(2010/11) November 2010 MTB


Thanks for cloth diaper suggestion! But I don't have CL or helper to help me wash, hang and fold...so will still need to use disposable diapers. ;p Thank goodness her rashes have gone down now, so I think I need to be more vigilant and change her diaper more often. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Can you Pm or email me the price of your Desitin - blue tube?? Thanks!

Yeah, I miss those squirms and rolls too, and also the placenta helps with all the feeding, so no need to do anything, haha! Now my baby is cluster feeding, hope growth spurt ends soon.


Oh so not having belated celebration is to hope next time got a boy??

My #1 is girl, #2 also girl. So I suppose this superstition would not apply in my case lor? Gonna stop at 2 anyway, happy to have 2 princesses already. If got #3 I think I cannot handle liao. Anyway I don't have such beliefs, think my mother pantang more.



I see....thanks for sharing. I think it just depends on whether you believe in such things lor.

If you don't, it doesn't affect you. I just hope my mother will not keep nagging at me should we decide to put it on 25th or 26th.

Diana interesting I din know that. Initially I want to do the celebration a few days after full month and my mom ok but CL kaypo tell me mom cannot boy must either do early or actual and so we ended up doing a small scale celebration on actual day

I just went into my baby's room and saw cl and baby sleeping closely together instead of baby in cot. Any other mummies exp the same thing? I don't think cl n baby should be sleeping together right? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Hammiebao- angeli catering is halal.

Rashes on baby face- I read that baby acne is quite common but my little one's face is soo patchy and red. Heart pain cos it must be itchy and uncomfortable for baby. Will take baby to see doc 2m. Hopefully they can give some cream

cin bunny: u r right, they shouldn't be sleeping tog as it can be dangerous, unless ur CL is a very light sleeper. What if CL accidentally lies on baby? I think ur CL prob feels tired and doesn't want d hassle of reaching for baby in cot. If lie tog, it's easier to pat pat Baby to sleep. Can u talk to her to find out why she's doing this and instruct her to put baby in cot?

ha strawberry I gained 23 kg for my first pregnancy too! i think i did lose alot of it but my appetite still remained like when i was bf-ing so slowly gained back the weight [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

halal caterer: there is a division of Neo Garden tt is halal, think its Orange something

Sling/carrier: i used the sarong sling alot for my #1, think its quite secure and comfy for him but really tiring on my shoulders and back. Just tried the pupsik pouch for #2, maybe coz he is lighter now so its pretty comfy too. I dun really like carrier coz i feel the baby head like no support esp when you put him front facing.

cin bunny - angeli is not halal.they r merely using halal supplier.they themselves is not halal certified [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

hammiebao - try http://www.kriston.com/

i tried their food b4,find tat its tasty,but price wise abit steep...anyway,halal certified [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

orangeclove oso not bad,as my co order their buffet last yr for xmas n cny . they r part of neo garden grp.but recent feedback abt neo garden's food not tat tasty as b4,so i wonder if orange clove std oso drop too..

one mummies here oso commented tat e-creative buffet oso not bad...if i didnt remb wrongly,sld be PTB [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]but cake not nice,dun order ;x

Oops, sorry. I thought they were halal cos they told me not to mix my pork satay with their food [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Yes, have asked hubby to speak to cl. Now both still asleep together soundly. Sigh

Strawberrys79: after my baby bash last Sunday, I have gone out every single this week except for Thursday. I'm also doing exclusive pumping. Why don't you start by going out to places closer to home.

Mon: went to hdb hub to run errands for 1 hour. Went home to pump at dinner time before I went to the airport to send my gf off.

Tues: went to nex on my own for 3 hours before pumping at dinner time.

Wed: went to orchard for tea. Took 4 hours. Reached home at 7pm. Breasts were a bit hard so I pumped for longer for 10pm and 1am sessions.

Thurs: stayed at home.

Friday: I got more daring and didn't pump before going out for facial at orchard! Facial at 530 but last pump at home was 4+! Didn't stick on breast pad. V worried of let down on mrt ride. Luckily hubby came from home so I got him to bring

my single electric pump. I pumped at ck Tangs nursing room at 7pm. Had dinner before going home. Reached home at 10pm.

Sat: went to my granny's place at 2pm followed by taka and paragorn. This time I pumped at paragon. Taka's nursing room was crowded! Reached home at 7pm. Sigh. Even though I brought bb out, I didn't latch him but fed him formula. A bit leh chey. That was the only day when I had hubby, maid and bb out with me.

