(2010/11) November 2010 MTB

ueno, me not used to havin cl ard as 1st 2 confinement were mum n mil helped out to cook food while i look aft bb n helped bathe kids at times. Now cl gettin more ex also n rather see cl face, think engaged cf catering. Hehe

any mums on msn to chat?


coming in for a small break..

Sigh.. no good no good.

Supr no mood.

I'm now being blacklisted for my puntuality.

Of all things.. why must they mark my puntuality?

Nothing wrong with my work... just that i have to be in office at 830 SHARP!

Damn.. they dunno that i'm pregnant? needs to walk slowler?

So demoralised...

Those with MSN can add me: [email protected]

bam: ai yo..ur company can be more understanding or ur boss can help justify for u lor...u are preggy now..better late than not in rite...preggy not only walk slower..we are also more easily tired..

anyway do stay positive for sake of bb...dun be upset over work [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi all,

I missed out on robinson sales! Din know there is.

night sleep: So sleepy nowadays. Looks like its a pattern for me to wake up every 2 hr at nite... haiz..

fidgeting: Does any mummies felt that they cant sit still although you are very tired. It's like you are tired, but u just cant fall asleep, keep tossing on bed

re: CL

Am getting an experienced maid, so decide to have MIL to do confinement instead

re: backache

It's starting... does the pregnancy belt helps? Oh, is wearing the belt hot?

My tummy is very huge n backache just started. My tummy is so tight, turning on bed is getting heavier now.

OranGeBB : same here. Cant sit for too long, or rather cant stay in one position for too long. Kept tossing here and there throughout the nite. These days, i feel my tummy so tight , even though i din eat alot. So uncomfortable.

Bluesoda: ya, butt pain if sit too long, heel pain if stand too long. is this going to get worse as our tummy get bigger?

last weekend, I was trying to carry a box.. quite heavy... regretted big time... tummy cramp! n whole day was busy, by dinner time, the tummy was super cramp, i cant stand or sit straight n I can only manage to walk a foot apart at each step

MSN: [email protected]

Bam: Sometimes bigger companies, esp Jap has more protocols than small ones. Hav you tried to pay back? maybe they will close one eye?? Try to bear with it... 5 more mths to go!

Feeling bb movement:

Yesterday nite, my hubby and 1 prayed for bb with 1 of his hand on my tummy, suddenly bb start to kick. He finally can feel bb's movement... power! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Those who intended to swim, try not to exert too much. Go gentle with the kicks... if u have back prob, try freestyle (kick up & down). If cant, just do gentle breast strokes. But best is back strokes.. let the water support ur back & wt. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

OrangGeBB: belt can help to keep ur posture in position.. but unless u dun mind having to wearing bra + belt. Think Whim has many belts she can share with u which is gd... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Best is to strengthen ur pelvic & back muscle with exercise to support the growing wt. Join our pilates classes if u can spare time.

When getting up from lying position, just rem turn to your side first & use ur hands to support ur wt up. Dont use leg to kick urself up like b4.

oh ya, forgot to mentioned that sometimes tummy is so tight, I cant yawn fully... so funny, have to stop halfway. must go for my yoga soon to gain back stamina. hahaha

i tot i am the only one having restless sleep at night...since last week, i have been waking up every 2-3hrs...it is as though my body is training me for the 2-3hr night feeding...

there goes my 8hrs sleep per day and 12 hrs every weekend

Jewel: Thanks for the idea. I'll stop kicking. I'm joining yoga organise by clover, but missed last sat first lesson.

