(2011/04) Apr 2011

bbgoh: u still can wait till after CNY then clear your leave arh.. good leh.. my HR says i need to clear my ML by end of the year.. Zzz.. so last 2 wks of Dec i will be on leave loh.. but even on leave still gotta put Kae in the IFC leh, also need to wake up early.. -.-

elmo: wipe yourself dry wor.. else late catch a cold.. >.< can go to the toilet and use the hand dryer to dry your hair? at least better bah..



bcoz year end & CNY is our peak, will be busy busy busy -_- i am the HR here hahahaa so i dun have 'Gov' here :p


icic i wear her long sleeve long pant then cover in carrier hehe bcoz worst i still got a jiejie to hold hand so must free hand but hb driving :p the wet part is from cp to IFC only

mikio, now almost dry le. In air con room v fast! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] When i on leave hor.. sometimes i lazy to bring Joel to IFC leh. Like last Mon.. if i bring to IFC.. still gotta take mrt 2 stops away.. then push him walk to IFC. Evening still gotta travel again.. i rather nuah at home play with him. Hehe!

bbgoh, driving not too bad lah. We gotta walk 15mins lo.. carry is carrier also xiong! I'm also thinking of how best to clear my leave. Thinking of taking on my 2 Js bday.. then bring them out. But dunno go where n do what.

Good morning mummies,

Today my bosses all go for overseas retreat... so i boh zheng hu hahahahaha


take care leh... next time maybe standby put a jacket in ofc, cold then can wear..


U r the HR... hahaha... good leh...

Piggy and hippo,

Yes, i always take power nap inside the toilet... abit the yucks lah, but no choice leh.. hehe


Aiyoh, u cant join the bash ah... so sad, i thot still can see ur handsome son leh...i love his smile [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


welcome. We have a 6mth bash coming up. Let me know if you would like to join.


next mth 4th & 7th i ll on leave for my #1 bday celeb at CC, then 7th is children day. if on leave for ME time i ll dump them to IFC hahaha


hahaaa not pro HR lah, i m everythg here from admin - account - payroll boa shua bao hai. even cooking for lunch sometimes i do too :p

bbgoh: oh.. u are the HR huh.. then good lah.. i go work in your co better.. LOL..

u on leave on the 7th also huh? y not i take leave then we go out lah.. haha.. =p

elmo: i also like to stay home with my boy.. can bond with him lah.. but i also need to have some ME time... but 2wks nv go IFC, later hb say waste money how? hahaha..

Morning ladies,

such a nice weather to sleep in and nua. now not only tired but also whole body aching... sigh! Z recover from his fever yest but dunno why yest nite keeps making noise (dunno whether is it coz of change of environment coz for the past 2wks+ was at SK. yest just return to in-law's place)

the worst thing is he want to be carried and pat thus now my whole body aching especially shoulder...

piggy, hippo

haha! power nap in toilet.... reminds me of my tired days in ofc too... sometime boss not in, can take power nap openly at my desk....


take care, dun catch a cold


when dun hv 'Gov' in ofc, got good or bad...the bad part is everything has to do alone, no one can help out

Re: 6th mth bash

ladies, i may not be able to attend the 6th mth bash on 15th oct.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] HB going on biz trip during that period... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


haha u wanna dump Kae at IFC then go gai gai huh?


ya loh all gotta do alone, with boss help lah but she make even worst only

u take care, get someone to help then u go for body massage?

morning/afternoon mummies!!!! Looking forward to 15th Oct...

e_lazy: need my help in any way??

bbgoh/mikio: wah... go shopping sia... =P

elmo: better drink more hot water.. very cold today!!!!


ur ofc only you and ur boss? ya looking forward to this sat massage, hope that it can relief the tension and loosen up my muscle

Hello!! I so long nvr log in le..

bbgoh/mikio: u all go where shopping? I so sian at work.. Now waiting for year-end bonus and I will resign.. Cant stand here!!


yeah and another part time girl

tweety, andrea

haha not goin shopping lah, Mikio cmi :p


why so sian? u goin to chg job or be SAHM?


wow.. so sound familiar ur working environment.. whahaha!

maybe can have a mini SK gathering.. since i'll be there next week. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]




saw yr photo in FB :p tot u moved alrdy

dun worry, wait for u....


i thk must wait after 6mth bash then can arrg mini SK gathering [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

bbgoh: ya loh.. cmi.. Zzz.. got event.. wondering if the event can don't go a not.. hahaha..

pink: u shifting to SK also?

abit slow here, SK means?

won't be able to attend 6mth bash, got something on that day. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

bbgoh: cannot MIA like that leh.. take leave more appropriate wor.. my boss quite good to me de.. just that sometimes she's a bit naggy.. haha.. hmm.. i don't think she remember that i'm taking leave on the 3rd.. so if i take 7th also meaning i'm working 3days that week only.. hahaha...

Mini SK gathering again.. This time must remember to take more pics.. lol..


ooo yours also lady boss huh? ^5

Mini SK gathering : maybe we engage a photographer take loh wahhahaaa

but maybe end Oct or Nov liao lah. my weekend-oct schedule almost fully booked le :p

bbgoh: yeap, mine is a lady boss.. she's quite flexible lah.. haha.. yesterday hb bring Kae come office fetch me from work, then i bring Kae up to the office and let my colleagues play with him.. LOL.

lynn: welcome to SK~ we are all neighbours now.. lol..

