(2010) 2009 TTCers Moving on to 2010... Come on in!

magix - CONGRATS CONGRATS!!!!! so nice to hear good news today....

Alison - ya lor...my gynae appointment is on 30Mar...so long leh...but never mind...scully this month strike then good...

Day 6 of AF...clearing liao...gonna start BD rituals...Magix - spread some baby dust...TIPS TIPS TIPS!!!

magix wand

wow 2nd one !! really envy u!!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

how long have u been ttc??!!

hey hope of us fast fast join u to graduate!!


no, if u read my earlier posting. i tested twice in mid Jan, its -ve... then so i started charting on 23/01. I observed thermal shift on 05/02, so waited for 14 days then i tested.


thks! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


i started gg natural last jan, but din actively TTC and observe signs... then only started to really TTC in aug/sep, i think. it got me worried when i din conceive and so quickly read up. i thot i was nvr gg to conceive again...


thks alot! i hope to spread the babydust to u all too! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

magix wand

thanks for sharing!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] pls drown us with lotsa bb dust PLEASE!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

i also abit xian pf ttc liao..tink of giving up......sigh...

hi magix,

u r welcome. we r all so happy for u. must spread some baby dust to all of us here. thanks.

i'm waiting for my AF to come, then going for a scan cos my gynae suspected i might have fibroid or endometrosis. if need be, must go for operation. so need abt at least 3 mths more before can tcc. i'm hoping for an ox baby but think chances quite slim.

magix... opps.. dun really noe hw to read graph... mi usually just measure BBT n OPK..

+ve OPK just bd.. so no gd news for mi yet... hiaz...

hello ladies...

i cant do anything yet... cant bd until 2 weeks after the op... tomorrow will be the 2nd week already... time flies...


i suspect my shih tzu is having a fever... he feels warm below... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] need to bring him to vet again tonite...

hi magix,

May i know how u chart ur bbt temp? Every morning with aircon still on b4 get out of ur bed,is it? Regardless of timing u woke up rite?

So envy of u. 1st kid? Congrat to u. Do spread ur baby dust to all of us.. U r our 1st graduate in feb..

magix... congrats to u!!!

Finally hear BFP from this thread.

So happy for u.. spread BB dust to us!!

We need it [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

i m urs - his below?? which part of the body?? sometimes it's normal, cos the weather has been hot recently..plus shih tzu fur has 2 coats so it traps heat easily..u monitor until tomorrow...he got flu? cough? sore eyes? can eat and drink properly?

magix & juls tried how long before u conceived ar?


i ttcing #2 xiong cos i know my inlaws HOPE! a boy this time - i have a little girl.

Congrats to u, magix. Please drown me wif some of your baby dusts. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Valerie, I just sent out the OPKs to you. You should be receiving them by tomolo.

I Fotgot to press M on my fertility monitor shits have to do withing 6 days! so tomorrow morn i got to press day 6 but actually day 11!

see the limitations! arrgh


i think chicken essesence is ok de. its just like drinking chicken soup. Maybe you want to lay off the american ginseng kind la - cos i believe its more liang kind.


Can the graduates PLEASE help the rest of us by filling in the info according to this:




TTC #Months:

Previous #M/Cs if any:

Alternate Day BD: Y/N

Lift Butt after BD: Y/N

Used Preseed: Y/N

Did HSG: Y/N

Tracked BBT: Y/N

Used OPK: Y/N

Visited TCM: Y/N (If yes, who?)

Ate Multi Vitamins: Y/N

esterlah - really cannot drink american ginseng ar?? ydae i just bought ju hua ren sheng from Hock Hua..i drank half, my dh drank the other half cos this few days very hot...cannot drink throughout the whole TTC process ma? or during O period cannot drink??

i think can drink la - but just not daily american ginseng ba - maybe u ask the medical hall pple cos i understand american ginseng is liang.

once a week should be ok I feel cos - they dont put alot of ginseng into the essence anyway lor.

I understand too liang not good during TTC right?

what i also know is Red or korean ginseng -the heaty type - unless during pregnancy very weak - should not take during pregnancy - will cause hard labour.

If body weak can take say those alcohol pple put a red ginseng in for health reasons kind - 1 teaspoon is ok during preggy my SIL took that cos due to her work nature she stands & walks alot & still does house work.

This red ginseng OX - i have a joke to share. For my wedding we accidentily brought one such bottle there, my FIL didnt label properly -WAH those old uncles smelt it -immediately they know -all fighting for it. I think that nite their aunties all ta bolek tahan. *Rock the boat baby!


his tummy and groin area... apply his rashes cream for him... hv been quite warm for 2 days le... guess better to bring him for the vet later... he's eating well and drinking ok... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

hi magix,

May i know which tcm doctor u went to? Did u take a different set of chinese medicine during ur 2ww?

