(2010/11) November 2010 MTB

jollymummy> yr bb still tbf? i thought M will come back only if u reduce pumping drastically or u never tbf, is it true? do u happen to know whether M come back immediately after you stop pumping or may not be, just curious la. Cos i transit to FM last month gradually, reducing pumping cycle from 3x a day to 2x to 1x. then in mid Jun i totally stop pumping (but latch bb abit if he cries in the morning to make him go back sleep), seems like my M came back about exactly 1mth after i reduce pumping, it came back 2days ago, when i stopped latching my bb (i never go & squeeze no sure if still have milk though).

this one also

Fits 9-12mths bb. Sleeve elastic band abit tight.

I got it from another mommy in the WTS Section for $15

Interested can PM me!

selling for $10


My bb recently has become a cry baby. Everytime I refuse to give him something like items which are not suppose to put into his mouth, he will cry real hard. And he has also develop screaming-like sound especially when he is tired and sleepy. Any advice?

For eg. If he reaches for my mobile, I will always tell him mami can let u play with it, but not putting into ur mouth huh.. Then he will try to put into his mouth after a while. I will always said no no.. and try to shoove his hand away from his mouth without removing the mobile in his hand, then he will start to cry hard. Last time, when i did the same to him, at the most he will gei gei cry and ok. But now, he is getting worse. Cry till tears out.. Must always distract him with other toys then he will be okay.

I called JWT, they told me still having the free trial with UOB and ANZ card.

Anyone keen?

I've booked Aug 13, 1pm for us. Min 4 pax, max 10pax.

Those we wana go can add your details:

1. Shoppiee










My mil also suspecting the same thing cos he also refuse milk over the weekends when i look after him. His lower 2 teeth has grown, and I checked his upper, no sign at all.. though his body temp is slightly higher than usual. I'm not too sure if bcos he develop different behavior with different care-giver or what. Cos he was drinking fine during the weekdays when my mil took care of him.

I called JWT, they told me still having the free trial with UOB and ANZ card.

Anyone keen?

I've booked Aug 13, 1pm for us. Min 4 pax, max 10pax.

Those we wana go can add your details:

1. Shoppiee

2. Junvis









HI Shoppiee,

Which outlet u booked? What time is the session?Im interested. Put my name down first. =)

I've booked Aug 13, 1pm for us. Min 4 pax, max 10pax.

Those we wana go can add your details:

1. Shoppiee

2. happy ocean









HI Shoppiee,

Which outlet u booked? What time is the session?Im interested. Put my name down first. =)

I've booked Aug 13, 1pm for us. Min 4 pax, max 10pax.

Those we wana go can add your details:

1. Shoppiee

2. junvis

3. happy ocean








Hi Shoppiee,

Put my name down too..

I've booked Aug 13, 1pm for us. Min 4 pax, max 10pax.

Those we wana go can add your details:

1. Shoppiee

2. junvis

3. happy ocean

4. piggydog







haha i was about to ask the same qn too, which outlet

is it the UE square one ?

I've booked Aug 13, 1pm for us. Min 4 pax, max 10pax.

Those we wana go can add your details:

1. Shoppiee

2. junvis

3. happy ocean

4. plasterger wendy







for the birthday bash, seems like most mummies prefer the Dec slot ... is it ok for me to change the date to Dec 17-18 instead, because Dec 12 is my wedding anniversary, thinking of celebrating with bb this round, did not really celebrate last yr due to confinement.

...any more suggestions on venue / where to be held ??

any more mummies keen to join, feel free to add yr name to below listing

my Preferred day / date / period :

Choice A : Oct 29 sat - Oct 30 sun

1. Wendy / Plasterger + hubby + bb Charlotte

2. Diana + Hubby + Son + bb Sheryl

3. Nelotte + hubby + bb Aiden

4. Christine + hubby + bb Mathias

5. Jun + HB (TBC) + BB Xhin

6. Shan + Hubby + Son + BB H

7. Shoppiee + Hubby + bb keira

8. juv_06 + Hubby + bb Claryce

9. happy ocean + hubby + bb Ler Yi

10. piggypang + hubby + bb Jayden

11. mrs lee + hubby + bb krista

12. Twinfish + hubby + bb Shayne

13. Bam + Hubby + bb Alycia

14. Tubao + Hubby + helper + daughter + bbtwins(Elaine+Erika)

Choice B : Nov 12 sat - Nov 13 sun

1. Wendy / Plasterger + hubby + bb Charlotte

2. piggydog + hb + bb keira




Choice C : Dec 17 sat - Dec 18 sun

* pre-xmas bash as well, gift exchange ??

