(2011/04) Apr 2011


hugs I think got good and bad days lor at least your C sleeps better than Vianne leh.

Jia you .... at least you can still afford to have the maid to help you and you can go pak tor with your hubby me dont even have the chance at all!!! So you are better than me leh


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Morning mummies,

I'm going to be a big panda soon... dark circle getting darker and darker.. MIL said i look "chao cui"

Z has not been sleeping well the past few nights, either moving and making noise every 2 hours or i have to latch on every 2 hours.. make me very tired... Hope that is due to his vaccination and he will soon goes back to normal soon.

How i wish can latch him on lying down.. have tried but depend on his mood, sometime can, sometime cannot.. if cannot, he will wail out loud, angry then don't want latch on when i sit up.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Re: co-sleep

have been co-sleep with bb Z now partly is due to latching on and i have tried putting him on his baby cot, but he also can't sleep well.. going to try again when he gets better.

Re: rotavirus

I have seen the effect of this virus.. 3 years back my niece got this virus (during that time, this virus is still not well known and PD or GP doesn't recommended the oral medication yet). See already also heart pain. This virus cause her to vomit out everything that goes in, even water. so practically she drinks or eat anything, the next min, will all vomit out till dehydrate have to send to hospital and put on drip...

so sometime is better to prevent it from happening, just take if can...

Hi eelynn: Thanks...Guess not a choice but to ren lor...[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Hi Vivi: Thank you for yr reply. Yes, agreed. Personally I do not wanna let Chevelle go polyclinic for jab cos I do not mind to pay more for the service. Have a conflict with HB that time as he strongly insisted on Polyclinic...Do not wanna strain our relationship thus give in to him.However, I myself to blame also as I feel need to read-up more on these vaccinations.

I agreed with you on the doctor as they always like to write letters to refer you to KK hospital.Then what is the point of seeking advice from them??!!! They are doctor also (maybe general doctor)but some outside GP can advise alot de...Anyway I have my own PD for any health issues..Just go there for Jab!

Hi Pink: Cheer up! Dun feel so depressed. At least you have maid to help you lei...I same as Vivi - no pak tor with HB - everyday work,bb & hubby..With Hubby sometimes will have little arguments(even more sian)[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]see open and think positively...if not veri xinku... Brian adores you so much! You are more fortunate in a way [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


jfs, so young can take already meh? my Z also sometime sleep halfway, can cry out loud, then fall back into sleep again.. does jfs works?

piggy, not sure if can classify it as strike, but she seems to suckle lesser even when latch-on and her diapers aren't that heavy, haiz. If latching her would let her feed better, feel happier, then I give up lah... headache, heartache and tiring...

pink, if you're not comfortable with the bb being closer to the maid, then by all means, take over the care of bb fully, esp. if u're not working. I heeded a friend's suggestion to leave #2 to the care of bb for more mobility/freedom but when bb starts to rej the bot, I 'bu fan xin' anymore. 'cos once we came back and I found bb's clothes(collar area) wet to the touch and the maid said that bb didn't spill milk, then wen i asked in that case, why the feeding towel is wet she said oh, she spit out abit and i wiped, ABIT how can be so wet? From then on, I took over the caring of bb fully.

My bb also got 'shocked' a few times. And cos I'm with her all the time, what I did was, when she got shocked(from noise or watever), I'd rest both hands firmly on her chest and assure her that it's ok, mommy is here. N if the shock appeared stronger, I'd lean over and press my body(chest) close to her to soothe her. She'd usually go bk to slp thereafter...

I'm one who's particular about the way I want my kid(s) to be brought up/ handled(that's why I gave up my work lor...), I can't close an eye if the 'carer' clean abit harder, dun clean properly(each time my maid changed bb's diaper when she poos, sure end up gotta change clothes and drying cloth, why? I dunno, I dun hv the prob if I do it myself and bb's bottom will be cleaner even), dun put on diaper properly, etc, so I told my hubby that I'd rather let the maid takes care of the housechores instead(but of cos to him no diff lah, I'd be the one who's doing the job mah, :p)

Some asked, why still keep the maid? For housework lor... Actually she's an Indo maid trsfed frm my cleaner. The latter has trained her in doing housechores alr in a way and intially, she was really very ON and hardworking, esp. dur my CF period(when I 'fired' the CN, hahaha), but as wif most maids, as time goes by, they'd tend to slack and perhaps, thinking tt bb is not that young anymore, she tend to slack abit, but to me, it's a no no lor, plus I hate to keep repeating instructions...

