(2011/03) Mar 2011

Hi Shirley, can ask the gynae to change the EDD? Gosh! I doubt my gynae will do such thing. So sad... I just called the cruise and they die die dun allow.


Mornin mummies!!

I wanna join too...

Mummies attending:

1. Caecilia

2. Limlim

3. Lilprecious & Jav

4. Rach & Rayanne

5. Shirley (sourduck)

6. Annie

7. han




Sorry mummies can't join as my weekend is family day events.

I just tried carousel high tea, so so only and standard drop. But they having 10% for UOB credit card. Worthy.

Shangri la Rose Verdana standard drop too.

One of my Gf told me ION have this TWG tea salon not bad. perhaps you are can consider.

Oh ya, 2Ks son names Kyler. Nice name too.

Though some names r common but most important we love it yeah.?

Now I m gg crack brain to find girls name start with N! Natalie is my #1 n Nicole is #2.... now #3? if no nice N, gotta go without it.

Last night was teary n upset when my eldest girl say why it's not didi BUT Meimei again [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] I can't bring myself to talk so tell Hubby explain to her.. Hubby somehow bribe her with a bigger little tikes kitchen set saying all of 3girls can share!

Gosh! Bribery! Amazing is this morning she told me, mummy I love little Meimei we go buy clothes for her ok?

Kids!!! Always amaze us haha

lilprecious, common baby names ok de so long ur close group of friends dun have, else very confusing for evryone. Haha..

My close friend's baby boy name Javier, also very nice. J is our generation most popular name for boys. I think. Bcoz of Jay Chou! Woohooo!! Hahahaa...

Cynthia: That's very sweet of your eldest. I'm sure the 3 girls would enjoy each other's company.

Milktea: lilprecious' baobei name also javier. He's such a cutie!


take back N lah....we help u brainstorm lor

coz if #3 not starting with N, growing up liao very the tough for her to explain one leh


Agreed with you! What grow up ask me why different from Jiejie alamak.

Thought of:

1) Noelle

2) Nariko ( #2 don like when i ask them)

3) Nellie

Midst of thinking too haha. Still got time too yeah


Hugzzz!! I teary also when i read your sentenses, cos i so hope you can get a boy also for #3. Yes, your hb is very supportive and i understand your pressure too. Dun upset anymore ok, 3 girls can shares clothes and can support each others when they grown up, cos sisters are closer [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] My colls having 4 sisters, and all grown up well and having well family now too. All blessed and support each other very much. Very closed realtionship, she told me, her parents are very happy with 5 girls.

Pls cheers up !! ok ..

ok... i think most prob im getting lexie tote also.. but hor, the colour... i go other website got nicer colours lei... the one u show us, only three colours..


how abt Nethelynn? One of my friends' name in my uni and a very smart girl [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Just a small idea for you..


Natasha ? match Natalie ... haaa ... i like Nellie from your list too ..

wow, many mummies start thinking of name liao ..

for me, i'll think when my boy is out ba .. anyway, need to depends on his birth time to decide wat alphabet to starts with .. lazy mama

Cynthia: Aww, tears welled up when i read your #1 said that! She is sweet lah! *Hugz

I think you have "N" for #3 lah, if not she will ask why later. Ya lor, we think of nice names for you.....

Noelle seems nice!!! If not, got Narissa, Nadia, Nathania...

list of N girls name for cynthis's #3

1) Noelle

2) Nariko ( #2 don like when i ask them)

3) Nellie

4) Nethelynn

tres: Nathania

5) Naomi

6) Natasha

7) Narissa/Naryssa

8) Nichelle

9) Nixie

10) Noella

11) Nydia/Nadia/Nadya

12) Nikki/Nykki

13) Nysa

thats all i can think of...for now

i lurrrrvvve to think of names

Thanks mummies for all e lovely names! Gonna to write all down Heehee. Have to ask Jiejies too hai. Wanna find those we able to pronounce too Heehee [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I thought of Natasha but #1 don't like saying it represent black black! Can't stand her

Cynthia, hw old is your no.1

Natasha represent black black. Hahaha... so cute.

I think it's a very very good idea to get the older kids involve in choosing name for the coming one. I chose my cousin (7yrs younger than me) english name and until today, I still feel very very proud that I chose that name and very happy that she likes her name too =)

High Tea: 20 Nov, Saturday

Venue: Carousel (Royal PLaza on Scotts)

Time: 3.30pm-5.30pm

Price: $32++

Mummies attending:

1. Caecilia

2. Lilprecious & Jav

3. Rach & Rayanne

4. Shirley (sourduck)

5. Annie

6. han





Pariss is not good in my opinion.

