(2011/03) Mar 2011

Mummies on Enfa , confirm price increase once they change packaging. Provision shop uncle told me, BP lobang told me, Dumex promoter told me. Stock up if u need k?


I wanna join the Play date too!!!

I will be off on 7, 14, 21th...

Anywhere is fine too... as long as our babies can mingle..

On annual leave...


So many mummies bring their little ones to gym classes.. I have not tried gg... perhaps shld bring her to 1 soon =)

I'm looking for music and dance related classes, any to recommend? Cos my gal loves music and she can shake her butt really well to the rythem lol...

XFZ: kindermusik.. got trial but dont suggest bringing so fast, they will not be able to sit thru...

i find those free play best la..let them explore.

Momonyny ...trial class is $35/session...not sure abt any ongoing credit card promotion [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

2Ks - I see... okie I KIV first... must go film a nice video of her shaking butt and post in FB let you all see haha...

Went to make payment for her birthday party at Grassroot club this saturday and its one damn big hole in the pocket...

ST: I've not been to the gym at marina square before. Glad that the boys had fun...I'm also tempted to sign up 1 term cos J really enjoy the class.

XFZ: So cute...shaking the butt to the music.

hello mummies,

i'm back from KL .. haha

Play date,

Sunday i cannot leh .. very difficult to take 2 out, coz my hb will nvr come along de lor. If weekday, i can take leave & go gai gai with Shay .. haha


I bought Huggies Ultra from Msia. The jumbo pack, L54 for RM38+, super cheap i think ... i lug till the car boot full full.

i prefer the Drypantz leh. Msia selling RM25+ i think. Pampers pant is ok though i prefer the Drypants. Oh ya, there is a brand called Babylove, the pant type is quite good material(almost same as Drypant). The cutting is big & comfy too.

It is expensive lo. For traveling, i'll wear the normal diaper from Hotel, only changing outside use the pant type.


ur picture nice leh .. show us more !!

i also have the same question on the family pic .. Where is bb ?

haha, anyway, i love her dress .. like lil princess

pixie, where to c ur pic??

2ks, i interested too. but for how old? mayb i bring both kids... but depend on timin...

sigh.. later takin time off to bring the younger one to c GP. fever stil hoverin near 38. got cough.... =(

momonyny - yup my bb birthday on 17 March...

Jojo - yup she ultra cute when shaking her butt and keep on saying 'mum mum'... she very tam jiak... she super love her HB and Gerber puffs..

sigh...i think temp no play dates..

i am frightened by my gf whatsapp when she told me

over a weekend, the childcare reported one shot EIGHT cases of HFMD...

sigh...different strain this round...

i very scared ah

Xiaofeizhu- my bb also 17 march. Cheers. He is a boy and very greedy. Drink fm finish le see us eat also want to eat. Eat non stop. Nv give will cry

sinmey: the 8 cases all last attendance friday lor..

today monday mah, reported 8 cases

not MFS..think its cherie hearts..

this round of HFMD is very scary...spread vvvvv fast..

ok no playground for kyler


thanks! PA did a mixture of the 4 of us, so this pic got no #2 inside


yes, i rent gown, hb rent vest, boy rent vest, girl buy dress

sweat leh


HUH?? 8 in 1 wkend?? so jiatlat? ya.. wherever kids r... virus r there...

Only brought my gals to a trial Music lesson at MYC. then to my parent place. NXt day, the younger one start fever liao.

Dun bring them to such places, like not exposing them to "fun n entertainment".. Bring them there,,, risk of kena the virus from the kids there... sigh....

sinmey, thanks...her dress buy from those departmental stores where they sell those flower girl dresses kind...

eh u waited how long to get your CD ah? or havent get yet?

poky, u go to PA's biz thread in SMH can see liao [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


got liao la .. maybe 1wk+


HUH ? Cherie Heart ? which branch ?

Oh No, i didn't know coz i was away since last thursday.

Some more i sent Shay to IFC today leh ... walao ..

Haiz, not only NO playground .. NO Sun Plaza for my kids too ..

momonyny - mine too! like duno when their somach is full...

sinmey - I have 1 but can hear me and hub talking so not so nice to post up... I will try and take a clean one hehe...

poky - hope the little one get well soon...

