(2011/02) Feb 2011

sovrana: I stayed at TMC for both my deliveries.

I think their confinement food is nice.

The nurses are also very nice.

I dont think they charge expensive for C-sec with epi.. should be abt the same as Mt A.

cant advise on the bill size tho and for date.. can ask fengshui master or just follow your heart lor.


Hi dadnmum,

I never eat a lot...just normal 3 meals...maybe you can try eat some beef...cos i included beef in my diet at least 1-2 times a week....eat more carbo will help to increase the size of baby. I think Dr Adrian is pro to TMC..I told him my delivered at Mt A for my first boy and I like it there and I can't stand the parking in TMC. He sarcastic answered me that you are not buying house, only stay there for few days... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Ah Ching,

Yeah, it seems so far no negative comment on the food and nurses at TMC. I am consulting my fengshui master on the date. Thanks.

@Ah Ching: He's such a light sleeper! Well, if my baby listen to me and come out only after CNY then I can celebrate lor. LOL~ Anyway tonight I'll be having reunion dinner with my parents. Wed then eat with our relatives. I'm so lazy to go out buy clothes given the rainy weather. Yawnz~

@bigflamingo: Me too! But I'm using my annual leave first. Wait till I give birth then I start my maternity leave. =p


anyone looking for a playpen, got it as a gift but i bought mine already.

Brand new, still in original wrapping, unopened.

Far east flora selling at $139, letting it go at $120


interested? please PM me

Zanta: Dunno if my gynae is charging more or not...I also forgot to ask...but even if she is, I'll still stick to the weekend, so that my husband can be around to lend support .... if I shift the inducing to Monday or other weekday, then my hub will need to use up his precious leave. As it is, he is already planning to take at least 2-3 days of his own leave after I give birth to be around and learn the ropes. His lousy company gives zero days of paternity leave! Is that allowed? Is there no govt rule about paternity leave??

And Zanta ... seems like you're being persuaded to take the c-section route ... is it just your friends and family's opinions, or your gynae is saying so too? For me, I feel if you are keen on trying for natural and your gynae says it's okay, then do try and hold out for a natural birth. Although I'm also scared of pain, but I really feel that natural is the best way for mummy and baby [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Our bodies are made for this!! And like MamaYing says, be open to the options and if the pain is unbearable, we can always consider the epidural and other forms of pain relief. Of course, my gynae has also been very factual and telling me about all the possible scenarios that a c-section may be required halfway through the natural delivery process. I almost get the impression she's hoping for a c-section to get things over quickly! But at least she is supportive in me wanting to try for natural. I cannot say the same for many of my friends/relatives around me, especially those who have gone thru c-sects themselves. They seem very keen to point me down the c-sect route, and tempted as I am (yes! Who doesn't want to skip the pain and be done in an hour or two??), I'm still going to try delivering naturally until the gynae says it's not safe to. Call me crazy!

Even the very thought of inducing by this weekend is making me uncomfortable, but I respect my gynae's opinion that it's not so safe to keep baby in beyond 40 weeks. Actually, I was reading somewhere that only 25% of births are before EDD, another 5% fall on the EDD itself, and the remaining 75% actually occur after EDD. In Western countries, it's common for doctors to wait up to 2 weeks after the EDD before considering inducing. Anybody has advice on this? Should I wait a couple days after EDD before considering inducing? Or maybe inducing isn't so bad afterall? Decisions, decisions ...

Mrs Ong: I hope to hear good news from u soon too ... ur EDD is only about a week after mine ... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Has your gynae given any advice on whether to wait, or induce, or go for c-sect?

Rainy Monday! Maybe that's why baby Seah is sooo comfy inside and doesn't wanna come out :p Anybody has any advice on how to bring about labour naturally?? I spent the last few weeks telling baby to stay in while I clear up my work...and now ... I need to coax him out naturally ...!

hi princess i think good to induce on or before EDD. i dunno about the stats but if after EDD, only worry baby might not get enough nutrients, i think maybe placenta aging... or baby becomes too big. My sis both boys induce on EDD as no signs of spontaneous labour.