Piggytoh/ hippopolai

may bb K n bb J get well soon.


im using manduca carrier. i got mine frm the sling and carrier shop at novena (square 2)

wow...so many post. long time din come in. still remember me?

Ying, i din receive your fb request...request again...i dunno which one is you leh.

bbgoh and mikio....7 oct 2 pm i mus bk back home...helper coming if not i can join.

mikio, your HR cheats u leh...ML can clear within one year...chk with MOM

Lynn, u stay ard blk 209? jus opp me!

Pink, can have the sk gathering at your new hse and let our bb swim...;p

oh man, i'm wide awake now! Had only gone to bed just before 1am and 1 1/2 hr later, my #1 woke me up to tell me she's hving another bout of diarrhoea... stayed wif her in the toilet for awhile and cldn't resume my slp liao, haiz.

Trying to get bk to slp but wl I be woken up by #2 soon? Arrrgggh, motherhood!

cowgal: my HR wants me to clear by end of the year so she can claim from govt. -.-" but that's her problem not mine right.. she keep hinting me to quickly finish up my ML..

Hi Mummies,

Haven't logged in for a super long time.... :p

Wow, so happy to see more ppl in NE area now!


I thot we're meeting up for lunch with ST on 7th Oct?

Who else wanna join us? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Pink, can complete unpacking by then and join us?? :D


actually hor the balance ML arrangement is suppose to be mutually agree so if ur co dun wan u to bring forward to nex yr n insist u finish this yr they can actually do tt u can find out more below retrieve from MOM[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

An eligible employee is entitled to absent herself from work four weeks immediately before and 12 weeks immediately after delivery, totalling 16 weeks.

Where there is a mutual agreement with her employer, an employee can take the last eight weeks (9th to 16th week) of maternity leave flexibly over a 12-month period from the child's birth. The number of days of maternity leave that can be taken flexibly is equivalent to eight weeks' worth of working days, up to a maximum of 48 days.

Morning ladies!~ TGIF~~

moon: long time no see.. i was joking with bbgoh only lah.. 7th Oct my co got event, so not going gaigai with her.. tease her nia.. haha..

piggy: ya, i understand that she wants to claim from the govt, so i also just let her be.. i told her i'll use up all my ML by end of the year loh.. but my boss was saying if too busy then she'll help me talk to my HR.. haha

Oh ya, is your boy feel better now?

morning !!! TGIF!!


yes, will meet u on 7th for lunch [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


u see so many of us cant wait to see u & C.

finish unpack then let us noe, will arrange the mini SK gathering :p


*wave* how r u?


How is yr lil one?

can share wat time u feed him cereal at night?

Kay recently keep wake up at wee hours for milk, she use to have last feed at 8pm then next morning 5am. she has cereal 2tbsp + fruit puree ard 3.30pm.

this morning wake up at 2.30am. the day b4 at 12.30. yst jiu better at 4.30am

i wondering if to give 1 more cereal at 7pm? then will be 3x ler wont it be too much at this age? or is just the growth spurt phase?


My boy also waking up earlier and earlier, i'm so tired.... zzzzzz

Halo Vivi,

how you spend ur day with ur darling bao bei ytd? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Aiyoh.... Like that I 白开心一场 leh..... Thot finally can meet up with you too.... :p. Never mind, we'll wait for Pink to be ready and then, we can all meet up again!


Hee...hee... See ya then! ;)


Not yet started solid, he just past his 5 mths. Hoping to drag another month... I will see how... But I got buy the Happy Bellies cereals to stand by liao la [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Dunno is it growth spurt leh... he wake up, I tried to feed him 180ml milk, he also cant finish.. sometimes must split into 2 or 3 times then can drink finish wor...

Cool! Now NE gang growing in strength !!

I'm ok with 7th oct. Unpack also need to jia peng right ??

My house shld be really by end Oct. See when Bbgoh n everyone else is free to come ok? Bbgoh: Oct or Nov is better for u?

7th oct NE gathering

1. Moon

2. Bbgoh

3. ST??

4. Pinkparsley

5. SY?

Who else who else?

We meet at Nex?

Moon, bbgoh, Mikio, st, fung fung, sk gang,

Next time can let our babies swim in the baby pool tog. Will be cute!! Anyone wanna do photo shoot tog ??

Argh still packing. I'm starting to feel sad having to leave this place .

pink: u wanna close factory at 1 arh? But 1 like too lonely hor.. will they become very self-centered huh?

ya, we can do photoshoot together.. all naked babies.. >.<~~



ST arrg the lunch gathering on 7th at compasspoint, i suggest it bcoz i gotta brg 2girls alone so much easier for me to go nearest.

u wanna join us?

i thk confirmed one got Moon, ST, Cowgal, me wondering Irene confirmed bor? must wait for ST to reply

BB swim gathering

i prefer Nov but after Hari Raya hehe bcoz gonna go back Batam on tat week :p

Pink, Elazy

dun close at 1 lah so lonely ler.. friends/classmate never same as siblings de :p


tml let u smack Kay's butt :p

