(2011/04) Apr 2011

E lazy, out of curiosity, I got Sophie d giraffe but i think at this stage, the giraffe is still too big for my baby to hold. He's more interested in his fingers than the giraffe.

My dog is more fascinated with d giraffe than my baby! The giraffe is very squeaky n I think it's a great toy for dogs :p

To sum up, Sophie is over rated, buy only when u want to splurge. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Kaira, condom is still d cheapest method. My ex-colleague mention that u can be ovulating even thou u don't have menses. And when u r breastfeeding, ur menses will be delayed and so if u dun plan to have another baby so soon, have to take precautions now.


U can buy from bp or their website..

Don have to buy the whole giraffe, they have other types of Sophie teether too..


I agree it's a ex teether but it's the only teether I love.. I have the other range too.. For bathing time.. Very safe for my kids.


I still have so many..

Dunno whether should stock up.. Huggies like getting cheaper hor....

elmo, under overseas spree there are spree for happy bellies. include shipment price around S$6.50/tin. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

kaira, happy bellies bland? i find sweet wor. hehe.

morning !!

seem like many of u tried & like happy bellies.

how abt bellamy? I only gave brown rice & bellamy to my #1. hmmm thk both r queit bland


how r yr both kids?


how's C?

re : Sophie the giraffe

I not really like it. my #1 one the dot colours seem drop so I dun dare to kp for #2. hence, this time I won't buy it anymore, ll just intro normal teether


They call you to collect the toy? Hmm then I go and call them on Monday


Me too want to buy the happy bellies cereal

Yesterday had a fun time with Vianne we went to the kids gym at ue square and she ko after that


Thanks for your reply on Sophie the giraffe.


Ur comment that ur dog likes it more than ur bb so funnie leh... too bad i dun hv a dog at home. then at least if bb dun like, can pass to the dog.. lol

Mrs Chua,

G is such a brave boy! Mummy must be very proud of him.


do u know how old our bb must be before we can go to the kids gym? what did u all do there?


for my #1 i blend brownrice n cook porridge for his dinner n cereal is for breakfast usu.. cos the nutrient of cereal porridge dun have mah..


i din try bellamy i chose happy bellies becos of it DHA n probiotics[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


u can try BP or organic shop...


Wish you all the best for tomorrow's work

The minimum age starts from 4 months but I think 6 months and above baby will be able to enjoy better

Mrs chua

Gervaise on fm right? Green poo is caused by iron or some nutrient in the milk so is normal

Mrs Chua,

When my bb din poo for a few days, the initial poo poo will be green in colour, then followed by yellow colour for "fresh" poo poo.

Thanks, Vivi

Hmm.. thk will go after 6 mths bah... heard from my SIL actually more siong for the parents then the kids.. maybe that's how i can lose my remaining 8kg!!! haha..

Vivi/e lazy,

actually the PD i know all recommend 6mth reason is bb digestive system more mature n less chances of allergy.. n bb dun need other nutrient other than milk;) Bbut some mummies jus like to feed early so more of personal choices[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


yes more troublesome once they start solid aiyogo out mus keep tinkin wat to bring n how... keke but how i tink the best way to lose weight is to look after bb urself with no help ... heheh..


Z is still cranky, have been quite tiring for mi. We suspect that he is having flu coz sometimes he keep sneezing, got occasionally cough for once or twice then keep having those sticky nose shit inside his nose. And sometime when he breadth, can hear that his nose seem to be blocked. Are all above flu signs. Or any other signs that I need to look out for to confirm?

Dunno whether should bring him go see Doc or not? That day some mummies here recommended the thing that help to suck out those mucus from the nose, may I know where can I get it?

Mrs chua,

As for huggies ultra, dun need to go taka to stock up, ntuc is having promo for their jumbo pack, is much cheaper than taka one.

Fung Fung, sounds exactly like C. Cough got worse for her n runny nose too. Started with a few times at night then became progressively worse . The crankiness will get worse too. Zach n C hold hands become good friends le.


Haiz juz hope that he gets well soon. Very tiring for mi coz now every 2hrs nightly have to latch him to make him feel better. Dunno does the vaccination coz flu or not?

Fung Fung, same here. Every night latch every 2 hourly. For almost one week already. Going to collapse soon. N she refuses to nap n sleep and is very cranky at bed times. Dont think the vaccination caused it.

