(2011/02) Feb 2011

Hi mummies,

wow.. i m very nervous too.. EDD same as Trinket & wish child. not even pack the bag.

visited the gynae yest.. @wk32 baby is 1.9kg which is normal. I put on 7.5kg so far.

@thermometer: I prefer to use braun thermoscan. I have cadi one which can use on forehead n ear.. but got 2 braun thermoscan instead.. braun thermoscan is >100 for retail price. the BP is ~70 which is a good catch.

@ML: very tempted to start after CNY as recently I am not so sharp at work.. n a bit mood swing.. however, find it a bit wasted also.. baby most probably will pop at wk38 as gynae said will follow jie jie usually..

@nail painting: heard need to be removed as doc want to observe if there is any complication.

@cnicole: Jia Yu!!

Thanks all mummies , I need to reach kkh at 730 and I can't seem to fall asleep . Op at 1030 - 1100 . I try to update as soon as possible . Lights off . Night .


Today's the day!!! So excited for u. Haha, I noe for sure u can't sleep. Try to catch a wink, meeting ur 少爷们 soon.

I won't b able to visit u 2moro as my ah gong got admitted in hospital, gotta visit n my mil coming back from holiday gotta fetch.

Heee, we'll b juz a block away for e next 2 yrs....Jia you n upload pics when u r up to it k.

Managed to sleep only 3 hours ! Still need toilet break last night twice and can't fall back to sleep . Yes today is the day my boys are coming . Just woke up. Going to have a nice hot shower. WASH MY HAIR . Can't have breakfast as need to fast. Hungry already ...

Just finish admission waiting at day surgery to change to gown. Mum and hubby w me . Hungry but cannot eat or drink water . Urge to pee but nurse say need urine sample later so have to 忍.

good morning ladies,

@cnicole, jiayou! dun worry too much. everything will be fine. Rest well after the operation. Let the nurse there to help you to take care with the twins first.

@mami_b, aiyo...you take care. update us when u pop.

@ah ching, last pregnancy, my maid used to buy the cotton roll to roll and she will soak the cotton balls with hot water. isn't it consider sterile cotton balls? i am thinking to buy those cotton balls(lazy to roll) and soak them in the hot water. What do u think? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

jeanie, you hav an attentive hubby. *envy* [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Cnicole, all the best yah!!! ;)

My bleeding seems to have stopped again so could be like the Christmas eve scare. Now on the bed rest again. At home. Should be ok. Hope can last til 37-38 weeks. Today is 35 weeks. Even if deliver now also safe so I am not panicking. Hehe...

mami B

wow! i thought your bb going to have same birthdate as nic's twins...

did you buy those waterproof sheets to line your bed? otherwise the mattress jialat right? makes me feel like buying just in case.

yup even if you deliver now bb is around 2+ kg so should be fine. take care!!

shannen: i'm not sure whether soak in hot water will be considered sterile..

I just remember we also need to get the sterile gauze to clean baby's mouth.

All these I learnt previously in the TMC antenatal class.. so I will just follow..

Just to let you know NTUC got baby discount again. I pick out those i thought would interest you all.

1. Huggies Newborn 24s - 2 pack for $12.75 UP $13.90

2. Philip Avent Electric Bottle & Food Warmer Bundle Set - $59.90 UP $89.90

3. Philip Avent Bottle Bundle Set (1 PES bottle 175ml, 1 PES bottle 260ml, Silicon Teats x 1 for 6 months) $29.90 UP $42.70

3. Kodomo Cleanser for Baby Bottle $8.85 UP $10.90

4. Johnson Top to Toe $5.45 UP $6.50

5. Kodomo Baby Laundry Detergent $15.75 UP $17.30

cnicole, feel so excited reading the live update from you, also feel kan cheong for you... jia you, u gonna see ur twins very soon.

Ah Ching, yup, noted on ur 'd' key problem... thanks for the info, will take a look at guardian.

SLim, i think soak the cotton balls with hot water cannot consider as sterile cotton balls. My hubby even told me to put the cotton balls into steriliser to make it sterile, dunno izit workable, haha...


urm... think steriliser doesn't work for cotton balls...

i can't remember well now, but think for first pregnancy i just used the annaku ones that were not sterile. cos for cleaning cord stump doc will give sterile wipes that come in little packets. then just use until stump drops off...

Already change gown . Waiting outside op threatre . Doc have not given the anesthetic . May drag. Will update later . I got my ward number ward 81 bed 15

mamiB, Do take care and have more rest.

Mommies for tomorrow gathering can we meet at 12pm at KK hospital or Novena sqaure?

==31/12/10( Fri )==

1) wish_child

2) Geri

3) Felpoo( confirm again tomor )

4) Natasha

5) Baywater(tentatively)

6) Fiona (let me know the timing, hope i can join u all this time)

7) Rachel

soooooooo exciting.

i remember for my #1 i was also giving live updates cos hospital had free wifi... and i was so bored cos i took FOREVER to dilate.

Trinket, Maybe this time we can live updates together as we have same edd. haha.

I think cnicole now inside operation room and soon she can see her twins. Hmm but think of Csec i really feel very scare. I very pei fu all mommies go through C-sect. =)

Yes, I laid on my bed with the waterproof sheet yesterday. Didn't at first so the blood leaked to my comforter. Poor Hubby had to get the stains off. Then I remembered abt the disposable waterproof sheets I bot from mothercare. . So those came in handy last night.

The massive bleeding stopped already so back to dried blood which is ok. Ie, no more threatened miscarriage/early labor.

