(2011/04) Apr 2011


Since she is born she always wanted to be carried.Den want to train her to not to carry her quickly when she cry. She will cry like nobody's business if no one want to attend to her. Then ended up with colic bcos she cried too much. She is now spoilt with us carry. Worse still need to walk ard.... Put her in the walker, den after 5 mins, she wanted to be carried. I hav the baby tv dvds but she doesn't seem to be attacted to it.... I think we just hav to live that till she out grow it ba...

Curious abt you all talking abt HT and HB. They are brown rice rite? Are they easy to prepare? WHere can I buy them? My girl is currently taking grinded brown rice with si sen herbs prepared by chinese medical shop. I find quite troublesome bcos need to cook it.


charmine, yolk sac, piggy,

I've tried dentinox teething gel, he still wakes up suddenly crying.. even tried applying before putting him to bed.. also same thing..

and my bb doesn't like to eat HB brown rice cereal + my BM. will keep give vomit look. should i continue trying to give him eat? or switch to something else? I'm not quite okay with HB brown rice with warm water - since he's already drinking very little BM.

HB is organic brown rice cereal, like any cereal, I guess just add BM/FM/water to achieve the right consistency. Can buy from bulk purchase (which is cheaper) or four seasons organic shop at Great World City or City Sq Mall. Currently, the brown rice is out of stock. They are selling it at $9.90

Piggytoh, thanks for the info! I think maybe my boy can try the puffs since they dissolve easily. Will watch him closely when he tries it for the first time.

Mum05, I've emailed you - hope it went through alright this time. Thanks in advance for your advice! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Gerry, haha, I envy you! I do want to stop too but part of me finds it ok to keep pumping (though part of me is sooo sian!). Guess it was also a bit easier for me as i only recently went back to work? I think I'm going to gradually taper off.

Lynn, the dentinox effect wears off pretty quickly (someone told me 20-30min!) so it's possible that by the time

Your bb wakes up the numbing effect is gone hence the pain. Just reapply one more round and try?

Yolk sac,

ya can try tink once they know how to chew the puff they wun get choke..


u tried once only??? the 1st time i gave also olso gave me yucky look but now he love it.. after i start him with porridge for a wk he suddenly reject so now back to cereal sumtime got to keep tryin...


ny bb also but durin my maternity i manage to train him to play on his own at least for a while but my maid always carry him the moment he cry so spoilt the way i handle my bb but wat to do cos i rely on the maid n IL to take care of him while i work so gotta close 1 eye..

for HB they got 3 flavour BR, oatmeal n multi grain... i buy from iherbs work outard $6+

btw at their age their concentration is v short so even i play disc can only disract awhile but better than none usu i let him cry abit den i handle him else really cannot do my stuff.. jus look from another angle hw long can u carry them? wait till they crawl n walk u wan carrry they also might not wan [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Yolk Sac,

we tried reapplying too like you said. only works for a while. I had to coax and latch him back to sleep...


tried since nov 3rd. first time tried he okay, after that yucky look liao.. had to 'play' with him then he eat with a couple of yucky want to vomit looks.

hi mummies,

yolk sac: it;s So nice to hear from you! i'm also still bf. sometimes like you i feel like quitting esp since he don't like to latch in the day and all the hassle of pumping at work but i bf my #1 for 10 mths.. must at least try to be fair. but we'll see how! cause drying up slowly already.

gerry: i understand your circumstances.. esp since new job. even though mine is not a new job, i do feel that sometimes it does hinder my work.. esp when meetings are to be set around my pumping time.. the colleagues have to wait for me to pump finish before going to lunch.

griny: i read somewhere that babies sleep little during the day means that we are not reading their cues right or thinking that if we delay his nap, they will sleep longer and easier but its actually the opposite. So today i tried to put him on a schedule.. got my maid to follow.. today like a bit better but then don't know if its one off. haiyah.. want him to sleep so can grow.

charmaine: you sure its not a growth spurt since its every 2 hours?

Lynn, could it be that he just wants some attention from you to soothe himself back to sleep? My bb was like that too, then at the 6 month mark, I decided to sleep train him and his night sleep is much better. Can sleep from 8pm to 7am without fussing. Maybe you can try? Just google "sleep training methods" if you want to read more. It's tough the first night or two but now my son gets better (because uninterrupted) rest.