Come come, we hold hands. Now u feel like working is better already ? How I wish I can leave her with my MIL or Mom then I can have a good night's sleep . But I know I can't do it n I have no help from them. I'm getting cranky myself .....!


Ya almost one week+ for Z, it happens after his vaccination. For mi I'm trying to catch waterer power nap I can find while he is sleeping.

Working got his pro and con aso but then I still want to involve in his daily routine, see him change as he grows as each day pass by. It may be tough and challenging though but I think is worth it. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

fung fung,might b sensitive nose like my boy..u can buy the battery operated nose aspirator from first few years..they have an outlet at paragon level 5..hope z gets well soon..its very taxing for the mummy,been tho it..


How much are your babies drinking now? My Kae drink only an average of 90ml nia (2.5-3hrly), once in a while down 150ml (like twice day).. At night, last feed usually 8pm.. First feed at 6/7am.. If he sleeps too early like today, it's 5/6pm & 10pm.. Only thing that is keeping me from worrying is that he doesn't look skinny.. hehe..


Ahh maybe next year my family will go aust.. Dad has plans to go there for vacation.. xD Will email u before we go loh.. Hope u still remember me by then k? xD


NO AH! Taking care of babies alone doesn't mean WILL lose weight de loh! I'm proof of that! xD Somemore tc of 2 alone! Hahaha.. How I wish will lose weight.. Haiz..

Today was one of the busiest day! This weekend both kids at home and hubby start working on Sat night so means he need to rest on sat daytime.. Busy like hell man! xD How u guys manage 2 kids alone sia? Cannot input/output in peace, not to mention everything else.. Haiz.. Wonder if anyone else do it too..

Heng Kae slept at 7pm and Kait at 8.30pm.. Finally some rest time.. He drank again at 10pm, should sleep until morning liao! xD


You collect your BBQ set already? Got mummies complain abt the bad quality.. So if u haven't collected yet, check before u bring home.. I'm lucky, my set all ok..

fungfung, pink

let Bb slp in non aircon room? it may help them sleep better. I understd the hot weather can't slp w/o aircon but rather see them cranky bah

hugs.. hope they get well soon

Lata I m goin brg seline see PD for her running nose too, scare lata spread to Kay. altot only mild running nose but she like to touch Kay


Thanks will go and have a look. Worried that he is having a blocked nose. Don't know should bring him go see doc and see wat Shd be the likely cause.


I think my boi get use to sleep in air con room, w/o air con, he will be cranky also.

Thanks. Will see how to minimize his crankiness.

Bbgoh, Fung Fung,

Thanks Bbgoh. Yah it's true C coughs more in air con so these few nights only turn on fan...

U can bring Z to see pd.. I brought C n says dont need to give meds unless it gets really bad. He checked her lungs n said she was still ok. Sometimes I find it Bo liao to see pd lor ... End up pay money n he can't help us (=_=""""""")

Hope Seline gets well soon too n dont spread to Mei Mei.

Elazy, happy starting work today! Hope it's going well for u [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi mummies,

Seems like a lot of kids are sick. My #1 is also down with bronchitis. Wishing everyone with sick kids a speedy recovery.

Elazy: good luck on first day of work. Till now I wished I was still on ML. It's quite an adjustment but guess we will get use to it. Now I have to wake up earlier to pump, and it's disruptive to Pump at work but when you see him growing well and his smiles it's all worth it!

Pink: the grass is always greener on the other side! But what I can say is you have your whole life to work! Being a sahm is tough and prob more stressful but way more rewarding! You know till nOw I have not witness baby z flip yet? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Callin for gin: do you know where I can buy nice hairbands for #1?

Does anyone know how much is a bottle of DOM now? 1 wine/liquor collector told us that DOM can't be kept for too long, unlike liquor... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


Ya, going to see doc later. Coz thinking since I won't be coming back to SK for the next 2 weeks, so better bring him go and see and know what is the likely cause

Morning mummies! Im on leave today to look after Joel. He's still spotty like sophie. But fever seems to be better liao. But still need to give med diligently if not e fever will come back! Yest he fuss till 3+ am after med then zzz. I have to keep latching on. He got no appetite to drink. Once e yest touch his mouth.. He cry. Today till now he only drink 60 ml. Hai.. Hope tmr will be fully recovered. Poor baby. Poor gor gor also got no time w us. Put him at mum's place. Only Sat evening bring back do his homework w him. Just now he called n say miss mummy Ahhhhhhh....