High Tea: 20 Nov, Saturday

Venue: Carousel (Royal PLaza on Scotts)

Time: 3.30pm-5.30pm

Price: $32++

Mummies attending:

1. Caecilia

2. Lilprecious & Jav

3. Rach & Rayanne

4. Shirley (sourduck)

5. Annie

6. han

7. hazel





My #1 is 4yr old. Born in Aug 2006. But she is quite sensible & mature for her age. Guess is me bad mommy make her like this so she could help me in taking care #2.... & now #3 hahaha!

She very demanding one. Will tell me what to cook for her, chose her own clothing, tell me house messy with toys why meimei don't help to clean up etc. Hai.. girls...


Guess its hard for the 2 jiejies come to conclusion! Tough time for me haha.

Guess alot mummies like boys name started with J.

I have few mummies friends with boys name J...

Boys Name with J (which some of my frds using)


1) Jayden (commonly used)

2) Jovan

3) Javien

4) Joyden

5) Joeson

Sometimes I guess boys name can add bit here & there to invent your own. Will sound nice too yeah.

Cythnia- See, the joy of having 3 gers...Told my mum, she said u so lucky!!!

Anyone know if robinson is having sale today? Me will be in town, tot of popping by to see

BB Rabbit,

Robinson sales again???? Waiting for BB sales leh. Looks like none at e moment. Taka one usually should be next year March. By then most of us popping le. Sometime I go kiddy palace to buy lo since have the member discount. At times they have additional 20% for members during some sales period too yeah.

At least your mum happy & say I am lucky. My side all don't think that. My mum started v disappointed but after that last night she call me also good la. Know she trying to make me feel better BUT better than none haha.

Ok la.. getting terms to accept it le. No matter how its our "product" heheheheh

Pinky- THKS

Cythnia- I shld have sms 2k this mrn. I was home, back terrrible pain, puke n all. K, ltr me go see and update u if got sale, since my dr is at paragon. GG for my long-wait hair cut as well.

Have a nice wkend gers!! me gg out liao

Rach: dat day i was searching for buffet/high tea's comments.. cos we planning go eat for our anniversary.. i read alot saying Pariss the food nt gd n nt worth the $$$.. hahaa..

high tea on sat: im nt good at choosing such places, cos i don really go unless there's occasions like bdays.. hehe, im ok to join as long as its within reasonable budget.=D dat day actually my hb's bday! hahaaa, but he asked me go ahead cos he took leave for that wk..hehehee..

milktea: yup, alot of ppl having J names.. hehe.. im still naming #2 J...G.. cos we're the J...G... family. hehehehe..except my hb's G (baptism name) is nt registered, cos his family din gif it to him.. n i baptised b4 my wedding, so i haf a baptism name.. hehe..

Hb: Jeremy Gabriel

Me: Jeslyn Genevieve

#1: Javier Germanus

#2: cracking my head.. hahaha

Cynthia: kids really gif us surprises sometimes, haha.. its really hrtbreaking when yr #1 said she wanted a didi.. but hrtwarming when she accepted it and even help choose a name for #3! hehe.. i wan a girl!!!!!!! ='( boohooo..

Thanks for combining a list for J boys.. i can steal some..hehehehe

Boys Name with J (which some of my frds using)


1) Jayden (commonly used)

2) Jovan

3) Javien

4) Joyden

5) Joeson

6) Jaeren

7) Jarius

8) Jayvis

lets add on more.. anyone needs help in other alphabet? we can all contribute a lil, n everyone will end up with a long list of names! =D

Pinkypink, bbrabbit: I was just thinking if robinsons got sale this mornng! Checked the website but didn't see any. Good to hear that there's a sale [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

anybody went for the warehouse sale? supposed to go ytd b4 the meeting, ended up i din go cos i din slp well the night b4, cldnt wake up..hahaha! n it closes at 5pm, today hb is working till tmr, so cant go...=( but i jus read on FB dat they're extending the warehse sale till 13th!! =D so see if anyone went alrdy, can share any good deals dere anot..den i'll drop by tmr..hehehe=P

Hi ALL!!

