(2011/03) Mar 2011

tres: talking about my hub..my hub asked me whether still can feed the bm which was warmed 2 hours ago and cold already leh!

u tell me la..

sometimes the men...really dunno real gong or fake gong


babybride: kiefer always mama, papa,

i bath him and i put him in bathtub and i walk away to take towel, he can mama mama so loudly.

and when his dad walk away, he will keep asking me papa where papa where, then show me the hand action.

sometimes its cute...but its irritating most of the time la!

wahahahhaa, you all made me ROFL!! 2Ks so funny, what double sentence...

Tres, I am the "murderer" in the house, my hb very patient to Jav as compare to me. When I really shout scolding Jav and smack his backside when he don't wanna sleep he will be very frighten of me and guai guai close his eyes to sleep. lol... I think I must be very scary to him "when mama ki siao". After putting him to bed I will continue go out to living room to nag my hb.. lol... I just bought a cane (50 cent kind) not long ago to use as a threat to Jav. He really scare of the cane, once he sees me take the cane down (I specially hang at one wall to let him know where is it) he will follow my instruction without any complain... Hahaha... if not he really very bad temper and naughty! If I just scold him or use big eyes to stare at him he will throw things to show back his temper! See, how naughty he is!

JAJ: my angel kyler doesnt throw things u know...never throw his temper by throwing things...

but my devil kiefer does that like ALWAYS.

not happy throw...

Wah Annie! From your pics, u always look like the patient one [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] me for sure cannot stay at home, I think I treat my boy much better with more patience after I returned to work. I had v bad temper during my ML cos it was so overwhelming for me.

wow....annie...u sound so fierce...hahaha

actually i realise they really grow up super duper fast! they really can understand what we say now. but i guess at times they just refuse to follow instructions. maybe attention seeker? hehe

mimimo: wait for them to start talking first...

its their only way of showing their unhappiness..

when talking = another set of problems lol...

he will tell u "i dont want! mama, not like that, like this!"


wah, i think im the only one that wanna be a SAHM.. erm with a maid still..

if not, no thanks...

I think after my coma, i have more patience for my kids..

so there a few times which i will like to run away and be alone..

but when im alone, suddenly i miss them so much...


my #1 so vain, talk like a girl..

at nite don wanna sleep, keep talkin..

even sleep also talk...


i will hold him firmly and say no..

and then everytime he throw, i will put him back into the baby cot.. there are times when we repeatin this for 5/6 times and he still don get it.. then i give up and try again tmr... eventually he stop..

nowadays, kasper like to switch off my tv... he only does it when im watchin lor..

so annoyin...

and he start reachin for the phone and talk.. talk for so long to nobody!!!

thankfully he's not like my #1 who use to dial 999 until i kenna warnin letter

Smiggleprince! Your #1 power, called the police! I think I will freak out haha. Thks for the advice on taming the kid. My boy began to hit us after watching Tom and Jerry, my teacher friend then told me that research shown that it contains a lot of violence. Aiyo to me it's not a big deal cos I watched it when I was young too.

2Ks, at least you still have one little angle at home. Hope mei mei is angel. If like kor kor ho se liao.. but likely will follow kor kor's genes coz I keep ki siao during this pregnancy! lol.... very hard to control my temper recently...

mimimo24, you very funny lah, judge me base on look. Base on look, 2Ks is VERY VERY FIERCE kind! hehehe... and Sinmey, won_mummy/tres doesn't look like those who will "murder" their kids also...

ya, i think they cannot say out their unhappiness, so throwing things is a way to express their unhappiness (i read somewhere)...

i know is very old fashion way to use cane to threaten but it's the most effective way to make him stop his tantrum IMMEDIATELY and listen without fuss! So I will only show the cane at the very last resort.. Otherwise I just ignore him when he shows me the face he is going to throw this n that. I will either ignore him let him throw or tell him "you throw loh, it won't hurt me" wahahaha... damn funny la, we like tou qi with each other..

JAJ: hey hey hey! LOL at u la...

i am very gentle one leh...right "wink wink"

and very friendly and helpful rite..wahahahahahaha

ya i know i look fierce cos the new admin girls all scared of me..lol


erm, i dun really advocate it..

i really cant bear to..

if pain equals obedience, then i don want his obedience.. i prefer his understanding...

So far i only pull ears... and my #1 can be very naughty..

He used to bang his head on the wall when he dont get what he wants..

Nowadays, i will just tell him how angry i am with him.. or refuse to speak to him..

He does not want me to be angry and will apologise and behave.. but only for a short while.. so we do this almost everyday..


ya, therapist also banned Tom & Jerry..

Cos the cartoon is too fast.. creates hyperactiveness and its all about bad behaviour like tricking each other and bullying..

#1 became like that until i banned it..

