(2010/11) November 2010 MTB

Reduce pumping : tried to pump only 3 times today only. N I managed to get 1litre! Hopefully, this keeps up n I'll continue to pump 3 times a day.


koori, enjoy Tokyo! I was there ard this time last year, and managed to see snow in Tokyo. lucky. it's cold though...

hpc, does your work desk have space? can use the mini fridge to chill your ebm. I am using a mini fridge to store my ebm in office. after work, i put the bottles of ebm into the Avent thermal bag and go hone directly. ebm is still cold when i reach home. The thermal bag can keep cool for up to 4 hrs. so no need to use the ice pack.

Babywonder : didn't do anything out of the normal leh. Took lactation med for like 3-4 days then fenugreek gor few day stretches then stop. I kept getting engorged, so keep starting n stopping fenugreek. After 1 month, I only took 2 once a day. Initially, ss was also barely enuff. Then I guess I kept pumping n baby didn't increase intake. So now oversupply. Only thing is i always gotta pump very long. I will see no more than I stop. So not restricted to time.

Hi all mummies: I will also be returning back to work next Monday..haizz [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] can't bear to part w my boy. Esp these periods I solely taking care of him... He is sticky to me also.

Sometimes I wish to stay home with him till he is 12mths old then return to work. But can't afford leh....

Re: Bottles

I heard of bottles trade-in, but is there any for Avent or other brands?

Re: Lunch

When & where?

Re: BB's development

Have any mummies started to coach their babies? What to intro to bb now?

Hi mummies, how do u introduce new teats and pacifier to ur babies? My girl gave me hell the last time I changed her teats. That time I didn't know n threw all the old ones away. Now, wanna change her pacifier. She also dun wan the new one. I dare not throw the old ones already. Haha

ermmm> u can also try poking more holes in the old teats, but u have to try the flow after poking more holes. but i do think it's better to change the teat after few months.

milk strike :

jus to share. I tink my boy has recover fr milk strike. It took him 3 wks to get better. Nw he is more willing to tak milk n wil finish his milk. Bt he usually fell aslp towards the last bit of his milk, lik mayb 10-20ml. He still tak ages for him to finish his milk. Hopin to try a faster flow teats sn. Hopefully it wil b more successful tis time.

Suckin of hand :

need sm advice. My boy loves to suck his arm. N he does it quite hard. Nw his arm has a vry huge "love bite" mark. Lik his blood is all being suck to tat area n clot ther. Wat shld i do? He refuse to tak pacifier anymore. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


I am using the self inflate tub too. For resort stay sometimes they have bb bath tub


I started him on flash cards. Am using what I used for my elder.

ermmm, my gal welcome the new M teats cos she dun hav to suck as hard as the S ones. But pacifier she prefers the "season" ones... no choice have to let chew on it ( alot of picking up & stuffing back to do!) until season lo.

As from last nite, I'm introducing 1 scope of wheat cereal into bb's last feed, think she likes it cos she finish up everything v fast. Anyone started also?

Jewel - intend to start cereal into last feed also. U using wat cereal? I just bought the organix brand for 4 mths old.

Koori: Im using frisocreme wheat, but want to look at some others... there're so many types in the market... rice or wheat based, organic & non-organic bla bla bla [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

CSI fan, tks. I will try out the fridge in office today cos its working now.

This morning I was called into boss office, my second day of work. They told me I will be promoted with a pay raise and I will receiove my full bonus from last yr. What a surprise. It's GOd's favor and I feel so blessed [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Chris: i try to clean my boi's mouth so that he doesnt have the milk taste... u try if this works for u.. apparently it works for my boi. U see him put him take it out and wipe...

Ueno: where u get ur flash cards from?

Jewel: Hw old is ur gal now since u started introducing semi-solid?

Thanks jewel. She is already using m sized teats with lords holes. Maybe I'll try the nuk size 2 soon. The size 1 L flow is for cereals n really just flow out without any sucking. Still stuffing back her pacifier. Sometimes trick her with old one then replace with new one. Sigh

Sharon: I only add 1 scope for nite feed... cant tell the diff. yet for 1 day. Maybe can last her longer in the nite. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Sharon: Oh yeah, My gal is 1 week going to 4 mths.

HPC: after hearing all the bad things of mummies going back to work, urs is truly a blessed one. Congrats!

Inflatable bath tub,

thanks Ueno & Koori, will try to look for it..


Think I will start when bb about 5-6months old.. will get the brand Ueno recommended..


Good for u, congrats!

Sharon: I just add 1 scope of cereal to 120ml of FM. doc said can let her try try first but max is to replace 1 feed with cereal at 4 mths [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Just back from pd. Baby had her jabs. Pd also advised not to start solid yet. To start when 6 months or when she keeps asking for milk. Now she reduced milk instead of increase. Haha.. So she is simply not interested.

Exercise table : when can we start to put baby in exercise table? She can seat quite comfortably supported already (eg bumbo chair or a tilted high chair)

Anyone has a spare blackberry phone? Willing to rent for about a month for a small fee. Must be in a good working condition with the Blackberry Messenger (BBM). Please email me at [email protected].

I need it urgently. Thanks [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

tks everyone for the well wishes. More is expected after the promotion and my targets this year super aggressive.

Colleagues ask me if I am goin to celebrate with hubby tonight. But no lor....these days we only know after work, rush to babysitter pick up baby, ta pao dinner go home quickly eat then time to latch on feed baby!


I can only go during weekdays afternoon. Coz in the evening my son and bb will be back home from CC and nanny. And I need to go before I return to work on 22nd Mar.

Koori, yah, maybe that time was one off coz Tokyo doesn't snow, I was told...

Mummies, how much do your babies drink now? Is it every 4 hrs or 3?

Hi mummies, I'm from the June thread. I'm selling my bb's evenflo exersaucer. The model is splash mega. Do pm me if u r interested. Thanks!

Diana: think will have to go separately le...[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

CSI_Fan: my boi is drinking abt 150ml every 3 hourly.

Piggydog: it's a good buy. Just check which year is the make. If it's too many years ago, you may want to reconsider. Not sure if I'm right but usually when price is this good, it won't be the latest ones.

HPC: indeed that is good news! Congrats!

Congrats hpc! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Ur little one brought good luck!(+ ur hard wk, of coz!):p

Errmm,whts an exercise table?

Any mummies got any stroller to recommend for a Big BB...my boy is 4 months but 9kg!!


ermmm (ermmm) : Me too!! Keep pumping until I see no more then I stop by then 1 hr had past..haha..

hpc: Congrats! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hallo mommies, havent been up for quite awhile, been quite busy after starting work, hardly got any time to come up. Haiz.

hpc: congrats. I totally understand what you meant. I was promoted during my maternity leave so now when im back Im expected to perform much more. So tiring... hope yours will not be as bad as mine. Let's jia you together.

Bringing bb to overseas: Can I check during the flight, what do I need to prepare or take note? Will bb be afraid of taking off and landing noise? Can I bring water up the plane incase bb needs to be feed?

Dimple: Wah your boy is so huge? My boy now 6kg++ and my arms already aching if I carry him for too long, can't imagine myself carrying a 9kg bb...

Dimple : hmmm.. Maybe I'm wrong. Is it called activity table or jumperoo? Basically the evenflo exercsaucer, but mine is a diff brand.

hpc: congrats! good news for you [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Jen: same case as you... promotion during ML. I also dunno if good thing or bad. Mixed feelings.. when colleagues congratulated me, I was just too busy worrying about feeding baby!