Today: pumped before dinner with friends. Came back to pump.

Overall, supply didn't drop. I will definitely go mad if I stay at

home for so many days. But I admit it's troublesome for me cuz I had to bring out my mini and single pump when I went for any intervals longer than 4 hours[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Cherrie: isn't it very heavy to bring the pump with you when you go out? I've got the Avent pump and can't imagine bringing it out, plus milk bottles etc.

Maybe that's why mother's get backache... its cos of the amount of things we gotta bring out, not becos confinement wasn't done properly!

Now that CL is around, I skip 1 pump each night so I get continuous of at least 6 hours sleep. But I don't think I can not pump/feed longer than that cos breasts would feel engorged. What happens when in future we wean our babies off the night feeds? Will we still have to wake up every 3-4hourly to express milk?

cin bunny: u r right, they shouldn't be sleeping tog as it can be dangerous, unless ur CL is a very light sleeper. What if CL accidentally lies on baby? I think ur CL prob feels tired and doesn't want d hassle of reaching for baby in cot. If lie tog, it's easier to pat pat Baby to sleep. Can u talk to her to find out why she's doing this and instruct her to put baby in cot?

Jollymummy, I have sample for Grandma diaper rash cream from US, this is really good to treat diaper rash, and it is 100% organic with no chemical added. You can pm me your address, I can post to you free. This smell very nice too. Pm me if keen and you can refer to www.grandmaels.com website for more information. I put on my gal and rash disappear very fast.

Anyone keen to try can pm me, I can post sample free too.

JanO: it's not heavy. I leave my medela Pisa at home. Brought out the medela electric mini. My sil only used it for 2 weeks to relieve her engorgement. I changed the valve. It's v light. It's a single electric pump niah... That day at ck Tangs no one was around so I made use of their power plug instead of using the 2AA batteries. The suction power of the mini is much much lower than the Pisa but super loud! Pisa can't bring out[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] super duper heavy. Can't enjoy shopping if I bring

it out man[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] No choice. Haven done any Xmas shopping yet. Really gotta 'resort' to this cuz I'm doing exclusive pumping. Plus if I continue to bf till end feb, i still have to factor in cny visiting. Can't possibly drive home every 3 hours to pump. To me, life shouldn't just revolve around pumping. Hah.

Hence those mummies who latch on exclusively, I'm envious cuz no need to bring so much barang barang when they bring their babies out. Just wear nursing top or ponchos will do. How convenient!

Hi cherrie77,

Wow u have a lot of activities. Hehe

After reading your post I'm certain I can do it too just have to plan in advance.

For me I fixed a time to pump cos I tend to forget what time I pump before. Very forgetful.

Tomorrow gg to start near maybe go to the area near my hse first. Then slowly go further away but bring pump along.

May I know what sort of pumps u are using? Good? Fast? Doesn't single pump take longer time? Or u use one manual to pump while using the single electric pump?

Strawberrys79: I really cant stay at home one.The single electric pump is v slow. Even the medela guide says it's meant for the 'occasional' pumping. No false selling. Hah. Plus when the let down is fast, while pumping one side, I gotta use tissue to absorb for the other side. No choice leh. Can't have the best of both worlds. I'm trying my best to bf till I resume work at the v least. Supply is not fantastic in the 1st plc.

Cherrie77, when u pumping outside then how u keep the milk?

Chloe, scubababe & cin_bunny, thanks for the caterer suggestions..

Hammiebao: I read that ebm can have a shelf life of 4 to 6 hours depending on temperature. I assume ours is 4 hours due to the humidity but bearing in mind I was mostly in air conditioned places. Hence when I pumped at 7plus outside, I stored the bottle with the cap inside a ziplock bag and I gave it to my bb at 10pm.

The second time after I pumped, I poured the ebm from the medela bottle into a pre sterilized milk bottle within 30 mins as it was his feeding time.

I bgt the medela spare teats but only used them at home cuz the medela bottles doesn't come with any caps. Can't cover the teats if I bring them out.

hammiebao, another way to keep ebm while outside is to use the medela cooler bag with ice pack, or the Fridge-to-Go. FTG's ice pack can keep cool for up to 12 hours. Based on experience, the 12th hour won't be as cold as the fridge or as cold as the 1st hour, but it's still cool...cooler than room temp.

I used to bring (or rather, hb used to bring) my PISA ard when we went out without #1 (when she was still a bb). He carry for me, so I'm not complaining about he weight. haha.