I see u r very positive about vaginal delivery :> hope ll goes well for u! Jia you! and it is ur delivery u decide with doctor's advice.

I don;t think it is just about inducing, even if u have spontaneous labour, it can happen tt ur cervix will not dilate and i think you won;y know until labour itself. it was the case for my mom... she C sec for both me and my sis, she said her cervix did not dilate, so no choice. really depends on your own body and if it happens to be c sec, u did not fail anything! Silly... most impt u bring ur baby into this world. and be in good mood so tt ur baby will be happy and cheerful like u!

Jia you everyone esp those having their first kid or are yougn mothers... being a mom second time round has taught me many things, like patience and being positive. jia you jia you. u cannot contrl how u deliver, ur CLs, ur in laws, ur hubby, ur baby and anyone.. but u can control youself. how u wanna feel etc. yes very easy to say but it take effort, and stay happy so tt u can give baby 'happy milk'!

and even regarding breastfeeding, try your best if really can't, give formula baby will also grow! so dun compare with anyone or let anyone put u down. U r the woman! Just ensure to supplement with formula if u think baby not getting enough from breastmilk esp first week.

MamaYing: ya.... positive words from an expierenced mum...good guidance for 1st timers like me and the rest [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] You are right in saying we must not compare, whether it's methods of delivery, birth expierences, breastfeeding success....unfortunately, in highly competitive S'pore, everybody compares everything : / Sometimes we are so immersed in this competitive environment we lose sight of the really important things!

Yes, my gynae did tell me that alot of things can happen during a natural birth which is beyond our control, and which would lead to calling off the natural birth process to move on to a c-sect. So I am also mentally prepared for this possibility. For me, the important thing is to give the natural method a try, no matter how brief or how painful or traumatic. But at the end of the day, I have given my trust to my gynae so I will be looking to her for support, instruction and guidance throughout the process [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] And hopefully, if I can keep my cool and calm throughout and somehow "enjoy" the process, then I will feel like I've done my best, regardless of the process [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] And of course, I hope baby comes out happy and healthy, heehee!

Wa enjoy heehee kk hope to hear good news from all of u ;) and those going on leave, have a good rest before u pop, 3 more days will reveal if one of the moms here appear on news with first rabbit baby [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi mummies,

For the fun of it, decided to upload both my gal's photo and kor kor's photo when he was a baby.

First pic is mei mei, 2nd pic is kor kor



mei mei's photo was taken a few days ago but when I took her pic today, she looked different again..

but the photo taken a few days ago is cuter ;p

Hi mummies, this morning went for my 37week check up. Bb weighed around 2.9kg. Dr Ang estimates I will deliver after CNY, most likely after a week time. And I gain another 2kg during the past 2 weeks, very sian... think I eat too many CNY goodies ler.

Also drink my first coconut after the check up.

Now waiting to celebrate CNY, and keep talk to my bb to come out only after CNY, hehe.

Hi guys, someone gave me a brand new babysafe playpen mattress which i dont need... but my maid opened it and threw away the plastic bag so i cannot exchange it for something else.

The size is 28in X 41in X 1in ( 70cm x 104cm x 2.5cm). It comes with a bed cover (pink and green) also brand new.

I'm trying to let it go at ard $80 (original retail is around double this at kiddy paloace). PM me for more info.

It can be used as a simple mattress on the floor for daytime naps, etc if you are looking for something like that.


Hi mummies~

It's my first day of leave today! Hehe.. Will be going out soon to try to get a dress for cny with my sis & mum. Hope I'll manage to get 1!

@Ah_Ching: Your 2 babies really look alike! Hahaha! I think if you tell them you have twins people will believe.

@wannabel: Don't worry too much, your baby will be fine. *hugz*

wannabel: ya, I know quite heart pain, My gal was also admitted for 1 day.

But it is good for them.

take this time to rest and express your milk, if you're not on standby at hospital to bf..

i think bb should be ready to go home before CNY

pinkyval: so envy u that u can celebrate CNY.

enjoy your shopping and also the start of ML.

I've already taken 1 whole month of ML liao.. time really passes very fast.

anyway, want to ask..

i have more than 10 bottles of EBM in my freezer liao..

what do I do with them?

