(2011/03) Mar 2011

Wash the pillow. Last time Eden pillow also very smelly cos he perspire a lot n have to wash once a week. After that he passed that phase le


Compliments of the season!!

On ba lu ku!. CHloe also hit her head on the hard marble floor at my uncle's house on Xmas day! then a red swelling appears.... Then I very 'sam ba' I remember reading an article written by Woffles wu (from 8 days) saying if anyone falls and hit on their head and you see a swelling coming on, used her shoes to hit ton the swelling! Guess what I did that and the swelling went down and in 15 mins time, it disappear, like nothing had happen!!!! AMazing!!!!!

Then on Mee sua, i cooked for Chloe on Mon, using half the bundle, after 1 hr, she cried badly, i tot was happened, got allergy reaction, turns out that half bundle is not enough for her, she wolfed down another 180ml of milk! hahah, I only eat 1 bundle so i tot half bundle for her should be enough! WOw!!!

Fel, cannot wash the pillow case?? Chloe also perspire easily esp when she drinks milk, tempted to change her pillow but it seems that it is recommended for them to sleep on this low level pillow for a little while more!

M: my menses also didnt come at all...so i think its nothing much to be alert of...

#1 time my menses only come after 13 months...

everyone symtoms are different, like maybe before pregnancy might have cramps but after u give birth wont..

Tres, Chloe is a noodle lover!! heehee... I cooked baby pasta for my son ...he ate a lot also ...think he has alreasy tired of eating porridge everyday...regarding ba lu ku, I will try your method next time ....

I saw Lin's photos in FB and she start feeding her Clara rice le....

Pauline, I bought 2 dimple pillows but Matthias is not using it...so now he sleeps without pillow...I guess shld be ok ...cos he keep turning (clockwise/anti clockwise)....

2ks : Lin started her baby very early on solids . I think the baby ate porridge before 6 mths Liao. You go see the food she cook for her baby , machiam like what adults eat. Lolzz.

In the end I brought my girl to see PD yesterday coz hubby say first time better to c doc & c wat med they give. Yah, PD gave Zyrtec & Iliadin.. & 2 other syrups, 1 for flu & the other for cough.. But Zyrtec only 5 drops at night.. den yest i blur, gave in the afternoon & night.. hope nothing wrong..

Wanna give mee sua last wk den no chance to go buy.. my mum has this mee sua fr m'sia one.. dunno shd i use tat or not.. or is there a gd brand to get? tot of cooking tat tml but not sure if my girl is well enough..

ya, Linda's cooking for Clara seems delish!

I think she should cook in bulk and sell as tingkat for babies!

Oh, I told my mum about giving CHloe mee sua, kena big time from her, she says old saying is that we should not give bb 'sticky' stuff like mee sua, glutinous rice coz it sticky and it will slows down bb speech development! Hmph!!! wah lau

Just wanna share w you all!!

tres: i believe in not so complicated food for babies..

cos will indigestion and allergy...

and u might notice some babies might have some problem poo-ing..

2Ks, true true!

Chloe does have poo-ing problems.. so have to constantly give her roughage in terms of apple, payaya & banana lor!

Tres- got change pillow case but u know la, sometimes even the pillow also smelly. Drown with perspiration. So when free n smelly I will wash the pillow also la. Dry very fast.. Hee hee

Tres: mee sua is not made from glutinous rice flour, it is made from wheat floor. Good quality mee sua won't be 'sticky' after you cook. If you wan variety, go United Square get the menu from Petite Bowl and make your own. Lolzz.

2ks: Maybe Lin wanna 'beef' clara up with food.

talking about food...i super hate feeding kyler..

he takes FOREVER to eat...must feed him one..

otherwise he will "keep" inside his mouth..

at the same time feeding him and didi, didi can finish the bowl less than 10 mins...whereas mr kyler can take one hour!


anybody toddlers also like that??

eh...i think kiefer school menu better than what i cook for him at home...

he had all kinds of food there...just that they dont serve pork la

2Ks, you taught me to par boil the mee sua before cooking with the soup stock and after doing the par boil step the mee sua really don't look sticky at all! Check out my pictures on fb, it actually looks more like soup bee hoon to me loh! hehehe... Javier enjoys mee sua!!

2ks: MEEEE!!!! Sunay has hamster moods too!!! I feel like forcing the food down his throat. forever won't finish his food n just store in his mouth!!! Makes me crazy!!!! Used to b every meal like tt, then I became quite evil n once he starts storing I'll stop e meal n NOT feed him til next meal.. Can't say problem solved but getting better

2ks, *high5* my son also like kiefer! I must feed him.if not will never finish Or take forever to finish.he also loves to keep his food in his mouth.I have to keep reminding him to chew his food!

I think most bbs will love mee sua! Mine too!

ST: try birthday direct.com or partycity.com if you are going for theme ones. You can go to party city shop at Raffles City Or Holland Village to take a look. If you just looking at normal party supplies, try ConCouse at Beach road or ICB enterprise house at the junction of Middle and Queen street. All the party supplies shop at the former Blanco CoUrt shifted to these two places. Or try partystuff.com.sg ? Hope this helps.

annie: i saw yr FB pics...i think u very hardworking leh...i believe u at yr mother plc is like xiao jie type..but after having javier, u really put in effort...

pat pat mummy! good job!

pinkypink: yes! hamster is the best description!

he always like to keep in the mouth..

otherwise i got to sprinkle pork floss in it then he will eat it...takes at least half an hour to feed him...damn irritating

gal dolphin: its not kiefer...its kyler..

limlim: u like ms internet-know-all...anything online wanna find can ask u...kekeke

2Ks - yup, Rylen started storing her food in the mouth as well. Drives me crazy, before that she was soooo good at eating. My helper doesn't force, she's instructed not to. The school also says got no problem. Grrrr!