fung, babies do get abit crankier after their jabs and yes, if they're bfed, they wld want to suckle more, for comfort... it shld go off after a few days(frm my experience with current bb, heee). U hvnt gone bk to work rite? May u can try putting bb elsewhere to slp dur the day time since u co-slp wif the bb? That's what I do, daytime she'd normally nap on her rocker(she loves it! cos less warm), then at nite we'll put her on her cot. Now I'm gg to start co-slping wif her, I'd stl let her nap on the rocker(sometimes on our bed) dur the day and then on our bed at nite but there'd one nite a wk when we'd push her cot into our room cos #1 wld slp in - our agreement(once a wk), hahaha

gerry, yr post is sooo true, now then I realised, after experiences from #1's 'situation' and now 2nd baby, heee. Plus they keep changing, aiyoh, let it be lah how to keep up hahaha.

N like my hubby said "how long will they wanna co slp wif us, next time u want they dun want alr..."(see, this is how he spoils them la).

And ya, now that I've just started to fully latch-on now, I think my pump and steriliser are gg to cold storage liao, hahaha. I hope things will stay 'good' for a long time at least(cos if I need to wean her off soon, then I'd faint I think)


Rant all you want.. Some people just bth them.. Keep reminding yourself you are leaving..

Haha!! Ya I was also very happy when Lisa was sleeping in her own room.. Feel more relaxed! Understand what you mean about lights and cupboard.. I also scared to wake her up..

I am thinking of putting Eva in her own room when she is 6 months.. Haha!! Her crib is getting too small for her so need to transfer her to a cot.. And my room got no space for cot.. So that is my excuse for moving her out..


Don't blame yourself. The clinic should have told you about your options for vaccination.. They should know better..

Hehe!! Yesterday I was reading the papers and they said couples are the least happy during th first 5 years of their children's lives.. Hang in there.. 5 years very fast!! To a certain extent I believe in it..

Ask you ladies,

When do you think is the right age for siblings to share a room? Am thinking when I should put my #2 with my #1??


ya i also thinkin 6mth but hor i scare wait either 1 cry will disturb the other 1 n wil end up whole family cannot sleep sigh..


yes JFS can take now...


ya la it really individual choice many parents give in becos for fear they not drinkin enough.. for me i see open cos if they dun 1 we cant force them my #1 got 1 time dun 1 milk n dun fancy solid eat v v little so i can only gave him food like yogurt n add milk to his cereal to up his intake but if he dun 1 i will leave it to him dun wanna make force him cos only make me n him xin ku... n after mths like tt he suddenly love milk alot..

Fung Fung

In fact JFS I started to give when Vianne just turned full month so is ok. If worry then only give once a while.


hugs me too also have so many arguements with hubby because of the work load at home...


5 years seems long !!!! Let me get pass 6 months first .... Wah you sure Lisa able to share room with Eva? Eva sure no problem only worry about Lisa


hahah first 5 yrs ah.. hmm i tink it true if the couple have diff beliefs n point of view.. actually so far i tink i am quite lucky in a way my HB let me take charge of the choices i wan for my kids which helps in a way but i tink occassionally arguement is inevitable even w/o kids[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

gerry my current home very small, so our room also cannot accomodate e cot, at least not w/out us hving to walk like crabs and thus gotta co-slp on our bed now.

It's true, when they go to their bed and slp on their own, it's juz a 'joy'! feel sooo relax(not when they're sick though). N yes, whenever they're slping, be it baby, toddler or a 6 yo kid like mine(esp. if they're light sleepers), we'd hv to creep around hahaha.

Hmmm, 5 yrs may not apply to everyone, for our case, it's the 1st 1-2 yrs... cos I was adapting to no work n staying at home more with a young infant/toddler. But once I started to bring her more, esp. when she started her PG wif GUG, things got better...

ya lor piggy, they change from time to time, it's quite hard to keep up... I hv no choice but to give in now, at least I dun feel so tired today liao. But then again, something else might crop up again and then I may hv another 'prob' to tackle, arrrggghhhh


U can put the jfs powder on her gum and some on her tongue. Alternatively, dissolve some in water and let her drink also can.

