(2011/01) Jan 2011


*Hug* Please be strong. Whatever decision you make, baby will understand your decision and your love.

re: Backache and tight tummy

I'm getting quite a bit of backache too. Can't stand for too long. Put on 2 kg this week.. my tummy feels so stretched!

re: Hair and skin:

I used to very dry hair and bad skin before my 1st pregnancy. My skin and hair condition improved a lot when I'm expecting my boy... for once I have manageable hair and need not even use conditional till my boy is about 1. Now that I'm expecting a girl, my hair is stiff like helmet. Haa~ I thought with girl's hormones I'll look better...



i have got stretchmark from 1st pregnancy too as I did not apply the cream religiously. But now that I'm doing so every night, i realised that those that I had are starting to lighten. Don't worry too much about the marks, they marked your love for you bb too [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

hoshi, i know what you mean but cloth diapers save quite a bit in long run.i dunno if i can persevere with cloth diaper cos its help to reduce nappy rash too.


It may be a good idea to start with diaper 1st as newborns pee and poo a lot. As you are will need to cope with a pair of twin, you may need to spend more time looking after bb, feeding, burping and all rather than cleaning the nappy. Will like to share from experience that the prob with nappy is that if you need to change when it is wet but you need not change the diaper when there are only a little urine.. it is suppose to hold a certain amount before you need to change. Just my 2cents worth.


I will be using the cheaper range of diapers in the day and Huggies at night as it is able to hold the urine better.

im also considering whether to use cloth diaper for my bb. But I dun like to use the traditional cloth diaper.. those need to fold and pin ones. very troublesome.

I dun like the design of bumwear. so im still looking around.

jass1408: Thanks for the reassurance, I am also applying the cream like mad now...every time I feel that my tummy is itchy or when I am sitting on the couch watching tv, I will just apply the cream and oil...hopefully it will lighten...told my gynae about it and she says there is no way of preventing but it will lighten over time..like scars [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

@nappy vs. diapers: I bought the starter kit from bumwear when they had 20% discount...didn't want to invest too much money cause I wasn't sure if I will persevere. But like other mummies, I will also be using diaper at night.

For me, I started using nappies but gave up after a while.

Indeed, nappies and bumwear-type nappies keep babies' bottoms cooler, but it's too much work as you have to wash them separately from normal laundry.

I use disposable diapers for my boys day and night.

Hi Sherill,

Pls include me in the list of Jan mummies.

Age: 32

EDD: 25 Jan

Gynae: Dr Eunice Chua

Hospital: TMC

Child #: 3

Gender: Girl

Area: Thomson

Thanks [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Instead of pins, I'll just wrap him w the nappy cover over the nappy. Quite ok... cheaper then bumwear and safer than pricking myself or bb [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

re : diapers

Actually i'm not so sure if using cloth diapers save money or not. Cos the $$ spent on water and electricity u use to wash the cloth diapers in the washing machine and time spent washing and hanging it up probably is quite comparable to disposable diapers.

I had a friend who started off using cloth diapers but after having to change like 7 times in a few hours gave up. Cos like jass says, once cloth diaper is wet have to change it, but not for disaposables, which can last for quite a few wettings.

Also, did some research when my gal kena diaper rash when she was younger, cos thot of using cloth diaper while she was recovering from her diaper rash, turns out that the advise from a few websites is the disaposable diapers is better cos once bb pees it will absorb instantly and draw the wetness away from the bum, just hv to apply more diaper rash cream when bb kena diaper rash. And true enuf, my gal's diaper rash went away quite fast.

i ask my colleague who has 6 kids on which is better. she told me both cloth and disposable cost work out to be around the same actually.

my mum bought cloth diaper le. so will try to preserver for as long as we can.. if cannot tahan.. it'll be disposable ones..

Thank u mommies for sharing. I was surfing net on the new cloth diapers used these days in place of traditional ones and is almost sold that these new generation ones are better n easier to manage than traditional ones. Bumwear website did a calculation in cost too. I thought those from happy heinys seem promising too.