Congrat. How old is ur 1st one now?


its nvr easy to TTC. darn stressful & alot of ppl asking "when huh?" so sick of trying and seeing red at the end of it. I've asked myself countless times "When, when, when???"...


yah juz BD when +OPK lor.

initially i used OPK but coz my cycle was super long this time, i stopped using OPK coz dunno when will be +ve. imagine i O on day 68.... how many strips wld i hv used???? its crazy!!!


sometimes i sleep with aircon, sometimes w/o. But i think it doesnt matter. The day my reading went up to 37.03, i thot my eyes were playing tricks on me! Tt morning, i took 4 readings to satisfy myself. it ranged fr 36.96-37.03 C. SOmetimes i even get up to make milk for my son b4 i flop back to bed, rest for a while then take temp.

The timing is abt the same everyday. at most wkend is only half hr later. i juz record. to me, makes not much diff.

Nope, its my 2nd one this time round.

Starzz, Webbyy, Babyphoenix & Candice

Thks!!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

babyphoenix, pls refer to my earlier posts on tips.


i answered the TTC qn earlier liao. pls refer up. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

dun let ILs stress u! as long as can conceive, happy liao! i hope for a girl coz #1 is a son but now i am happy with either gender coz its so blessed to be pregnant!


The TCM info below.

1st one is 2.5 yrs old now. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

No, din take any diff set of medication during 2ww. In fact the week i saw her, i was abt to ovulate. She juz gave me the usual medication to tune my body and said i shld expect my menses to arrive anytime. In fact i only finished the medication ard DPO 11/12.

Nick: magix

#BB: 2

Gender: eh, wat does this gender mean? whose gender?

TTC #Months: shld be 6-10 mths

Previous #M/Cs if any: NA

Alternate Day BD: N (pls refer to my BD sessions fr the chart above)

Lift Butt after BD: N

Used Preseed: N

Did HSG: N

Tracked BBT: Y (using guardian in-house brand)

Used OPK: Y (but not actively)

Visited TCM: Y, Everspring (4got the full name) Tel: 62568774

Ate Multi Vitamins: N (unless EPO is considered?)

i m urs - most likely there's nothing wrong with ur dog..but u can play safe..and one other thing i forgot to ask u...when did u bring ur dog to the vet??how many days after buying? cos if u can prove that the rashes and ear infection was when you bought the dog, u can go back to the pet shop...


i bought the dog on sat afternoon... mon go to vet... i brought from a breeder in pasir ris pet hotel... so no pt going back to him, will only push the responsibility back to us...[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

i m urs - actually it's not true...you can just tell the breeder that sunday vets are seldom open and monday the vet found the ear infection and rashes...what's the living condition of the dogs there?? if it's not very hygienic, it's better than you let them know, so the other dogs there won't get it too...but the bright side is normally the infection once cured doesn't come back if you clean it regularly...so ydae did u manage to clean his ears??

webbyy - will check later..going home liao...thanks.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


my dh managed to use cotton wool to clean it... i not sure how thorough isit... but didnt really manage to drip the cleasning lotion and the medicine in his ear properly... bring him to the vet later and get them to clean for him will b gd...

Dear gals,

DH and I are going to visit TCM NOW but still wondering who to go for. Did some research, here's to share:

Recommended TCM List:

(1) Ban Choon Chan

Blk 81, #01-636, Marine Parade Central Singapore 440081

Tel: 6334 6718

Business Hours:

Mon-Wed-Thur-Fri: 8.30am-4pm

Sat: 8.30am-3pm

Sun: 8.30am-12pm

Closed on Tue and Public Holidays

(FEEDBACK: My hb & I saw Dr. Tan Lee Kee of Ying Chuan Chinese Medical Hall in Jurong East 4 yrs ago. We spent a few thousand dollars on her and a Gynae at Glenages recommended by her. We were told that I have PCOS and my hb sperms not good.

We saw them for a year and I did not manage to conceive.

After that we also went through 2 times of IVF. I managed to get pregnant on my 2nd IVF, unfortunatly I miscarriage in my 6th weeks of pregnancy. After my miscarriage, I went to this Sin Seh at Marine Parade. He helped me to 'bu3' my body and I also told him I want to conceive naturally. He told me he will help me but my hb and I must follow his instructions and take the herbs prescribed by him. I'm now 5 1/2 mths pregnant after taking his herbs for a few mths. His fees is much cheaper than JE's Sin Seh and my hb & I only need to see him 1 time per mth.