I can understand ur jealousy towards ur maid. I have the same sentiments towards my mil... Sometimes i wonder does the problem actually lies with me? Maybe i'm just too possessive??

Hi Gerry,

Still feel I didnt do enough for my baby girl..But bo bian..now checking to see if still can take the oral med cos my girl is 4months old le...[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Hi Gerry,

Still feel I didnt do enough for my baby girl..But bo bian..now checking to see if still can take the oral med cos my girl is 4months old le...[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Vivi, piggy,

Hehe!! That's why I ask when I can put them together.. Maybe got company, they might sleep better.. Haha!!

Ya I also scared if 1 cries, the other will cry and then after that mummy and daddy will cry along too! Haha!!

No at first I am going to put eva in the study as my room really got no space for a cot and she will outgrow the crib very soon.. But I am thinking maybe when eva turns 1? Can share room with jie jie.. Eva very poor thing, don't have her own room..


Haha!! With Vianne, just take 1 day at a time.. Very soon you will realised where she is walking and talking.. Now when I look back at the 'difficult' Lisa time, it all seems to funny and cute.. of course back then, it wasn't lah..

I think when they meant unhappiness, it is not only the differences in beliefs but the emotional/financial stress of having to support a young family.. Plus especially for new parents, having a child really changes your lifestyle.. cannot as and when want to go out.. Cannot travel to exotic places.. That kind of sacrifice...

it's quite a known study.. Couples are most happy during the honeymoon years (duh!!) and during their retirement .. of course there are some parents who go through 'leaving the nest syndrome' and feel a bit awkward with one another as they were too focused on their kids that they actually forget how to be individuals and a couple..

That's why my hb and I always make an effort to go out on dates and have dinner with friends.. It is so important.. =)

Hi Mummies,

Kindly check how often did you trim yr baby's nails? I trim frequently but bb always will stretch herself on face...always kena nag by HB...did u buffer after triming their nails?

Ask him trim he dun dare...[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Mum05, I dont have that prob with my maid. Shes superb with C n has patience to bottle feed her for one plus hour even. She can cook, clean , take care of C without much training from me. She is more experienced than me with the baby n that's causing me to be paranoid. She offered to not go on her off day when C was 2 months old. When C was 3 months old n she went on her off day from 10am-3pm, she

smsed me to ask me if she was drinking milk.

I see that she's quite busy becoz my C is so hard to feed I told her not to handwash my clothes n baby's clothes just

machine wash . She says she can't take it. When I see her

mopping floor 3 times a week I tell her don't need !! Floor still

clean .. She says noooo she feels it's dirty. LOL

She can cook (with some supervision) and do all other tasks well ...

Oh and when I give instructions I only say once. She remembers n executes

Mummies remember my last maid was very jia lut right?

Then these few days i told my hubby my maid is too good with C. U know what he said!!? Aiyah ! Shld have kept that terrible one hor! Then we dont have this "prob!!"

(><) this joker.


ya lo i also worried abt the 1 cries all wake up senario sigh.. aiyo all along i intend to let them share room leh too young n too pamper to have their own room at this age bah..


i trim wkly... but no buffer.. their hand too small v hard..

oh pink yr maid's good! Hmmm actually mine was also very good initally, mopped the floor twice a day, this and that. And we moved home the next day after she came to work for us and she showed that she can realy 'work'

Then, when we came bk frm hosp. she was suuuuuper ON, so kangqiong, slowly slowly as bb grows older she also relax abit. At 1st when she saw me struggling with the bb on the bottle feeding, she wld offer to take over, but I see her rock bb harder than what I like, I prefer not to. Then slowly I see her putting diaper not the 'proper' way - the diaper keep slipping off, mayb it's the diaper size or wat I duno but I know I'd def care for my children more genuinely than the maid lor 'cos my kids mah afterall. Not saying that all maids wl be 'bad' or wat lah, and I gave her the benefit of doubt that it might be due to her not being really sure of how to use/do these things(shld be diffnt from their country).

I duno, mayb I'm just too particular liao, heee. Recently had a gathering at my SIL's and 1 of my BILs commented that my maid's very gentle...

Btw, yr maid's from Indo or Philipines?