For my case, doc already predicted I will have a few episodes of this before D date. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] so didn't panic. But had the fresh bleeding continued , we would have gone to see doc this morning. Think he might just ask me to take baby out. Hoping that my girl will stay inside til the scheduled date. 19 Jan. We are even thinkin of bringing her out on 15 Jan. See how lah.

Today I just lie down the whole day and eat n sleep. Don't walk about in the house. Sigh...

ya the sterilized cotton balls come in small vacuum packs. Can buy from pharmacies. Need to use this to clean bb eyes, etc for the first month. Prevent bacteria.

No other way to sterilize normal cotton ball.

Wish child, u very cute. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] I am the reverse of u!

I went thru c sec for my first one and going for c sec again for this little girl. I very pei fu those mummies going for natural!!! My csec was really a totally painless process. Even the recovery was totally painless. I don't know how painful is labor up til today. I only remembered what a nurse one told me - only the hair not pain. Of coz I also heard some horror story abt csec lah. Quite scary. Hehe... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

when cleaning bb, dip in warm boiled water n press out excess water, wipe both eyes first, then another pc for the rest of the face.

Mami B: Glad to see your updates. Glad to know you are fine now.. Thought you going to deliver liaoz.. So scary.. Hopefully baby guai guai stay in there till your preferred date. Pls take care!!

Continue to update us ya.. =)

MamiB, U feeling ok? Great u are fine. Hmm just ren for another few weeks lie down on bed. Soon u can see ur pretty princess. =) Soon after fri will be 2011.

Haha u also very funny. My friend hair also pain when she go on natural delivery. haha as it too painful until she pull her hair. Haha when i saw my friend video the whole process of her delivery really very scary but after she carry her bb boy in her arm all the pain is worth it. haha.

Eviangirl, heh... I also Tot yesterday will likely emergency csec. But the bleeding stop so no hurry to take baby out. Now have to eat ventolin every 6 hours to prevent uterus contraction. So 心苦 to have a baby!! Hubby yesterday said to me, this should be our last one. He cannot take the stress of worrying for mummy n baby another time for another nine months. Hehe... Three kids will be so lovely. Wish it were easier for me to be pregnant. I would definitely go for three. Now i have a phobia of becoming pregnant n going thru what I have been thru the last eight crazy months again so not thinking abt it.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif].

cnicole: jiayou! will be keeping lookout for ur live updates [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

mami b: good that it's false alarm. rest well ya..

wish child: thanks for adding me. which is your facebook name ah?

Is there a Feb 2011 MTM group that I can get into? also any way to know match the forum nick with facebook nick for those with different nicks?

Clarie, I have added u in Facebook FEB MTB group.

Hmm i attach a document with all mommies facebook name and nicks. So u can know who is who lor. =)

MamiB, U have 1 boy and 1 girl is perfect. I must pray hard my next bb will be a boy or else must try until got a bb boy lor. =P

Cnicole csec today?? Didn't have the chance to post yday as i went jb. Wanted to wish cnicole happy and smooth delivery! Good luck and all the best!!

i need some advice from experienced mummies here..

these few days i have been waking up with diarrhea pains but when i go seat on toilet very long nothing comes out.. i have not done business for 1 week already.. and BH are getting more frequent.. havent been having good night sleep.. keep waking up in the middle of the night feeling energised.. last night i woke up to talk to my dog for almost an hr.. went to bed at 6.30am.. but i still feel energised.. water rentention disappeared about 3 days ago.. but my pelvic pressure is increasing so much so that sitting also pain.. are these symptoms of impending labour? my edd is end jan but my gynae estimated me to give birth mid jan cos baby is a little big but he hasnt done VE yet.

Darlest, I cant find u on facebook. =)

Claire, No problem =)

Jooz, Think u better prepare for delivery soon.

My friend she also wake up middle of night and feel very engergised

for continue few days after that she have contraction and went to delivery.

U better go find out from your gynae

Hello all [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] one more day to 2011. Finally got to see doc for cough, given antibiotics n cough tablets. Blood pressure and lungs all is good and baby very active [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif].

Mami_b: wat a scare, take good care too [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Feeling so excited for c_nicole!

I feel lots of pressure below... My mom keep telling me I will deliver within 2 weeks! I wish for end jan ba [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] let baby choose the date himself. Been thinking more n more about delivery... Hope can endure thru the pain :p

Think c_nic's bbs should be out. Congra to u cnic and welcome to the official mummy club ">

MamaYing, dun worry abt the pain, every mum to be will go thru it, just think, after the pain, u will be able to c ur little one.. it will give u the strenght ">

Question on the sterlize cotton ball. If i recall correctly, there r 6 pcs of balls in 1 pack, dun think we can finish it once its open rite?? so how do u ladies keep the cotton balls sterlise for the next use??

Went in op theatre at 1042 . Took epi half body . No pain better then expected . Baby Vernon out at 1104 and Verrick out 1105 . Vernon weights 2.099 and Verrick 1.770 . I only saw photos hubby took as babies need special care. No one can carry babies yet . I just came in to the ward . Going to catch some sleep now . More relatives coming tonight .

Ps . I can see my toes now when I lie down . Delivery is at 34 w 3 days .

joodz: wow u seem to be so uncomfortable..

i cant remember what it was like before I went for labour..

but I do remember feeling very energised and want to clean the house and do this n that...

the pressure maybe baby already engaged.. so better get your hospital bag ready!


Pressure means baby engaged? I feel alot of pressure too.. Especially when walking for lunch just now.. Keep having pressure then gone.. pressure then gone.. stressed~~.. Still got lots of stuff not done yet.. havent even pack my bag..

Cnicole.. hahaa.. gald to know your boys are out.. I like your comment on finally can see own toes now.. hahaa...

btw, did someone mention about taka sale? Isit still on? Wana get booster seat tomorrow.