Whim: Which belt is good that I can buy in Spore? Sometimes I do slouch a bit, cant stand straight. I am so lousy.

hi mummies! have been meaning to join this thread. am currently in the july 2008 thread with holly [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

whim, barn - trouble you to add in my details when time allows :

EDD 11 Nov

Gynae - Dr Fong Yang

hospital : TBC

1 + 1 upcoming

gender : girl

thank you!

hi mummies...

mia for awhile... hope everyone is doing fine... saw a posto on medela breast pump... i got mine for US$330 incl. of delivery to a friend's place in usa and taxes... i gan cheong... many told me should have got it nearer to delivery..

not sure if those who are interested are still interested.. seems like there a few ppl organising here...

i can help get when we nearer del...

ptb: i also been having restless sleep at night... been awhile... waking 2-3hrs... and have diff gog back to sleep cuz baby kicking... afternoon want to nap... baby kick... dun wan nap... then no kick... sigh...

orangebb: i am one of those who join the yoga... have been having diff walking up and down the stairs.. :p

first time yoga goer... tiring!!!!!!! but really good... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

see you next saturday...

bam: mine is a girl... please help me update... thx !!

hi all

just to comment on swimming, my gynae said after 3 months then can swim or do light exercise, also check if your placenta is low or not, if low, then cannot exert yourself.

ermmmm : the class is held at bishan... joining not sure but if you are interested.. i can help you ask the instructor...

cin_bunny: congrats & welcome... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

the bp i got also from amazon... got warranty but only for usa... but i read from someone here that the company do "repair" at a fee... didn't check it so far..

my friend used it for 14mths already but no prob...

Baby shopping,

Hubby and I started to look around for stroller, but haven't buy.. I'm afraid in later part of preg will be too heavy and lazy to go around..

So far I've got the following for baby: avent new born set, bottle brush, pacifier, pacifier clip, socks, some pj and rompers.. Got BN set of sterilizer and warmer from a lady in motherhood sales thread at a really budget price, will be ordering the Breast pump soon as it will take sometime for the shipping

Mummies can add me in msn as well [email protected]

Anyway thanks all for the advice on swimming!

Orangebb: u really garang! ... Still dare carry heavy stuff. At this stage, I oredi stop housework like vacuuming, ironing, moping, wash toilet etc. Ask ur husband or helper do it... Best time to do nothing... Kekeke.

seems like a lot of u having difficulty sleeping or wake up frequently. Am I the only one that sleep soundly at nite?? I'm so going to suffer later when the bb comes. *chiam*

Morning Ladies! Been trying to post since early morning. Wonder what's wrong =X

Jo - Yes please! It would be great to have more CL contacts to try. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] I didn't try TMC's CL service, cuz heard that it's really X. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Dimple - Wah, looks like u got a good deal for the cot at Robinson Expo sale. Didn't know there's one. Now aiming one at Mothercare. Maybe should go Robinson to take a look too.

OrangeBB & Bluesoda - Same same, tummy has been feeling very tight. I keep telling my hb that I'm going to explode soon. hahahah~ At night when I wana turn/shift position in bed, gota support tummy while turning. Taking rather long to adjust all the pillows/bolster/blanket so that will feel comfy while sleeping too.

cin_bunny - congrates & welcome! :D

Jewel - I still can sleep through the night sometimes. Other times will wake up at most once or twice. Think I too, will suffer when bb comes later. Signz~

Re: Baby cots

Anywhere else that has nice and reasonable priced cots besides Mothercare, Baby Kingdom/Hypermart?

hi and afternoon, was wondering if its safe to buy second hand breast pump and steriliser, as these are quite personal things?

Amber, bing,

Congrats! Now can go shopping for baby clothes.

I haven't gone for detailed scan yet, only know that one of twins is girl at last check-up.

Also plan to get Medela freestyle, It sells at $699 at KKH first year.

I also join prenatal yoga class with clover.

Hi all mummies,

Me too, have been trying to post since this morning but seems like server gt probs!

Wana check if any mummies have gain too much weight in a month's time and gynae ask to watch the weight gain, oops! I have gained 4kg in one month, am thinkg to control my weight gain.. any suggestions?