TGIF!! Today no gah-men in office so shiok and hubby will be returning tml yahhh!! Can't wait...

Robinson got sale?? My dumb dumb hubby never give me the Robinson sub-card... he must be feeling so happy now...

I went to Mothercare yday, they are having sales of 30%-50% for bb and toddlers' clothing... manage to buy 2 top and 2 bottom for my little one and cost only $20+...

Boys Name with J (which some of my frds using)


1) Jayden (commonly used)

2) Jovan

3) Javien

4) Joyden

5) Joeson

6) Jaeren

7) Jarius

8) Jayvis

9) Jervis

10) Jenson

list of N girls name for cynthis's #3

1) Noelle

2) Nariko ( #2 don like when i ask them)

3) Nellie

4) Nethelynn

tres: Nathania

5) Naomi

6) Natasha

7) Narissa/Naryssa

8) Nichelle

9) Nixie

10) Noella

11) Nydia/Nadia/Nadya

12) Nikki/Nykki

13) Nysa

14) Noreen


you are right. the other thread i frequent for my #1, we have many kids with the name Javier, Jayden. i think at least 2x of each

too popular liao hor

Boys Name with J (which some of my frds using)


1) Jayden (commonly used)

2) Jovan

3) Javien

4) Joyden

5) Joeson

6) Jaeren

7) Jarius

8) Jayvis

9) Jared/Jarrett

10) Julius/Julian

11) Jadrick/Jedrick/Jaderek/Jederek

12) Jarrell

13) Jonathan

14) Jorge?

xiaofeizhu83: Jenson

Caecilia : count me in for the high tea. Much appreciation on the timing [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] 3.30-5 something is perfect for us

If it's 2pm then I can forget it Liao

Names : I'm also considering J, cause my 1st is Josh. But so far don't have 1 that I like

High Tea: 20 Nov, Saturday

Venue: Carousel (Royal PLaza on Scotts)

Time: 3.30pm-5.30pm

Price: $32++

Mummies attending:

1. Caecilia

2. Lilprecious & Jav

3. rach & rayanne

4. Shirley (sourduck)

5. Annie

6. han

7. hazel

8. Angelina & Josh



Mi and hubby will be naming our boy Jayden~~ We r the J family. Agree that Jayden is very common but we just like the way it sounds. hehe..

BTW...do any mummies feel the tummy hardening? My tummy gets quite hard last nite, is it normal? I also had leg cramps last nite. What a terrible nite.

babyhappie : Yeah ! I feel my tummy hardening too ~ and and the leg cramp at night in really terrible feel ~ sometime it can be like 5times in just one night ~ gosh ! =/

I'll be naming my baby boy Javier, after his father's name, Jav. Haha, same as Angelina's son name. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

babyhappie : Ya, super torturing ~ and when i have cramp, i'll sure wake my hb up ~ anyway, beside of your tummy hardening, do you actually feel the tighten in your tummy ? and sometime, you will feel itchy too ?

Rach: serious huh.. ok, den i don go tmr alrdy.. hahahahaha! Thanks for telling me.. i go cruise arnd yr fb nw..hehehe

Annie: same as mine! Angelina's son is Josh! hehe..

Angelina: ya, me too.. cant find any i really like yet.. I was thinkng of Jaidon actually, but hb doesnt like.. soooo..no choice..think again! haha..

list of N girls name for cynthis's #3

1) Noelle

2) Nariko ( #2 don like when i ask them)

3) Nellie

4) Nethelynn

tres: Nathania

5) Naomi

6) Natasha

7) Narissa/Naryssa

8) Nichelle

9) Nixie

10) Noella

11) Nydia/Nadia/Nadya

12) Nikki/Nykki

13) Nysa

14) Noreen

15) Nicolette( i used to haf this child in my cc, quite a special name)

i like Narissa! hehe..so sweet

lilprecious, I thought I saw one mummy keeps mentioning her son name as Jav? Jav is my hubby name, that is why we came out with the idea of naming our son as Javier although it is a very common name. hehe

Btw, 27 Nov I can't make it. If majority mummies prefer 27 Nov then just go ahead. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]



sorry mummies, didnt managed to login for the past few days hence didnt reply ur qns and update you all on the classes...

As for the KKH Aquafitness, i have just called them and check. The earliest class that we can join is 8th Jan. 4 Sessions so will end the course by end of Jan.

U all still interested?

I think abit late hor?

