(2010/11) November 2010 MTB

ptb > Oh, we hv the same problem. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Its quite easy. For mi, I jus lie on my side, bb also lie on his side. So we r both facing each other lor. Then I jus latch him on lor. Thn slowly move his body n adjust myslef so our body meets. Thn his nose will nt b block my my breast. i hope I describe it well. :p


orangebb, bm can be left in room temp for up to 4 hrs. ebm once warmed up, must be comsumed within 1 hr. same for FM. once make the FM, should consume within 1hr.

re the medela cooler bag, yap. you can leave the ice block in the freezer and take it out only when you need it. but remember, while it does keep ebm cool, it is not a fridge, so don't expect the ebm to be as cold as when we put in the fridge. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] But definitely cooler than room temp so can 'last' longer out of the fridge.

ermmm, i pump in nursing room. nursing room only for nursing mums, so to me, what i have, they also have...so nothing to be shy about. haha...but most nursing rooms are individual rooms with doors so won't be sharing with anyone...so no need to cover up lah...


Sorry to interrupt. I've 4 brand new bottles of GNC Fenugreeks, letting go at 20 each. self collect at hougang mrt. Interested, pls PM me. Thks.


I let my gal suckle juz now but mayb she already hv her milk so not hungry thus did not really suckle lor...


Thks, I try the hot towel massage juz now. The lump still there, but think it is better than intially. I will continue to use hot towel to massage and try first. If 2molo still cant go off, then I will see LC at parentcraft le.

Diana: u can ask private LC or ML who knows how to breast massage the clogs. I o ly know if i hav issue w my breast n if my ML cant help, i am going to look for madam rokiah fr originjamu.

Errmmm: my nipple n aerola sore fr pumping too. I don know wat size, but i cant use the softshield, so bought another size. I think also wrong, so i just ordered 2 more size fr megababystore.com

Orangebb : Sigh.. guess I have to do the same as well. Get 1 smaller pair and 1 bigger pair and try out... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] Actually, the current size may be good for one size now (although a little bit sore too)..

Sore nipple : i m wondering another cause of sore nipple could be due to too strong suction from the pump.Mayb can try to lower down the suction power to c if the sore gets beta...

Weight : Wow mummies here all so small size. i m a whopper giant mummy who weight 80kg during my preg(heaviest in my life).

HPC: your weight now could be affected by water retention. So might not be accurate...

Diana >> no problem. Bt in my own opinion, no nd to go LC, unless it is vry serious case. Even for mi, I was a serious case of many block ducts and whn I wen, LC jus touch touch n sy, no worries, u will hv ample supply of bm, bt thy r jus all block. Thn she jus massage, the same way tat I learn fr prenatal class. Tats all. Bt of cos the pressure she uses is strong thn I massage myself. So I think it is better to get hubby to do it for u lor. Oh n she ask mi nt to pump n jus latch, cos mine was an uncommon case of oversupply n pumping wil only cos more blockage, according to the LC.

Anyone feeding ur bb with formula milk? Do u encounter the white milk stain on ur bb tongue? Anyone Noe how to remove the stain? Have been feeding with water since my gal is drinking formula milk at nite...but the stain still there...

whaha chloe dun worry you are not the biggest... i almost tipped 100kg and my gynae always call me the sumo mummy and her sumo babies wahha

milk stain: i just clean with a cloth or cotton wool when i shower baby, my friend told me her mum taught her to use grip water with cotton wool to clean.

my boy poo almost all the time when he is drinking too, that's why i am thinking maybe he is hungry so quickly after that... cannot keep up. He is drinking about 120ml per feed and sometimes only last 2 hrs. He just passed his 1 month mark last week

Diana: Your case may be the same as mine. I had that same lump when I breast fed my #1. After all hot and cold compresses the lump softened a little then hardened again. I saw lc at TMC, massaged till bruised couldn't get it off so was referred to a breast doc who did scan and aspiration for me. Turned out to be bacteria infected- the liquid was green colored milk. Sent for lab test and doc told me it was bacteria. I was given antibiotics and did about 2 or 3 aspirations to clear the lump.

Arghhhh!!!! My bb awake since 7am n manage to coax him to sleep at 10.30am n then my MIL came in my room one hr later n woke him up.