1. Wendy / Plasterger + hubby + bb Charlotte

2. Diana + Hubby + Son + bb Sheryl

3. Christine + hubby + bb Mathias

4. Jun + HB (TBC) + BB Xhin

5. Shan + Hubby + Son + BB H

6. Shoppiee + Hubby + bb

7. piggydog + hb + bb

8. Koori + hb + Daughter + bb Kellie

9. janiviy + bb cheyanne + hb(maybe)

10. juv_06 + Hubby + bb Claryce

11. jklyn + HB + BB Regine

12. happy ocean + hubby + bb Ler Yi

13. Cookienmonster + hubby+ bb Benjamin

14. piggypang + hubby + bb Jayden

15. mrs lee + hubby + bb krista

16. Twinfish + hubby + bb Shayne

17. Bam + Hubby + BB Alycia

18. Tubao + Hubby + helper + daughter + bbtwins(Elaine+Erika)

19. Jollymummy + Hubby + Daughter + BB

20. Whitecookies + BB Ashlyn + HB (maybe)

21. beehappiee + bb Jensen + Hb

22. nana + hubby + bb Hannah

23. Bluesoda + Hubby + bb Ashlyn

Hi Shoppie,

I've booked Aug 13, 1pm for us. Min 4 pax, max 10pax.

Those we wana go can add your details:

1. Shoppiee

2. junvis

3. happy ocean

4. plasterger wendy

5. Sheepysheeps






I'm keen, so with either UOB or ANZ card, it's a free trial rigth?

Bluesoda: i got mine from OG.. very cheap and good when its on discount. Onli 69/79 cant realli remember.. i think its brand is lucky bb.

enmummy: good to hear ur bb is developing well...

Gift Anankaphannan : hi am using the Y teat and yes expereiencing the same thing. so what i do is just ensure that half way through i will interupt his drink and adjust the position

Mummywong10: same for me.. i stopped at 3 months with abt 4 months of menses le still there are a slight bit of milk when i try to squeeze...

Jun: i kena the same thing.... last night also wake up and cry for no apparent reason... and temper very bad these days... sianz.. i thot is teething and there's a period he refuse milk from his norm but no sign of teeth at all leh... lately he kept drooling and put his finger into the mouth and dig the gums... and last night super duper cranky... haiz till now still no sign as yet...

Yes, it's free trial

Paisei... more details

Free Trial Class at JWT

(either UOB or ANZ credit card)

81 Clemenceau Avenue

UE Square, #02-12

Singapore 239917

Date: Aug 13 (Sat)

Time: 1-2pm

(Min 4 pax, max 10pax)

Those we wana go can add your details:

1. Shoppiee

2. junvis

3. happy ocean

4. plasterger wendy

5. Sheepysheeps






I also interested.

I've booked Aug 13, 1pm for us. Min 4 pax, max 10pax.

Those we wana go can add your details:

1. Shoppiee

2. junvis

3. happy ocean

4. plasterger wendy

5. Whim






mummies..thanks on the info of pooing..

yup mummywong, abt same as ya K... poo normally twice but sometimes 3x...

nowsday babyH more clingy, once see me wan to be carried else cry big time, even when daddy carry oso cant pacify him..hmm don no to be happy or nt..coz lidat i v bz :p

wendy, am ok w Dec mid [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Free Trial Class at JWT

(either UOB or ANZ credit card)

81 Clemenceau Avenue

UE Square, #02-12

Singapore 239917

Date: Aug 13 (Sat)

Time: 1-2pm

(Min 4 pax, max 10pax)

Those we wana go can add your details:

1. Shoppiee

2. junvis

3. happy ocean

4. plasterger wendy

5. Sheepysheeps

6. Whim





hi shan, i think it is a process of slowing down ?

for me , spotting appears when my baby is around 2.5 months.

i stopped at 3 months.

after i stopped, i missed my menses for 1 month or so. then resume back to normal cycle

wendy guessed so... i looking into my diet too...

will continue to pump 3x until baby 1yrold... tat's my own expectation.. hehehe

last time my#1, i stopped at 9thmth..

hey Sharon, I got my baby's high chair from OG too ! hahaha the cut out coupon offer right, $49 if i rem correctly for lucky bb.

the seat is quite spacious. the material is waterproof type , easy to maintain, as my baby tend to drop her crumbs and cereals when she eats, so just a wet cloth can clean off.

and the seat is similar to those having outside, so easier for her to get used when we bring her out. now whenever she sits on high chair, she knows it time to eat.