Im expressing 2 bottles of 70ml a day and keeping in the freezer..

extra i give my boy mix in his milk feed..

dont want to give frozen ebm since I can latch on.. so wondering what to do with the frozen ebm..

anyway, my milk was spraying out today..

will our ss increase and when will it peak.?

today i pumped after latching BB for 10 mins but still collected 220ml from both sides..

Wow, so many mummies have popped already! Congrats!!!

Today is 1st Feb, so officially it's OUR month for the Feb MTBs! Jiayou everybody!

My gynae gave me MC since last wed coz it was so tiring going to work..bb is 2.7 kg at last week's check up at week 37. Tday will be going for checkup again, hopefully bb puts on abit more weight!

The rainy weather is really getting to me. So gloomy and now,i think i am down with flu. At the most inconvenient time!! Teary eyes and itchy nose plus sore throat! I dun think doc can give anything right?

On one hand i wish bb is out already but on the other hand, i want after CNY leh.

Zanta, don't be afraid of csec if required. In my case, the PD said lucky I was csec. My vagina still had bacteria and had they delivered Bb naturally, I would have passed an infection to my Bb. This is my second csec and I have a good experience again. I am back to pre preg weight and just a tiny tummy left coz I used the binder. Pain wise, apart from uterus contraction pain when breastfeedig on day1 & 2, no other pain. Removed knots on day 7. Thin line left. So now apply scar cream. That's all.

Just deliver Bb safely. That's most important.

@Ah_Ching: I didn't manage to get any dress. So tired to walk. This year no new clothes for cny~ Hope my baby will be good & wait for at least 2 more days for cny.

I heard we can't keep ebm in the freezer for too long. If within don't know how long not consumed sad to say have to dispose off..

Hi mummies & MTBs,

Interested in getting a neck float for your baby?

Comes in 3 designs:

Winnie the Pooh

Disney Princess

Thomas and Friends

Each at $16, kindly PM me or email me at [email protected]

Thanks [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


@mamaying - tks for ur wishes and i just pray for the best well being for my bb. Hopefully can give birth naturally without any complication. Will seek for gynae's advice.

@princess31 - gime five or i should say great mind think alike haha...

3 more days to go as i understand 4th Feb than consider rabbit year. As mentioned by mamaying, duno who will be the lst to give birth to lst rabbit bb here in our Feb thread! Pyng here would like to wish all mummies good health, luck & wealth in Year of Bunny! Gong Xi Fai Cai & Hao Yun Nian Nian!

@Ah Ching: Both your kids really look alike le. I showed my hubby and he thought they're the same baby. So cute!!

@Rachel: Oh I thought it's you. Maybe she's from Jan'11 thread.

@Visha: Lol.. I'm going to due soon thus the super big stomach. Haha..

@Princess31: Now even my mum asked me to go for c-sect coz she's afraid I'll end up having emergency c-sect like her friend's DIL.

@MamaYing: Thanks alot. I'm trying to stay positive now. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] How is your bb's jaundice?

@Wannabel: Hugz.. Hope your bb can be discharge asap to celebrate CNY. Btw, if bb need to be admitted must go back TMC? Can't go KK? Or is it because your PD is at TMC so must admit to TMC?

@Grace: What time was your appt yesterday? I was at Dr Ang's clinic too yesterday morning, reach around 10am and left before 11am I think.

@MamiB: Thanks for your much needed encouragement too. And wow, you regained your pre-preg size already? That's really fast!! I was still v scare that it'll be hard to gain back pre-preg size as after c-sect, must wait dunno how long then can do the malay massage. May I know which binder did you used and did you call for Malay massage? May I also know how many cm is the c-sect scar?

@CLtine: Congratulations on your bundle of joy!!

Zanta, I didn't Malay massage. I only wrap. But u must remember I lost 6kg 1st tri and put on 11 for whole pregnancy in 2-3rd tri. Hence quite fast get back pre preg weight.

Scar is like a smile below where u will wear bikini panty. Around 15-18cm I think. Length of wrist to top of middle finger. It doesnt show up even if u wear low waist stuff. It's too low.

