(2011/04) Apr 2011

Re: Tml's gathering,

i may not be joining you gals tomorrow.. too tired over the weekend.. maybe need to rest tomolo...


are we going to set the hi-tea buffet at Goodwood park Hotel end of this month? let's set a date, then can see how many ppl can make it, then have to make reservation.

And don't know whether did you see my earlier thread: And i"ll like to order 1 bottle of the colostrum powder tht u recommended. Thanks


have you PM me your a/c no so that i can tsf you the $$ for lunch that we had at vivo


ya i will fix a date soon [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

oh sorry forgot toreply u .. ya i will placed order for u[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


paisei still not decide haha. once confirm I ll msg u thru fb

pearly, hippo

hi tea buffet at zhou kitchen is from 11pm or 2pm?

if from 11pm then I also wanna eat dim sum lah.


I watsapp u when we confirm yah. psps. w/o organizer we all cock up. lol

Piggy: i also wan the colostrum powder.. Help me get 1 btl too can? TIA.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

ya gerry, the maxi cosi is good, just that it's an infant car seat which usually won't last for very long, [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] i also let bb slps on it when I go to my mom's heee but abit warm lor...

Ermm, I wasn't exactly planning nor preventing, just hap that 2-3yrs, nothing happened, then find all those things soo 'jor deng', so donated away, hehe(even the other lighter weight strollers, :<)

I think my quinny is the quinny zapp, dun think it's the buzz...

Gerry, u bf exclusively rite? do u still pump? Do you let yr helper help u feed EBM at nite? Now i'm thinking if I shld juz take over nite feeds as well but afraid too tired, and also, it'd be even harder to wean her off next time, arrrggghhh!

Anyone free tml to pei me for hi tea dim sum buffet tml at 3pm? I'm almost desperate for some dim sum (stupid craving... Zzz) but eat alone with my boy very lonely leh.. Keke.. Tweety? Vivi? Avocado? All stay so near de.. =x Anyone?

When goodwood park buffet? If can, I woul like to join too, let me know in advance, I can try take leave.. Cabt wait for my leave now Lols

Fung.. U using those fridge to go bag? Where u got urs?


So 6mos bash @ Gerry's???? Ok, I start looking forward Liao! Need float? Or just dump in baby pool?


I want to hi tea!!!!! I'm not avail on 30/6 as Terry's school has excursion.... Plsssssssss dun choose that day!!!!

beco is another brand carrier? hmm....

fungfung, havent. muhahahahaha. too busy the past few days. will pm in the day if i have time to log into my laptop. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Ya bf exclusively and latch on most of the time.. I only pump when I am not with bb like when go for wedding dinners or date night with hb.. I do all night feeds cos i find giving ebm in the middle of the night too troublesome.. Haha!! and I personally have not bottle feed my bb.. When I am away, my mum would bottle feed her and so far so good.. Can drink about 120ml in 10 min..

Your bb doesn't want to drink from bottle?? I am quite used to latching bb all the time.. Even when I was back at work for my #1, I would latch her when I got back from work and do all night feeds..

They will eventually weaned off the breast.. Just need some training.. My girl naturally didn't want it when she was 10 months.. My friend's bb who is super sticky also weaned off at 14 months.. When weaning, shouldn't go off completely.. Night feeds should be the last to weaned.. Wean off the day feeds first..


I use fridge to go bags.. They come in different sizes.. You can get them from taka.. Mumsfairy sells them too but I think they don't have a variety of sizes..


Hopefully next time can chat with you!! =)


I have a float with a seat.. So bb can go to the adult pool.. I find that it is safer.. And I can sort of swim with her.. Haha!!

morning mummies,

feeling so tired, don't feel like waking up but then cannot, in front very heavy, need to get up and release...

mrs chua,

if you are referring to the cooler bag that i brought for gathering, those are either given by someone or come with purchase of sterilizer.

