Sunday. Went clinic to confirm. Just went for scan. 6 weeks. Have been having gastric problem. Doc said might be worse during pregnancy. But he gave some medication for gastric n anti vomitting.

Feel tired whole day n dun feel like eating.

Anyone seeing Dr Chen Lin Han from Chong Pang?

Hi mummies,

I have a brand new Mums in Mind baby sling in original packaging to let go @$28. It's beige colour and sateen material. Retail price at $40+. (Pls refer to the link below for a picture.) Reason for selling it is that I just got another sling as a gift during baby shower.

Pls PM me if you are interested. Self collection at Commonwealth/ Tiong Bahru/ Harbourfront/ Toa Payoh MRT station. Alternatively, mailing by normal postage can be arranged.


Hi Patricia, Welcome you to our Thread.

provide me the following and i can add you to our list :p

Expecting No. #


Gynae /Hospital


u had the blood test now? I din have any test until 4 more weeks, will be scheduled for OSCAR test. 3 tubes of blood will be drawn & by then will know if iron deficit or not (from my past experience when I had #1).


aiyo.. im not sure also hehehe.. Yes, gal gal good! very cute! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] For me, #1 gal is good cos if #2 turned out to be a gal again, I dun mind.. if boy, also ok.. but if #1 a boy & #2 boy again, I'll die... I can't imagine myself having 2 boys!

Linsu > did 2 blood test during my 1st gynae appt - iron deficiency & HCG levels. HCG was done as gynae couldn't see sac since i was only 4+ weeks at that time. started me on folic acid + utrogestan. went back to see gynae in another 2 days to recheck HCG levels. during my last visit at 5+ weeks, gynae prescribed me Obimin as well.

read from somewhere that the baby needs calcium to build strong bones and teeth, to grow a healthy heart, nerves, and muscles, which the baby will draw it from our bones. if not sufficient, it may impair own health later on (eg. osteoporosis). for mtb who needs calcium supplement, look for those that are lead-free.

Hi all,

I went to see my gynae yesterday! My Edd is 17 Aug. and I can see my baby's heartbeat at 144bpm. haha so happy! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

My Gynae is Doc Watt Wing Fong from Raffles Hospital. Anyone's gynae is also Doc WWF?

Hi carole, Thanks for updating! haha.

Right now i feel super nauseous. And feel like sleeping all the time.


Hi all MTB,

Just started reading this Aug 2011 posting. Tot of joining in! Tested +ve on 12 Dec. My LMP on 7 Nov.

Currently seeing Dr Adrain Woodsworth at sengkang.

Went for my 1st scan last week able to detect heartbeat and see sac liao. Based on my phone apps, currently is 7 weeks plus but last week Dr told me it only 5weeks. Not sure how he calculated.

Janice (mystifiedjan) & Sobee8> glad to know that we are having the same gynae. Saw that most of the MTB know their EDD, BB size and also can hear heartbeat sound. But when I went for my 1st apptment, Dr Adrian only scan and told me that there is blinking heartbeat. Does his machine able to produce sound?? Hahaha.. or the machine too old to do so. He also did not tell me my BB size and EDD  Only say that its end Aug… -_-!!

Hows ur 1st apptment with Dr Adrian? same experience as me??

Also, need one more advice from MTB here, can me and my hubby still continue to get intimate?