But constantly i'm always feelg hungry.. dont eat also cannot, eat liao gain weight.. SOS~ [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

yah i cant post too...

i have put on 6 kg since pregnant and since last visit to gynae 3 weeks ago, i was told to cut down on carbo which i did and my weight din go up more 0.5kg since then...

i control by having lesser rice but more vege or meat and when i am hungry i will either drink milk, have some oatmeal biscuit or fruits [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi mummies, long time never post .. busy at work!

Just go for detailed scan last sat, should be a girl [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif].

To buy baby stuff can try cheong choon. Price quite good and can free delivery when you hit certain amount. Bought the baby cot for the 1st one there. Usually I will look around (robinson, taka, etc.) and then call them to check the price.

PTB7476/Hho: but now we wake up every 2/3 hr, go toilet n can continue to sleep back. next time, gotta feed baby... will take a while b4 we can go n sleep

Hho: see u next sat! =D

Jewel: I know, but I was suppose to pack my balance of stuff fr my previous home to my new home. I was alone and want to clear the paveway. I should have waited for hubby to be back...

As for maid, I am still doing housework coz no maid. Am getting one soon. Hopefully the transfer work and she'll be here in aug.

Jewel: I wonder if we keep waking up, maybe baby is hyper, maybe urs is a sleepy baby. hahaha

Bam, or who will update the table, if you have time can help to update mine.

Nick: monyetnakal

EDD 15 Nov (previously 5 Nov)

Baby gender: Girl

Dear PTB7476,

Yep gynae ask me to cut down on carbos too, looks like when im hungry i should drink milk, eat fruits, cereal kinda to control the weight gain.. Thanks for the info [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I am into my 20wks, total weight gain since pregnancy is 5.7kg.. sigh~

Jolyn: my doc was shock at my initial weight gain too. he say don eat too much carbo stuff, e.g rice, bread, noodles.

my weight gain is a lot too..6kg now. but i din control... wahahaha. i just eat like normal. I think I shld control now. Got 4 1/2 mth to go!!

Jolyn - 5.7kg should be still okay de bah. I read that ideally we should put on 1-2kg during T1, and 3-4kg during T2. So it's not too much a weight gain lar. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]My gynae also told me to eat lesser carbo and more protein. Haha, I immediately thought of western food, where carbo is usually lesser, since the main course is chicken/fish/other meats. Hehehehe. But really, if hungry must eat. It's better to eat then remain hungry.

If u wana snack, try cereals. Have u tried Quaker Squares? It'll be in the cereal section, a blue coloured box. It's oatmeal, good source of fiber. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Finally I'm online...

Bam, hang in there! It may seem tough on the work front for now, is ur company going to hire more ppl? I remember u said some of ur colleagues left and the remaining ppl are sharing the work. If you need to take some time away from the forum and just chill after work with your frens or hubby, we'll all understand.

Re: baby stuff

My mom is playing it safe .... she told me not to buy the baby cot until the baby is born. My husband was "?!? How to buy the cot in the 2 days that wife & child are in the hospital?" So far, no word out from my MIL on the subject.

Orangebb - abt support belts

I've been to mothercare (Harbourfront), Spring maternity (suntec) and Taka mother & children section. The only maternity support belts I see in Singapore (at these places) are by either Mothercare (their own in-house brand) or by Pigeon (Japanese brand - sold at Taka).

The mothercare one is a simple cotton/lycra piece abt 3 inches wide, so should not be hot. But will have the least support (I bought a similar piece).

The pigeon ones have a few more varieties, one that I saw is quite wide e.g. at least 5 inches. Can't remember if it has soft wire at the spine area to support the spine.

Maybe I'll take a video of the belts I have now and post it here later in the day. Not doing a v good job of describing it.

Bing, you so smart! How did you manage to guess that was me? Btw, are you the mummy who intro herself with a Chinese name with "Bing" inside the name?

MSN: nana, hammiebao, I've added you to my msn, if you see a "ashkesong or sentosa", that's me. Jewel, I can't see ur profile, can't add u. Not sure why...