Cherrie, for those who latch on exclusively, we can't go out without bb! hahaha. If go out without bb, cannot latch...or, have to bring pump etc lorh. hahaha...

Re : Poo

My bb on total EBM haven poo for 2days lei, tmr is her 3rd day. She used to poo alot during Confinement, then changed to once per day now haven poo for 2days...sigh.

Clover: oh that! But my ml said it's good cos previously I was trapping lots of air, she tried to pop but couldn't then she commented I have lots of air. When she could do it, she said good; she managed to release the air? I don't know how but my joints were looser and she could pop them

Urgent.. Anyone knows which brand of milk storage bag has zip lock feature? Thanks.

Jollymummy, I put nappy liner on the cloth nappy so in case bb poo, I just throw away the liner. So stil manageable in terms of washing. Just that have to change everytime bb pee.

Infant care: anyone of u sending bb to infant care centre? Any recommendation?

Hi nana,

I think tollyjoy has ziplock bm bags. But maybe u wanna try playtex or something like that. More economical. I'm using that now. Using rubber band to close the opening. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Strawberrys, thanks.. Where can I get the tollyjoy milk bag? Can I get online? I got Playtex n Ameda bm but I'm tired of using rubber to tie them n I found tt it's quite dirty too.


Count me in for the Jan outing. Will go if I am ok with handling my boy alone.


I also have the same worries as u. So I bring my medela freestyle and ice pack along. Will pump at nursing rooms or toilets. If I don't bring my pump along I will pump before I go out and pump when I come back. Sometimes can be 6 hours interval.

milk bag: lan is gd. Double ziplock, no leakage even lie flat. If lie flat to freeze, easier to store. Bt i hv a qn. Lets sy if i pump 180ml, do i store everything in 1 bag or shld i separate to 2 bag?

Envy those who cn latch bb outside. So convenient, no nd to bring pump n milk bottles. I cn only latch lying dwn, as my bb always gt choke w othr position. Heard tat it wil gt better whn he is older. Mayb 3mth old? Crossing my fingers tat it will b b4 cny.

Jollymummy, im using the blue tube.

Jo, ya..i feel so too, jus like us. but her sudden change of poo-in habit jus scare us a little. from 4-6poo a day to suddenly no poo..

strawberrys79> i also almost on exclusive pumping as bb sucks too little on latch so i decided mainly to bottle feed ebm. i also went out with bb & hubby few times, u got to plan nearer & short trip initially & trial & error till you are perfect to bring bb out further & longer. the first time we brought bb out was let CL go shop before she leaves, i brought FM & hot water plus nursing shawl but end up bb throw tantrum dont want to drink the FM, i brought him to nursing room he also dont really want to suck. lucky it was a short trip & i fed him right away when i reach home instead. following that, hubby & myself brought bb out again, that time i have not bought stroller & carry him using sarong batik sling (and i dont know how to tie securely) so i was so tired using 1 hand to support the sling (though tie to my body) as i was afraid bb falls out. after that incident we bought a stroller on the same day! then another time i went out with my mum, i borrowed pump from my SIL to pump as mine was PISA (too bulky), i threw away the ebm as i thought it has to be refrigerated (before i read cherrie77 post) & i dont want to carry chilled bag etc also & i was pumping in toilet as i knew i will throw away. then hubby & myself also venture out few times, it gets better now. we will bring chilled ebm out with a hot water flask & one metal tin (for warming milk with the hot water). and we try our best to leave directly after i pump once, most of the time i missed my next pumping time (max was 6hrs) so the first thing i reached home, i quickly pump out, and this also the reason why i'm considering to get a smaller & more portable pump.

cherrie77> my cl also slept with bb on bed occasionally & yah cos she thinks its troublesome to stand up & down to look at the bb cot when she sleep on the mattress on the floor & also sometimes she afraid bb will vomit milk, that's why she put by her side.

Jo, she said i will fart more. Haha. Read somewhere that preg woman's bones will "open" during pregnancy.

Bluesoda/Mummywong, do u use boiling water? And for how long? Tks...

Hi ml

Noted. Will include u in east side gathering[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi nana,

Re tollyjoy milkbags, I'm not very sure as I came across it in magazine. I suppose u can check out kiddypalacce?

I think it's double sealing also. I tot of trying also but can only check it out when I venture out of the house.