Sookie: hello gal!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] yeah missed you guys a lot but really had no time to post/read much. Wow, are you gonna try to hit 10 months? Jia you! I pump when I wake up, at lunch time and once in the evening, then I latch bb on 11pm (dream feed) and that's it. Somehow the milk volume is enough to sustain him each day. But I'm totally ok with him drinking FM - just that somehow there is enough BM so no need. Have you tried introducing FM to your son? How is he with it?

Yes yOlk sac, the thread kinda dIed down ESP after the babies Popped and we had to go back to work.

Does your little nic still want to latch on during the day time when you are at home?

Hi sookie: Haha, ok, I'm glad I'm not the only "poster-slacker" around! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] No, the little guy hasn't been latching on during the day for some time - we feed him EBM. He will only latch on at night or when he's very sleepy. Same as your son, right?


mention abt crawling… She started to crawl abt 2 weeks back and we realised she can stand holding the cot rails after we lower the cot mattress height . Think her limps are very strong. My hubby’s uncle casually commented could be BM effect – develop faster! But she still prefers to be carried…

Will check out from iherb on HB later.


I used to tried delaying her nap time when she was ard 2 to 3 mths bcos she did not want to sleep at night! Now during day time, once there are sign of sleepiness we will try to coax her to sleep (which most of the time she does not want to). We din schedule her.

I just dried up recently. Although bf is very tedious and time consuming to me, I felt a little bu4 she3 de2. Hav been pumping for 6 months plus liao. I must say its not an easy journey. Now bb sustaining on frozen ebm and introducing FM at the same time. Can feel more freedom now without the pumping.


HB happy bellies

HT healthy times.

Different brands of rice cereal.

Yolk sac,

It was mixed emotions.. Happy that I am finally free but still felt a little sad about it.. The first time I gave her formula milk at night, she looked at me like as if she recognized that it is no longer bm..


Ya super tiring.. But good that you are persevering!! I couldn't tahan.. Ya new at the job, so quite paiseh to have to pump.. My boss when he is around, always like to look for me.. Now eva is taking a mixture of fbm and fm.. And truthfully, being free really releases the stress.. How have you been?

Yolk Sac,

It was hell last night, he was sick (brought to PD today), flu running nose and now having a fever. Doubt can sleep train while still staying with in-laws. let him cry awhile, they will come up to carry him. (like early this morning) hais.

Doesn't help too that the moment he cries, hubby ask me to latch him or carry him up.


that brown rice with si sen is wat my in laws insist my boy to take. is it really that good?


what other brand of brown rice should i try? since he reject HB one, even mix puree into it he also doesn't want to eat.

abit concern about his weight gain now. checked at last jab (6 months - 8/10/11 - 8.1kg) today weigh in only 8.2kg.

are bb suppose to be putting on so little weight per month now?

Thanks Gerry for the info.


I personally find it smell nice and quite yummy (This greedy mummy oso take 1 spoonful every time she cooks! :p) . Just that I find cooking it quite tedious, even though I take abt 5 to 10 min to complete cooking. I normally just cook with water. If add BM, I just add after I finished cooking. The chinese medical hall below my parents home sells it. They will prewash and dry the brown rice and si sen herbs then grind freshly in front of us. Ya,the aunties, uncles n old ppl would encourage my bb to take this too. They say will help to boost the kid's immunity and general health. Actually some of my colleagues’ children eat until they are in Primary sch. I not sure if its really good. Most imptly, my daughter like to eat.


My boy dislikes HB cereals. Very difficult to feed him, keep sticking out his tongue, but we still manage to let him finish the whole can. Yesterday start him with pork porridge. He simply loves it.

My mum says no need to feed cereal as porridge is healthier. All fresh.. Hmmm.. I'm still considering.

Hello mummies,

Long time didn't post Liao as busy with the little one and house Reno stuff. Have been reading the thread put when finished and wanted to post, bb Z cry for attention.

I noticed a lot of new nickname - hello all the new mummies. And those regulars seems like busy coz long time didn't see their post Liao

Re: feeding solid

Initially Z also not use to cereal but he can finish all now but takes sometime to finish it. I hv introduced him apple puree but it seems like he dun like it or not use to it, also keep having the vomit look.he didn't totally reject, I. Think the most is 1-2 tea spoon. Maybe I'll try giving apple puree till this sat and see how it goes


If u are interested in ordering from iherb, you can use this code (ZOQ539) for a $5 discount from ur total cost upon checkout.


May I noe what brand is the teething gel? That is to numb the pain. Will it help to lessen the itchiness as well?