But you must brew the herb yourself.)

(2) Chee Seng Tong Medical Hall

200 Upper Thomson Road #01-02 Thomson Imperial Court, Singapore 574424

Tel: 6251 3268

Consultation Hours:

Mon to Sat:

9am - 12pm, 2.30pm - 5pm , 6.30pm - 8pm

Tue, Thu, Sat: (Evening Closed)

Sun: 8.30am - 12pm

Public Holidays: 9am - 1pm

(3) Tai Choon Foh & Co.,

Low Wei Meow, Chinese Physician

Blk 465 North Bridge Road #01-5045, Crawford Court Singapore 191465 (Near Lavender MRT)

Tel: 6294 3008, 6294 5068

Mon-Fri: 10.30 am - 7.30 pm

Sat: 10.30 - 6.30 pm

Sun & PH: Closed

(4) Tan Kian Sing

TCM Healthcare Medical Center

Blk 433, Clementi Ave 3, #01-266, Singapore 120433

Tel : 68723237

His Thread on SMH: http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/cgi-bin/forumboard/discus.cgi?pg=next&topic=36738&page=330783

FEEDBACK: The two Chinese physicians are recommended to me by a Chinese physician(from China).

Both of the Chinese physicians are holding doctorate degree from renowned TCM University in China. Both of them had spent at least a year in China hospital for clinical experience.

Dr Tan Kian Sing is currently the head of infertity group in Singapore Chung Hwa Medical Institution. He is mainly solving male problem. There is another female Chinese physician who is the head of infertity group in solving the females problem. As I am not comfortable with a male physician, I choose Dr Tan Siew Buoy to solve my medical problem. She is the expert of solving female problem.

I hear a lot of things about some local Chinese phyiscan who is very unhappy if their patient tells them that they are doing IVF or IUI. Some local Chinese phyisican even feel offend if they know the couple going to see another Chinese phyisican.

Both Dr Tans are very open as they are aware that we are seeing two phyisican. Most of time we will ask them to write their TCM treatment so we can pass to the each other. This will help to provide the best treatment for both of us.

Both Dr Tans are aware that we are intending to do IUI or IVF. They advise us to receive TCM treatment for preparing for pregnancy. The womb must be ready for pregnancy. If your body is not in a good condition for pregnancy, there is no point of trying many cycle of IVF or IUI.

FEEDBACK: I have just tested positive last week. very happy indeed. I have been tcc for almost 3 years. No luck maybe because of my age (38). Started going to TCM in Aug 08 (went to Dr Tan Kian Seng after reading about him in this forum). Went thru 5 months(2 to 3 times per mth bef ovulation) of accupucture and taking the power herbs. I guess it certainly make your body stronger. I am very happy and hope everything will be fine for the next 9 mths.

(5) Thong Chai Medical

Dr Tan Siew Buoy or Dr Chen Siew Mei

50 Chin Swee Rd

Infertility unit




(can register yourself half an hr before consultation time)

FEEDBACK: maybe you can try seeing Dr Tan Siew Buoy,at thong chai medical institute, i'm currently seeing her but for me the prob is my hubby,his counts were low,she asked him to buy the herbs prescribed by her,and he is taking it now but i'm also seeing her and taking the herbs too cos she said it will make my womb stronger to prepare for pregnancy,she will also ask you to monitor your temperature daily to see if you are ovulating...

(6) Zou Yumin TAM Physician & Acupuncturist

Blk 505 #01-2670 Ang Mo Kio Ave 8 S560505 Opp Nanyang Polytechnic

Tel: 64560833

Closed on WEDS

(7) Blk 603 Clementi West St.1

#01-35 S(120603)


Mon-Thurs up till 9pm fri ,Sat till 5pm

(8) Ever Spring Medical Group Pte Ltd


Block 42, Cambridge Road,


FEEDBACK: my MIL only trust the one at cambridge rd. cos the sinseh qt famous & every week she have an article on newspaper.


68426110 & 68417920

"famous" chinese acunpunturist at Geylang

(10) Ban Choon Wah medical Hall

Address : Blk 157, Serangoon North Ave 1 #01-434, Singapore 550154

Tel: 6288 7439

FEEDBACK: I had tried for baby since Year 2003, went to see few chinese sinseh which is popular in singapore, tried cromid, IUI and Laparoscopy over last 3 yrs of TTC but no good news. Besides that i have retroverted uterus, according to Gynea this will not affect on TTC

After seeing the sinseh at Ban Choon Wah for abt 3mth, finaly get pregant in yeard 2006, and i just give birth to my prince during this April.