Morning mummies.. Lugging my hand bag plus the pump bag to office early in the morning.. Argh!!! Back to join the morning crowd in the train really no joke lo..

Really sad to leave my boy @ home for work but.. Consolidation is that he woke up with a wide smile to say gd morning & hubby accompany me to work.. So nt so bad overall ba..

Mummies, anyone had ur 1st menses after giving birth? Mine came ytd night.. Sad.. Will it affect our milk supply??

oh gerry, yr bb very good leh. mine ar, now only want bf, dun wan bottle [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

my #1 also very good, even though she likes to suckle my clothes(cos she wanna bf I think) but she didn't cry soooo fiercely like this one [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Now I can see my maid starts to slack off abit liao when it comes to handling bb(initially super on), that's why I'm also thinking abt exclusive bf, but then again, this bb doesn't want bottle liao day and nite(this am 5am+ she still drank FM frm bottle, not sure hw this will go in the coming days...), so am afraid it'd be super hard to wean off bf next time. I also hope I don't hv to bf her beyond 1 yr or so, cos personally I find it not very nice lor... :p

Plus now no teeth, she alr bites me sometimes, I'm also very afraid that she'd bite me when she starts to teeth!

why nite feeds are the last to be weaned off? I thought ppl always said it's better to wean off night feedings? 'cos of bf?

Now dun wanna pump so much liao, keep alr also useless. I just left 150ml on the table, see if she'd drink later, haiz...

Juz now, she fussed a little. Thought only just past 1 hr, she wldn't be hungry but who knows, she seeked to bf. So, I gave her the ebm I've expressed halfway earlier. But the min the teat touches her mouth she refused. I passed the feeding job to my helper, she also cried til like so poor thing like that. No choice, I hv to bf lor. Aiyoh, buay tahan lah!

Gerry.. Can I hv a look @ how ur FTG look like? I jus wan something small becos my suPply n v gd, jus need to put 1-2 bottles the most mainly for office use..

Fung.. Can I see how ur cooler bag look like? I wan something that can put in a bag with pump & my personal belonging rather than now lugging 2 bags to office..

Mrs chua,

The last time my menses return on the 4th month.. While I was still exclusively breastfeeding.. I did find that my supply dropped by about 10% during the few days but will return to normal when my menses stopped..

Later I will look for the pic and post it up for you..


Oh usually for breastfed bb, they might still have 1-2 night feeds even when they are passed 1 yo.. At least those that I know lah.. And I think for them night feeding is more of a comfort thing rather than a necessity.. So usually that would be the hardest to wean plus when bb cry in the middle of the night, most mummies find it easier to just latch.. I know it is a super bad habit but when you are tired.. You just want bb to sleep as fast as possible.. Haha!!

Ya i never would let my helper do the night feeds.. Don't trust them.. Haha!! I don't even let my maid bathe both my kids!!

Your bb take fm?? So shouldn't be a problem weaning I think.. Just give fm.. I only gave my #1 fm after 10 months.. And still ok.. But of course diff bb diff..

For me i try not to worry about the difficulties of weaning.. Every phase will have it's prob.. So take it as it comes.. I used to worry about my girl not sleeping in her own room too.. But with training, it is no problem.. Of course with every transition, there will be lots of sleepless nights and crying.. But they will eventually get the message.. =)

Hi mummies,

Thanks for ur advice. I was just worried abt over-feeding and scarly wait my boy becomes overweight.


Ur gal at least can directly bf. My one refuses to latch on. Thats the other extreme of the prob.

Do u all intend to continue with BM after gg back to work? We need to sterilise the milk pump after every use rite? Go back to work how to sterilise?

Sorry i 1st time mum, so very ignorant and ask alot of stupid qns

Mrs chua,

my cooler bag is not those type that you want to put pump and your personal belonging,

mine is purely cooler bag to store ebm... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

did u remember wrongly? or are u referring to the black color bag that i brought for all gathering?


This is the cooler bag I am talking about..


