(2010) TTC kopi-chat...anything n everything under the sun...u name it..we chat it

gila: simi not gd! choy choy! tum tum will be gd k!!! dun give up!! I cant promise u that he will be yr sil but then i will chop a seat in the Q hohohohoho

bbdust, no worry, sure got pictures de, u can see le.... and we will hv another one in Jun.... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

hsien...so fast jan bb again??? wah... me already lost count... which mth is what bb.... good good..try for jan bb.... jan is good mth...

Ok. Gathering update AGAIN:

15 Apr, Thur. Dinner in town. Venue to be SudoKu @Raffles City.







AWBB & baby Gab

Jas H



Apple (her heart is attending... wahaha)

AWBB, shld be back aft cny....I really want to meet u, VS n gang.... Been thinking abt it all the time....


kekee eat sukiyaki haha my fave and the pizza nice...that one hsien will help me eat [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

AWBB.... not good lah... only left side got limited no. of eggs..somemore left side is the blocked side...right side no eggs... but ok lah... learn to accept liaoz... but then hor, i got a niece coming this july...hehehe.. can chop ur gab for her or not ah??hahahaa...

KK...hehee..finally can see my "like mountain real face" ...hehehee..so happy too..can see u too...hehehee


haa.. onz!

though my fav is the rosti! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

no worries, wont stress myself de.

have good, dun have, try again lor.


for me, now is jan bb la.

first time trying, but i do like jan bb wor. wahahaha.


Thanks Liz.

AWBB, my dd in the queue too hor?

BBdust dear, alot. Crabs with v big gong maybe from no signboard, sting Ray, katong laksa, banana leaf fish head curry, recently is fish head bee boon which my idiot hb reminded me n make me so drool..... Argh.......

your highness,

hahaha mountain real face kekeke [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


wah wah wah... keke okie lah u come back we go makan yah [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Bbdust, I more jia lat, u miss 1 gathering, I miss many many..... Anyway 4 or 5 more gatherings I will be back [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

hsien... hehee... jia you wor!!!!

APPLE... when u come back next yr...rememebr to join us for gathering...hehehe..we go makan makan... now i also thinking of crabs...

your highness,

i want to eat crabs.. katong laksa ... curry fish head [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] can ta bao for me pls

Nb.... I disappear Nia u all say me hor....

Alison - hsien not referring to me la... The talk big in forum act meek in person is someone else... N u knn learn how to ignore what I say... Cb!!! U walk to raffles city... I fetch gab Nia... Mwahaha...

yes, we shall go for melben seafood k! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

bbdusts... u sure u cannot sneak out with ah boi hor... hehehe..cos i shy lah...then need someone like u not shy one...hehehehehehehe....

your higness,

keke I dont even dare to think about it man [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

no worries, LIZ not shy de loh keke she makes sure u talk [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Apple: we will be here waiting for u too =) *hugz*

bbdust: huh? what u mean??

Val: hahahaha! KNN u back liao ah! who talk big n meek in person?? xiang??

Kk - I floating in and out... Haha... Now nua-ing on my sofa... Think shall go lie down... Just ate 2 kinder bueno... But still hungry!!!

Kk - I just bought a new pkt of lays sour cream and onion... Mwahaha... Png kueh my fav!!! Ok set I ask my GMIL make png kueh for me next week... *slurp* are u teochew??

hsien, me real shy...hehehe... tubby is NOT shy at all lah...hehehe...

bbdusts...ehhehe... so u going for natural right??? w or w/o epi??? or u want to follow awbb's method...use newly bought LV bag??? =P

KK... i want to eat png kueh!!! wah...i know what i want to eat for brekkie tomorrow monring...yum...

your highness,

kekeke no worries the girls will make u comfy de [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] no shy yah [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] hugs hugs

yah going for natural hopefully can go without epi [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

haha me no newly bought LV bag leh.. no one sponser

Gila - u don't join those char bors and suan me hor... I have a non chor lor side de ok... Don't laugh... I really have!!!

Bbdust, hahaha... pm me your address? if I made, I drop over and pass you some.... I super nice right? hahahaha....

Bbt, no I am not teochew.. but I like that, in fact I like to make kueh lor.... esp png kueh.... u know how to make or not? if your GMIL made, u help me to ask her for the recipe of the skin can? cos different pp to told me different thing leh, so I dun know my method correct or not.....

Gila.... hahaha... I love png kueh... but seldom can find good one outside wor... u know where to get? then I dun hv to make liao... haha

*stuff face into own fats* okok...i wun luff... i'll try hard not to luff.... heehhee... i think the only non chor lor side of u is when u take ur wedding photos...hahaha..that one really deceiving lor... hahaha...=P

okok..dun suan u anymore..later bbt smack me.... want to ask u...u crave for sweet or salty food more??? hehehe...


my hse is just a few roads down your house loh LOL woo u can come and rub my tum tum [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] keke but no lah paiseh make u travel keke [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

KK.... i dun know where to get nice ones too... got to ask my mum...cos she always tabao home for me very nice... but not sure if still got nice ones or not... wah..now i really miss it... *drools*

bbdust: if u fold..where bb sit? hehee...dun really understand yr qns leh...

Val: oh that one ah!! chey!

