(2011/03) Mar 2011

Chen, u have the same feeling with me ya!! last time i reli eat alot (2-4 weeks i pregnant)... but then start from this week onwards, i see mummy cook, i grab a little bit to eat 1st b4 proper dinner start.. but then when we reli start having dinner, i cant eat alot again!!! strange!!


ahbui, but my gynae said it still forming.. but can see the vain everything are there and he point a dot tt is moving, he said tt gonna be BB heartbeat and u will see it clearer after nx visit. then he measure the waterbag (sorry, not BB size)...

Panda, thank you very much! Yes, I will also be very happy if I can get back partial only, better than nothing. Will update you and let you know if I'm able to get my refund. As for my villa booking, the reservation team is accepting my gynae letter and will process the refund less bank charges to me. Hence, now left the air tickets to be settled.

Ya, must enjoy being a queen for 9 months! hahaha...

Fish, yes, I think it's coming. OMG! Yesterday just mentioned about it, today I kena liao... It's still a mild feeling, not that serious but cannot think of puking coz will feel more like puking. I am now trying to do my work, talk and divert my attention of the nausea feeling. My stomach feels so empty and have the stiring feeling. My friend advises me to eat a small meal but increase the meal frequency. Cannot eat too greasy or spicy if not will be worsed.

Fish, I think we having the same sympton today!! Maybe our weeks of pregnant is same? I also can't eat much but will feel stomach empty and I think is hungry feeling but don't have much appetite. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


exactly.. i feel stomach empty.. but when i see the food.. i dont feel like eating again.. but so far... no vomit yet.. onli morning feel abit uncomfortable!!

fish: i think mine really too small.. haha...... nvr mind ... next sat scan and hope can tell u all the good news!!

OMG, it's coming to us, Fish!! Yesterday I went to collect my letter from gynae then I noticed they stated my EDD as 2nd March then I asked the nurse if they have written wrongly because I thought I heard gynae says is 12th March. They checked my record and said gynae really wrote 2nd March. If my EDD is really 2nd March, that means I am already 6 weeks + this week!

Hello gers, i am new here.

Just tested positive on 01 July. Went to see Gynae on wed, saw the sac and heartbeat blinking, so cute, now 5 weeks+

Going back 2 weeks later to confirm edd.

Annie... wow! tt mean ur EDD is few days earlier than mine wor! but my gynae havent reli give us a confirm EDD! will check with him next visit in 3 weeks time!

EDD will change? Then maybe my next visit I go ask my gynae again. That day I use my iphone what's app to calculate my EDD and it showed 4th March then just nice my close friend asked me to give her 4 numbers for the very first time! Then I just causually gave 0403 and guess what? Wednesday 0403 opened first prize and my friend strike 4D first prize for the very first time too! Never thought this kind of number will open so didn't buy. Then my friend wanna treat me n bb eat nice food and buy my bb present. lol.

Annie, strike 1st prize? really. I should have invested. That's my birth date too!

Ya, EDD changes a few times initially, for my gal's case la. It got more fixed near due date.

wow! tt's very good!! BB bring luck to u!! haha!!!

Chen, wow.. EDD is not fixed one wor? it can still change when near to due date! izzit based on the size and growing progress of our babies?

iemik0, it's fri and near lunch... wakie wakie.

Fish, I think so lei. cos my gal's EDD changed a few times until later months. I'm not sure how they caculate too, maybe as u said, by the measurements of the size. Nway, EDD is based on 40 weeks, anytime near 38 weeks, is ever ready. hee. It's just a guage la.

Hi ladies,

Re: blood test results (2nd round)

I'm very worried now. Clinic just called that my betaHCG (bb's hormones) did not double (but the hormones are increasing) over 48 hrs, wan me to have an early scan... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Yes, Chen, that 0403 let my friend strike 1st prize on Wednesday draw, but I DIDN'T buy!!! hahaha.. But now I am unsure of my actual EDD! will need to go ask my gynae again on Monday when I go for my 2nd visit. Ladies, I am going for my 2nd visit to hear bb's heartbeat on Monday, 2 more days to go! Yippee~

I just ate a package of fried noodle and my stomach is still feeling weird weird de. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


Y u didnt buy... wasted. Mine EDD 10March and i bought i-bet, strike on Wed starters... hee hee.

