(2011/03) Mar 2011

i heard liver is good to take during confinement month..but now preg w baby cannot take intestines yet due to dono what bacteria..but after delivery can take to improve health...

ok i see...caz i tot drinking DOM directly will be very strong since i dont drink hard liquor at all last time..


Milktea- She will confirm for me the date, once she msn/sms me, i let u gers know

BTW, anyone got Luo Hang Jia VIP card? Can share?

Sigh.... yesterday received my old navy clothe purchases that are meant for xmas gifts to my nieces/nephews. All too small.. jialat.


BBrabbit, do you need the physical card? Or just NRIC will do?

I heard Lou Hang Jia bird nest is good. Those concentrated de. But am taling EYS =P

Milktea- Think NRIC, or card no. Can PM me. Ya, i find it better than EYS one, more concentrated and also quantity doubel EYS one.

xiaofeizhu, saw the webby, if i take the 5 days package, works out to be $79 per session. Ex lei. Me budget mummy...

Btw, rach, I recalled u mention yr massage lady is good, can pm me contact or anyone who got her contact? Thanks muchie!

milktea: i went for the gimmil sales before...every year about this same time..

they sell alot of clothes like carters, osh kosh..

erm..original or not i am not sure la, but quality ok..

so i prob go down this year too...

bee: usually with fish i used rice wine leh...erm...with dom i dont think i want...the taste with chix already yucky, dont say with dom..LOL

fish: dom if drink like that, the liquor content wont evaporate leh...

unless u wanna drink before u zzz, and halfway dont feed or pump?

pixie - this sat cfm le. have pm fangfang

fangfang - u have mail. pls sms me back [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

FM - noted mummy on e FM. shall see how things goes. dont wanna buy 1st, else its like giving myself alternative. haha. as for e brand, do u ownself select or gynae/hospital recommend? any diff? cos i see so many diff brands outside. price also diff.

won_mummy, my #1 was at TMC, the nurse asked me which brand I want to give my baby. That time I didn't anticipate, cos thought will be bf. So, anyhow chose similac... haha.

Chen - I see... am looking at the 7 days package but still work out to be ard $71 per session... hard to find cheap cheap one =(

BBrabbit - You know the price and size for the Lo Hang Kah concentrated birdnest? Cos am also looking concentrated birdnest to eat during confinement... CL tell me to eat birdnest during confinement, as for those 'bu' foodie better to start only after 12 days whereby the menses near finishing otherwise she say will waste...

Milktea- My gf said this yr no sale leh. She ask me for the source of info.

Xiaofeizhu- me cannot remember, but i know the size of the bottle is much bigger than EYS, and price is like 130-140 per bottle if we buy 3 bottles at a go.

BTW, why must eat birdnest during confinement?


thanks! i have received ur sms

actually i wanted to sms u too...about the p/t auntie cleaner. my sister is looking for someone like that...her maid just went back liao...

any chance for her to be available to clean my sis's place? location: sembawang

perhaps once a week or once a fortnight

paiseh ah, im now on the line so cannot type sms....bleah...

my calls never ending since morning...

no more sales online anywhere now? Feel like shopping but dunno what to shop for..

Have you all prepare baby's full month attire?

Fish, got yr pm, thanks! I call them on their rates.

Annie, u are fast. Erm, yet to even decide whether to hold a full month party lei... although i did so for my #1 la.

Pregnant women used to be told to eat liver as it is high in iron and women may become anemic during pregnancy.

However Liver is also very high in vitamin A and an excess can damage fetal development therefore women are now advised not to eat liver or its products while trying to get pregnant or while pregnant.

Read more: http://wiki.answers.com/Q/Is_it_safe_to_eat_liver_while_pregnant#ixzz17PCMdkEE

So.. if eating of liver is for the iron and I am eating beef already, then I think I will just skip liver loh.

But I loves them when they not half cooked. Bleah.... Heehee..

My Mum said liver is to bu blood during confinement, when I told her my gynae said cannot eat, she said my gynae bluff me! Haha.. hat's my Mum. Heehee..

BBRabbit, I will pm you the card no tmr! If I don't you remind me okie!

2Ks, I was reading your advice to Fish on DOM, somehow very funny, I imagine I drink the concentrated DOM before I go slp, I don't think I can wakeup for pumping. Maybe blackout all the way until morning man.

Annie, am also like you leh, been looking around to see if there's any sales online.

I think those thanks giving de so-so only..

ASOS got free international shipping leh, but never see anything I like.

I am looking around for some nice dress for yearend celebrations.

