(2011/08) Aug 2011


I don't think a BT will be able to determine if it's normal or ectopic pregnancy. But since u already booked an apmt next week, then u shld feel relatively relieved?


Congrats on the new addition! My 1st scan is Friday. Hopefully can see my prune also. Actually now shld only be the size of a sesame seed right?

Does anyone of you get very severe sharp stomach pains like food poisoning pains (rush go toilet kind) when you can't pass wind?? I always seem to get it very bad. Going to ask my gynae and see if it's normal. It's worrying...


soul, thanks! u would be able to see you prune too this friday if you are 6 wks,hehe.. Doc say i am only 6 wks today.. I also suffer sharp stomach pains & will eventually go toliet...thus i end up having 2 big one per day..six wk is the size of a pea & 7 wk the size of a blueberry...my prune was onie 3mm..


My gynae's nurse asked me to drink lots of water to prevent constipation. But ever since ms kicked in, I hated plain water. Eew.


My phone app stated my EDD as 8 aug too! It must have been awesome hearing the heartbeat. I wonder if I can record what I'll see or hear on my phone. Heh


Yup, am in my 6th week this week. The website states my EDD is same as yours. So maybe National Day baby. haha.

Btw, you say you have sharp pains in the tummy area also?? But can you poop when you sit on the toilet bowl? Or must wait? I have to sit at least 15-20mins each time and it's becoming very frustrating and depressing. And while I sit and wait for the poop, the pain comes and goes like contraction pains! Any advice???


I hate plain water too. I like Sprite & coke. I know it's bad but I can't take anything else?? =(

according to the gynae, if hcg levels are not increasing as they should or declining... it may indicate a pending miscarriage or a possible ectopic pregnancy.

my last scan shows the not-confirmed prune at only 2mm... hopefully it's the one. can't wait till i see gynae again this week to confirm.


Sounds like wind to me. Bloating is apparently quite common in the first trimester. U think ginger might help?


I was with her 2yrs+ ago and she didn't have package.

I don't think she is having any now..

soulvacation,ginger tea can helps with the winds in stomach

My Iphone stated EDD on 4th AUG.. but should be 2weeks earlier because I will have caesarian.

Linsu> i'm also taking fresh milk currently.. planning to start powder milk for mums from 2nd tri onwards else too heaty for me...

Soul> hmm.. i dun have sharp pain but more frequency for poos.. at least twice a day but smaller quantity... Are u a spicy lover? coz I noticed I can't take too spicy food like tom yam or McSpicy unlike last time. Will have those pain that u describe..

I am taking yoghurt and it helps me in indigestion. u may wana try?


I'm not bloated. But it is definitely wind that cannot be passed out that's causing all this mayhem! Every time it comes, can die! Feels like toxic gas trapped inside the system which cannot be let out! I'm drinking ginger tea now as we speak. =(


Yup, drinking it now. Thanks! *cross fingers*


I haven't been taking any spicy stuff so I dunno why the pains. I consulted 2 doctors already and both have no clue what is happening. Sigh. Maybe I'll try yoghurt. Thanks. Anything to help alleviate this pain and distress. Am losing sleep over it, literally, cos I wake up in the middle of the night because of it. =(

I hope nobody here suffers all these symptoms like me.

Linsu> During my #1, I love enfalac. I have not started any milk yet. hoping to get some sample from my gyne visit. haha

bur> She is quite hot and the nurse say partially she juz came back from holiday therefore the tight schedule.

babysee> diet will change accordingly to bb preference. I am a spicy lover but when I was expecting my #1, all spicy food turn me off and every meal I craved for soupy stuff.

mama_guai > ok. no package, oh i have to prepare for the cost

candy > i'm usually a non-spicy food person, but has been having better appetite with spicy food lately.

good idea... I will purposely ask for milk sample from gynae... one more item on my checklist tmr!

Candyfloss, having less spicy food will be good for your tummy too... ur bb helped u to be less sinful... heee... I seems to be losing appetite for everything... duno to be happy or what.. coz won't grow fat too fast? i told hb this will be an ATAS bb.. coz I beginning cannot take foodcourt or hawker food..

May> very lucky to have good appetite [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

babysee> haha, was lucky for the 1st 4months of my pregnancy. subsequently started to have craving for unhealthy food like carbonated drinks, fast food in the middle of the night. still din shed of my after so long. :p

Hmm, I've been having indigestion in addition to my usual nauseous n giddy spells. So awful. Nothing makes me happy now, except for green tea. I used to avoid green tea previously as I read that it may interfere with the absorbing of folic acid, but can't endure any more. Sweetened drinks makes me feel bad when I puke, so I haven't been drinking anything much for the past few days, I die of thirst if this continues.