I am using this milkbag at the moment which hv ziplock too. Another brand tat I used last time is blue egg milk bag which also got zip lock



Last nite when I pump at 9pm, I realised there is a hard lump near my nipple and it is sore when touch, I guess it is a clogged milk duct, but how can I make it go away, coz pumping dun seem to help? Any method to massage it away? Or should I get a private LC to come my house to help me since I dun wan to go out? But how much do they cost?

Milk bags

Boots ones are cheap and good. If get from thailand it is 25cents per piece. If from uk abt 35 cents per piece. Double seal. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Btw do your babies poo while feeding. Mine will and after that he become super hungry even though he finish his full feed. Dunno whether to feed him or not cause afraid that he drink too much.. Does it happen to your babies?

Another question my boy has small bumps on his forehead and eyebrow area.. Anything I can apply or do abt it? Thanks

diana > cn try massage, cos lc also massage only. Better to ask hubby to massage? Or use hot towel, aftr the lump soften, immd pump or let bb latch. Shld hlp.

Weight Loss - mummies, the day i delivered, I was 59 kg. Then after delivery, I was only 57 kg. Baby is born 3.5kg. I wonder how come my weight loss is so little..... or like water level grew in me after delivery? Is it possible?

CL bathing baby - I saw my CL after bathing my 10 day old girl, wrap her all up in a towel (thin one) and covering her head and face ...from the bathroom to the room and lay on change mat. I told her I din like it and how can baby not have air to breathe. She insisted that its ok and nothing has happened so far and she is doing that to prevent baby from catching a chill. I told her I don't like it and asked her not to do it again but she insists that she knows what to do. I really have a very domineering CL! Sometimes cannot stand it...

chris how to lay down to latch, the nurse din teach me that...i too want to give that a try cos my son also choke esp when latch on right breast cos the flow and volume is too much for him and because of that i have been EBM and feed via bottle

Clover: really? No wonder I fart more and my girl will ask, "oh! What's that sound?" she'll giggle then add, mummy poo poo!" [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] did she say this is good?

Oh ya, I read that too, joints and ligaments. I think I'm suffering from that, now my knee is so stiff that I can't climb the stairs normally! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

ML: My son also will be super hungry after poo...so we will feed...but I normally wont give full feed unless it is also quite near the feeding time.

HPC: Dun worry, my CL also did the same to my BB cos they really dun want them get catch cold. Maybe you try and see how you can shorten the distance from the bathroom to where she do the changing? Then you wont be so worry about BB not having air.

I just took over fully yesterday after my CL left. Our mistake to let her go instead of extending her for 1 more day till after the BB shower.

BB shower is a success but nightmare for me n hubby cos we need to entertain and take care BB fully. No time to nap and at night still on full night shift. My hubby surrender and say he is better at work than at home and wish to cancel he leave liao =P (he took leave to help me for a few days.

Super shack but still got so much to do, cannot sleep. Haiz...

Diana : I almost exclusively pump and also had a lump for 2-3 days. Eventually, I gave up and latched on. Although baby only had a few suckles (cos too hard she didn't like), the lumps cleared once I pump immed after.

Breastshield Size : Mommies using Medela, how do I know which size of breastshields I should get? After 5 weeks of pumping, my nipples & areola surrounding are sore after each pump. I think I need a smaller size, but reading the description online on how to choose, it seems like I need a bigger one.. I'm confused now...

Sucking sound on bottlefeed : My baby has been making very loud sucking noises when she is bottle feeding. Is it cos the flow is too slow? I suspect so cos she struggles when you give her a bottle but ok if latch on. If latch on, she does make that sound, but only initially.

Jollymummy: when u use desitin cream, take a bit n disolve or rub it w ur finger a bit, then apply on bb butt. U will notice that its easier to clean. Bb shower will also affect. I notice pigeon shower is unable to clean the desitin off, but johnson&johnson can.

Nipple sore: am currently using medela hydrogel for my sore nipple due to pumping. Haiz, ppl nipple sore due to latch, mine is due to pump. Aerola also pain. *slap forehead. Hope my funnel order will come soon.

Cherrie: u mean our ebm, after pump can be left in room temperature for 4hrs? I thought only 1hr or 1hr is for after ebm is warmed up?

CSI: i hav the medela cooler bag. Was thinking if i go out long, i'll bring that together w my pump. Once finish pumping, i'll put my medela bottle in thecooler bag n that can last for 12hr is it? Then mayb i can put the medela ice pack inside my freezer to standy. How long does it need to be frozen solid? Or can i just left it in freezer n only take out when i need it?


going out with pump : Mummies, do you pump in nursing room and cover up? How about what you intend to do when go back to work?

