(2010) 2009 TTCers Moving on to 2010... Come on in!

SOUND OF SILENCE -MY VERSION for Sec 4 farewell performance cum teacher's day

Hello darkness, my old friend

I've come to talk with you again

Because a vision softly creeping

Left its seeds while I was sleeping

And the vision that was planted in my brain

Still remains

Within the sound of silence.

My dearest Teachers & Friends

Students will part with you again

& now before i go away

Let me wish you "Happy Teachers' Day"

& Your Words of Love will always be

Deep within

'Tis I'll always ... Remember..


I can almost hear the school cheering again. Those were the days.....


I think for Boy you must eat alkali foods & your dh msut eat acidic foods can do a google on what's considered acidic or what's alkali.


Haha... You farter!!

Hey, how have you been? Drank too much water? That's why you have been going to toilet?


i went to see. I got a problem my friend bot for me what i need BUT the shipment stuck with her friend's dh in US who keeps posponing his visit to SG.

I quite sian too. my royal jelly stuck!

If it surfaces soon then i will have too much have to miss this boat!

actually there is also chinese horoscope calendars which mth & the woman how old that mth u bd u get boy or girl maybe u can do a Sex Prediction search

Vic Ma...u chou chou...*holds nose & holds breathe*

Jthan, dun blame me la....Kekeke....Maybe nez week I would be making again coz Woofmeow oso wan, waiting for her to confirm size. U really eat beri fast, izzit coz u dun eat dinner, eat cookies onli? Cannot la, muz eat dinner...Cookies is for supper NOT dinner leh....Go guai guai eat dinner.


No worries... wait for your shipment to 'arrive'.. GNC promotion is always there.. just a matter of finding GNC members whose birthday is on that month.. hehe..

No, it's not your fart that attracted so much attention.. I just logged in... scrolling from bottom up and first post I read was that!! haha..

But I have to say that's very creative song.. nice!!

Rc, u poor ting...wan borrow some of Sunny's salivia? Muahahaha........

Vic Ma, tis is for u since u alw dig nose, u save tis icon nez time can use. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/messages/2495852/2373076.gif]

I juz ate green curry chicken and malt vinegar pork ribs for dinner...so full now.

JThan our date end of the mth how?

usually what i like to do is ask jan make cookie & when we date she does delivery kill 2 birds with 1 stone!

Vic Ma, wat date? *Scratches head*

U mean durian outing huh? Waiting for Aw-bb to organise ma....to Geylang Geylang eat durians!

vic ma: Suddenly cut leh ... my neighbour not affected leh. Then I call my estate management, they sounded shocked that my house no water.

Vic Ma....oh....I was wondering wic date u were referring to leh...Hahaha.....

Tis time u wan choc shortbread cookies? Now Sashamama & Jthan both hooked...see who is next.

RC u started cooking liao buay? If not yet, dun cook, go outside eat...I oso in super nua mood tonite leh....

Vic Ma, ur icons dun come out....I see lots of CROSSES....

*Jandew now becomes cock eye*

jandew: No lor ... lucky I went to the toilet and used up those last drops of water in flushing and washing my hands. Don't know what the heck happened also. All of a sudden. No warning some more.


that is why i gave up on them cos they contridict themselves - dunno which one is the actual dug up one haha!


i quite bad with chocolate u ahve other cookies?

I migraine prone la - heaty easily eat your cookies hor either have to go SLOW (which is very hard) or have to take liang teh with them ahha!


Don't know what to eat for dinner.. so decided to have the cookies and milk as dinner..

Really? You are making another batch?!! I WANT!!! BIG ONE THIS TIME PLS!!

But I can only collect from you the first week of May.. I'll be away to take a break next week before sloughing my life for work for the next 3 months!!

Jthan, shld be ok...I would likely be making the cookies early nez week or so.

U din cook dinner?

Going anywhere nez week?

Vic Ma, wat cookies u wan? How abt almond shortbread cookies, melt in the mouth type?

i took home hor Jthan

the chocs like still chilled le! put in mouth so nice!

But seriously i dont like chocolate cookies so much must get jandew to get out of chocolate - she everything also chocolate. wait i pimples ugly la.

fat no choice liao. haha compromise at least not ugly & fat please???

RC maybe only certain tap in yr house? Other taps working?

u all talking abt cookies. Now I gian. I super stresssss!!!!! Want to eat things.

Y'day just had durian cake and puff from Goodwood Park. Very good!

Vic Ma, either u preggie or u kena UTI too.

Fat never mind most impt muz be clever or kind. Hahaha.....

Now me gtg into cream cheese mode, everyting oso wan to do cream cheese.

Just made cream cheese bread for tomolo's tea/supper. Kekeke.....

Bbp nvr throw ur durian stuff over....*Poutz*

bbp: I called the estate management ... they said whole block no water, they fixing the problem now. So not just my unit. Now just gotta wait and make sure I don't use toilet.


I cannot imagine if i had natural birth lor already can usually pee so much if natural hor the muscles there die liao la - next i will be leaking PEE!