Though my nick says twins, I am having a singleton. Had that nick since Ivf times and was hoping for twins. Haha

Furlin, sad to hear about the news..

please remain strong and positive...sometimes, certain things are beyond our control, but please stay strong. I'm sure you have a healthy baby next round...take good care of yourself.


This Spree is extended to Tuesday 21Sep. Mummies who wants to join the spree, Hurry put down your orders.

Mummies who have already placed orders, please make Payment to POSB Savings 109-69332-4, with your nickname.

Email [email protected] with your payment details and delivery address.

Postpartum Tummy Wrap

With Pouch : $129 per wrap + free postage.

Pouchless: $119 per wrap + free postage

Wrap with Pouch + Cold/Warm Pack: $145 + free postage

1) Miaiko - PAID

2) esthert - PAID

3) luckymummy11 - PAID

4) cookiefleur - PAID

5) chercat - PAID

6) hoshi - PAID

7) kikapo - PAID

8) Jass1408 -PAID

9) Daphne - PAID

10) Darienna - PAID

11) Ting - PAID

12) Misty - PAID

13) Trevitrevi - PAID

14 Pinky_J - PAID

15) Nimkulut - PAID

16) Valerie142 - PAID

17) Jovial - PAID

18) Lily_H - PAID

19) Little Oxygen - PAID

20) Sofia - PAID

21) Komathi - PAID

22) gingersnap82 - PAID

23) nikki1975 - PAID

24) Chelleybaby - PAID

25) pinkimum - PAID

26) Kelly - PAID

27) chubbybabe PAID

28) kimmyksc - PAID

29) CL(watertap) - PAID

30) ivftwins- (w pouch size XS-M)

31) Huiling - PAID

Hi - Ladies. i am new to this forum. Enjoys reading yr posts and learnt a lot. Please add me in MTB Jan'2011.

1)Age: 35

2)Child#2 (Boy)

3) Edd: 4 Jan'2011 (but likely to deliver in end Dec'2010)

4) Dr: Adrian Woodworth (East).

Anyone of u experience low placenta? Care to share your encounters?

Hi Chabby,

I've my eye on the Medela swing breastpump. Quite good reviews on it.

Wanted to use cloth diapers too but since I'm a first time mum, I'll probably have lots to fret about, so I think disposibles are better.. haha. Moreover I've decided to only have one child and cloth diapers will only really be more worth it if you reuse them for your yr next child. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Anyone doing cord blood banking??


i'm considering doing cordblood banking as hubby has aunts who died of cancer.

Sign up at their roadshow (regardless stemcord or cordlife). it's a few hundred cheaper.

i've attended stemcord recently at Glen E. At the road show, they offer promo rate for their first payment to 988 instead of the usual 1288. 2nd year onwards, it'll be 250 per year.

You can pay using the CDA account. so if you are citizen , all you need to do is to fill in some forms.

HOWEVER, if the cordblood does not contain sufficient stemcell for banking, you need to pay $600 cash for all the admin and lab work.

Cordlife roadshow is 2nd oct at Raffles shopping centre level 4.. dunno i shld go a not. have intention to do cordblood banking.. but will like to do a comparison before deciding.

Thinking of attending the breastfeeding class at BMSG instead since both are on the same day..

To all mothers/MTB,

Anyway, if you dun intend to do cordblood banking, you can consider donating the cordblood to the Singapore cord blood bank. It'll help to save lives. =)

I donated the cordblood to the public bank for my #1. As per the lady, the same cordblood cannot be use for the same child if there's a need. Therefore, I decided to donate.

For my #2, I'm wondering if I shd bank it instead. It might be useful if my #1 ever needs it. Still deciding....

Hi all mummies here,

Please add me in MTB Jan'2011.

