(2011/03) Mar 2011

Lynzi.. I make an appt with Dr Jocelyn for my 1st visit.. Is she good.. previously with Dr Yvonne Chan. But my appt was next mth..

Jeraldin & Annie.. I also stay at Bt panjang.. which area are u all in?

Thanks Ah bui and Fish for the gynae recommendation. Maybe i will consider Adrian Tan since my neighbour also recommended him before and his clinic is at TMC whereas i read that Dr Fong is at Orchard Road which is a bit further from my place.

Fish, when i have my first baby i did not experienced morning sickness as well. So i think i will not have morning sickness this time round also. but i did have cravings for chips a bit too early now :p...

Also for this pregnancy, i wake up in the middle of the night feeling my hands are a bit numb and had a hard time sleeping afterwards since last week which is the 5th week. Anyone experience this?


do add me in the table...

Nickname :Gal

Home :Bedok

EDD :not sure yet

Gynae: Dr WK Tan

Hospital: TMC

BB# : 4

congrats to all mummy above!! cannot believe its my 4th ...will be my last pregnancy!! hope its a Girl!! but i feel its a boy....[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] my symptoms etc all same like my 1st three pregnancy.....

to mummies with no MS, no cravings...maybe u r expecting a Boy keke....i am like this for my 1st three pregnancy....and sad to say also like that now....really hope to have a girl this time...but its like 0.01% chance only....sigh.....

I didnt have any morning sickness *touch wood*... appetite as good as ever *err, jialat* But the backache is the siong one!! My back is very stiff, and it's painful when i try to stand straight... u can see me walking now, maciam like zombie... -_-"

Hi airmez

Me too hv e bk pain. other than that not much symptoms. Just go toilet more frequent. So u seeing dr fog on Tuesday?

hey everyone!! im hoping onto this boat with u guys. wow.i see that majority of u guys are following up with TMC.

morning mummies

can't sleep, I guess I OD on sleep coz I ko with my boy while putting him to sleep at 830pm yesterday


for my #1, I had super bad MS but he's a boy leh. so different ppl different symptoms bah I guess?

although I'm having minimal MS for now "touch wood", I hope will still be a boy too....hmmmm

btw u r having #4, kowtow to u leh. I wonder how one copes with 4 children? I hope u have a gal too!!


this morning i dont feel anything, coz hubby drive me to work so i didnt walk alot... but after i drink my honey this morning, i feel vomiting. haha!! juz awhile only then okie le.. u lei??? still the same huh??? but yest o had headache, reli cant tahan, cant breath, then i try to nap awhile, after wake up, feel slightly better, then have dinner with parent and hubby!

Tracy, so far no expeiece numb, but last time i seldom wake up becoz wana peepee... but now... almost every nite, i need wake up once to peepee wor!!

AirMez and ahbui, i do feel backache wor! but i asked mummy, mummy said it is still too early to experience backache wor!!! but i reli experience backache sometime... cant stand/sit one position too long...

gal, dont scare me ya!!! we wana a gal this time ya!!!!!


looks like many mummy here hoping for girls this time....pls pls pls hope our wishes are granted....

Pixel : i oso dun know how i am going to manage 4....just hope all will be alright when it comes...already feeling very tired handling 3 monkeys....:p

Dear mummies,

Sorry to interrupt. I'm bringing in Avent Duo Breastpumps (US sets) at $480 each, with SG adaptor & free delivery (less $20 for self-collection at Jurong). For the month of July, there is additional 5% off for orders of minimum 4 sets.

More information available: www.mybreastfriend.webs.com

Yah Ahbui, hope to see Dr Fong next tue, hope the work allows..

Fish, my mum said the same thing! she said it's WAYYYYYYYYYYYYY too early to experience backache wor... make me sound like i very pampered... :/

Hi Fish, i already experienced backache dunno if it is from carrying my boy of 12kg or from the pregnancy but i think its the former. i also did not do proper confinement for my first delivery maybe that is also part of the reason for back ache. but yours is the first pregnancy so maybe it is due to your posture since we are only about 5/6 weeks pregnant. it will get worse at the later part of the pregnancy.

like most of the mummy or mummy to be here i also hope to have a gal if i can choose [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

hello mummies,

guess i belong here.. wahahha... just tested positive this morning.. :p

this is #2...

Thinking to visit gynae in another 2 weeks when heartbeat can be detected.. so can save 1 consultaion fee.. lol....[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

My details:


Dr Koh Cheng Huat

Mt A



Hi mummies,

I have a little prob cuz I'm still TBF my 10mos girl.

I dunno how to stop n start her on FM but I guess I have to do it soon else it'll be bad for my own body.. N very draining....

Any kind advice?? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi Mummies, I just tested positive this morning... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Rach, my #1 is 11 months old and i'm still breastfeeding her too. I read that so long as you feel ok and maintain a healthy diet, it's ok to continue breastfeeding.

Are you latching or bottle feeding EBM?


Really???? I feel so bad that I need to cut her off TBF now that I'm preggy with #2.

I'm fully latch since her birth. Nite time she needs to latch n in the middle of the nite a few times here n there too...

Day time not so bad now that she started solids...

So it's only abt 2-3 latch in the daytime...

So u intend to continue BF while having #2???

Hi Fish, I'm still having the nausea feeling till today.. but it's on and off one.. I just bought ginger tea, hope can smooth that nausea feeling... but I didn't really vomit out anything... just feel like vomitting but nothing comes out. You leh? Got vomit out anything? I think we are almost the same stage/weeks, that is why our symptons look alike.. Friday I also had slight headache but yesterday no more le...

