(2010/11) November 2010 MTB

Diana (september) : thanks for your sharing as my son already can stand when i hold to him so thinking to let him try to hold something but sure i will beside to take care him..


so envious whn i read so many bb progressing so well. Mathias stil cant sit no his own, no sign of crawlin, or standin either. Eatin also problem. So far only takin 1 rd of 2 milk scoop of brown rice everyday. Othr fd he is willin to tak r only avocado n egg so far. He hates apple. Hopin to intro pumpkin to him tis wkend. Feedin him solid cn b vry difficult. He stil stick out his tongue. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Hpc: i will tried to make apple and carro puree tmr and feed my son c is there any improvement or not..

sheepysheeps (sheepysheeps) : ok i will try apple and prune juice if still no any improvement after fruit and vege bcos i am worry my son dun wan drink water anymore after he drink the apple and prune juice....

Baby2010 : Can try feeding pear puree too.. Ashlyn managed to poo after she took pear.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

baby, then it might be better for u to try bananas and papayas before the juice since ur boy dont like water...

my girl is so far (Thank God) ok with water, so i'm not afraid to feed her juices.

Baby2010, if you don't want prune juice, can also feed the prune puree. Gerber has this small jar of prune puree [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

ermmm (ermmm)& Hpc : okok thanks for your sharing..i can only try one by one follow 3 days rule..heee.

sheepysheeps (sheepysheeps) : my son dun like plain water because tasteless..hahaha...i am believe he like juice lor.that is why i am afraid after instroduce juice to him he total dun wan plain water lioa...

sheepysheeps (sheepysheeps) : " pantang" if someone say my son guai then i will say..where got..he is naughty boy like that.. i think no way to cures lah..just prevent same thing happend next time if u aware yr son is " pantang" type.but i think old folk know baby is pantang one...

hi baby2010, i did not heat up the puree if it is taken from shelf at room temp. but if i store in fridge, i will heat it up before feeding. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


My gal also can't poo many days le, she doesn't like any kind of the fruits, i tried giving her apple, pear, papaya, banana and prune juice/puree all she dosen't like. How??? Brought her to PD twice, put in medicine then will poo after that can't poo for the next few days again. Is it the milk powder? Shld i change??? Can't be porridge rite, as i only mix with vege...Mummies, any idea y???


problem is the person who keeps say abt BB is the bb's ah gong! So, not really true that old folks know bb pantang.

He knows BB is pantang coz happened before and we told him nt tm dont say anything le, and he say it again lor.


For the apple & prune juice. I gave on day 1 mid morning. Then again on 2nd day mid morning and finished le.. So no 3 day rule wor.

Juv_06, u got change her milk powder recently? if dont hv shd not be milk powder lei..

my bb tat tm, i changed her to mamil n she cant poo, so i gave her apple & prune juice, she poops and change her milk powder back to enfa at the same time and since then ok le.

sheepysheeps: i change from friso 1 to friso 2. Then i see her cant poo for so many days, so i change back to friso 1, also the same. Don't know what is the problem. PD suggest let her eat more fruits, but she doesn't want any fruits, i force feed her until she vomit out...headache [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


Last mth my gal also like tat. Dun like banana, apple etc. but only like papaya.

And I changed milk powder from similac 2( a lot of mummies here advice similac heaty) to Nan Pro 2 and problem solved..

Can't be porridge..

The most effective is drink MORE N MORE water..

tat time i ask my mother every half n hour gv her water...regardless she want or not..Now she really can drink water much..

twinsfish: you are lucky..i tried to force my son drink..have to c his mood one...if no good mood..he wont drink one..even u keep to push the bottle into his mouth...sigh...

juv 06 (juv_06) : how many days yr gal haven't poopoo? my son all the while wont poo everyday..sometime 2 days once or 3 days once..even 4days but the stool is soft one...recently feeding him brown rice..his stool is dry and hard somemore last night he was cry when pooing... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

any mummies keen on sharing this photography session with me ?

i was on lookout for photography package, and happen to spot this on BP thread, however, i am not sure if the session has been taken up already.

the dates are kinda of tight.

not sure my leave will be approved anot.

i am opting for 15-July, since it is a friday.

is any mummy keen to share, then we only pay $90 each

thread :


baby2010: u might want to try giving ur bb gripe water... i normally will add in with water so that its more diluted and it works for my boi.. u can try if it helps...

Chris: dun be dishearten.. u are not alone.. my boi also no sign of crawling... cant sit on his own and cant stand either... worst thing haha no teeth and his surrounding bb peers whose much younger than him all got teeth already... every bb grow differently... relax.. let him grow on his own... there will come one stage will he will boom..