Just that when I take leave or during the weekend, I'll cook something nutritious and force her to finish. In general, I either give her the soup we cook for ourselves for dinner, the baby's porridge but with a lil soy sauce or I get her duck rice... she LOVES duck. sigh.

pinkypink: then what u do to sunay?? how u deal with his makan??

i tried to stop giving him the food when he takes forever to eat, but he like dont bother leh...

and kyler is sooooo small size...3 yrs old but he look like 2 yrs old, smalllest in class

M: aiya...those cc...all the same...u asked they sure say no problem...

i dont believe it lor...

he takes forever to eat, for school i believe times up, they will throw or clear..

is it braised duck rice?? kyler love that too...

but i get sick of eating it because of him..

Sunay also small size but I'm v evil

When he stops eating quickly, I just ask him if he wants to eat, if he says no, I tk away e food (n very strictly no snacks) so basically, I let him feel hungry lor

I try not to react to his hamstering behaviour cuz I dun rabble make it an issue. And like I said, it has improved but not cured yet. Sigh sigh

For those with bb in IFC, do you introduce all the food at home first before letting him have it in IFC?

For example, IFC serves blended chicken porridge with sweet potato and green vegetable. Do you intro chicken for 3 days and then sweet potato for 3 days to make sure there's no allergic reaction before letting him have it at IFC?

Sapphire - Nope, i dont introduce what ever the food bb has in infant care. Don't know what they are going to serve to baby lei.

Though the menu is pasted on the wall la. I read through and all looks pretty alright to me so i dont bother trying out at home cos most of the food he has try long time ago already. (i'm a bad mummy hor).

But so far so good.

I wanna bring Eden to do a studio photoshoot next feb/march when he turns 1.

Any studio to recommend?

Indoor or outdoor better?

ST : The Concourse (Beach Rd) if not wrong, no more already. Had tear down to build private condo. Went to the hotel there last month and the whole of concourse disappear left one block which is the office building.

fel: if u wanna bring outdoor how, wait for Groupon to have those outdoor shoot promos. ST did the outdoor shoot before.

limlim - Actually i also haven decide outdoor or indoor...

Which one better?

Any recommendation for indoor?

indoor - I like studio loft.....Lin took her xmas walk in photoshoot there... i am waiting for their outdoor promotion ~!!

Groupon - those photography packages ...hv many "hidden" terms & conditions ... i bought the outdoor shoot @ $15 ...ended up I need to pay additional $30 ....due to the term - "one person per groupon" ...so additional 2pax ...need to pay additional $30 ...

i find that chicken is a cause of allergy...

and u know la...people say chicken causes phlegm so i just hold on to it lor..

no rush la...anyway another couple of months to go...

i will intro after 1 yr old..no hurry lor

My girl still has some sneezing n cough. Aiyo so hard to drip Iliadin for her. Struggle, struggle. At times, I feel so sad. My girl stay home, I tried breastfeed her 8mths, oso fall sick. Mayb coz I only partial bf. feel so bad.

Oh btw, is there any diaper promo? Huggies, pampers or mp? Needing to get by tis wkend, esp Huggies.

Fel: ratna aso did the Xmas walk in at Studio Loft. I did my newborn shoot there too. It's pricey but I like Maryann's work. So now also haven't decide where to go for the shoot.

2Ks, how you know how I was before I had Javier? LOL.... You very smart to be able to tell/judge. I never do house work when I was staying with my parent, also hardly cook.. other than simple dishes 1-2 times a year only. haha.. But eversince I moved to my own place and have Javier I started to learn and enjoy cooking. Maybe it's own kitchen, so the feeling is different. haha.. and I want to give Javier a healthy and delicious meal so maybe that is why I have the heart to cook for him every weekend. But this weekend gonna cook plain food for him as he has been LS-ing for week due to teething I guess. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Happy new year everyone! I am leaving office to go shopping since manager declared half day for me! hehehehe... anybody wanna meet call me. lol.. I am so excited for 2012!!! :D

annie: i guess so la...can see..

eh...esp after the poo and throw clothes thingy...LOL

thats why i said thumbs up for u...u really put in effort..

when u see your boy enjoying, u will feel happy..

just cook normal porridge with fish lor, no need to add so many ingredients, or pork porridge

Hi mummies, i'm a silent reader here since my preggie days. my boy is almost 10 months old and I have no luck in giving him porridge. Tried the various methods given by you mummies already. He usually clamps his mouth after 1-2 spoonfuls. But he's fine with eating meat/veg purée with cereal. Any winning formula to making my bb eat porridge? Or anyone with similar situation? Am at my wit's end already..

Thanks in advance!


My detailed scan just revealed that I'm having a boy AGAIN!!!!!!!

Who is gonna accompany me shopping when I'm old?!?! Only me female in the family, while the 2 boys fighting with their papa over the computer games.

Why? Why? Tell me why???


airmez: try for a snake??

sigh...but i can understand how u feel la..

but hor...now hor, i started to think both same gender is not a bad thing after all u know..

Aiyo... 2 are enuff for me...

My ah lau still dare to suggest let's try or a 3rd one, I was like "WTH?? u tot we still young ah? I haven'y even popped out this 2nd one, u oredi thinking abt the 3rd???"


I accompany u lah. hahaha!!!

Or u hv any nieces? I now tell my 2 nieces already next time they can hv my handbags if they go shopping w me.


Thanks, dazel! We have to depend on each other for shopping kakis... Just now that sonographer still kept on emphasizing:" It's a boy! Confirm! Double confirm!! See, here is the scotum, the dick.... blar blar... Very confirm!" Wah lau eh... -_-"