So far I feel ok, just that very very tired esp after lunch and I have to go out after lunch and few times almost doze off while driving. Other than tat, I eat like no tomorrow like this, keep feeling hungry.


i hope all is well for u and your bb.

pray hard yah.

try not to to get too stress or overwork.

talking about delivery with or w/o epi, im one of those who initially tot i can tong with no epi.

i tried so hard and tahan the contractions for 24 hours and eventually i gave in cos by then i was too tired and so painful liao.

but as my cervix dilates nearer to 10cm, my gynae lowered down the epi so i can feel the pain and i know when to push as the contractions came.

oh yes..love the being treated like a queen part.

the care and attention really tripled and quadrupled..haha.

keke!!! ok... i can do the excel.. I have done it before.. have even used it later to do countdown and also gender color!!! haha...

ok.. please send me details.

airmex: when they want u to go for a scan? i have heard of patients of dr fong who had this... did not double.. but ultimately still ok... don't worry too much... see what the nurses say.

hi mtbs,

my 1st kid i also had wanted to go w/o epidural.. but the pain was too bad... way too bad... haha..... my anaesthesian was late some more... i called for it at 3pm and he only came at 430pm as he was caught in the jam... i was crying and tearing the bedsheets.... was even hitting my arm on the bed rails... haha....


can add me.

add the area we live at too..then next time can plan gathering..hehe.

thanks..u are such a dear.

lynzi / Admiralty / Dr Joycelyn Wong / TMC / #2

lynzi,, u are with joycelyn.. she is a very nice lady.. if i had wanted a female gynae i sure go to her.. recommended a few friends to her also.. keke...


can help mi add my details? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

iemik0 Punggol Dr Tan HH KKH #3


ah bui,

can also help add my details?

pandahut / Yio Chu Kang / Dr Tanny Chan / Gleneagles / #1

Shd include EDD now? Coz it will keep changing.

Tks alot!!!

Another half a day more to tong b4 its weekend!

Hi airmez, though am not sure what the 2nd result meant, I'm sure all will be well. There still many months ahead for baby to grow!

Fish, I think u meant yr EDD in 2011? Hee.

Hi ahbui, thanks for helping to update:

Nick: Chen

EDD: 03 March 2011

Gynae: Dr Caroline Khi

Hospital: TMC

BB No. 2

yes yes! sorry.... ahbui, please ignore previous one! this is the right one


EDD: 7 March 2011

Gynae: Dr. Adrian Tan

Hospital: TMC

BB# 1

Ahbui, you described until very painful!! My friend who had the epi jab when she admitted to the hospital before seroius contraction strike her said her labour was not pain at all. Only the pushing part is tiring and after the effect gone off then she felt pain at her pp wound...

Update me pls, thanks!

Nickname: Annie Lim

EDD: 2 March 2011

Gynae: Dr. Clifton Chan

Hospital: Mount A.

BB# 1

Thanks for your well-wishes, ladies!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Bopee everything will go smoothly. Will ask to go scan next tue to see bb's heartbeat, but hubby not back yet from biz trip leh... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Ahbui, hope to join ur table after my Tue scan ...

bopee.. bopee...

Fish, how you feeling now? Still feeling how you felt in the morning? I am feeling so uncomfortable at my throat and stomach area, still... and a slight headache.. Argh.. so xin ku... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

I can feel that I am hungry but I have no craving or appetite at all. Why like this?

hey lynzi, i got the same gynae as you leh...

how much are her charges now ah??

ahbui, add me pls:

nickname: pixiepixel

EDD: tbc

location: sengkang/jurong

child#: 2

gynae: Jocelyn wong

hospital: TMC


very coincidence, we soon to have a baby at the same mth & year!

i sms-ed you last week for you to collect your word world flashcards & workbook, u havent come n take hor....got time u arrange ok



hehe. i forgot abt it. lolx. definitely will get it tis wkend. my bois r asking for it. keke.