Give this sinseh a try, he realy good

FEEDBACK (-VE): The physician,i tink,is the worse physician that i seen.He didn't chk my pulse n my history n straight away jumped into conclusion by treating me as infertile patient.He started to "hard sell" himself by boosting his achievements.He said he is the 1st person in S'pore who teach ppl how to use BBT temp chart to chk wf O.After i told him my conditions(miscarriages,etc)then he said he refused to treat me.On top of that,he even asked me to give him a token after all the lecturing fr him.I took out $10 note n asked him:"is this enough?" n very pissed off n left.

(11) Teck Chua Medical Hall

Ms Tan S.L

Hougang Ave 5 Blk 322 #01-84

tel: 62810373 (call to make appt)

hours: tues/thur 6-9pm; sat 2-5pm

(12) New Century TCMS Healthcare Clinic

Ms Wu Liping

Blk 408 Ang Mo Kio Ave 10 #01-789

Tel 6456 0789

Wed 9.30am - 8pm Sun 9.30am - 5pm

FEEDBACK: i had 3 previous m/c. Went to see my current chinese physician since june this year n am expecting now. Things look pretty stable now for me.

Note: Bad Reviews on Dr. Tan Lee Kee of Ying Chuan Chinese Medical Hall in Jurong East: http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/messages/36738/91215.html?1154530434

can any girls tell me for BBT measurement, what thermometer do you all use? must it be oral? can use those ear kind? today CD 6, but i feel very hot...like hot flush..cannot be going to ovulate..right??

Joanne’s OPK Spree

From local reseller / 55cents per strip

Name | no. of opk u want | meetup location (yishun mrt or boon keng mrt)

Joanne - ??pcs

Byrest - 30pcs - Yishun mrt

Rugrat - 30pcs - ??

Dear Joanne,

Yes, the 35-40cents include the delivery from US. It’s best to get someone with experience from buying to purchase. I’m also unsure cos have never bought before, I organised, Jandew ordered.

Actually, you might wanna consider mailing to them, include the postage costs, cos collection at Yishun and Boon Keng quite limited.

Dear Magix,

Very happy to hear from you! I thought O-ing on CD38 was late, you O-ed on CD68!!! Congrats, my friend [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Dear Valerie,

Need to use oral ones, can’t use ear ones.

Hi all,

I decided to make appt with the most famous Dr Tan from Clementi. His appts are full le. Anyway, made for next Tue 430pm for 2 persons. Anyone knows what to expect?

sashamama, i also going to see Dr Tan from Clementi next week.

First time visting also... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi Sashamama,

I guess for the first time.. it'll basically be a series of questions as to understand you guys better.. If you have done any tests before, make a copy and bring it along. Think he might request for you to do a blood test on your CD2 to check your hormones level and a SA test for your hubby. I'm not too sure about the guy part as I only see him alone. If you have been monitoring your BBT, please bring a copy of it to him.

If it's still before your O, he might do acupuncture on that day itself.

If you find him okay and decide to continue with him.. I can give you a suggestion for making future appts. His booking schedule is open for 2 months in advance (eg.. in Feb, you can make your booking till April).. It's pretty useful if you have a regular cycle as he will suggest you see him twice before O. You can then plan what are the appropriate dates and book them accordingly. In event that you cannot make it, pls call to inform them so that they can call those on the waiting list. Also, if there are days when the appts are full, you can request to be put on the waiting list.

Hope this is useful.

its so hard to book an appointment with him, and i had to take leave to see him.

Twice a month before O, wah then need to take another leave liao.

Hi Starrz,

It's prob going to be that way for the first 2 months. After that, you'll get the hang of it and will be able to get slots in the evening or weekends.

It's the same for me too. I started seeing him in Dec'08. I took leave to see him for Dec and Jan but from Feb,I managed to get evening and weekend slots.. so it's easier now..

The March evenings and weekends are pretty full now but think still can get April slots (I kiasu.. booked till April already.. hehe). At most, ask them to put you on waiting list.. no harm asking...

This month, my BBT is coming along pretty nicely.. no longer as erractic as the last 2 months..now waiting for O on CD17 and crossing my fingers after that... haha..

Starrz, don't he have any night sessions? if you book early, maybe can get the night session so no need to take leave?



they only open till 5pm on most days and monday till 6pm.. Thats what they told me when i call up to book.

I call last week, the lady told me all the evening sessions are fully booked till end march and told me to come during the day, easier to book, so had to take 1/2 day leave to go see him.