I hearts XMAS!

Ohya, talking about Xmas, this year's deco at Orchard not nice leh. Like Hari Raya. Haha.. opps!

I very kia su, like to prepare things in advance. I'll be holding baby full month celebration and was thinking I may need to get ready his attire before giving birth coz after give birth straight away doing confinement, cannot go out shop for his attire already. But newborn nice clothing for boy like so limited.

Annie- Got online sale, just dist not tt good. Wait for post xmas sale. Hahha, me also looking for full mth celebration attire [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Milktea- noted, thks

milktea: haha...ya...i think cos we so long no drink liquor hor...one small glass we might knock out lor!

better to drink it cooked la...

Heh... I also bored.

I also waiting for post Xmas sales, but if boring like the thanks giving one, also sianz.

I think my next to-get items are the Braun thermometer and the Medela breast pump.

Oh, and the fridge-to-go.

Hmm... wat else leh...

The small small things like nipple pad, baby detergent, baby lotion.. diapers. baby wipes..

Think buy them in Jan bah..

BBrabit, let me know when there is sales online ok? I need to start shopping for baby full month attire! Want something nice nice, at least different from the causal wear.

milktea - just to check, so most prob u r going to order e beanspount pillow from prestobb's link? or e email u sent? sorry, confused now.

pixie - e p/t auntie cleaner cannot leh. asked le. her wkday daytime is busy look aft grandchildren, wkend do few regular house n volunteer @ temple. n she only active around west area.

chen - oic. tks! shall rackee n see which brand e parents prefer than. haha. hope our bb have same preference as us n not fussy.

annie - ^5 me too! already thinking abt full mth celebration attire. haha. i ordered it via e carter's sale previously. purposely order bigger size, hope she can fit by that time.

milktea, i also wan buy the thermometer & fridge to go...but heard ear thermometer doesnt suit babies? if i can find any lobang i update u...if u have any, pm me k???

baby detergent - i tot of getting the pureen one..u leh?

Hi Mummies:

Im from May 2010 thread, Im selling away a brand new Avent steriliser at $150/-. Please text me at 97714797 or PM me. Self collect.



BBrabbit - CL only mention its good ask me to eat... chix essence also gd to eat but maybe becos she will be cooking those 'bu' foodie liao so she din exactly ask me to drink... but to her the must have wine is rice wine, she say must drink alot ask me to prepare... then she say confinement time cannot take salt otherwise will water retention so she sort of warn me beforehand that taste wise maybe abit bland if I'm used to salty food.. but for the 1st week she say will only be eating simple food like pork, fish and veggie and cannot take alot of ginger during 1st week if BF bb...

Fish - Thanks, will contact them to enquire =)

Annie- Sure. Me so sian now, not much to shop online. So coming up wif my wish list. My gfs and coll dun wann get me stuff which i do not need. So coming up wif the list now. Hahaha

won_mummy, I bought a few set of clothes for 3 months and my friend says it's gonna be too big for 1 month old. So I have to rebuy again and this time must be for NEWBORN!!! But newborn design very limited leh... Scratch head now...

Regarding thermometer, which brand is good? I also thought of buying ear thermometer leh.. haha

bb rabbit.. i saw sprees on baby gap and nissen ??? u can go see see look look [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Speaking of baby detergent - is the powder form better or liquid form..? Saw the pigeon powder and liquid detergent.. dunno which to buy. Cos maybe wanna wash bb's new and old clothes nearer to our EDD [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

What abt bb lotion, shampoo, bath etc..? Which brands u all usually buy..? Pigeon..Pureen, J&J ??

I'm gonna buy the old and long trusted brand Johnson & Johnson for bb bath and powder. Lotion I heard my gf says Musta (dunno how to spell) is good but very ex. Detergent which brand is good? I haven't get also. Kodomo?

won_mummy, we are ordering beansprout from the link Prestorabb gave, more expensive but the fabric very nice leh. So decided not to save on this liao =P

babybride, the Braun thermometer I saw super alot of mummies getting leh, so I tot it's good. Din noe it's not so good for baby leh, but I dun wan to get a thermometer just for few mth usage leh..

baby detergent, am thinking of getting Kodomo de, bcoz they have refill pack.

No matter what, I will get the liquid rather than powder de.

Coz the current one am using for Hubby and me hor, I find powder de very messy leh. Liquid form like easier to handle and dissolve.

Pureen I will get for Milk Bottle, Nipples & Vegetables, I read it in forum sometime back and copied it into my list. Haha.. Orange flavour. Haha..

