(2011/08) Aug 2011

FeliciA,chinatown Ck got sell cheapnuraing bra like $5! Go n see , bt nt pretty ones.

Bbpower, giv bb some water is gd.clean bb mouth n tongue n nex time bb easier to accept water

My bb has rashes in fac, dunk if it is heat rashes or milk rashes? Anyone knows wa to apply



I also gave bottles to my 2 boys after 1 mth :)


i use a baby finger toothbrush to clean my baby's gums & tongue twice a day with boiled water. My 2.5 yr old has no problem drinking water. No need to force n in fact he loves to drink water :)

Ok, this shall be my last post here b4 I irritate anyone for suddenly intruding with so many comments ;p

Enjoy your motherhood journey, Ladies!

thks bbpower for e good discussion n i wish u all e best in motherhood journey too! im a very new mum still need to learn fr e others. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Bb power,

No u not irritating any1. We just share and clarify info. Knowledge is power! We need all forms of support.

: )

Tunis, thanks for asking. I'm still enjoying the luxury of having my CL ard. Another 1.5 weeks more to go before I am out of jail. Haha.

XQ, According to my unofficial survey, if you feed formula and your baby doesn't poo, then you might want to change the brand. Cos different babies are acceptant to different brand. For me, those additional stuff like DHA lah AHA lah are bullshit. More important is whether your baby will constipate or not.

Aqua, usually for infants PD doesn't recommend that we apply anything. Just clean warm water is enough. Hope thus helps

All mummies,

Did u all read the Mind Your Body section in today's ST? There's an article on prenatal depression and confinement depression. I din know kkh provides such counseling for new mothers. What a useful svc to have! Confinement sucks!

I alrdy sneak out many times. Come home always mil will make noise.

Thanks all for sharing the vomit milk matter. I'm just VERY scared my bb kena reflux like my ds1, and so I'm super sensitive to any symptoms. Vomitting and hiccups are some of the symptoms. In fact many yrs back I was in the support grp thread for bb's with reflux.


1.5 weeks flies past very fast! i am now free liao but didnt go out much except to mkt opp my house cos legs n ankle sore backache..

aqua n wl,

i think my bb also kana rash. heat rash i think cos his neck also kana.. we didnt do anything except e same as usual, clean his face aft every feed n evening clean with cloth

sungrapes, nope dun buy newspaper haha. maybe can share essence here?


Yes ds1 is my dear son #1.

Ur bb age quite close to mine..dob is 16aug.


Of course is stop at two!!

Actually only want 1, but I think is very selfish of me to leave

him no siblings after I'm gone. He will be all alone in the

world. If he needs any help oso nobody to turn to.


My bb oso had rash two days ago. Mil say is heat rash. Make sure bb is not too warm. If u see her face red red means too warm. My mil say 1. Hope it helps. Just top and tail her in the evening before she sleeps.


So bf oso will vomit? Latch on or ebm?

Water after fm,

Yes must gv. Fm is heaty. It's different frm bm. Bm more water so easierto digest =more poo. Fm ingredients more difficult to digest so less poo.My ds1 CL gv

straight after fm, no fixed amt. Just as much as he wans to

drink, which is not a lot actually.


It's not the frequency which bb poo. It's the consistency of the poo which determines wether it's constipation or not. Some bb dun poo for up to a wk. My gf bf bb (6mo) din poo for 4 days. The PD say nothing wrong. But it's true some fm makes bb difficult to poo. U gotta try a few to find 1 suitable for ur bb.

Hmm.. But CL mentionef that cannotjudt change FM for babied as their stomach will get upset. Is it true? Perhaps i should try guving water first. See if it improves


i latch on bb except once a day on ebm bottle also vomit out. not a lot just trickles of bm...

usually watery so i think he didnt swallow left in mouth like hamster.. only once his vomit a bit curdy.. maybe reflux?

ya, tt time my colleagues n i had a long discussion abt chronic constipation. they were doing a research n e research

didnt put a hard n fast rule on passing of bowels for tt. sme ple need to go once a day, even 1-2 days no go = constipated n > 3 days chronic vs some once a week considered ok vs some 3-4 times a week. diff people diff needs same like our darling babies!