Just to share, the gf whom told me to let go and let maid look after #2, her maid's from Philipines, experienced with looking after kids, but she later said she regret too! cos bb looks to the maid not her, and she slowly tried to reverse the situation lor.

Mine can't really cook local taste food(according to my cleaner), my cleaner taught her some alr before she came to work for us, then we adjust the tasting and cooking style abit day by day and now better.

Though our current home is small and she doesn't really hv to clean the windows like my prev home, she cooks literally everyday, washes, irons, cleans the floor... so I think if I made her bottle battle wif my girl everyday, sooner or later she might lose it too(cos since e mother herself already felt the stress, surely she'd be worser). Anyway, I'm one who prefers to be hands-on with my kids, so I rather take over, [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Yr hubby so funny, well, tat makes u luff rite? Think he's trying to cheer u up, so nice...

Gerry, that's what I tot too! I'd put #2 with #1 next time. In fact, I'm only pulling her out of 'their room' becos of the feeding thingy.

Told my hub, please ensure enuf space for next home!

I guess every kid and family works differently, we can all learn from others' experiences but still have to find one that suits our lifestyle/routine/temperaments/situation better...


there r always pros n cons for everything... i know i cannot accept my kids closer to any1 else but me tt y i insist on bringin them home daily n hands on with them n my maid is only helpin out with the chores.. so i tink u r doin the right thing la.. no matter how gd is 1 maid the baby still belong to us not them n u nv know if all the gd work is jus an act or they r truly so gd[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

i feel tt since we decided to have kid we would have alr consider the freedom we would have to gave up i seem some mummies who r soo selfish where they rather have their freedom then spent time with their kids n dump their kids to maid/IL/caregiver...


now i'm going to skip my afternoon pump and quickly take a quick nap while Z is napping....

just met my poly friends earlier and they said i look very tired and dark circle very deep.. so must go and recuperate on my sleep... cya later

ya piggy, u're rite... tat's what i always tell myself lor, if i wan freedom, then i shldn't hv kids. another of my close gfs, her sis always throw her twin boys to her parents and MIL, n my gf told me she sees the difference...

fung fung, do watever u're comfortable wif, if u dun really need to hv that pump, go take a rest...

btw, I always hv ppl telling me i looked exhausted and they always asked if i'm bf-ing hahaha.


it like tt initial few mth after givin birth it like tt have a gd rest[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


ya lo my friend best she dump her kid whenever she can n still can complaint to me her kid prefer her IL n maid.. i was like duh.. u r not willing to spent time n put in an effort u have no right to complaint right?

Oh! my baby just did the full flip after trying for 2 days! (had asked PD last Fri when a bb shld do that and he said some bbs might take abit longer due to 'more flesh', alamak!) and guess what, my #1 was soooo happy and excited that she almost teared, hahaha, this silly emotional girl, [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Wasted, I just turned my head to face the laptop only she flipped, else cld hv video-ed down her 1st flip, heeeee.

Piggy, mum05,

I also agree with you that maids are supposed to help with chores only.. I don't let my maid look after my kids, only maybe play with my #1 sometimes.. I just don't like the idea of a stranger taking care, feeding and bathing my kids..

Yup once have children, it's bye bye freedom.. That's why I trained both kids to be in bed by 8.30pm.. Haha!! So that I have some quiet time at night... =)

And I am also very thankful that my mom is helping too.. I don't feel jealous at all if my kids want my mom.. I completely trust my mom and my mom also loves taking care ofthe kids.. Haha!! This also allows me to have a quick getaway from the kids yearly with hb.. Hehe!!

Gerry I can't tahan whether it's mother mil or maid I must be some crazy posessive mother ?!?!

U are lucky ur mom is helping so ur maid does chores only .. If I insist on not letting my maid then I'll be some crazy mother night time latch n day time full care too.

Pd just said babies at 4 months sleep 14-18 hrs. Er, C sleeps 12? 10? I'm dead beat. Now I don't let my maid touch her. Wonder how long I can last?


I alrdy let #1 & Kay share room le unless #1 got runny nose or cough then I ll seperate them

I let both room door keep open so if Kay make noise ask for milk I ll jump up won't wait till she cry n scream

sometime #1 had nightmare ll cry also won't disturb Kay


Yeah me too also train them to sleep ard 8[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Of cos occasionally we need some couple tine den I will ask my IL to help[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Bbgoh ,

Usu u let #1 sleep alr den put BB in the rOom or ??

wah pink, ur maid sounds so good! If i can guarantee to get a maid like urs.. i will consider getting one! :p My house hor... is always so dirty now. Really dun have the time n energy to clean frequently.. arggh...