Tmr afternoon I'm finally going to hear my bb heartbeat! Hope I can hear it tmr.. coz I know some ppl have to wait till 8 weeks... I don't wanna wait so long to confirm the heartbeat! Wish me luck! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Will update you gals tmr after my check up.

Rach, I also fully latch. yeah, same sometimes at nite also need to feed her. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

I will check with my gynae but from what i've read, it seems to be ok to continue to nurse while pregnant, and even nurse the baby and toddler. But all this material is from internet, and ang mohs are super on about breastfeeding lah.

also read that sometimes the milk will stop / change taste during 2nd trimester... but my girl knows how to use her sippy cup now, so if she stops wanting breastmilk, i will give her other milk lor...

i have no concrete plans... will just listen to my body and gynae and see how it goes. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

hi all mommies to be...

am excited to be here again... i was in Oct 2010 EDD thread but soon i drop out from that thread when I had to go thru D&C (Abortion due to miscarriage)on March 2010 very heartbreaking..

lil didnt expect, am expecting again.. and tested positive yesterday.. yet to see a gynae but will do very soon.. very worried, anxious and excited all the same time..

The same like before I dont have much symptoms except for back ache and breaks out on my face..

I really hope that the lil one will grow grow grow and its here to stay..

Do pray for me too yeah!!

God bless all!!


Oh... I tried Nan HA3 just now. Failed.

She doesn't want the bottle at all...

But is latching now even as I'm typing this...

Die dunno how to deal with this now... Stressed!!!

Rach, don't stress... maybe she wants to latch cos she can sense that you want to wean her. Also some pple think that #1 gets more clingy when mummy's pregnant.

Make sure u r getting enough nutrition n rest...

Meanwhile, just continue to introduce other means of feeding milk... maybe straw / spoon feed

don't stress... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


can i ask if u or ur hubby the one using the btl when u tried nan?

mayb can try to have ur hubby or another person to use the btl on ur gal. Cos if u r the one tryin her on the btl, she will want to latch instead as she can smell her "milk supply"..

Puan Sri,

I also had a D&C during my 2nd pregnancy. went thru depression n etc. So for this round, i went to c gynea v early to start taking duphaston to stabilize the pregnancy when i start having cramps after testing positive. Although i do not know how much it help. but it stil give me a sense of "security" that i tried all means to protect this pregnancy. else, i go over stress in worryin abt the pregnancy n not doin anything. =p


thx for answerin me on ur ultrasound scan the other day. Cos i wasnt sure which wk i was when i went to see my gynea the first round. tot was 4wks. but could only c linnin, no sac yet. =p went back to c on sat liao. juz started 6th wk. no heart beat yet... dr say usually in the middle or later part of 6th wk, then the heart beat will start.

Morning mummies ..

blizzbless... such a coincidence! we both stayed in bukit panjang and visiting Dr Yvonne Chan...

I am going for my first checkup during lunch later.. hopefully everything will be fine =)

morning ladies..not so good news this morning.

I have been bleeding since yesterday morning.

On the way to see gynae now.

Pls pray for me.


i had headche the whole weekend... i tried to slp more but still cant! then i dono it consider MS or not.. but i feel like got something stuck inside my stomach or where... make me very 'gao wei' ya!! then try to eat, also dont feel like eating lor... the headache make me super annoying.. until now i still having headache lor!!!

lynzi, wat happen???? why suddenly bleed? why yest bleed, until this morning then u go see gynae? u should go see yest ma!!! pray hard to you n BB tt both of u fine and safe!!

Hi Fish, it's seems like headache can happen in the early stage of pregnancy. Below is an extract of 7th week pregancy, hope it helps. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Changes in You

You are probably still experiencing morning sickness. If you are prone to migraine headaches, you may find that they are worse or better during pregnancy. While some women experience an almost complete relief of their migraine symptoms during pregnancy, others find that migraines come on with greater regularity.

Fortunately this will probably change as you follow your pregnancy week by week. Some women actually experience their first migraine during pregnancy.

Migraines are usually not dangerous during pregnancy. If however your migraine is accompanied by other symptoms including fever or blurred vision, you should report your symptoms to your healthcare provider immediately! Know that there are certain triggers that may impact your susceptibility to migraines. These include the following:


Lack of sleep







Strong odors

While you can't control the hormonal changes that are occurring in your body, you can do some natural things to help relieve your discomfort. Some women find that a cold towel or frozen bag of peas on the head helps relieve the aching associated with a migraine. Others simply prefer lying down. Meditation and yoga may actually prove beneficial during pregnancy. While it is generally considered acceptable to take Tylenol during pregnancy to help relieve pain, other forms of pain relief including ibuprofen and aspirin should be avoided.

If your headaches are truly severe be sure to report them to your healthcare provider.

Good morning mummies!

Let's all pray hard for Lynzi and baby.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Fish, I guess is the nausea effect... I also! Like gastric flu in stomach (fang wei/wei suan) and when eat cannot eat alot.. no appetite like that.. very digusted feeling loh.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] I tried to eat something every 2-3 hrs and I find it helps a little... but cannot eat too full coz the nausea feeling will come again! haiz... but I so far haven't vomit out anything yet... Just have the feeling only..

I'm looking forward to 2pm for my check up! will update you gals after my check up.

AirMez, wow.. thank you very much for the information. but i dont think i'm having migraine, the headache is like needles poke my brain, and sometime very tight, then sometime very dizzy... mummy tried my blood pressure last Fri and she said my blood pressure abit low!

Annie, yes... sometime feel very disgusting.