Xiaoqong, changing Fm slowly. Eg. 1 scoop fm a mix with 1 scoop fm b, then gradually all to fm b. Or u can give 5 feeds fm a plus 1 feed fm b n monitor, slowly increase feeds of fm b. So far, I heArd friso n mamil gold milk the bb poo

More soft. Some milk like similAc mAy be heAted n bb constipated, try giv some water


Sure can chg fm, but gradual, like what aqua suggest. Pls also gv water to ur bb.


Try this website.


Question time..

Thinking of gvg goats milk this time. Haven done much research. But hearsay is better then cow milk.

Any inputs?

what is e reccomended duration to complete e switch over of fm?


ops i tot goats milk is for bb who r allergic to cow milk..bleah...

but yea seems like its quite popular nowadays.


I wld say abt 4days to a wk.

Cos when we intro solids we oso wait for abt 4 days for possible signs of allergy.

full month is 30days from our date of delivery rite? so if i giv birth 18, bb full mth is 18 sep or 17 sep?

anyone here plannin full mth party? tink i prob giv vouchers or cakes, so lazy to organise.

Aqua: Personally I think confinement and 1st mth is a big joke ...

I rather the elders explained that it is a time for family to gather to celebrate [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

My in laws are kind enough to handle the whole party (actual full mth). So I split it into 2 parts, cos in total we have 180 guests! Its as good as a wedding.. And I refuse to go to another venue to put all toegether, cos I am so fat [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

I was told that we have to celebrate 1 week before, when I asked why, no one can explain, but I dun mind, cos that marks the end of the confiment [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Haaaa... I also asked my comfinement lady, so full month - do you all follow 28 days (4 weeks) or 30 days or 31 days ... haha she told me to celebrate it earlier hahahah ...

Sungrape: For a long time I read your nick as sourgrapes- (I am dylexic, that is why I tend to spell wrongly when I dun check hhaaa)and thinking why did you call yourself that hahahaa.. Yup our bb dates are close!

I went UE sq to get nursing tops -- WAH so ex and UGLY!!!! .. I couldnt make it to CK chinatown ....

BTW can anyone share how they lose weight and inches and all? I seriously think while I dun have post natal depression, I m very very concern about my weight [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] hahha that might lead to serious fustrations.... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


dun mind watever u call me..

actually sourgrapes best describe my mood now.

have u tried spring maternity, there is one at vivo. not too exp. nursing tops are all like that, baggy and shapeless.

if u ask me abt losing wt, i have very unhealthy method. but i wun say here. hmm..exercise, do some hsework..watch diet. im not bfg so i can cut down on my diet and eat less. but i had csect, so dun dare to strain by exercising.


full mth i take it as 28 days, when the CL leaves.

im preparing for full mth 2mr. 1 wk early,cos hb gotta work and mil say must do early..beats me as to why.

i told hb dun wanna do cos i hate the hassle and mess and most of all the CLEANING UP.

then he go and annouce on his FB and suddenly everybody call me ask me abt it! i wanna FAINT!!

so now more and more ppl gg to turn up! best thg is my hb now DISAPPEAR and left me and maid to clean the hse!! im so tired now!

im in a grumpy mood!

sungrapes n aqua

oic next time when i switch my boy fr bm to fm also use this mtd. thks!


i lazy only gave cake vouchers.., i used chinese calendar so 29 days. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

sungrapes n aqua

congrats on yr bb first mth. time flies!



men r like tt! at least u got a maid. luckily i dun hav full mth celebrations. 4 yrs ago e chinese tea ceremony hubby alao left me alone to clean e house before n after. he said not dirty n untidy mah. if they wanna complain ask them not to come loh.