Binder is skin color one the Gynae sold me for my#1 Bb. Think most Gynae carry it. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Moomoo73, I cannot remember which type. It's suppose to affect Bb ears and hearing if bb went thru my birth cannal.

Hi mummies,

Sorry to interrupt!

Am running a spree on Lugmax Bag Organisers and Baby Essentials Organisers (A Must have!! so useful even for my 18mth old now!) in FaceBook…

Prices starting from $7.. Mail or Add me in FB at [email protected] for enquiries and to place your orders!

Thank you for your support!!


Hihi everyone...

Congrats to all the other mummies who have popped.. can't believe that i've survived one wk of confinement liao.. has been quite a roller coaster process.. hopefully it's hormonal but i've broken few times liao.. first it's cos my milk didn't come in so baby woke up for feeds every hour... had only 2 hrs of sleep for a few days.. then had issues with my mum and mil who are sharing out the confinement duties.. had my reservations abt this arrangement even b4 i popped but bo bian cos couldn't find a CL.. all my fears turned out right.. waste so much energy trying to coordinate both of them and both hv different theories, end up snapping at mum few times.. very very emotionally draining... sigh.. really dreading the day hubby goes back to work and i'm left to fend for myself

oh.. realised i missed out providing few details for the table.. we are naming our baby Adam and he was 3.06kg at birth.

kinder - oh it must be quite an eventful week but you must stay positive! oh.. i am going to have the same arrangement for my confinement although it will be more of my mum rather than my mil. Actually, i tell myself mentally that there will be issues... sigh, also keeping my fingers crossed!

Wannabel - good to hear that you bb gal is coming back tmr. it must be a torture to not have her around you.

@Wannabel: Glad that your bb is able to go home tomorrow. Take this opportunity to rest while you can. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

@Elise: Congratulations too!!

@MamiB: So nice to describe the scar as a smile. I think I'll try to look at the scar as a smile too if I really go under the knife. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] How long does it take for the wound to fully recover for your no.1? I heard that although the outer wound is recovered, but the inner wound will still itch for the 1st 1 yr or so. Really lucky that you did not give birth to your girl thru vaginal. Can't imagine the heartpain if anything happens to her hearing.

And as for the binder, is it gotta wear it once after doing the op? Isn't it painful?

Hello all,

I have been very happy n positive, one week of confinement le, but something really put me off last night I almost cried. After deliver till last night going to toilet was fine. But last night when I was on the toilet bowl preparing to pee, I sneezed, leaking urine is very common but I started to pee and I couldn't control it! It just flowed like a tap. Then I tried the other way to pee out then stop it, it gradually did stop. But first time in my life I couldn't control the flow of my urine [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] will observe, next mon check up then tell doc ba. Hope all is fine.

Zanta: still no sun for baby to receive some light, going for review with pd today I think he should be ok la [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] he always wants us to carry him hee and he recos mine n papa's smell le. When granny carried him he cried then pass to me stop immediately! Hee really a joy to see our own kids close to us n grow each day.

Kinderbueno jia you! Is this ur first confinement? During my first confinement I also wanna make sure things r done properly etc etc, no cl but mil helped me. I think u try to focus on recovering urself n also baby ba then maybe will not be so grustrated. My baby first night home fed every hour. Now about 2 hours but he is sleepy, latch 5-10min then sleep so his night feed also very regular and short. Zzz but slowly they will grow older and things will only get better so jia you and look forward! Sleep whenever baby sleeps [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Happy reunion dinner to all! I had reunion dinner with in laws n family on sunday and mil specially prep a steamboat for me, with pork n kidnet, mushroom n veg, so touched I had z bowls of rice!

Today we having reunion dinner again without my sis in law.

Jia you mommies in confinement! Very soon it will be over! Jia you to mommies going to pop too have a smooth delivery!

Delivery affair:

Wanted to sleep but feel smthng nt right- quickly packed mummies milkbags- sorry ah mums- wl send out asap ok [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

9plus- hubby come home, showered- i lied in bed waiting for hm to eat together- stomach crampy like recently- dozed off

Feel a leak( mary- u know nt urine as urine can control one mah- this just leak out) i shouted for hb n said oh no- history repeats itself like no 4.