I switch him to mickey mouse

2Ks, base on appearance lah... ya, indeed you are a nice friend! ;) The first time I saw you I also find you very fierce... so it's natural that the new admin girls all scare of you (which is good in someway). lol....

smiggle, I never cane so far, only cane the floor/wall/table and he can cry liao... wahahahaha.. coz he can't speak and understand us well now so really dunno how to tell him why cannot do. He really don't know what u talking coz he will start to do it after awhile. My boy also bang his head on wall/fixture/floor to threaten beside throwing things. abit extreme. Once he reach the age to be able to speak and understand what I'm talking I will switch to reasoning with him. For now we also will tell him no n why but it just don't work on him.

JAJ: hahaha...ya i know i LOOK FIERCE, bo bian one leh...LOL. ok i put more concealer to hide ok..

i am fine with cane also, they need to be scared of something. i used to try naughty corner, but i find it not working and then now when kyler is sulking, he will go one corner and sulk...which i think partly cos of my naughty corner.

i find time out works better.

and annie, kiefer ROLL on the floor ok! i mean ROLL from one side to another side ok!

Kiefer so cute... Javier doesn't roll on floor, he will look for anything nearest to him to bang his head against it, if not floor! If I put him on mattress, he will try to crawl out of the mattress and bang his head on floor. If he sits on high chair, he just bang his head on the tray. *roll my eyes* Why he so extreme huh? but when he is good mood he can be really sweet to kiss me, hug me, lie on me, etc...

hahaha 2Ks, u really very funny...hahaha....

ya man..really dono why they like that...either throw toys, either beat themselves, roll on floor, startin throwin temper by kicking..sigh...

mimimo: bo leh...but kyler is wearing red and white lor.

every year got to prepare CNY wear, racial harmony wear & national day wear...

Jav too! I like their school to have celebration coz all teachers and kids will be having that "lively/happy look" that day! Plus something for our toddlers to learn and enjoy! Hope all the kids have a great day at school today! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Shay & Moiie also red & white today ..

Haiz, Shay starts his PG class 2 days nia, think maybe the teacher & frens in PG is new to him .. he will cry when i drop him lo. Koala bear my leg once we reach the centre and cry when i say bye bye to him ... last nite, he even had nightmare at 2am ... cry & scream "PAPA" .... now i panda eye liao .. hope the phase will over soon ...

Lucky he still can eat & sleep .. i guess he is not as comfy as in the IFC ...

sinmey: i think same will applies to kiefer also. cos the toddler class is not near there, its the same block but the other side, so also not familiar to him...


sinmey, guess it is phrase for him to adapt.. comfort/explain to him lor.

Dreads the time when I have to send Chloe to her PG too! which is next month, dun know how to deal w it, later i cry in front of her n her teacher have to come n comfort me instead ! ahhaaah!!!!

sinmey, it takes time. Soon Shay will be okay and love going school! Jav also cried for first two months but now looking forward to go school everyday! Like until that extend don't wanna go home when we go fetch him in the evening! I'm glad I put him in early hence now he loves school very much!

2Ks, Kiefer so fast promote to toddler class le? Jav promoting in Oct, @19 months only.

Thanks Mummies..

i know .. Shay just need sometimes to adapt lor .. Last time in IFC, even got new teacher, also he needs about 1 mth to 'accept' the new teacher and allow her to change/feed him ... haiz ...

The toilet is at the Toddler site so when he saw any of his IFC teacher pass by to go toilet, he will scream for them like koala bear .. So all IFC teacher gotta sneak to toilet now .. so funny ..

The advantage of having him going to PG at the same school is, they do allow him to 'back' to his 'niang jia' (IFC) for a while in the morning/afternoon especially when he is cry till too cham .. but to me, that makes him feel that he has a choice & could take longer time to adapt to the new class ...


hahaha .. actually they cry when u r there only .. Once u r not at sight, they will stop crying .. Kids can adapt very well de, compare to adult ... haha

sinmey, Shay so cute will catch the IFC teachers!! I can imagine it! so funny...

Yes, Jav's toddler class will be beside his current IFC, so teachers say normally they don't have problem transfering them coz they will start a few weeks early to let them go get used to the toddler class for few hours then back to IFC then slowly extend the time until full day there.


Same for shay. He starts going for the music class n art class at pg since few weeks back. But with his IFC teacher de. Now starts with the pg schedule n nap with them. I still send him to IFC in the morning leh. He only go out at about 10am. Like that also cranky. This boy is pampered too much by his fav teacher

I cant wait for the time Janelle goes to school. my in laws was saying that everytime she see those kor kor jie jie walk into the classroom, she like want to join them. than when we are driving to in law place, will pass by schools. i always tell her "see, kor kor jie jie go to school". than even when she still sleeping, she will spring up and see. so i think she cant wait to go school, which is next year.

JAJ: kiefer havent go ifc yet. think also oct likely...

sinmey: die liao lor...kiefer also has a favourite teacher at ifc...the teacher called him her godson leh..

i can imagine he crying already.

allets: what u see now and what actual differs ok. and when 1st few days okay doesnt mean the next few days ok. so dont be too happy yet.