Do bb full nth mus b done 1 nth earlier? Confinemt shld b juz 28days hot, start fr day we delivered or day we discharge fr hosp? My mil is askin me if my confinemt ends 17 sep, exactly 1 mth fr my deliverydate, tink she wan go bac her own place

Sungrapes: partial, supply sufficient for 2 feedings a day, since i am not working full time fr now on bb born, i guess its still managable. Gave myself a timeline, 2wks after confinement to see if supply goes up after i get my freedom bk! Tomorrow baby's first mth, hubby taking us out for lunch as celebration. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] btw, you should not rush into excercise, me c section also, gynae say i can do long walks first 2 mths, actual excercise will be 2 mths later. So, do take care [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Tunis: hv u tried the cross trainer? I find it super effective to tone and burn fats. I am not skinny to start with, was 59 kg before pregnancy, in less than 2 mths on it for 45mins everyday, i became 54kg, eat healthy normal 3 meals. Now i'm 56, just 2 kg from weight before pregnancy. I can't excercise now, but do long walks at least 3 times a wk.

Aqua: yar we on similac, but hubby only trusted Abbott coz during his work, he visited abbott's factory before, he said its super stringent hygene process. Hv been diluting his milk, and giving him lots of water, will see how it goes. Will keep mamil and friso in mind[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

XQ: when is it good to exercise? All around me tell me I cant job for 3 mths, swim for 2 mth, if not utereus will drop (mum, cl, in law and confiment lady)

Tunis: Did you get a massage lady? My weight came down by 3 kg (60-57)after birth, n from hospital till now, my waist went from 34 to 29.5. I find that the massage helped and hahah I wrapped myself up in cling wrap. I personally think the 2 work hand in hand. The massage helps with the circulation and then the wrap keeps the shape... you can try.

Sungrapes, please share the method... Hee I also learnt another trick, clash all your people together, when it is packed, guests leaves... yup I kinda dread it ....

haaa there are pretty few aug mummy huh ...

All u mummies still BFg cannot diet right? Read every day must intake extra 500 calories..so like that how to lose wt? But on the other hand, BFg oso suppose to help mummies lose wt. Aiyoh, one of those dilemmas..

But personally I've met many slender BFg mummies. I wouldn't know that they r still BFg if they din tell me.


If u talking abt CL stay for how long then I count frm the day she arr at my home 28 days. Eg. She came my place on 19th aug, so she will leave 16thsept. But our own confinement period count frm the day we pop 28 days.

Thanks, Tunis!

Yes, time flies..I keep reminding myself must take it slow and enjoy my bb.

Felicia, u c section? My gynae say fully recover takes 2 mths, i asked him can i excercise 2 mths later, he said yes but not at the moment. U doing follow up with your gynae? Perhaps u should ask him. Coz i will hv a follow up slightly before two mths after the op., which is end sept. I didn't dare to massage also, afterall, health is first priority then looks right? But gd thqt i don't hv too much to loose, just flabs that needs to be toned.

You shouldn't dread for the full mth, i think many of the friends and relatives are anxious to meet your little precious, as a celebration of the new addition. Perhaps don't do it at home, so it wun mess up your house? I am a super clean freak that wants everything in order, i deep cleanse my kitchen just a moment ago, getting rid of the dirt CL caused. :p but my point is, find a location other than home for the event, it will feel much more stress free[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Sungrapes...I definitely did not take 500 more calories. Is that why my supply is low? If so, forget it, coz i dun wanna eat like a cow... Haha

Today I brought my ds1 home finally!

Was dreading this moment since he is very active and used to being the boss in the hse, and afraid he might act up with didi around,ie. He not the only boss now.

But, thank God and all my prayers. He behaved so well and I hope this wonderful behavior will cont. Will keep praying and gv thanks for God's grace.

This is a new beginning for me frm working mum to sahm. I hope I can handle it well. Such a drastic chg.

Apprehensive but excited at the same time.

I thank all the mummies here for all ur support and time.