Re: wake up crying in the middle of the nite

Z also like that for the past week. He'll just cried suddenly. Sometime he make noise for a while then goes bk to sleep but sometime he can cry very loud. We attribute that to either he play too much during day time or he is teething

morning laides..


usu after 6mth bb weight will slow down n they will lose some weight when they fall sick.. ur bb weight is v gd dun worry so much..

for cereal not necessary mus gave brown rice la i gave other graine also[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] u can try bellamy, organix, healthy times else u can consider Friso creme...


the brand is Dentinox watson have alr.. hmm thou i bott 1 but i nv use it so i duno but by puttin it in the fridge the coldness helps to sooth the pain[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


usu i feed cereal in the day n porridge in the evenin.. personnally i find cereal got a complete source of nutrient so it makes great breakfast for them but end of the day it still personal preference.. my bb now suddenlt reject porridge now headache wat else to feed zzZZzzz..

lynn, my hubby's also like that, each time bb cries, he'd say 'she's hungry' til I got fedup, told him that bb can't be always drinking so he changed 'let her latch la', aiyoh!

kaira, I used to feed bb bellamy cereal(chose this brand after searching various around) 'cos it's organic and got rice cereal. But just after 1 pack only she became heaty and I've no choice but to stop on physician's advice. Both the ch and western doctors told me that there's no need to feed cereal(even more so for brown rice), we can always feed bb with home-cooked porridge which is fresher. I was worried abt the lack of nutrients like what piggy mentioned but when I read up the bellamy's pkg, I noted only iron's being fortified into the cereal. So we can simply add in spinach(xian cai not po cai), meat(for iron and protein) thereafter + pumpkin, other vege for the diffnt types of vitamins. There are many things the older generation will tell us to do but there's no need for us to follow them if we're not comfortable. For me I won't unless I know it's based on trained personnel's advice.

On a family member's advice during #1's time(#1 is very small built, it's just her inborn size, not that she's not absorbing well), I gave her Scott's cod liver oil, she got bad diarrhoea for a week! Ch doc told me off, said she's only 1 yr +, why do I need to give her this and that, as long as the child is growing well, there's no need for us to worry so much and kept adding so much stuffs(even her PD told me so too, when I asked what vitamins I should give her then...).

So, with latching bb at night and already feeling sooo tired everday, I now prefer to take it easy and just monitor how bb grows.... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

My only worry now is how am I gg to stop bf her in a few mths' time(that's if my supply doesn't dry up by then)!!!


okay! will start bb on it once he finish this tin of cereal!


yah! I still have like half a tin left, have to try to get him to finish it. maybe i'll add fruits in hopefully he will take.


yeap! he loves the friso and organix one (not brown rice cereal), still experimenting, thinking of letting him try oatmeal cereal soon.. what do you recommend from bellamy and healthy times?

bb last night sleep halfway and cry again, we didn't carry him this time round, just give him some space to roll around, suddenly see him on all fours and want to sit down, before calming down and sleeping again. practicing in his sleep?! or night terror?

morning mummies...

sookie, dun think its growth sprut cos he's not hungry, suck very slow...

gave him a bit of the hou zou san again last nite before bed, and he slept well..did wake up but the crying is not those terrified one on previous nights..will try again tonite..din really wan to give him the chinese med cos duno if got any side effect anot..but if it really help my boy sleep better..no choice...

ya charmaine, it's best not to let bb take those off-the-rack ch med cos we're not sure its composite is really ok or not.

for ch med, I prefer to go through prescription, based on physician's diagnosis to prescribe the herbs. Usually ch med is gentler to our stomach/liver as compared to western drugs. What we worry is a wrong mixture, so like gg to a right/good western doctor, a good physician is also very important.

wat's hou zou san btw?

hi mummies,

kasper is fine now..

so i guess the hou zou san works..

He has not put on much weight too.. only 0.5kg..

looks diff now that he look slimmer..

I tried giving him fish porridge and he absolutely hates it!!!


He begans to love his HT puffs.. can stop eating!!

Hi Fungfung,

Thanks for the code. Haven't got chance to really sit down and view the website.

If I'm not wrong, I think I saw HT in NTUC b4 and its quite ex.


