(2010) 2009 TTCers Moving on to 2010... Come on in!


Thanks!! I am very excited and worried at the same time. Heh heh.


Ya I tested a super faint line on DPO11. Today is DPO 17. I never really notice any discharge.

But I felt super giddy on DPO 8. I thought I gonna to faint.

Vic MA,

Give you double dose of babydust!!!. Your huat pack helped me this round. And your HPT is able to tell the results from DPO 11 onwards!



Tonight I come in to dust some more. Gonna buy minced chicken to do lasagna for dinner.

Swiss roll can use any sponge cake recipe, prob is need to control temp and timing. I flopped at least 5 times before its successful. Gao nan du wor!

Can fight with chiffon cake in terms of difficulties.

Congrats Sstarlight! U can rest well at home to yang tai. Bb has chosen a gd time to arrive!

congratz starlight, dun worry, i will not tell the rest. ^^". Meanwhile No carrying of ur DS when u are standing up okie.... always carry him only when u sit down!!.. ^^".

Emily gambahteh, hope u strike!!!

Okie.. my turn to update my gynae visit ytd...

when i went in, i told him my AF went missin for 80+ days liao... he ask me got test? i tell him last week i did.. then he ask me to do urine test which is a BFN... and i told him abt my late ovulation but he did not take tat and ask m to scan see got anything a not...then he ask me to either take tabs or to wait... then i asked him what actualli causes the long cycle... first time i got suchhhh a long cycle... he told me could be stress.. then wan to shoo me out liao... and i ask him can u do a scan to see my cysts.. he give me a look like can go without it.. but he got me to scan... the scan took less than 2mins and tell me no cysts...like fu yan me like tat then say if i wan, i can get the tabs then see wan to take anot... then can sense the need to go signal from him then we left the clinic....

the nurse gave me the tabs and tell me to take from 20days and after tat AF will be smoother liao...

The End...

i am kind of angry tat the consultation did not bring me anywhere... and the way he see a preggy n a non preggy is different....

anyone of u did a scan at the womb thru the normal ultrasound?? should it be all clear one?? cause i like got see one spot of black thing inside...but he just zoom thru....

blurlet & vic

i hope i strike. i got some syptoms & i cant really

figured out is why i keep on having those white


Gm, so its an unconclusive visit? Din see anyting during the scan? Any sac or anyting?

Maybe in that case u test HPT once in few days if u wan? Or see another gynae nez week?

Oh if u saw someting maybe u had striked, why he dun scan slowly and properly huh?

The tabs is hormone pills izzit?

Why Dr Woody dun go BT on u? Hmmm.....

Hi Ladies,

Long time no log in due to busy @ work.

Hope everyone is fine. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Congrat for QT & Starlight BFP.

vic ma: Your stomach's quite weak. Could it be IBS? Issit only certain types of food trigger the LS? When you LS, issit a sudden burning sensation in your stomach? Please do get it checked.

GM: Glad to have heard from you. Sounds rather patronizing to me. He should've done a V scan for you instead of u/s. V scan can determine results better lor. I guess probably friday evening considered peak hour, he just wanted to chop chop finish. You wanna see my gynae instead?

LADIES...me back for a while..hehehe..then i will zoom off again..hehehe..

THANKS PIYO... =D... tons of bbdusts to u!!!

GM... u go to see the Dr. Woody is it?? i find him very the "cao shui" leh... anyhow just scan... somemore no do blood test... this is not the way to treat a patient irregardless of whether she is pregnant or not mah... what if a lady who goes to see him tested urine not preggie but in actual fact is preggie??? he dun know that some women use hpt no use one??? KAOZ... so u go to see him for an answer regarding ur long cycle is as good as no answer mah.. waste money.... i feel that no matter how bz he is, he should not just anyhow fu yan u lor..

perhaps u got to govt hospital to check up instead???

hm...gm... sac the gynae. Maybe go see qt's doc. She one see him liao bfp!! ^^"

QT, sleep more and take more chicken essence. Den give me all the bb dust!! lol..

Oh yeah!! starlight, i wan truck load of bb dusts..................

Thank you everyone.

Yeah I also thinking baby came at the right time. Maybe want me to rest.

I am not actively looking for job already. But if sometime comes up, I will still try lah. See how it goes.


Thanks for keeping a mum for me. Heh heh. Esp cannot let DN know. If DN knows, the whole group of common friends will know. Wahahaha

Ya lately beng had been very good, dun let me carry my DS anymore. Kekeke.. Even I drop things on floor, he will pick up for me :D


Actually I felt very giddy like whole room is spinning on my DPO 8. Went to doc, he measure my Blood Pressure a bit low.. but not those super low type. Then he suspect I already BFP. But I say cannot be. Cos its only DPO 8.

Now I really believe some people symptons do start very very early.

So hang in there. you might have good news too.

Vic Ma

Your lasagna recipe is a success. But we only ate half lah. Too much already. The reminding we will keep it as lunch. So just heat it up in oven can already right?


That's exactly what my DH feels. Nothing conclusive in the consultation and got to pay so much. We paid like $150+++

That's why we decided to go back to Dr John Tee now. Already booked my appt on Monday.

Now I am running a cold. Aiyo.. hope my baby will be ok! Dunno why keep falling sick. Giddy, cold, sore throat, plus on and off giddiness.





Woofy, why u type as eatarlight?

Me waiting for tortoise dh, still playing games! Faintz....

hehe ..sstarlight ..paiseh ..typo error lah [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] ...rem hor no carrying of havy stuff & eat yr FA.

PIYO...answered ur email liaoz... hope it helps u ah... HUAT AH!!!!

Starlight!!! me also become wanton manufacturing factory..... now is manufacture crystal filling wanton... i so scare later manufacture JADE fillings then jia lat...hehehe....i just now felt a bit giddy after i got up from the bed too sudden... and frankly speaking..i feeling cold...hehehe...

WOOFY... it's hsien going for shape run...hehehe... u got preggie's tofu brains...hehehe...good sign..means u going to BFP soon...

EMILY!!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/messages/2495852/2704053.gif] TO THIS BIG GILA FAMILY!!! HERE'S A WELCOME GIFT TO U!!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/messages/2495852/2704054.gif]


Ya they say preggie resistance lower. So easily will catch cold.. So must be careful.

I think I heaty.. but i dare not drink liang things leh. Now enduring to see gynae on monday.

Heh heh dun get too giddy later see stars like me. Tat time I thought I really going to faint. Scary leh.

starlight just put fridge once cooled and can reheat tomorrow. I put in freezer cos so many portions.

Rc i do have ibs. Irritated bitchy and shitty. Ha ha. My tum is like that one. Preg laggi shitty lor.

their dizzy bitzy problem!

ur tum tum, take more soya milk loh.. ^^"

wonton is always vit C! s need to take more vit C bah..

This is quack blurlet talking.. LOL.

I already taken redoxant liao.

Iron tabs dare not take leh. I ren first. Monday see gynae then I will ask him why all my symptons starts so early.

I read on internet cos the blood vessels at the womb area all expanding cos "work in progress". That's why we will feel giddy.. cos all blood rush "down there" already.