You didn't buy the medela pis? I thought the pump bag has a cooler bag?

E lazy,

I sterilized the pump with hot water when I pump at work.. It is recommended to bf your bb for the 1st 6 months.. And preferable up to a year..

I breastfed my #1 for 10 months.. And I am hoping to do the same for #2 =)

Good morning mommies!!

Mrs chua

All the best for your first day back at work! Think the hardest part is missing your little baby.

Good wood park buffet!!! I want!! This week possible? Next week my kids off again, gotta bring them out.

Btw any moms use bm to bathe kids before? How to do it? Just wash as per normal right? Need to rinse off right?!

Since I don't plan to use my frozen milk n I have excess everyday, I decided to use them to bathe my baby. Better than end up throw away.

Mum05, my girl also rejects bottles I wanna peng San already.

Got to keep trying as I don't think I wanna tbf. Don't think I wanna become a full time cow. N don't know how much she drinks, everything on demand .. very disruptive...

Haiz............................. My boobies must be delicious


Mrs. Chua,

My best friend visit me right after I enter 2nd month lor... Sianz...


There will bad day sometimes, just hang in there! *Hugs*

E lazy,

Use sterilize tablet or just use the fridge method... Fridge method means after pump just keep ur pump in those air tight container like lock&lock, then store in fridge. No rinse needed.


Have some faith in urself! Am sure u girl will have a nice outing w/o me!!!!! Whatsapp me if need any help! Free dvise! Hee hee...

thanks hippo *hugz*

mrs chua, my boy is 3.5 months now,but period not back yet..

e lazy,i bought the medela sterize sheet where u can microwave to sterilize,duno is it too troublesome anot..

ic gerry. ya, I also told myself, dun think so much, if she wanna bf, juz bf her - to comfort myself... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

agree, cannot trust maid with our kids. mine was good initially, now slacking, so i rather take care myself, tt's why I'm not gg to pump and store the bm anymore 'cos i think she'd use hotter water to warm the ebm when i'm not noticing/ard, plus bb also rejects, so no pt rite... if need be, juz give fm.

I let her bathe bb initially but once confinement's over, I took over, most of the baths at least. Only when we need to rush out and I'm still pumping, then I'd ask her to do it. I also noticed on the next day that I've asked her to bathe bb, bb would hv more 'dirt' on her body for me to remove, haha. But for this, I won't say her 'cos afraid she'd rub harder or take a longer time to bathe the bb(chill) when I asked her to. I just try to do it myself. As for the evening clean up, I still let her do it.

elazy, I quit frm my corporate work to my work freelance and don't intend to return to my work so soon this time round. may not return at all also 'cos #1's gg to P1 next yr. I hvn't been able to take on much work since my #1's turn 1 yo. probably just be contented as a SAHM, heee(now better liao, initially cldn't take it, almost went crazy esp when I had to give up all the corporate/commercial assignments).

oh pink, then wat you do? now u still keep trying to feed bb with bottles? Ya u're rite, quite frustrating and disruptive, feeding on demand, but if bb would cry for milk, then it's best to do it this way I guess?


thanks! its just a sit up stroller, cannot adjust the height and the angle of the back. think i better don't let him sit in it yet.

Mrs Chua,

menses so fast back? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] my gynae told me that probably supply will drop when having menses..

BB R is out to torture us. wakes up at 4am to play. T.T wonder when then he can really sleep through..


this wk not possible wor i v pack was thinkin end of June so can plan [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Re: Hi Tea Buffet @ Carousel (change to Carousel cos more accessible n heard the buffet is nice can see the menu here:http://dining.royalplaza.com.sg/

Price: $38.61net (got 2 promo 15% of total bill or 1 free for 3 diner best is we have group in multiple of 4)

Date: 27 June

Time : 3.30pm

1) Piggytoh

Re: Hi Tea Buffet @ Carousel (change to Carousel cos more accessible n heard the buffet is nice can see the menu here:http://dining.royalplaza.com.sg/