Posted on Monday, July 11, 2011 - 3:16 pm:       

Free Trial Class at JWT

(either UOB or ANZ credit card)

81 Clemenceau Avenue

UE Square, #02-12

Singapore 239917

Date: Aug 13 (Sat)

Time: 1-2pm

(Min 4 pax, max 10pax)

Those we wana go can add your details:

1. Shoppiee

2. junvis

3. happy ocean

4. plasterger wendy

5. Sheepysheeps

6. Whim

7. Hpc




my name got missed out

Posted on Monday, July 11, 2011 - 3:16 pm:

Free Trial Class at JWT

(either UOB or ANZ credit card)

81 Clemenceau Avenue

UE Square, #02-12

Singapore 239917

Date: Aug 13 (Sat)

Time: 1-2pm

(Min 4 pax, max 10pax)

Those we wana go can add your details:

1. Shoppiee

2. junvis

3. happy ocean

4. piggydog

5. plasterger wendy

6. Sheepysheeps

7. Whim

8. Hpc




Posted on Monday, July 11, 2011 - 3:16 pm:

Free Trial Class at JWT

(either UOB or ANZ credit card)

81 Clemenceau Avenue

UE Square, #02-12

Singapore 239917

Date: Aug 13 (Sat)

Time: 1-2pm

(Min 4 pax, max 10pax)

Those we wana go can add your details:

1. Shoppiee

2. junvis

3. happy ocean

4. piggydog

5. plasterger wendy

6. Sheepysheeps

7. Whim

8. Hpc

9. nana


Posted on Monday, July 11, 2011 - 3:16 pm:

Free Trial Class at JWT

(either UOB or ANZ credit card)

81 Clemenceau Avenue

UE Square, #02-12

Singapore 239917

Date: Aug 13 (Sat)

Time: 1-2pm

(Min 4 pax, max 10pax)

Those we wana go can add your details:

1. Shoppiee

2. junvis

3. happy ocean

4. piggydog

5. plasterger wendy

6. Sheepysheeps

7. Whim

8. Hpc

9. Chris


Posted on Monday, July 11, 2011 - 3:16 pm:

Free Trial Class at JWT

(either UOB or ANZ credit card)

81 Clemenceau Avenue

UE Square, #02-12

Singapore 239917

Date: Aug 13 (Sat)

Time: 1-2pm

(Min 4 pax, max 10pax)

Those we wana go can add your details:

1. Shoppiee

2. junvis

3. happy ocean

4. piggydog

5. plasterger wendy

6. Sheepysheeps

7. Whim

8. Hpc

9. Nana


Jun > My boy same same as urs. Super bad temper. Last time he used to b so mild temper. Evrything also ok, lik bochap kind. I was worried thn. Bt nw, he is the exact opposite! Even fiercer than his cousin who used to b vry fierce n screm at the slightest thing. I also don't knw wat happened. My guess is tat he has grown up n has start to develop his own opinion n knw his choices. Jus my guess. Hope he will get better sn. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

sob, wasn't able to get the $25 PS voucher...when i first click, it doesn't allow me to buy now, there is no time shown as well...when i retry after receiving jolly mail again, it is sold out...sighz

haha chris and baby2010, my girl also the same !

yesterday at paragon, she was sharing this car ride with a little girl and she starts pushing the little girl hands away from the steering wheel ! i got a shock at her action..

and she cried her lungs out and whole face turn red when her granny carry her

growing up stage i guess...

thanks Chris for sharing !

this is what i read from baby center today :

The beginnings of separation anxiety

If your baby is like most at this age, he's showing signs of separation anxiety. Far from being a cause for concern, stranger anxiety is a sign of your baby's growing understanding of the world around him.

Earlier, when you left the room, your baby was hardly phased. Now he knows that you're gone — and he's able to picture you and miss you — and may begin to cry as soon as you're out of his sight.

Your baby's reluctance to be separated from you may delight you or just plain frustrate you at times. If you head out to do an errand and your baby's staying home, shower him with loads of hugs and kisses before you head out the door and tell him you'll be back shortly. He won't understand that you'll be returning in an hour, but the love and affection might comfort him and tide him over until he sees you again.

Also, try to have a ritual of leaving that he can rely on each time you go and leave him with someone he's familiar with. That way, if he can't have Mom or Dad, at least he'll feel happy with his temporary caretaker.

Note: Even if your baby has been sleeping soundly through the night, he may now wake up periodically if he's experiencing separation anxiety — the two seem to be connected

4 to 7 months

Your baby knows his name now and understands that you're speaking to him when you say it. He'll even respond by turning toward you. He's becoming more attuned to your tone of voice, too. When you sound happy, he'll react joyfully, and if you speak to him sharply he'll become distressed and may cry. He's also beginning to tell the difference between strangers and people he knows, and he may cry when you put him in the arms of someone he doesn't recognize.

8 to 12 months

Your baby's beginning to understand simple requests. Say "no" when he tries to touch an electrical outlet, for example, and he'll pause and look at your face — maybe even shake his head "no" in return.