Long time did not log-in to forum, been very busy since back to work.

Fungfung : My baby just recover from flu, he is very cranky all the time, always rub his nose and eyes, and cannot sleep well at nite, he keeps on waking up due to his block nose, very pity of him. After take medicine for a week and now he is feeling better now, but still have plenty of phelm to clear, sometimes he refuses to drink milk.

Poo Poo : Funny thing is when my baby takes Soy milk, his poo is yellow colour, and when he takes Similac, then his poo become green and watery, is that normal? I am doubt of the watery poo.

Porridge : Yup, my PD also advised that try to introduce porridge to baby after 6 months old. My baby's stomach very sensitive so I dare not introduce porridge to him now. Agreed with Piggy, some mummies jus like to feed early so more of personal choices.

Actually I am very headache with my baby, because he has sensitive nose, sensitive stomach and sensitve skin (allergy), since he has so many sensive things, and I very worried about what brand of the FM should give him to drink :<

But it feels great to be at home alone w Joel. Like back to my ml days! How I miss it!!

Alot of babies sick hor. Hope all get well soon!


heheh cos when i handle bb alone my Hb not ard mah so no 1 acc me eat gd food n sometime i am so tired i rather skip 1 meal n nap with bb so tt time slim down fast[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

ah i can feel u last wkend my HB work on both day n i handle them both whole day my back is breakin n it does not help tt both of them r sick i nv slept for 2 night liao zzZZzzz....


K also havin flu after a wk of no disturb sleep i thot lucky liao who knows he kena flu again ... u can go n buy nose drop watson got sell the brand is illadin n use aspirator to suck out KP got sell later i goin to buy also my #1 spoilt my current 1 sigh...

hee i dun tink u wil find workin better cos when they sick u will be worried sick as well n throwin to mIL or parent wait they closer to them we also dun like it hahah...


Joel better?


my bb also nose always like block so many prob... for porridge it better to start after 8 mth cos they may not digest well be4 tt[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Ya lor, if work when they sick, I'll also be worried, don't have he mood to work also.

Looks like a lot of bb are sick, maybe weather not good these days. Did u bring K to see doc?

As for Z, I also don't know what's wrong and dun dare to anyhow give him the nose drop. As for the aspirator, any brand I she look out for at KP?

Hello mummies, been a long time since I logged in. Looks like most of our babies have turned 3 months. Have most of ur bb been sleeping thru already? My gal still like b4. Hard to make her sleep and nowadays she keep waking up in the middle of the nite to lick her arm n eat her hand! If ignored, she will start crying and cranky again. Till now, my gal still need to be carried to zzz....

Am starting work next week, looks like its going to be tough.... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


yup the gym can start to go at 6 months better or when they can sit down on their own. certain steps Vianne cant manage lol... and yes the gym seems to be like for us because quite strenous for us lucky my hubby went

Wow so many babies sick ... hugs to the mummy and speedy recovery for the little ones. I know how it feels when baby is sick yet we feel rather helpless

pearly !!!

long time no see you here !!! how is things?

I called just now and they say can collect liao so will do it this Saturday. Huh bad quality as in where so I can check... I think they rushed out these toys for us therefore quality is not so good.


Vianne also no sign of flipping only occasionally she will turn more slightly o the right or left but could not get the bottom off to flip... lazy bum


My current 1 is pigeon actually ntuc extra also have but I wanna try the 1 charmine mention dunno KP have anot..


Tt gd hope he fully recover soon[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

vivi, i'm giving up(postponing) current batch of collection of the item(unable to do so), so hopefully they'd call u up to collect first...

Fung Fung

Thanks [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] I hope this Friday still have stocks avaailable for the pigeon bottles exchange

Hello mummies!

Pretty slack at work today. came in to take a look :D !

Having a terrible headache though and the normal panadol doesn't seem to work. what else can i take to relieve the pain?


It first few yr[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Woohoo went for 1 interview n they employed me on the spot even after I told them I can't do OT 1 [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]



Oh ok, the brand is first few yr, heehee! I thought is the shop name [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Wow, congrats! So good! Went for 1st interview and got hired. Wat job is that?