I spend some more time latching him n had my lunch while namny play w him. N latch him on n he just manage to fall asleep, mh MIL came back n carry him out to my FIL!!!

Now i hav to re-do everything all over again!! *piss off!!!!

jewel/hammiebao/PTB7476> what makes u purchase medela FS over the other pumps like medela swing & medela mini electric? is the only difference FS is dual pump & the other 2 are single pump & FS suitable for home use whereas swing & mini electric more for occasional pump? i forgot to check is FS "small & lightweight" to put in our handbag & bring out to pump??

Milk stain on tongue - Mrs Wong from TMC taught us to buy sterile gauze to wipe the tongue. Cut to size and wrap around finger securely. Dip in cool boiled water and insert finger into bb mouth to wipe tongue and mouth. Can do on daily basis as part of shower routine. Can buy from guardian or pharmacy. Typically sold in little packs and it's square.

cherrie77, the pupsik sling/pouch u bought from mothercare got 15% AMEX discount? or is the discount not applicable?

Hpc: domineering CL.. Just like mine, so I learn to be very firm with her. No matter what, it's still our child. They can advice and suggest but ultimately we must be the ones to decide what's best for our baby.

Anyway my CL verges on ridicule at times. When she was undressing baby before bath, baby poo and pee and the pee went into bathtub. I told her to change and she actually said baby pee is clean, dun need! I told her to bathe in her pee first den bathe baby :D

then today, baby urine 2nd time within 10min and I ask her to change nappy again. She very reluctant and said just let baby stay awhile more to let her pee finish. Baby already crying she still want baby to wait! I said loudly that nvm, mummy will change for you. Same thing when baby poo, I ask her to change immediately she say baby just fart. I undid baby's nappy and push to her and say this is not shit??

Ha, I think I dun care liao. She lazy and thickskin, I also dun give her face. 3 more days and she's out.

Pump/nursing: think if I am out with baby, I will just let baby latch on. If need to be out for long without baby then may need to bring pump along

saw there are some mums who have probs with bb choking whilst latching on..i had that prob w my girl too,so to slow down latch a bit, i was told by LC to lean backwards whilst feeding her in the cradle hold, so bb;s body is against u, and resting on you, and bb is kind of pushed against ur breast, and elevate bb's head a bit, so that gravity is working against your milk flow. concept is the same as latching lying down, since it's also trying to minimise the gravity effect.

also found some info on the kellymom website on fast letdown, which u gals may want to check out?


Hi Mummies

Sorry to interrupt in between the conversations..

I'm a Dec Mum, going for my c-sect in 14 days more.. Can I seek advise from the mummies here if u can share with me the bills for c-sect, 1 bedded at TMC?

I ve been a silent reader all these while and I realized most of the mummies who delivered in TMC were often asked for upgrade when the room they Pre-booked were occupied. Hence am quite worried now, how the bills will turn out to be..

mummywong, i bought FS is because it is dual pump and lighter and small to carry. i have tried mini electric and just pumping alone take me 40mins...too time consumed that;s why i rush my hb out to get the FS after using mini for 1 wkl and knowingly that i have enuff BM to pump ... hehe i didnt want to waste money getting FS without knowing that i have the supply thats why i drag until 1 wk after discharge from hospital then get :p

Chris: ur bb also born on 28 Nov 2010? My boi is born on this day also.. still monitoring his jaundice as well.

Strawberry/ Jollymummy: dun think is same lady cause she has been here for the last 2.5 years lor... she is realli nasty so bo bian i dun wan to suffer under her when i go back so tender lor...

CSI_Fan / Jun: we can arrange for a west meetup though... me staying in Taman Jurong....

milk stains > mu mil will wipe bb's mouth everytime when bathe.. and my mum bought glycerin from pharmacy which can effective removed the milk stain.. I only use it like 3 days gaps, not daily it is important to clean the stains otherwise, it the stains get thicker, bb will refuse to drink milk.

Monkie: yeah the Amex 15% was applicable for the pupsik sling when I went to mothercare on sat. But if u use Amex u can't use vouchers.

bluesoda:The milk stain can be clean off using boiled water. Just do it daily to avoid buildup.

Jun: with the daily washing u still need to use glycerin?

Sharon: Me staying in jurong too [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] very near to Jun. Will u all be bringing bb during meetup?

babyplus: I remembered some mums have mentioned they are using bbplus earlier... is your bb less cranky and more well behaved?