2Ks - OMG 8 cases... my gal the fake measles still not go away, everyday I see the spots I so scare will kena HFMD again... you know now cc got 5 infant only...

Wah...so many cases of HFMD. Was planning to bring my boy to the pool this weekend, guess have to cancel le. Haiz.. If we go shopping center it is still safe right? Usually how long for the HFMD season to pass?

Pixel: I get my CD from PA after 2 weeks and I have to keep chasing and chasing.


how come only 5 bb ? all move to Cherie Heart ar ..

Now CH got 12 bbs ... lucky now Shay dun need so much attention as last time. Last few weeks, Shay only nap once in a day & got so cranky when i pick him. The teacher said he dun wan sleep but what i feel is the teacher do not have time to put him to sleep(yes, i know Shay need a pat on the butt to sleep). I complain to the principle & few days later Shay back to 2 naps daily .. walao.

They got new teacher, but Shay only like the old teachers. even more headache now .. hai... Anyway, he needs to get use to it too. Few more months he will be graduate to playgroup le .. time really flies ... can't believe he is just few months away from 18mths ..

Wah jojo n sinmey, so fast? Its been more than a week and i havent start chasing him leh. Coz i dunno how long after then can start to chase. Hahahahaaaaa


go shopping centre ho. try avoid those kiddy ride, kopitiam high chair and even supermarket trolley ... haha. Nowsaday i only let them sit in stroller. Whatever they touch, i'll wipe with the sanitized wipes .. kiasi ho .. no choice, Shay got 2x HFMD(though it is quite a mild one) .. i gotta be kiasi now


a very good tactic to chase him .. post in his thread. Sure he very fast response de .. haha. i sms/call so many time also no response .. post in his thread he very fast send me the CD liao.. haha

pixie: if really play date, its weekend la..i CANNOT handle 1 devil and 1 monkey alone outside lor..and NO WAY!

XFZ: last time the mass gathering hor, i prepared hand sanitizer and also take temperature of all the babies..LOL...

but then last time HFMD is not so rampant like now..


fake measles still havent go off? a week already rite..

check the mouth...

u mean now only 5 babies intake or what? they can take max 10 babies mah.

sinmey: not sbw branch la..its other places. cherie hands is franchise one mah, different management everywhere.

are u going to put shay to same with jiejie? easier for u?


Yesterdy i went to jan08 playdate with both kids. Hb sent only. On the way back cant get a cab in the end took bus n train. Raining somemore but forgot brolly. Suddenly felt so sad on behalf of my kids. Like a scene out from 琼瑶 novel. Oh my 天

Pixel: During the shoot, he say can collect after a week but after a week he still nv get back to mi, so I chase chase chase lo. Only manage to get it after 2 weeks. When I see the photos abit disappointed leh.

Sinmey: Ya, it's better to be a kiasi parent then letting bb be sick. Have to put up with the stares of other ppl.

pixie: got chance i tell u how sad i am too...

not any better...lets hug each other ok..LOL

i will try my very best not to bring both out alone lor..at least leave the car to me...

furthest i dare to venture out is sun plaza..

but kyler seems to improve nowadays, not so devilish...i think i will try in future, NOT NOW FOR SURE

jojo: i see PA pics not bad mah..

its not easy to take pics of 1 year old..

when they are toddler like kyler age, much easier, ask him sit he sit, ask him jump he jump etc


Why disppointed. Which aspect hes not up to ur expectations? Too little photographs? Editing not done well? Too little change of scenes? Then tell him frankly u not happy lor. I wud if i am not. Im a reasonable paying customer. I dun expect very very good editing but for 100++++ i shld expect at least something from him.


Now i will force x1 to hold x2 hands when we walk. So that

1. X2 falls down lesser with both side supported by ppl

2. X1 is occupied and i dun have to hold his hands

3. X1 feels involved and be happier rather than me looking out for x2 all the time to ensure she dun fall.

4. I got 1 hand free

That is hor, if x1 cooperative. Usually he v eager to hold meimei hands

Nowadays i enjoy it alot when i bring out both of them alone.