I agreed with you 2Ks... coz Jav first day he was okay, can go in IFC happily and never cry. But 2nd day onwards cry n fuss up to about 2 months I think then finally no fuss at all. Hope his transition to toddler class will be smooth. Will update in Oct.

JAJ: same centre should be okay, easy to transite.

for kiefer, its same block but another area. he totally cannot see his old teachers. sigh...hope he is fine...

damn bao bei la this boy...

Kiefer's character really so different as Kyler hor... Kiefer really like king personality. Then Kyler so angel...

Annie: I think both kids character very different..

But one thing for sure! Boys are boys! They hv the monkey character in them!! Lol

crying and fussing when enter class? ok...i m preparing e worst already [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] principal say, most kids takes abt 2wks to 3mths mths (longest) to settle down.

also prepared that they might fall sick, etc. took 2 days leave during her 1st 2 days. praying hard she be ok.

2k - that's y i took 2 days leave..and told my parents i will be e 1 bringing her down every morning b4 i go to work....i think n hope i can do it...hahaha...hope i wont heartpain too much. no make up, no mascara!! so if i tear it wont smudge..hahahaha.....cos i know if its my parents, i think they will bring her home. lol

won_mummy, your parents so sayang your girl, cute lah!

Jav that time dunno how to stand yet, I always carry him in, so no hugging of my leg scene. Only hug my neck/shoulder tight, don't wanna be passed to teachers (turn away from teachers). lol... Really heartache when see/hear him cry. But once they love school you will feel so proud and happy!!! Jia you to all mummies who are just putting their kids to school soon...

actually i do not advise u to stay whole day with her.

start with half a day there first, then next day drag it longer.

when kiefer went IFC, i only stay with him like a couple of hours, see how they feed and bath them only then i left.

but then infant dunno how to hug leg la..

but the kyler saga is OMG, damn heartpain...i think also cos i was almost due, i couldnt cope handling him and the pain...

when i see him walk back to his old childcare, is so relief...

2ks - i m not going to stay w her. intend to put her there, once teacher say i can go i will....but i might hide 1 corner, maybe outside e cc, peep into e window (not letting her see me) and go home. yes, they suggest to put 1/2 day for 1st 2 wks, then slowly drag her time till full day.

annie - hehe tks...glad that Jav have already love going to sch. yes, not a bad thing to start them early too [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] so that adapt faster.

won_mummy, the more u peep, the more heart aching u will be if you peep n see them crying/etc. I would suggest you drop and leave (harden your heart). You can try to peep once to twice but if you see her cries faster leave! if not you will end up tearing too. haha...

annie - haha..point noted...really not easy to be mothers sia...1st, worry if they growing well in stomach, then worry delivery pain, followed by not sure if they drinking/eating enough, now worry abt them going to sch...later part, worry abt their studies n results...really never ending.

love the phase i saw in FB sometime back...a day as princess, 10 mths as queen, lifetime as slave....lol

Won mummy - I think for them going to school is part and parcel of growing up. There will be times where they will have separation anxiety, cry like mad etc. but once pass the phase, they adapt well, than we will really see the different of what schools can bring to them .

I believe that in today's society, our kids don't have a choice . Many at young age already sent to so many classes.

Am really looking forward to her going school . Also mentally prepared for all the crying. Sickness etc. lai ba, we can do it de !!! Just 1st few months sin ku than after that ok Liao !!

true that going school is part & parcel of kids like and they have to start earlier due to the educational system we have here!

But hor, I think no amt of mental preparation for the separation anxiety you can prepare. For me, I will sure tear when she crys before school one, I guess hope she will waltz into class (like attending her trial class) *finger crossed!



i need your feedback on cc.. both hubby and i have shortlisted My First Skool and Cherie Hearts. but we cant make the final decision which one. apparently the 4 that we have shortlisted, 3 cherie hearts and 1 My first Skool all have vacancies.

My first skool is just 5 mins from my block, so pick and drop off is easier. Centre just opened last year so not SPARK certified yet. if Cherie hearts, nearest is 5 mins drive (Corporation drive) or Chervon (15 mins drive for morning traffic). Cost wise, MFS is 300 after subsidy while Cherie Hearts is 530 per month. all these shortlisted are standalone / inside building but not located at void decks de.

i am wondering how to make our final decision leh ? cos i read up from reviews that MFS, if you looking for childcare, than go MFS, but syallbus and contents aspect might be lacking.

any mummies here got experience with MFS / Cherie Hearts ?

and if i send Janelle in next Jan, she will be in playgroup 1 or playgroup 2 ?

i am thinking of visiting the cc after work today (told my boss i leaving by 4.30pm ).. cos we hope to make a decision and reservation fast.

any experienced mummies can enlighten me a little pls ?