I choose food by their puke-friendliness these days. Puke-friendly food means they don't taste awful when I'm puking them out. Julie butter cracker tops my list. sparkling apple taste awful, so they are out for me at this moment.

Wonder if anyone can get depression due to ms. I'll have negative thoughts whenever I feel awful through out the day. Just so tired of feeling ill. Hope I'll feel motivated when I hear bb's hb when I go for my 1st check up this sat.


When I was expecting my #1, I puke whatever that goes into my mouth. Need to trial and error to determine what suit my taste buds. Dun be too affected over MS ok. MS is a sign that bb is growing healthy. Do think positive as its better for bb too.

I tried taking glucose drinks to replenish.


I feel the same way. I am very depressed with feeling ill and DH doesn't seem to understand fully why. I'm so tired of puking and eating. Cos whatever I eat will eventually come out anyway, so eat for what? I'm equally dehydrated. Dunno how long this torture will last.

Candy> I was puking all the way when I was expecting my #1 too, but I don't remember being this bad. Or maybe it's bcos I'm young then, now 7yrs has passed and I'm not that young anymore, so can't take it any more.

Soul> yar, I was wondering if I can even survive this pregnancy, only 6 weeks now, how to endure for another 6 more weeks? It's really torturing me.


Try not to think too much, e more u thk abt it, it will get worse. Think I m being hit by it also, feeling giddy today and hate e after taste of e food lingering inside the mouth and stomach.

Yucky ... Been downing lotsa warm water to try to remove the taste, and zzz-ing twice during e day. Totally strengthless

Hi all. Just went check up today n tested positive. Kind of semi planned quite surprised with the results for me n hubby.

My EDD is 17 aug 2011.

Being experiencing nausea, thought is my stomach nt good. But I believe it's the MS symptoms.

hi all,

just like to check with you... during my this wk of MS, i kinda of prefer sour stuff... then yesterday lunch i ate tom yam noodles and lime juice, and dinner another cup of lime juice.

This morning, I woke up and slight brown spotting... is it normal? will have to wait till 30 for my 1st appt lo...


Try to monitor whether e spotting increases or not. Do inform your gynae abt it. They will give u a jab if it gets worse, otherwise u b prescribe duphastron.

Try to lie down on e bed to minimise any movements, at e same time stop carrying your #1 or any heavy stuff.

I had the same prob with my #2, e jab on e butt is painful as it's oil based.

wrking today.. can't lie down.. haiz....

omg.. need injection on the butt? my #1 now very sticky to me lo.. haiz.. keep on asking me to carry her...

Oic, then try to sit down.

If it does increase, quickly call up your gynae, they will b able to slot u in for consultation, cos spotting in 1st trim could b risky.

The jab is to sort of stabilise the fetus.

ya.. i sit down lo.. dun walk too much... hopefully its juz my lime juice yesterday... n hopefully everything is fine...

Jess> During my #1, its lasted for the full 1st tri. It was awesome, however when gyne says that its means bb is healthy, I feel more positive.

This morning, I drank a cup of milk and I feel nausea. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


my #1 is also very clingy to me recently, keep asking to be carried. My mum was telling me that children has strong sixth sense that a newcomer is going to share their mummy's love. haha

Candy Floss, hahaha... maybe lo.. now she keep on bluff cry to me la.. omg... keep on open big arms and ask me to carry her..

just called gynae clinic.. nurse ask me better to go down to check instead of waiting till the 30th...

hi Cljl, you might want to lay off the sour/spicy food for awhile. i got spotting the next day after eating tomyum soup. my mum says that it could be due to the spice/sourness. have since listened to her and avoided my favourite tomyum soup.. things seem ok...

yes agree with other ladies here that you should see a doc to clarify any doubts you might have..when i had spotting i saw doc too and had 3 days MC to rest. he gave me duphaston. i took it for awhile i stopped when i just got too nauseous. duphaston will help to stabilize things but will make you even more nauseous and giddy if you already are

hi jes, yes i think at times you can feel depressed.. i think its also due to the hormonal changes... but always look on the bright side [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] we're all here with you!


it must be a joyful moment to be able to see/hear heartbeat now! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] I can't wait for my next appt on 27th..


hahaha.. your poop journey pretty much like mine.. gotta sit long long time & when contractions came then give birth.. a lot of times I have to 'kek' but now I dare not.. scared too harmful for my baby.. paranoid.. abt puking, don't u feel good after vomitting? Im so miserable that the puking feeling is almost round the clock with me! Cannot really puke it out..


yup, i hate water too! i like Pokka green tea but afraid sugar overdose hahaha.. so i take the real green tea once/twice a day too..


hi-5! my #1 super duper clingy & manja! I tried to tell her last nite that Im tired & cannot carry her now.. she continued her wail & gave me her pity look.. I have no choice but to carry her up.. haiyaaa..


yes, agree wif candy floss.. better go to your gynae earlier to check..