Just experiment. If he likes it, at least u will hav one more choice of food to feed him. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


which HT puffs does kasper likes? :D


when can we encourage self feeding for baby? and when to give puffs? bb just turn 7 months yesterday.

giving bb heinze teething rusk today, hope he likes it!


actually it not wat we like but what they like[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

did u try adding FM to the cereal? for HT no diff la jus diff graine i dun really like HT cos v watery n v easily infested with worm..


hou zhou san is like hou ning u go to medicine hall will have n much cheaper meant to calm bb save to feed small amt daily also[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


nope. only tried BM , warm water and purees so far.

bb throw away the teething rusk instead of bite/ eat it. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Yolk sac: I see.. I thought I was the only one going through the "unlatching during day, latching at night" phase. In fact I was wondering if he was weaning off me! Maybe he is .. He must be thinking latching on to mummy is so boring! Can only see skin! And fats! Boo hoo

Lynn: it seems that perhaps he is going through a milestone.. Like if they first learnt to sit up etc. this learning of new skill can disrupt sleep. I'm sure with time it will go away.

hahaha I remembered the first time I gave it to my #1 soooo many dropped on the floor. Think they need to be taught how to bite it ie put rusk in his hands and bring to his mouth.

Piggy/smiggle: I have not started the puffs yet! Think he will love it! Anyway still no teeth for baby z.

mannessah: i just realised you stay so near me! but alas im moving in 3 weeks time to the east. would be nice to catch up with you at the playground at jln remaja

no la sookie, I think yr bb's getting used to drinking from the bottle. to me, this is sooo nice, I wish my bb wld take to the bottle, [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

woah, time flies, how exciting, u're moving to yr own/new home soon! just on time for x'mas too!

Baby Z yesterday in the middle of the night cry and cry until vomit... my poor boy! Hope that he can sleep well tonite...


u are welcome... when you sit down and view the website, you'll know that there are a lot of things to buy.. heehee!


Thanks for the information


i brought the HB green puffs..

i think its too small for his hand..

He gets really upset when he picks them up and cant put it into his mouth...

So i help to put it in his mouth..


ya, e rusk is so messy and waste of money since they normally dont finish it..

i see some mummies giving the yogurt melts..

not sure but i find it too sweet for babies...


his two lower teeth are almost fully out..

so fast..

Kasper cant stop screamin..

its really loud and shrill.. like a girl!

Its giving me a headache... E screamin starts e moment he wake up till he sleep..

piggy, sookie,

will have to try with him again, probably need to teach him how to put into his mouth and bite!


not sure if its a milestone, been happening for a few nights. last night too. but it seems more like he's dreaming, whining and kicking his legs, moving hands, then suddenly calm down, open eyes and smile at me and hb..

no teeth out for R yet too.


I haven't try the puffs with him yet. I'm damn annoyed that my maid rather feed him then let him learn to self feed etc.

No tooth for my girl yet too. One sign of teething is drooling rite?

DH brought her to 7/11 to buy bread last night and she managed to pull a basket of bananas and all the bananas fell onto the floor. DH and 7/11 staff quickly pick up the bananas. Luckily, the staff din ask him to pay for the bananas!

Planning to go parenthood fair during weekend to check if there are any gd offers.

Morning ladies..

btw who is TPL in f/b huh??


i thinkin of startin my bb with yogurt melt nex mth.. sweetness i find ok la.. ya now i also try to teach my bb feed the puff on his own but really too small i remember for my #1 i gave him a rice biscuit round 1 jus nice for him to hold n eat. maybe i shall start with tt soon also[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


no need teeth to eat the puff their gum is gd enough to chew the puff[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Just want to find out... I know the safest is the brown rice... But does anyone buy HB oatmeal or multigrain cereal and started feed your bb with them? Does your bb like them? Considering buying one of them.


for mummies who started their babies on puffs, do we have to wait until the baby start to crawl before giving puffs? my girl is still not crawling even though she can sit up and has strength in her legs - ie we can pull her to a standing position by holding her hands when she is sitting and she loves to jump when we carry her. if she can't crawl, will the puffs choke her? which brand of puffs are you all buying?



not necessary mus start with brown rice but mus be single graine... i alr feed my bb with oatmeal n multigraine he love it too no diff for him[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


if bb have food allergies, usually it symptoms will show up right away when food is fed and not wait for awhile then happen right?

A qns for mommies whom are still bf-ing : have u tasted yr EBM? Don't know why, my ebm seems to taste like coconut milk after I've put it into the chiller(can't imagine how the taste wld be like if I freeze it). It used to have only this taste after 2days in the fridge but today, I expressed again this aftrn(want to try giving to bb in a bottle) and took it out just now but as bb cldn't wait, I gave it to my #1 whom said 'mommy I told you, it's got a taste after you put in the fridge'. I tasted it, ya, it really does have the taste...


Hello mommies! Haven been in here for the longest time ever.

My boy is teething alr... 2 teeth some more lor! Zzz ive been having probs tryin to get him to zzz at night. Anyone has the same prob?