Showered- pain didnt come as much as my last wen waterbag leaked- grabbed stuff n hailed a cab

1030- was already lying on bed n strapped- pains were not so much as i thought- 3cm

Dilated, gynae was there also as he had a

Delivery- said some waterbag membrane still there bt will b fast once all break like my previous ones. Pink streaks wen wiped after pee.

11pm- 1am-nurae said if i could walk to birth rm- while pain nt so much so tat in case all

Happens too fast again- reached birth room- feel like peeing- walked back to toilet

N went back. Felt super hungry-(morning wanna eat mac- no delivery as raining- ate 2 bread only)- hubby went to get sandwich and shared. He played w gas mask- we laughed, watched tv- n i squeezed his hands wen contractions came- Played my iphone game pop block in between contractions which recently i was hooked n scored my new all time highest score!!! Hahaha. Pain a bit more- nurse checked 5cm- she said abt 1-2hrs n to breathe if more pressure came

0110hr- i looked at time n said dun tink will b tat late- nurse checked again- 6cm- 1cm in 10mins

0120-7cm bt nurse said head still high- nurse standby in room

0130hr- pressure pain on tummy too extreme- nurse asked me breathe, hubby asked me breathe- i kept breathing into gas n went into dizzyland- all was a repeat of my 4th-voices n all. 

3 pressure tummy pains n i could hear nurse said- if she has to gv birth- cnt wait lah, other

Nurse took out her hand n a gush came out which i tot was rest of my waterbag till i heard his cries- in my head... Huh? Bb is out?? Gynae nt there as well. Nurses woke me frm dizzyland n said congrats n good mummy was breathing but bb made it out himself though i was only 7cm n head high- my legs were still

Nt put up also he slide out swimming like fish. No tears.

5mins later- gynae came- midwives apologized as they said never they thought it

Could b that fast n thus nvr call hm earlier- delivered my placenta n was done. No stitches needed.

Nurses commented how i could smile n super easy n fast my delivery (if only they knew the roller coaster of emotions during pregnancy i had) and if all patients cn b like me n said if no 6 ah- a bit pain pls straight come- my jaws dropped n said wat???? No 6- will nt happen!!!!!gynae asked if i m looking forward for early discharge- i said of coz if all is well- he said ok- u cn go hm after i see u.... wheeled up to ward at 3plus- hubby had to leave-cnt stay as nurses dun allow- so i told him b4 tat- wanna wash myself up n get all the pads put right down there b4 could rest properly- hehehe -all done and he left abt 4plus am. Took a quick rest

Nurses then later aft bfast asked wether

I wanna go hm n was shocked coz only delivered hours earlier- i said if all ok- y not? So suppose to discharge 1230 but pd called to say bb havent peed n must wait for hm to pee b4 discharging...he peed at 2plus (it was the longest wait for a pee to come i tell u while waiting- hahaha)

Officially he is a 01 feb baby n tot he wanted come 31 jan to share the same birth month as eldest sister- but he decided to join 2 other siblings in feb n making him my 3rd feb baby.... Babies who r born end n beginning mnth have an extreme character like mil said- its true for my friends n so the beginning journey for me to discover in Muhamad Azzali Raqib just started.... Wish me luck mummies!!

Congrats Idaar.. you are the second person to deliver without gynae around.. hehe

Btw, Happy CNY to all mummies and wish all who havent popped a safe and smooth delivery! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

@wannabel: So happy for you!! Your baby can come home to celebrate cny! =D

Anyway mummies, I'm now on my way for my check up. Wonder if my baby's head has engaged anot. Hee.. But I don't think will have hope in becoming the first rabbit leh. Hmmm...


Wannabel, great ur bb girl have discharge.

Mama Ying, ur mil really very nice. Great u have a good and relax confinement. Don't worry about the controlling of urine. I think will get better after few weeks. Do ask ur gynae about it =)

Valeria, ask ur bb boy be 1st rabbit bb of 2011. Wow will be great!! Hehe got free hongbao and also can go on air. Hehe.