Anyone got part time cleaner contacts?

Joel is on milk strike these few days too. Yest he only drank 400+ml of milk!!! Whole day! 1 meal vomitted out! Think because of his cough. This morn he felt feverish.. but measure no fever. Still go to IFC. Now confirm gotta postphone his injection le.. postphone to next Fri. Hope by then will be fully recovered. Gor gor no more fever.. but still coughing too. And keep wanted to play with didi.. the virus spread here n there.. hai.........

pink, J also have the technique of appearing to suckle without actually drinking the milk! past 3 evenings feed till we pekchek! Once he see the bottle.. he start sticking his tongue out. Once teat touch his lips.. he cry!! Totally not hungry! Dunno he got sore throat anot. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

oh ya, bbgoh, tt's also a good option, I chose to put #2 on our bed/room, 'cos I need the air-con lor so door will be closed and I won't be able to hear her cry, but last nite very windy, I didn't hv it on...

gerry, when my girl was 2yo+, I had to travel very frequently wif hub on biz trips, aiyoh heartache all the time and no maid then, so always triple pack and unpack, buay tahan n quite shiong as I hv to attend the GUG pg wif her but it's nice bonding time. We travelled soooo much that my sis, whom initiated that I followed my hub on these trips, started to buay tahan liao hahaha, then I stopped lor, heee. And felt sooo relieved then! N whenever my hub travelled, I enjoy nice cozy nights with her at home, :D

Aiyoh my hubby and I duno dun hv 'couple time' for how long liao! I've briefly mentioned it to my hubby in the past but he said "what couple time, u still need that meh? wouldn't it be nicer to go out as a family? don't leave her behind lah..." Hmmmm, ok la, I'm fine wif it too, cos I went out to movie with him once(Eye surgeon's free treat) and I cldn't enjoy cos miss my girl, hahaha

woah pink, great skill yr bb has, lolz

Hmmm, that makes me wonder, when I dream-fed my bb on those bottle battling days, maybe she's also doing the same thing? how else she'd take sooooo long to finish a bottle of milk? Nowadays babies ar...


I tink Joel sick so no appetite poor boi..

Oh my BB also will suck but no drink tink quite common for mine it turn out time to change teats..

Btw any1 been to taka BB fair any gd buy?

piggy, i changed teat once le. Any bigger think he'll choke.

Who wanna go taka bb fair during lunch time? I can go there walk walk if got things to buy! hehe!


your maid is superb la she is a gem must treasure this kind of worker. i think ultimately C will still prefer you as the mummy....


yeah 1 day at a time.... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] anway thinking back on the past 2 months I wonder how I survived that kind of ordeal this little monster has put me through

Elmo, I goin tml but prob ard or be4 lunch time[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Oh I change to another brand cos he dun like ..


I cut nails abt once a week, cos if its still too short, i dun dare to trim, scared will cut his flesh. Ouch!! I dun buffer also, cos my boy just wun sit still, he got pointed backside haha..

Just wake up from Z's wail...he wail because he don't want milk and have to coax him to drink.. MIL told me he didn't sleep at all when i go to sleep, keep moving ( i thought he slept that is why i go and sleep)


i can do that lah if my breast is not full.. but i have to pump at 8+, cannot go beyond that coz will feel engorge. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


ya i know.. that is why have to endure lor since decided to have kids... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


does it really work if given to baby? they will not got scared so often?


ya tt wat make us mother wei da[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

n u have done a great job alr..

for JFS it is said to calm bb down n clear phlegm seriously i dunno how well it works wor..


hi mummies, another bz week at work..last nite duno y arius wakes up every 1-2 hrs...sommore i having slight flu dun wan to go near him, his poor daddy stayed up all night taking after him..

fung fung, i feel u...experience the same thing after arius comes home from the vaccination..hope he gets well soon..

pink, C still rejecting bottle? now mine i can feed him from the bottle and he's ok now...

i see most of your babies are very attached to the mummies, moine like simply bo chup...in fact i think he likes my mummy more..*jealous*

arius just flip over on his own for the first time*so excited*..