Wana check with the mummies who take birdnest. Where do you guys buy them from and roughly how much izit? I thinking of buying those raw birdnest that we'll have to cook ourselves. At least I can confirm there's no preservatives in it, and can adjust the sugar content to my preference.

My fren told me that there'll be Eu Yan Sang promo this wkend. $118 for raw birdnest (think it's 6pcs). Is it really worth it? Never bought such stuff before, so duno whether it's good/worth it anot. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Angel: I spoke too soon, last nite I experienced my 1st insomnia.. toss & turn on bed.. think its a matter of time... ur bb will give u "training" :p

Wt gain:

1st trim : -3.5kg

@20wks: +0.7 kg

so overall still loss... but think i lost alot of muscles thru MS and no exercise. Now my arms & legs become flabby liao.

Jolyn, OranGebb & PTB: control carbo not oni helps to maintain wt. but also prevent gestational diabetes.. if hungry can try snack on yogurt, digestive biscuits, cereal, fruits, wholemeal bread etc. Occasional indulgence is ok... else v ke lian.

Whim: Im on MSN & yahoo.. :p & I gave ppl the yahoo mail when they asked for MSN... dengz. Add me [email protected]

Angel: My hubby bought the bottle ones with no preservative cos we duno how to prepare them, think need to soak then "dun" with rock sugar>? my dad ever cook once for me. Buy birdnest also need to see grade one. Think go to reputed shop they wont keto u ba.

Hi all,

i also had trouble posting since morning!


Robinson Expo sale is over. But like someone mention u can try plamax website directly or


It's relatively cheap!n the one with the prince design..i had to resist resist resist! haha..


No idea on that coz i have my maid and mummy staying over..not really looking forward to being suffocated in a room w.o Aircon..Nov n dec is supposed to be the cooler months..hopefully the weather doesnt change much..

Re: Birdnest

I wanna take too..but dunno how to buy..i think ill get the premade bottled ones coz i dunno how to cook it.hahaz..pls recommend some brand and not too ex.

Re:Weight Gain

I think im the worse one here..

1st Trim: - 3kg

@21wks: + 9kg

Im sooo sad..but im sooo hungry all the time..maybe i shud cut down Rice!!high time!!im freaking out now looking at the ave. increase!

n to think my BB only took 380g!!BooHoo!!


Apart from Cot, i havent shopped for anything yet! like some of you,my mom is pretty skeptical bout it also..

Re:Breast Pump

What the difference between the Medela PIS and Freestyle? does anyone haf the link to the spree for the BP?


Angel, im taking the eu yat sang birdnest.. both the raw one n concentrated ones. so far, haven eat the concentrated one but the raw one are def thicker.

klite, im havin 2nd hand pump from my frends. haven seen the set, but i will sterilise them or buy new spare parts if necessary. cos my frend use for afew days only.

Weight Gain,

hmm... ive put on 5kgs so far. tummy line still measure the same altho my tummy is bigger now compare to last month. Gynae haven see me, but dun tink am goin to control my diet yet. hahaha!!

Detail scan,

its this thurs!! am soooo nervous and excited. counting down the days, n gettin my baby to co-operate with me. haaa!

Jewel - Har??? I hope that it's just this once then. Were u unable to sleep throughout the nite? Or just had trouble going to sleep?

Yah loh, tat's why wana ask around about the different grades, where u guys buy etc b4 I buy. I got those concentrated ones, but prefer raw ones, cuz it's more like a dessert. Those concentrated ones can only eat 1 or 2 spoons at a time. Not shiok. hehehehhe

Dimple - OMG! The prince cot is really cute!!! But my hb will sure say that it's super X, compared to those we saw at Mothercare, etc.

Hehe, just cut down on carbo and u'll see lots of difference in the weight gain. Eat more veg/fruits/protein like wat other mummies say. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Mrs Lee - Hehe, looks like I'll need to go try both to see the difference. Hehe, wonder if I'll be able to tell the diff anot. hahhaha

Angel, when u goin to buy? if not maybe i open the concentrated one to try first before u buy? Ya.. thru, the raw one can eat like a bowl. Cos the bottle one, by spoonful only. haa!