I cud onli gulp down chocolate Anmum last time.. Im no milk person.. so plain/white milk is big no no for me.. hahhaa.. I've decided to take a BIG plate of veges ONLY for dinner since last nite.. Feels good (eventhough very tempted to cook instant noodle b4 bedtime cos a bit hungry) hahaha.. I really need to watch my diet cos to my surprise, I gain 1kg in 10days since I found out I'm preg again! I'll be in big trouble if continue like this..

Mama (mama_guai), why u opt for c-section? your 1st oso c-section?

Mine 1st is thru c-section, so was thinking might as well go for c-section again. Since my pelvic is narrow.

hi all,,.,, my last menses was on 8th Nov just tested yesterday and it was faint lines already .. my first baby is just 10 months old.

feeling alittle shock...

i am going to see the gynae later...in the evening

kkh private suit.. anyone see Prof John Tee? he is a very good goood gynae very pro with my first.. made it smooth and comfortable for me [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

anyway .. the reason why i am going to see him so early is because of the strange light greenish discharge that i have been having on and off for a couple of months already .. so am afraid it may harm the bb ..

anyone has this experience before? can share with me

hi celia

me fr July 2011 thread...just come in to c c...happened to c u mention abt Pro John Tee...i m also with him...he did my wash in june n oct me pregg again...so decided to go back to him...but this time round he like very cool...dun know is it he too busy or wht cos previous time he really took time to explain in detail...or is it everything is normal this time tht why the visit is very short oni 8min...he oni ans when i ask him qns??? so started to get worry

hi hi ... dun get worried.. i am not sure what kind of gynae u prefer? those that will say alot or those that will alert u when u need to be.

he is very pro... he will not want to tell u unnecessary things...

thats all i feel.....


thanks celia...can i check total hospital bill in cash (aft deduct medisaves) u still need to pay how much aft u give birth...counter nurse say in order to hv prof john tee when u give birth u hv to choose ward A1 or A2

Hi all, I am new here. =) Just tested positive last friday using the pregnancy digital kit and has visited the gynae. Did a scan but there is nothing to see except for the thicking of lining.

Linsu: Envy you... Dr say that I cannot take tea and coffee and that leaves me in despair because I love green tea and bubble tea. =(

Have a friend who recommended Dr John Tee too.. Any idea how is the service is A1 or A2 as compared to private hospitals?

linsu> will try Anmum in choc flavour. So healthy, vegies only. I put on a lot of weight during my #1 after 1st tri. Hope this time round I can control the weight gain well. :p

jiajuan> Welcome and Congrats!

i still take a cup of coffee a day. I think I will feel moody if i totally stop drinking coffee. :D

Cp230, yeah... Waiting to see gynae Nw... Hopefully everything is fine....

Linsu, sometimes cannot than her fake cry lo... Hahaha... Today she sun even wan her father to carry her lo...

Going in gynae Nw...

I just puked again. Am really very sick of puking. Can I just ward myself in the hospital and let them put me on drip????? Seriously, I dunno how much more I can take. I feel so giddy and sick all over and can hardly move about.


Vomitting out the food that is stuck in the chest is relief but not when I am really trying to eat and am hungry, it's miserable. =(


My fren was warded 4 dehydration during her pregnancy, like u she was with KKIVF, she couldn't stomach any food at all, e moment she eat she will puke, even for water, basically she's merlion-ing e whole day, u can check with gynae if it's necessary or not. He/she will b able to give u e best advice.

soul better go 24 hr clinic or see ur gynae. my sis last time also vomitted till dehydrated and put on drip for 2 days. so far i still no symptoms. i kinda worried....


Ok I'm out....

Heng everything is normal... Edd is 3 aug n Bb is 7 wks Nw..

Did pap smear to check if anything wrong also... Maybe brown discharge could be e fd I took...