Sharon > Thks alot for making mi feel better. My hubby keep saying he is slower than othr bb which mak mi really sad. He has no teeth either. Can't even see any sign of it coming out. Bt tats ok cos my mum sy if teeth cm out in the 9th mth or later, his teeth will b stronger. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] So I m looking forward to tat. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]Bt I really hope he will b able to sit on his own real sn. Cos once he knws hw to sit, I believe ther will b endless things for both of us to explore together. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

bluesoda > i m usin the combi swing high chair. Gd for my bb cos it has many degree of recline, removable tray n wheels to move ard. Bt the swing function nt useful for me. Oh, n the ht cn also b adjusted. Whic is gd as well.

bluesoda: just to share...i m using the ikea baby high chair now...only cost $29 plus tray...its very easy to clean and move around but the only con is it does not come with five point harness...only a simple belt at the waist...now my bb still dunno how to stand and climb so alright but dunno when she starts getting bolder will try to climb out ornot...haha...cos' she got space to kiao ka (i posted a pic of her sitting here: http://www.mypregnancybabydiary.com/baby-developments-at-7-months)...btw thanks for sharing about the flashcards training...heehe...my bb can recognise about 8-10 flashcards now...its so exciting when she gets it correct when i ask her...[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

chris/ sharon: not to worry...my bb is end oct bb so 8++ months liao...she also cannot crawl properly....can sit unassisted for quite some time but still cannot leave her alone cos' she will suddenly fall back or side when too excited...and she does not try to stand/ cruise yet...i thought she was quite slow too....hehe...the only thing she seems to be more advanced is how she eats quite well (accepts almost anything i give her and eats fuss-free) and has two bottom teeth...hee...my greedy little girl...[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi Wendy n other mummies interested in photography session. Check out the groupon coupon $25 for 60 min outdoor photography. It available till tomorrow.

Tks chris,will check it out

Enmummy> tks, ya I tot of buying ikea high chair but the problem is it is not foldable. As for the flashcards, u r welcome. My mum is training my girl everyday. Recently, I bot a Chinese flashcards. Intend to train her to familiarize with Chinese words.

Hi any mommies using Pigeon Size Y teat? Any of you having problems with teat collapsing or gets flatten? either need to unscrew the bottle and tighten or need to pull the teat back up?

Not sure if its a Y teat sized thing. My baby cant seem to take M sized as a lot of Milk dribbles out. Using the wide-neck peristaltic ones.


gift > my boy using L size. As i knw, Y size is bigger than L. So if ur bb cant tak M, thn probably whn u giv Y, he uses his mouth to squeeze the teats so as to regulate the flow to his acceptable speed?

Hi Mummies..

Last night i making apple puree, this is my first time... the puree is look good hee...the taste is abit sour and sweet..not sure my son like it or not.. hope he like .

enmummy (enmummy) : wah...yr gal gal is clever ...my son keep want to grab the card when i show me [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] so totally cannot teach him .if i take the card from him , he will cry. can i know what is the size of the flash card? is it A4 size that kind? how many pcs u teach her per time?

Sharon Pang (piggypang) : i will feeding apple puree to my son this week c his pooing will getting better or not.if not, i will consider let him drink gripe water or prunes juice.

while most babies are having seldom poo problem..

mine poo twice or thrice per day.... is tat normal..judging from the texture of the poo, it seems ok. but 3x..... ok?

Hi last_min,

can u post the link of the groupon? can't seem to find it lei.

Hi bluesoda, I also using Ikea High Chair... Its cheap and good. But the problem is the legs spread very far out so I keep kicking it, the chair wont topple but it will move a bit.

Then like enmummy, BB will "kiaoka". I saw her trying to stand while seated inside so, we tighten the seat belt and it seem to work. Less space to "kiaoka" and no space to stand.

Shan, I read somewhere that sme bb can poop up to 4 times a day. As long as it's mashy and of reasonable color (greenish, yellowish, abit of lumps all ok not waterly, not black for many poops) then all considered ok. Coz BB starts semi solids now, so poop many different colors n patterns now.

My BB is pooping 2 to 3 times a day... usually in the midst of a cereal feed. =.= But oh well, she poop rather than no poop la.

She takes 2x gripe water & rub ru yi oil on tummy (after morning & evening bath) + half an apple (almost daily).

If she no poop for a few days then I give her Heinz Apples & Prunes juice for 2 days and usually she poops well after tat.

shan> is it poo 3x everyday or sometimes 3x a day? ya i think its normal that they poo more when taking solid. sometimes my boy poo 3 times but not everyday, most of the times's 2x a day.

Hi Mummies.

I would like to check with you the stool of yr baby as my baby's stool not like lump type or the shape like banana that kind.mine one is with water..no shape at all .my mum say normal stool should hv shape one..not like my son's is lump but abit waterly..all the while is like that wor...is it abnormal? his stool is dry n abit hard after eat solid food [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Hi Mummies.

any mummy can share with me any fruit and vege can mix together to blend and become another kind of puree? now i am abit excited to making puree to my son heee.. do u think i let my son eat pumkin puree for a week is it ok? as this is his first time eat pumkin so i need to follow 3 days rule so i make for one week puree for my son if not so little , hard to do wor. i heard if eat too much the skin will turn to yellowish wor....anyone can advise this?

hi last min (last_min) i can't find the offer either

do you have the link ?

my baby also poo lumpy and watery last week

but over the weekend, it was hard, and she will cry when she is pooing...reckon she hasn't drink enough water


I emailed you Groupon offer with link. You can help me achieve credit if you get this deal thru me, hee!!


PM me for link if you are keen i the $25 deal. Thanks. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi Jollymummy,

PM sent. Thanks in advance! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

@Mummywong10, seems like still got a bit abit of milk.. I squeeze my boobs the other day and got a few drops.. Though I stop BF when BB was 4 mths old and already hv 3 cycles of menses.



My menses came back recently but still got milk. I can still pump abt 200ml once a day.

For my #1, I still bf her till 18months, even though menses came back at 8th month.

I think supply eventually stops bec the child will take more and solid food and less milk, so body gets signal to stop producing.

But I know of mummies who bf till kid is 3 or 4yo, bec they still feed their kid milk regularly.