The 1st wk I eat SO much when still BFg.

Whatever CL cook I force myself to finish. Drink 4 bowls of soup evday and big plate of rice enough for my 2 meals last time. Then I was thinking aiyoh, like that when can lose wt.

So maybe u can try to eat more? Mil say I cannot let myself feel hungry cos wind will enter my body..duh. But really, how to eat continually like that?

Will do the massage when sch reopens when son in sch.

Massage is effective to remove water retention. But will skip the binding.

Is ur hb able to shed some light on the differences between fm sold in s'pore vs Msia? The price diff is quite a lot.


nope didnt try cross trainer.. just googled to find out what it is! lol just weighed myself n measured my stats again no change fr last week... i still have 8kg to go..


yes i had message lady. day4 to day13 tot 10 days seems smaller immediately aft binding but after a few days revert back to my 34 inch waist! in fact my braline only 31 inch... pear shaped with big tum tum.., so demoralizing


great to hear yr no1 behaved so well! how abt yr bb?

mine was fussing a lot these few days. gave in to pacifier tdy which helped a while but he like keep wanting milk even aft latching for 1hr... feels like my nipple going to drop anytime. :p

Sungrapes: hubby never visit m'sia factories before, but sg one, he said abbott did very stringent quality control. Thatz why he rather pay more for sg made ones. But many friends drive across the causeway for milk powder, should be ok also right?

Tunis: try cross trainer, its suppose to burn and tone better than jogging. Persistant excercise is the key, with a balanced diet, lesser carbo but not none.


just to share my ex colleague used to work in mead johnson. before she left she told me if i wana buy enfa pdts buy fr sg as made in holland stricter control n quality wise better than across e causeway. so now when i buy pdts fr malaysia will check where they come from... for source QC.

well i also heard before tt SG rejects for certain goods (not sure what company what pdts) r exported elsewhere to sell. one of e countries is vietnam


i need to find a gym to go to for cross trainer exercise then. a pity west mall doesnt have gym.... hav to go town manz. all e more hard to maintain. any exercise can do at hme?


Ur bb must be gg thru a growth spurt?

Mine is starting to make noise and wants to be carried.

Babies crave for attention too!

Milk frm Msia

I used to buy them frm JB for my ds1. Not all the time, just when I happen to cross over for makan trips, will bring a couple of tins home. But my frend moved to JB says is ok. I guess mix mix drink is ok. Msia bb's drink oso grow up fine.

Tunis: does that mean that enfa or similiac in m'sia also hv made in holland and mqde in singapore? I never go jb to buy milk powder before. As for excercise, perhaps an excercise ball can help tone up the flabby parts! I am a lazy person, tried joining fitness first, and ended up wasting $ coz i was too lazy to make a trip to the gym. In the end, i paid 2k for a cross trianer right in front of my tv, and excercise during my favorite shows, that way, i excercise much longer. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Sungrapes: usu there shouldn't be any problem, but we shouldn't take baby's health for granted, many times they may be ok, but perhaps just one batch hv problem. With poor qc they can't detect, then baby' consumes, it might be bad. My baby also started crying for attention, so much in certain time of the day that i got so tired pacifying him! Will they grow out of the phase? I am so worroed that i carried him too much, he'll g

et too used to it!

sungrapes. yes growth spurt. latched him fr 12.30 to 1.30pm. 2pm feed 60ml ebm. 2.30pm latched for another 25mins.. refused to sleep n saw him still wanting milk...

xq bb no poo, mine poo more than e number of feeds. kept needing to change his diaper before n after feed. duno where his milk gone to...


according to her she said same sku sold in SG or MY comes fr different places. i dont think you can find enfa sold in MY fr holland. its e company logistics n distribution practice i think. As lower cost of milk powder sold in MY, prob they source fr a lower cost country.

eg. my coy pdts both SG and MY most of e time source fr

same country, but sometimes due to price pressure they seperate out cos they r unable to give competitive price.

similac i not sure u can read e label n see where it comes from. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


i think if u mix mix n bb used to it good n ok.

my nephew was in TH for a mth. Bought same brand of milk powder but kana stomach upset.... so have to be careful i think.

