(2010) 2009 TTCers Moving on to 2010... Come on in!

morning ladies,

me tested -ve this morning. Today is CD40 n DPO17. sigh : ( I dun understand why my AF not coming. I dun hav stress n not taking n medication. Urggh.. veri frustrating leh. Luckily 2day take leave to do hse cleaning at home. coz i surely no mood to work. Last nite, i dreamt tat i test +vel leh.

morning ladies,

TGIF! tested OPK its still faint line last nite on CD14 so it should be these few days.... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Sometime we are mental stress but we dunno cos I am like u a few months again & I think I am on but the gynae saw I am mental stress by things happening only I dun feel it. I also had the same dream as u last month but too bad mine didnt come true. Hope urs will come true. No AF mean there are still hope of +ve maybe ur HGC not high yet. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

hey ladies!! me so dman pissed wif my P3 kids!!! arghhhhhhh...i have 25 kids and only 10 hand in their homework daily!!! and when i col de parents they simply bo chap!!! arghhh...


you change your nickname iszt? Nowadays parents a like that haha.. luckily I am the opposite, once teachers call me up my girl will get it when I am home.


if i not preggy, hope my AF fifi come b4 cny. keke.. new cycle=new hope.

how old is ur daughter?


i tot nowsaday parents are quite kaisu. Why can they bochap whether their children homework? I remembered during my time, my pri sch teachers used to punish us if we forgot to do our homework. We veri scared of our teachers therefore most of my classmates will definitely hand in our homework on time one. haha.. tats the old days.

Morning gals! TGIF!!!!


yesterday i call 1 of e P1 dad(cos mum cant be reached) n told him his son never listen in class n also scold pple u know wat he told me? "can u call the mum?" and i said i cant reach his mum tts y im calling u, and u r the child's dad i think u ought to know wat is happening to him in sch as well, guess wats his reply? he said "this is our own family matter" (he meant i shldnt interfere) and i was so angry i retorted well its my duty to inform parents if the child doesnt behave. then he also ask me leh when i say his son not good in class he ask "so wat u wan me to do?" wa lau!!!

hello everyone, im also TTC.. got married in dec 2008, and hoping to have a baby in 2009! :D

and i realised that my nick is very similar to pinkiemummie! hehe


i can imagine my hub will say that "can u call the mum" when next time my son went to pri sch n his teacher happen to call him. haha..

so how did u reply the daddy?

morning ladies.

This morning try to BD but then dh too tire and having sore eyes end up not able to ejaculate the troops. So maybe try tonight again. **sob sob**

hi pinkiemie..haha u must change ur nick le..but can u gime ur details?

your nick AF date(menses) trying which baby and where you live? Jandew will update ur info

eg: Pinkiemummie 24/12/08 #1 kallang

Thank u and welcome!!!

ox baby,

Its alright as long as you try to BD. create a better mood for ur dhto relax so that he will not feel tire. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

hello all~~ me also trying bb this year... married for about 3 years.. going to try very hard this month.. hopefully have good news.. hehe


you noe y? cos i teach chinese!!! parents nvr feel dat chinese is imp until de day they forget their roots...


same de parent just say AH...Ohh..SO...den...wat can i do...when i col her....


Wow you teach chinese so your chinese must be very good le. Heard from my gal chinese teacher that there will be new PSLE format that oral will be of higher mark now. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

i must change my nick coz my nick is too similar to yours, pinkiemummie? but i registered in sep 2008 le, how to change my nick?

PinkieMie 03.01.09 #1 Tampines

pinky..we BD this morning at 6am so can say we both very sleepy mood but no choice we BD on tue only and wed i tested +ve in opk so hopefully tonight still can catch up with the eggs la.


now free loh next lesson at 1130..my chinese..haha ok ok loh..just nvr get B b4 from pri school...hahaha...bebe chinese also good...keke....yah new format next yr...oral higher marks...

hello ladies!!

any good news these two days??!

dun u all feel we are students waiting for result...working hard for BD...then 2WW is waiting waiting for results ( if graduate?) hehe [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

me also waiting .AF shd due today or tomorrow liao....sigh...


is yr cycle so long? if not then maybe yr hormones still low cant detect? wow spring cleaning! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

piggym, so you didn't see tcm doc? Just bought herbs fr medical hall? my mom's been brewing longan red date tea for me everyday, and i have the black chicken with ba zhen soup every 3 days. Also taking chicken essence alt days.. hmmz.. is this enuff? i'm juz worried... as in, got phobia that next pregnancy will oso hv same horrible outcome. trying to stay positive...

tell u all something super irritating okie...

my SIL called MIL last nite..ask me help her wrap 水饺 so she can give her MIl during reunion dinner...my 水饺 is very yummy de hoh...keke...so every year my MIL will be very nice to be near CNY cos she wans me wrap for her for de steamboat..

now getting too much must do wholesale liao...she kip emphasizing she will pay me back after i buy de ingredients...kaoz...i so poor meh? its not de money its de time and skills man!!!

hi purplelace,

yup, doing spring cleaning. i will pop in once awhile to chat wif u gals.

my cycle is 34-36days. 2day already cd40.. i dun tink my HGC low coz my 1st pregnancy i already test +ve when i was cd40. so i guess tis time round might not hav good news. nvm lah. hope AF will come soon. new cycle=new hope.

actually tat day i wanna to ask u whether ur son attend playgroup. mi typo error. type playground. haha..

Serena, last month my AF also not reported till CD 40 but the result is still -ve so i went for blood test to confirm whether pregnant or not. Then i induced AF as there is some infection which cause the delay in AF.

i dunno pinkie... my mom says i must eat all this heaty stuff to keep warm this period of time. praying hard i wun have pimple outbreak!


dun want test leh hehe unless i miss by few days [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] as usual...in 2ww i will start visualise all the possible symptoms lor...this time is stomach bloated,vomitted last nite..tired...haha every time imagine all those symptoms but always negative ....


oh he hasnt go playgroup maybe mid year bah .havent source any school for him yet.

i want ask you your #1 did you try quite fast?

ya ya our motto here! new cycle=new hope!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Pinkie, wat do u put inside ur 水饺? Minced pork, chives/spring onions and prawns? Do u add carrot, water chestnuts?

No, not I update, its Sashamama who updates....kekeke...

Okie, so now u r called MieMie....:p.

Dh last nite told me he is taking leave on my bdae and also 1st week of Feb....maybe we would be gtg on cruise, I would go check it out.

I din koe doing some hsework + baking can cause whole body to ache like crazy....Grrr...maybe really getting old liao.

Candice, u may want to give us some info on urself like:

Nick – Date of AF --- Trying for Number What BB – Residence

Sashamama 29/12/08 --- 01 Punggol (Example)

How old is ur boi?

Purplelace, its not cheap. We paid SGD50 cents or less per strip(depends on Pounds ex rate).


i told him to discipline him at home lor cannot scold pple and mus listen to teacher in class lor


"wat can i do" and "wat u wan me to do" is diff leh stupid attitude problem all these parens as if the son belongs to 1 parent only

i hate this job!!!



me not in 2ww…me still haven get a positive sign for OPK lehz….now Cd 24


Erm I put….

Minced meat


Shitate mushroom

Water chestnut

Black fungus(optional)

Cornflour (do not add egg cos the dumpling will become damp after a while den will stick together)

Dumpling skin

Egg (sticking de skin together)

But jandew I always have a question, de dumplings will stick together if I leave them in de fridge…I tried coating them wif flour but doesn’t really help…any idea????

Did u see de details of miemie????


I think I paid only 30 cents maybe u can chk? www.babydusts.com