PTB7476> oic..u try mini electric too. where can buy FS in Sin, is it like mothercare/kiddy palace? as i'm in HK, might want to ask friend help me buy & pass to my FIL who happened to be going Sin for a wk, I check HK price, is so much more exp than Sin!

Jen> I'm only able to wipe off the milk stain on the outer part of the tongue using cloth. Unable to clean off the inner part..

ML> thanks for the link, but as i'm not staying in Sin currently, it would be expensive to send overseas, i saw it's about S$540 from the link u post. i intend to ask someone to buy for me in Sin & ask my FIL to carry it back for me whom happen to be in Sin this week.

sharon > I m staying in cck. My bb is born on the 20 Nov. Jus brght him to pd, cos I m too worry. Pd ask mi to bring him to poly to do chk on jaundice level. Thn he will advice me after knwing. He sy may advice mi to stop BF for a few days, depending on the level. Although I m goin to poly tmr, I think I will most probably stop BF today. Hope BB's jaundice will b gone sn.

Mummies looking for economical milk storage bag, can try this nappy brand. I was using a brand from kiddy palace, cost me S$11.9 per box of 25 bags. Recently i just tried using nappy brand which only cost me S$8.5 per box of 25 bags... it's good with double ziplock seal... serving me well so far.

Hi mummies...

My milk as seems to be constant or instead decreasing.

Could lack of rest be the cause of this? I feel so tired...

Still taking fenugreek 3 times a day 3 tablets each time... Can't imagine if I stop taking how my ss will be like.

Envy those mummies with lotsa breastmilk!

Re: weight

Just weigh myself... I'm 61.9 kg. Pre- pregnant weight is 52kg. Pregnant weight is around 70kg. Haiz long way to go....

Keep feeling hungry between meals.. Though already ate alot for lunch leh

Has anyone brought baby out apart frm visiting PD? My baby is abt 7weeks old n hv not had 6 in 1 jab yet. I need to do some shopping in town n no one at home to help look after her. Am worried she is too young to b exposed to the air for long. Anyone can advise?


No worries. Perhaps u can get someone to buy from the spree in sg and fil collect? Btw I heard from my friend that there is a shop in paragon that is cheaper than the spree. Let me check with her. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Btw, I am still having spotting even though I gave birth on 1 nov. Wonder why? It actually got worst these few days. haiz

btw can we eat coconut related food during confinement ?

my CL said cannot...but can eat salted egg while my mom said cannot cos salted egg are junk food.. haiz diff pple say diff things

Sharon, sure! we can do a west meet up. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Ange, I've been bringing bb out. twice to supermarket (NTUC Finest), twice to Vivo. Everyday to my #1's school...hahaha. I send #1 to school, now that confinement is over. To supermarket, I put #2 in a sling. To vivo, I use the pram, but I put down the 'hood' all the way. Minimise exposure. hahaha.


I brought my bb out ever since he's 1 mth old. Almost everyday cos I need to send my elder boy to holiday camps. apart from the jabs he took in the hospital ,He will only be vaccinated when he's 3 mths old cos that's what my pd does

gathering: I'm ok for meet up too. I stay in the east but i can go anywhere.

Think someone is asking abt full mth cupcakes? I ordered mine from aunty yochana n they r vv nice. The design is v cute too. Can see in my fb

the glycerin is a thick concentrate. During normal bathing, my mil just use water and wool to wipe the tougue..

For me, I will then use luke warmn water to moist the sterile wool, press to a little dry, then dip abit of the glycerin, then insert into bb's mouth and clean the entire mouth and tougue. Dun have to do it everyday cos the deposit will always be there. Just ensure it is not accumulating too thick. The box label actually said it's meant for ulcer, but then my mum has been using this for my nephew and nieces and after I tried, it is really effective in removing off the deposits.

So, plp in the west are:

Jun,Jen, Sharon, CSI_Fan

Can meet up at convenient place lor.. my confinement oni ends this week, how abt the rest?

Strawberry, I saw the Bp here gt something call the scared tea tat pple rave is good to boost supply. Mayb u wan switch to try this..

U r another skinny mummies! Ur pre preg weight is my pre marriage weight

Scubabebe- haha so we r the same... Zhong liang ji ren wu!