I checked out, Friso do hv infant formula fr netherlands. Anyone tried? Poo ok?

Tunis.. I got my cross trainer fr kettler. Its a bit more ex but the feel on it is different fr other brand. More sturdy. Think that time i bought during an offer.

Xq, my no.1 was on friso, do far so gd n one of the cheapest in mkt coz always on promotion! My frem kid taking mamil gold also ok, u can try. I onli heard similar quite Heaty, so do giv bb water if on Fm.

Hello Mummies!!!

I finally can breathe.. my girl suddenly became cranky!! The moment I pulled out from her breasts she cries..

XQ: I went through normal birth - thank god for epidual [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

BTW, I am alittle confused while reading.. are ALL of you giving formulae? No total breastfeeding mums? I kind of enjoy it though yes she is stuck on me 24 hr 7 [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

And are all your babies in the month of Aug 2011? Haa some how you all sound readlly experienced.

Back to losing weight, if the weigh does not come down and we exercise too much we bulk up, that is why it is important to lose the pounds frist then tone up.

Oh and how long did it take for your period to stop? Mine is still trickling after 28 days!!! Sigh...

Woah I just realise that the souce of milk powder can be different... hmm... think think ...

Frm wat I can recall, fm the milk is frm Australia or new Zealand. Only the country of packaging can be different. So maybe the price diff is due to labour cost and qc. The qc is sin is tip top, but if packaged in china then of cos CMI.


We sound experienced? Really? Well I have ds1, he is 5yo. I hv forgotten hw to care for bb alrdy. My new bb is abt 3 wks old. Really evthg forgot! Gotta start all over again.

My bb grunts a lot.

Esp after feeding or towards the end of a feed.

Any 1 same experience?

Gilera: haaa mine story is a big joke [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

130pm: I felt dull period pain, went online to google for a description of contraction and realise I might be going through contraction

230: Contraction got closer n I decided to time it.

3pm: I decided I am going into labour. Just as a stood up from the bed, my plug came out. I prayed for another sign. The moment I reached toliet waterbag broke.

400pm: Reached NUH, was dialated 4cm, mo said I look like I can tahan pain so suggested if I want to try laughing gas.

430: I paid with the laughing gas and found it a joke, the pipe connected to the mask kept getting disconnected. Didnt want to manage the epuipment during labour so epidual.

530: hocked up epidual and peace

630: I felt this horrandous pain from the back to the front, called for the nurse and anastatic doc. He came in and said miscalculated dosage!!!!! He up it and I just lay there recupping and being glad that I didnt use the stupid gas.

900: MO said I m fully dialated, wait for baby to engage. Then suddenly the phone in the suit rang. My doc called to say she might not b able to make it in time [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] I was too tired to care -- still recovering fr the pain

930: I started pushing

1030: Baby almost came out, mid wife told me to stop pushing and wait for doc.. haaa so I was waiting with babys head at the opening n my legs apart [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]My hubby was like .. wht was that man...

1045: Doc arrived and I delived at 11 [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Joke didnt end there, the next day the nurse said I could discharge .. I was like wat!!! I was here only for 1 night, other pp stays 2. So got ready to discharge. After all the packing, ready to go, another nurse came in to say I can stay another day.

Finally I stayed another day cos baby jaundice [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Conclusion I will never go back NUH [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] I paid A class rates haa but my experience was a huge joke!

Sungrapes: My baby grunts through out [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] N the moment I put her on the bed, she cries again... Latch her on, 3 min she falls asleep, put on bed, cry again....


Hi all, I try not to carry my bb as much as I can, u gers can get a battery-operated swing, my dd1 & ds2 will fall asleep as it rocks. But of course, muz 1st make sure he is fully fed =)