Bulk Purchase,

i tot one mummy is organising bulk purchase for big items?? im actually waitin for that..haha!!

Naf, niceeee to see u here.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Whim: Thanks! I'll check out pigeon. Hope its not too pricey.

Dimple: you can buy small stuff first wat. baby bottle, nail clipper, scissors, nose pump, baby bottle detergent, etc etc

re: bird nest: I am currently taking bottled one fr Eu yan sang which I bought 2mths ago fr EYS sale. But my fren told me ZTP dragon brand also good. Once I finished mine, I will get raw one fr ZTP.

Mrs Lee - My MIL bought the concentrated one, but I have not started eating it, cuz have abit of cough now. So wanted to wait till cough gone then start loh. Concentrated one very sian leh hor? So not shiok. hehehe... Was thinking of taking the concentrated one during weekdays. Then when I'm more free during wkends, to boil the raw ones. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

My fren told me that there's EYS sale this wkend, so thought to find out more now. If I'm interested, will get her to buy for mi, since she's a mbr and will get more discounts.

I rem got one mummy who'll boil alot together, and keep in fridge. Then just use a clean spoon to scoop out some daily to eat.

OrangeBB - Any idea if the ZTP one is expensive?

Whim: thanks for the add in msn!

Mrs lee: what time is ur scan on thurs? Mine is also on thu afternoon. I will go earlier to join the hospital tour.

Weight gain: 3 kg so far.. Tried v best to eat but still hardly gain weight. Mayb aft 5th mth will gain more.

I wan to ask where can I buy baby posters?? I went to bookshop like borders but can't find..

hi all, I'm selling Medela Swing in original package@ S$250 (price negotiable). In super good condition. Used the Medela Swing only twice.

Bought it just last Friday cos I thought it's the breast pump that's causing my low supply.. But I think I'll stick to my old breast pump instead.

Warranty valid for 1 year till 2 July 2011.

Box includes:

a SoftFit breastshield (24mm), PersonalFit Breastshield (24mm), yellow valve and white membrane, tubing, 1 bottle (BPA free) and cap, 1 bottle stand, power cord and adaptor, tubing, drawstring bag and shoulder strap.

Pick up at Yio Chu Kang or Sengkang. or to arrange for meetup at other convenient locations.

You may also request for meetup to check on the condition of the breast pump.

For more info, you may email me at [email protected]

jewel/angel: think most of time i still can also sleep throughout the whole night too..but then i dun sleep too early too lah..most of time after 11pm liao. i had bought a "sleepy bb" cd from kiddy palace and try to listen to it till feel sleepy, then turn off n shall able to sleep throughout the nite.

sometimes feel bb quite active n kicking but after listening, she seems to relax too n no kicking so i can sleep thru..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

re: weight gain

actually me also scare of gaining too much weight..esp starting this wk, im constantly feeling hungry...trying to control too. so far now wk23, i gained 4kg liao.

btw does any of u have the feeling that toilet frequency increase back again, like during T1? i have the urge to visit toilet more frequently starting these 2 weeks again...wonder is it normal??


Bird's Nest : I went to Chinese Physician and he mentioned Bird's Nest is good for to "Bu" baby's lungs after Week 17. Started taking about then. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I take the Concentrate type. At least I know I'm payin for the Bird's Nest and not water. I finished 1 bottle already. Forgot what brand. Can get at Chinese Medical Hall for about $80. Just burnt a hole in my pocket to buy 3 bottles from Lao Hong Ka (Taka) at $398. I find the Lao Hong Ka one got lesser water. They also wrote that there is no preservatives, so need to finish within 3 weeks.

Angel : Bird's Nest supposed to be good for cough also. So you can take... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