Then shampoo and lotion I getting J&J.

Try one bottle first, unless bb skin is not ok then get other brands.

Heyhey, that time which Mummy huh said wana go Sean Lau for pre natal photography?

Isit Fish?

I think I wana go too leh, haha... so in the end what's the group signup thing huh?

ive been using kodomo for liquid detergent.

if you all want to soak nappy (linens), then can try ABD powder. a box goes a longggg way leh...

or napisan. but i always use ABD lar


i buy the terumo ones from Unity pharmacy. esp when they got 20% discount (once in a blue moon). small & handy & accurate


you will not regret the orange flavour one...even till now i still using

ok lar, different preference...my sis likes the mint flavour one....you can buy 1 of each and then determine what you like eventually...

coz in first year you can use up many bottles eventually

i am using pigeon powder one...cos low studs...less bubble...

but i heard pureen one also not bad...

i dont quite like J&J cos the smell not lasting...

i am using pureen top to toe wash, the smell very lasting, i like to smell his head...LOL

otherwise when i buy pigeon in bulk, i will get the 2 in 1...also quite lasting smell.

bb lotion: i used calendula cream on anything...it works with rashes, reddish etc..

milktea: braun thermometer ok la..

just that u might notice, cos baby ear is very small, so the braun might not be quite accurate on their ears, u will also notice, both ears temp differs..

usually i will double confirm with those digital stick type which i "kiap" under his armpit..

but when they gets bigger, then its more accurate la...cos ear grow bigger mah..

pixie: the orange flavour one ok mah? i so far tried the mint one...not bad...

but hor..mint one seems more popular...

last weekend when i went metro, wanna stock up more...mint one all OOS.

left orange..

is $6 the normal price huh?


ya.. is me who suggesting the group sign up de!!

but in the end the respond not very good.. so.. didnt reli work out the group sign up...

and i have already signed up both the maternity and classic baby pacakge from the parenthood fair two weeks ago..

If u still interest, I can give you the contact number, email and name. u check with her if u can get further discount or not...

let me know if u wana...

Detergent and softener - I bought Kodomo brand for bb clothings...

Planning to get Kodomo powder lotion in place of bb powder... may also get Kodomo for bb bathing thingy otherwise will be J&J... body lotion I will get J&J ba otherwise Mustela but Mustela exp leh...

Wipes - Pigeon

Detergent for bottles - Pigeon

2ks i heard from grapevines the gemmill sales no more this year wor...so far never hear anything hor...coz its normally ard mid of dec...

i so sad when i heard the warehouse sales may not happen this year..

i also so the kiam arm pit cheap thermometer since birth..those guardian /watson one .until he was 1 plus..when he had fever more regularly i tot its more useful to get the braun..so i got from target US just recently...half the price what is retailing in sg but no warranty lor..

2ks, i also use orange and mint alternately...S$6 is normal price..sometimes i forgot that i bought to restock..i realise now i have 3 new bottles not used yet..

bbrabit..these few days i also never really buy anything..damn itchy to shop...but occasionally wil run to mother care to see what is on offer [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

still waiting for my carter loot to arrive though [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

n waiting for ralph to be on sales..i still haven buy the dress i am eyeing for my girl

Wah.. what a long list of brands.. heh heh.. time to take notes again.

Milktea - lets hope the fabric really nice to touch. I tot I saw a fren's FB photo, her bb also using this beansprout pillow fabric.. let me go ask if its the same seller. Heh.

Jaime - me also waiting for my Carters loot to arrive.. also finger itchy always walk to mothercare cos 15% for AMEX cardholders.. but always walk out empty handed.. haha. Yet to see hows the Carters quality like..

Jaime- Polo got 20% dist on sale item, i think. Not too sure.

Milktea- I PM u my order by tonite, 'cos wann to show DH. He is making me feel tt my ger is overwhelm with rabbit and pinky stuff.

jaime: ya...i tot if this year still have i wanna go...lets see how lor..

if have then go, dont have then bo bian..

no number to call and ask also...

i using pigeon for kiap armpit one...but now his ears more developed, so i switched to braun. ok la...thermometer not like a few hundred, no warranty still ok..

so $6 is the usual price la...i think i also have 3-4 bottles at home...now not so fast use finish...last time, aiyo...one month at least 1 bottle lor..


Fish, thks I think I just contact them direct since no group discount anw.

BBRabbit, I think we will close the ordering this Fri then I consolidate then mass email.

I also waiting for my carter loot to arrive =P