1)Age: 27

2)Child#1: Boy

3)Edd: 15 Jan 2011

4)Dr: Dr. Benjamin Tham,

Im in my 23weeks pregnancy now, this few days i always feel the pressure on my lower abdominal and my "private part below", always come when i feel tired or not having a comfortable sitting position. its not very often, after the pressure feeling, i feel the lower part of my stomach a bit tight and hardening..when i walk a bit too fast, it happen also..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]..now i also have a problem when im sleeping when i want to turn to other side..sumtimes i have the pulling sensation on my stomach when i want to turn..so i need to turn very slowly..not sure what is happening with me?[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] any mummies here feel the same with me?

from my detailed scan, the baby is good and healthy..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] one thing is interesting..seeing from my stomach shape and my habit..most of the people i've seen said that my baby is 100% girl..no one said its a baby boy..happened once with my aunt, confirmed 100% boy but when they did the 4D scan turns out to be 100% girl and the doctor said that its the finger playing around..so funny rite? for me boy or girl doesnt matter..healthy is the most important thing..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi Fabiola, I'm also seeing Dr Benjamin Tham. Try to walk slower now. Every ppl feel differently. Maybe u can tell Dr Tham in yr next visit. See wat he says. But in my view, I think it's quite normal.

When u visit Dr Tham every month, he will scan to see the development of the baby. And he will also look at the gender. So, I'm sure the gender will be correct at the point of birth, dun think the finger playing yr aunt experience will be the same every month rite, haha...

I remember for my #1, he already told me the gender when I'm 16 wks. From 24 wks onward, every month I see him, he will show me the scan and say "u see, it's boy"...

Hi Fabiola

I am in my 21 weeks. I too had the same feeling.

As for the gender, I had the same experience but opp gender from you. My tummy is very sharp and my features doesnt change. Everyone told me its a boy. No one say its a girl. When I did my detail scan on Fri, it turn out to be girl. Confirm cos I couldnt see the little thing sticking out. I saw 3 lines, Gynae says got 3 lines means a girl.

Gd morning mummies

Me too got the feeling like the pressure at the v. then i gotta walk carefully. duno y got such feeling now only in 2nd trimester. I remember only hving such feelings in 3rd trimester for my 1st pregnancy.

@Daphne : when im 16 wks, he told me already.. its a prince..he is very funny one, after my detailed scan, he told me " u see, its a prince..i told you already, will not change one..if you want a girl then sorry for this time, i cant change it" haha..i will tell him in my next visit and see what he says..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

@Pooh: i cant see the "prince thing" very clear when the sonographer and doc show the scan pic..maybe my imagination is not good enough..kekeke..my tummy doesnt have the sharp shape..thats why people keep on saying its a girl..even my colg insisted its a girl based on her experience.. how you manage the feeling? my hubby scare sumthing happen with the baby..

@Miaiko: so to release it, you just walk slowly ya? does it comes very often?

Fabiola, .. not to release it. it's coz it got the swollen n abit pain feeling.. so juz gotta walk slowly n be careful lor. i duno wat's the cause of this.

Miaiko: your leg is swollen now? mine still ok. the only things is the pain on my lower stomach..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] really uncomfortable..

Hi hi,

Ya i felt the same feeling too..cant walk too long or too rush will feel the aching and crampy feel but not for my 1st pregnancy..

Miaiko: i see..me also feel it sometimes..

Lily: so its normal ya to have this feeling..now i will walk slowly..this is my 1st pregnancy though..but already have it..

hi mummies,

just want to share something with you... if you feel backache, you can try for below chinese tonics:





You may add some pork/ chicken if you like.

I am lazy person, so i just directly add water and cook together with the above 4 tonics. Normally i take about 2 times per week.

i do have looked for advise from 余仁生,福华, 正中平& internet and confirm these tonics are ok to consume during pregnancy. especially 杜仲 can 安胎. but it is advisable start from 2nd trismeter onwards.

i have started backache for 1-2 mth ago. after consume for about 2 weeks, i feel that the condition is becoming better especially after carry my 1st child for a certain period.