He's also testing your responses to his behavior. He'll throw food on the floor just to see what you'll do, and then file your response in his memory bank. Later he'll test the waters again to see whether you react the same way.

12 to 18 months

By 18 months, your baby should be able to understand and may use at least 50 words. (In general he'll understand a word before he's able to say it himself.) And he'll be able to follow your directions, even if they involve two separate actions — for example, "Pick up those building blocks and put them in the toy chest."

wendy > hmm.. tat reminds me. My hubby was doing the Sat nite shift since a vry long time cos he had stitches on his arm sm weeks bk. Thn he was telling mi tat bb woke up a few time in the nite, although he was able to fall bk to sleep on his own. Bt whn i was taking care of him, he will usually sleep thro. Hmm...is tat sign of separation anxiety? I wonder wonder. :p

Sharon me too. Stopped bf 2 months ago. Had my flooding mense last month and surprised I still can squeeze a few drop of bm

Wendy: yes u are right... hehe i bought it before i pop hahahaa.....

PTE7476: even till now menses also super haywire loe.... like tat very hard for me to plan no 2....


Sorry couln't reply you fast enough. I was super bz since lunch!

For me, yes I'm still on tbf. Only pump once daily. My bb is 7.5mths old now and taking her cereal quite well for lunch and dinner. I only started her on cereal at abt 6.5months. She has her usual milk feeds and will still drink milk after cereal, but I can tell it's not as much bec she doesn't latch on for as long compared to pre-weaning days. So I think it makes sense to think that less demand for milk might lead to menses returning??

What's your concern? TTC for #2?

If so, without menses, you would still ovulate and get preggie. It's just that you won't know when you are most fertile. Perhaps an ovulation kit could help.

Also I remember my gynae said I could still bf my #1 even though I was expecting #2 as there's no harm to foetus. But I didn't have to worry abt that bec my #1 self-weaned from bm. She suddenly didn't wanna latch on anymore, so we gave her other milk - fresh milk, formula, etc.

Jollymummy, at which month Ur bb self weaned from

Bm? Any tips? Thanks!

Wendy, the deal is still going on. Thanks for sharing, no wonder my girl keeps waking up at nite to look for me.

Jollymummy>ya ttc for #2 in few mths time.that's why I stop bf to hv a normal cycle, easier for me to track ovulation and impt to know if I got pregnant.as in I can count when to test preg kit if menses back rather than don't know when to test if menses not back though I know that without menses we are still fertile.I don't want end up I didn't know I preggy and not careful and hurt the bb in the tummy..very kiasi...thanks for sharing on yr experience.

haha sharon heng i not planning for #2. i let nature take it course haha.... yah hate it ... super heavy... for all my life since i had mense never had so much until giving birth ... then they just flow like water...hate the feeling ...

Thanks all who r keen on the jwt trial. Pls pm me email address, hp number. I will send out reminder n details nearer to date [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

junvis: My baby also becomes like that since he is ard 7th mth... becomes super fussy and scream and cry when demand not meet. U remove anything from him he will cry and thinks everything belong to him. Worse is he even thinks mummy and daddy are like his toys and wants us to be ard, when we walk out of the room, he start to give u the crying sound.... i buay tahan leh ... he is now like the remote controller controling us, he watches us and if he doesnt like where we are going he screams. So tired. And he demands alot of attention and playtime with us compared to his earlier months he can sit and play on his own for quite sometime. I hope this is just a passing phrase.



my flashcards are about 4R to 5R photo size not very big ones...so i follow bluesoda's method show my girl maybe 5 cards at one go...then take two cards out side by side and ask her "tell mummy which is ball? which is rabbit?" something like that...hehe...[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] my girl also want to grab the cards but i show it at a distance which is slightly further from her hands so that she can't reach it...i teach her when she is sitting properly on the high chair...i think that helps in making her "focus"...haha...[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


my girl pooping habits: either none a day to 2-3 times a day...haha...so i think it should be ok for your bb to poop 2-3 times a day as long as the stools look normal


thanks [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] planning for #2? hope you strike jackpot soon...hehe...

first menses after delivery

i also had my first super heavy menses after i stopped bf at 6 months...so scary! it was so much that i had to change pads every 1-2 hours for the first three days...that whole week so tiring...hope the next one will be better...

mummies who are still bf

kudos to you all...[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] still can get 300 ml a day..wow!! i kind of miss feeding my bb BM although pumping can be really tiring...fortunately she loves her solids so i try to make "delicious" meals for her...hehe...

mummies with cranky babies...this is the phase where our babies will experience most separation anxiety plus teething problems...so we have to jiayou! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