Price: $38.61net (got 2 promo 15% of total bill or 1 free for 3 diner best is we have group in multiple of 4)

Date: 27 June

Time : 3.30pm

1) Piggytoh

2) fungfung


Wow, you can tahan bf for up to 10 mths... kudos.. i dunno whether i can persevere for so long. Ytd supposed to do last pump at 10pm, but was so tired, i decided to go to bed instead.. haha

Hippo and Charmaine,

The methods you both recommended sounds good and easy [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] I will check these out


I was also considering to become SAHM but thk i prob will bth after 1 week? thkg of doing half day, but not sure whether my co will allow or not. Dun want to miss the growing up period of my bb leh.

To all mummies,

I thk u are all great, esp the wake up at nite to feed and check on bb. Hang in there...

Posted on Monday, June 13, 2011 - 11:32 am:       

Re: Hi Tea Buffet @ Carousel (change to Carousel cos more accessible n heard the buffet is nice can see the menu here:http://dining.royalplaza.com.sg/

Price: $38.61net (got 2 promo 15% of total bill or 1 free for 3 diner best is we have group in multiple of 4)

Date: 27 June

Time : 3.30pm

1) Piggytoh

2) fungfung

3) Hippopolai

Oh mummies,

If we are brestfeeding, can we eat spicy stuff? My confinement auntie told me can take little bit only, cos scared wait bb's butt will be hot hot after poo poo... Is that true?

Aiyoh, i really crave spicy food, esp chilli crabs... haha...

Posted on Monday, June 13, 2011 - 11:39 am:       

Posted on Monday, June 13, 2011 - 11:32 am:       

Re: Hi Tea Buffet @ Carousel (change to Carousel cos more accessible n heard the buffet is nice can see the menu here:http://dining.royalplaza.com.sg/

Price: $38.61net (got 2 promo 15% of total bill or 1 free for 3 diner best is we have group in multiple of 4)

Date: 27 June

Time : 3.30pm

1) Piggytoh

2) fungfung

3) Hippopolai

4) Andrea (if can take leave)

Re: Hi Tea Buffet @ Carousel (change to Carousel cos more accessible n heard the buffet is nice can see the menu here:http://dining.royalplaza.com.sg/

Price: $38.61net (got 2 promo 15% of total bill or 1 free for 3 diner best is we have group in multiple of 4)

Date: 27 June d

Time : 3.30pm

1) Piggytoh

2) fungfung

3) Hippopolai

4) Andrea (if can take leave)

5) tweety


oh ok, quite near to goodwood park hotel


my confinement lady and MIL aso told mi nt to take spicy food bt i cant go w/o chilli so take secretly lor :p


Haiz havin pro wif my menses again [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] since aft birth my menses come every mth but will only bleed 1 or 2 drops tats all.

Hi hi... i'm new here and i need help. I need to look for a good confinement lady in Nov, can anyone recommend to me? Thank you so much

Sorry I meant to say fung fung it's opposite far east plaza .. Building next to shaw centre

Yes food at Carousel is gd.. Dinner buffet has free flow sashimi .. I think hi tea may have too. But their seatings are very crammed .. Will be hard to park strollers ...


Oh cramp huh cos nv been there maybe ladies bring stroller can indicate beside the name den if many maybe we change place? Hee wanna gave myself a break n enjoy be4 work so nt bringin BB[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]



Re: Hi Tea Buffet @ Carousel (change to Carousel cos more accessible n heard the buffet is nice can see the menu here:http://dining.royalplaza.com.sg/

Price: $38.61net (got 2 promo 15% of total bill or 1 free for 3 diner best is we have group in multiple of 4)

Date: 27 June

Time : 3.30pm

1) Piggytoh

2) fungfung

3) Hippopolai

4) Andrea (if can take leave)

5) tweety

pls indicate if u bringin stroller