Have a nice day [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi mummies,

Did any of you attend the prenatal yoga class at Bishan last Sat? My first time there and I ached like hell on Sun and today. Think I really overdid some of the moves, or I'm really unfit. :p

After the lesson on Sat I felt my joints were looser, like I could actually raise my leg higher when putting on my pants and squatting wasn't as difficult as it has been. I hope I get more benefits as time goes on (and once this body ache has subsided).

one more thing to share...

you can try to take some manuka honey during pregnancy.


i take manuka honey in my 1st pregnancy. the seller told me it can help to build up my immune system (because pregant cannot take mediction)and baby skin will become nicer also.

i dont know whether it is true or not but now i prefer宁可信其有. i rememer when my 1st child born, his skin is really fair, very nice... he is not like some other babies look purple/ dark red color. the doctor & nurse are saying he has beautiful skin... :p

i take "hnz (honey new zealand) - active manuka honey UMF 10+" (can get from guardian, heard kk also selling this). remember pregnant women cannot take more than UMF 10+.


You can have a try....

HI evlin thanks for the tips [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

think i will try the honey [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi Mummies,

Strangly, my legs have already began to swell at night, especially if I sit too long or stand too long... didn't remember that happening so soon for #1. Checked with gynae, he say it's normal and it varies for different people... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Evlin, I was taking Manuka honey also leh.. and I think my Manuka is >10+++ oooops.....

But my leg already swelling by 8pm... I am only worried that the water retention is a sign of GD or some other stuff, can't remember the term now, have to go back to read book...

Hi mommies. Sorry to interrupt. I'm from the July 2010 MTB thread.

I've a preloved Baby Plus set to let go. In excellent working condition, warranty not registered yet. Please PM me if interested

Hi mummies, I finally know my BB's gender on the detail scan.. It's a boy! My hb and #1 is thrilled! Haha

So obvious the little thing is sticking out there ;p

My back and hips ache like hell!

Thinking if i shld get the preg pillow...

How does "du zhong" taste like? I v scare of TCM smell..

Hi mummies, there is a Pregnancy Workshop that is taking place this Saturday (25th Sept) at Traders Hotel Singapore from 10am-5pm! It includes Cord Blood Banking Consultation too for those interested in learning more about cord blood banking But the seminar also includes highlights such has handling emergencies and breastfeeding the right way Best of all? There is free entry with gynae appointment card! Hee. This is organized by CordLife, one of the private cord blood banks in sg. Hope this helps!

misty, i remember the sales lady told me pregnant women and children cannot take more than umf 10+.

maybe you can try to check and get some info from your gyane, pharmacy, internet....

poor mummy, i am ok with the taste of "du zhong". but maybe for those ppl who do not like chinese tonic, the taste is just a little bit bitter only.

my 1 yr old+ son also take this soup together with me also... but normally is mixed with rice for him.

you may add more 枸杞 or 红枣,the taste maybe better.

Luckymummy - I was there at the yoga class last Saturday..I was the late-comer lor...hahaha...and my muscle also very achy...really overdid it like what you say...haha/

@Cord Blood Banking - I signed up for cord blood banking with Cordlife some time back..didn't think too much, just felt that it was the right thing to do...it is quite ex but spread over 21 years, I think it is still ok, plus can pay from the baby bonus account...I also bought an insurance that covered mummy from 18 weeks onwards and this coverts to coverage for the baby when he/she is born...

hi kikapo, may i know which insurance company you are engage...? how is the package and insurance fee? the coverage for baby is for how long?

Hi - Fabiola & Pooh, i'm in my 24th week now and also experience the pain (pricky at times) at the lower abdominal. Recently, had some slight stainings on/off which my gynae mentioned due to low placenta, not sure if your Gynae feedback the same. He mentioned rest and slow walk is necessary. Hope these are normal, do you encounter the same?


@Bunny: my plasenta is not in low position when i did my detailed scan..everythings is normal for me..this lower abdominal pain i feel it when i walk to much this few days..but i will check again with my gynae next week..now just slower my walk and rest well when i get tired..

so your spotting comes when the pain come? is it a lot?

