(2010/11) November 2010 MTB

Yah, I prefer dresses too! Much more comfy and nuting across the tummy. Any idea where to get comfy leggings like wat h Ho is asking? The ones I have got those elastic bands at the top, abit uncomfortable leh. Have u tried those babydoll dresses? Think can get from normal shops and it'll be cheaper than buying fr maternity shops.


i bot alot of dress from yin and yang during CNY... most are baby doll dress... so lucky... like know gog to get preggy.. haha... so now need to know where to get leggings...

Thanks Irene, hope I not so suay.... keep my finger crossed.

Val: wow, U r brave... But I guess thats the greatness of being a mummy. Go thru all the sacrifice & pain... to have a child.

Angel, me still wearing my normal top. Bottom, I wear all the loose skirts & bought 1 skirt and 1 pant from maternity house (vivo city). For maternity clothes, I got a mountain of hand-me-down from a fren who delivered 1 yr ago... so I guess I dun have to spend much on maternity clothes [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Well when you see your little one you will think its worth it. If you ask me now, I wont want to go through another preg again after this one. I hope 2nd tri will be better for me.

Hehe thanks h Ho & Jewel! Hehe, next time will go check these places out. Tink I will have to spend a fortune on clothes. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

angel: go during their sale... their sale prices are very affordable... if not sale... abt 80-100... if sale... approx 30 only...

good luck.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

btw, where do you apply the stretch mark cream? just the tummy? or buttocks as well?

i haven't go buy yet.. never go town... maybe weekend... not sure what brand to use...

argh!! need to do something to stop myself from eating. i keep on eating nonstop ever since my MS is gone.. duh.. eat n eat nonstop de ley.. jialat jialat.. must control.....

hho> Think Dr Ang offered you $500 is because u only start seeing him on week 11, so he give u $50 discount..glad to know that he does deliveries as and when. So did u ask him abt the delivery package?

HHo: LOL... for now it's just the tummy and the pelvis area.. cos thats the area tats getting bigger. Buttocks, not yet grow leh.

I lot of ppl using Clarins.. ~$50+ if u buy at duty free. If ur frens going overseas can ask them to help buy.

Grinny: pls take care of yourself and rest well. if possible, do confinement for 2 weeks.

Jellybean: i've been through the same thing before. so now i'm also quite paranoid and worried. can only tell myself everything is fated and try my best not to think too much of it. and try to talk to your bb...

Jewel: at least most of you got hubby to talk to. i can only talk to my puppy at home cos most of the time my hubby is overseas. good thing i got to know about this forum at least there's a "ji tuo". when i need someone to talk to or need advise i can come here.

still got 2 weeks more before i visit my gynae... praying everyday and talking to bb every to ask bb to be strong and stay with me.

Jewel - yes, i've started. but only use it at night as it's rather creamy. morning just use my normal moisturizer.

h Ho - tummy, thighs, chest, butt. :D I using Palmer now, cuz lots of pple use it. Thinking of trying Clarins after I finish the tube. :p

holly - at least nw u can eat liao, dun need to puke liao rite? hehe, tat's an improvement le! get snacks tat r nutritious loh. Like nuts, yogurt, fruit. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

juv06: i didn't ask him abt the delivery package.. he just told me... haha... very affordable...

jewel: =P... thx... so 1 bottle can use how long? oily?

hho - a forumner named ueno commented that the oil is not tat oily and easily absorbed previously. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] tinking of trying that aft my cream finish. :D

Im using a natural pdt in green tube cant rem call what :p tat can be purchase from Guardian phmarcy abt ~$40+, non-oily with mild fragrance. Thinking of changing to Clarins when I finished with it also. 1 day rub twice...think the tube can last ~+/-3 mths ba, deps on how much u use.

Let me know if any of u keen to buy Clarins. Am asking my fren to buy from duty free in May/Jun 2010.

haiz, weather so hot. need to travel out soon. Mummies, rem to drink plenty of water & rest well.

jewel, thats cool to have friends pass u maternity clothings..

btw, my sis's gynae last time told her that no point to apply the stretch mark cream cos the skin tissue is already torn.. wonder how true is it.. or by applying can milder the effect of the tear

Har?? junvis, ur sis gynae reali said that arh? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] Tot can make the skin more hydrated and have better elasticity? At least will minimize bah I guess. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Im sure most of us are not torn yet :p so we are not at the "repair stage". If we apply now, it's for prevention.

But her gynae is right, cos once torn, repair is almost impossible, there are creams that claim they can repair stretch marks. But the max they can do is to lighten the marks.

btw can someone advise how much this clarins cream cost if we get from the dept store? and how much cheaper if get from duty free?

ya i hope it can act as prevention to those stretch marks if we apply before our stomach gets bigger ;p

chey... i tot her leggings are our leggings... =P

i still tot she is good... she knows a few of us are looking for it...

Hello mummies! Only away for 2 days and there is so much going on!

Saw my gynae yesterday and was so thrilled to hear my baby's heartbeat and see it blinking on the screen. Gynae printed out the film showing heartbeat graph for me - my favourite among the 4 films he gave yesterday!

I think I'm gonna be the last mummy to give birth on this thread bec EDD on 28 Nov, haha! I'll be so alone in this thread then....

Also, finally decided on Gleneagles bec it's near my gynae's clinic. As I'm attempting VBAC, it'll be easier for him to rush down in case of emergency.

Any mummies doing VBAC???


Can you help me to update details pls? Thanks!!

EDD: 28 Nov 2010

Hospital: Gleneagles

Age: 7w 3d


Jollymummy - Pasir Ris

Twinfish - Tampines

Jean - Tampines

Ueno - Katong

Holly - Seng Kang (ok la, also a bit east)

Naf - Kembangan

Scubababe - Which part of East are you in???

Bam, please also removed me from the Thread.

Ladies, Last week was a nightmare for me as I have lose my little baby... remember i told you that gynae commented baby not growing but can see strong heartbeat. Who knows last week, the checkup showed that it has completely stop growing and heartbeat stop. Now i'm still doing my mini confinement after the D&C.

Will write to Chatty and Griny to support them on the process, etc.

You gals Jia You! 1St trimester is finishing soon for you all.

Take care!

babieslove - sorry to hear that. please take care. can always try again. Do you mind sharing your scan procedures with me?

I think my situation is the same as yours. the scan shows that the bb is only 6 weeks 6 days when it should be 10 weeks. But got heart beat. I have had a miscarriage before already. I am worried and terrified.

jellybean, when is your next checkup and how many weeks are you at now?

mine wasn't growing on the 2nd check but strong heartbeat. Gynae said too small, but she did warn me, if got bleeding, go to hospital straight. A kind of sign that she suspects that it'll be a bad one... but the thing is i do not have bleeding. I went to gynae on 9weeks and 1 day and through scan we noted that baby is gone. Surprisingly, MS gone that day as well. Gynae concluded heartbeat stop and not even growing. Only at 5mm size. Amazingly small! Gees...

Jelly, how long after then u tried for baby after your MS? They said should rest for 3 mths at least then try to conceive again... Don't worry, everyone's body is different. My womb just not too strong for this new baby.

Ho, thanks! So sad that cannot be in this thread anymore... but i will not stop trying. It'll be nice for a rabbit bb too.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

babieslove - based on my last period on 30 jan, i should be at 10 weeks already. i went for my first scan today and the scan only show that foetus is 6 weeks 6 days. Big difference. But got normal heart beat. But one thing is i have irregular period. always late. i will go for another scan next week. hope there is a miracle for me.

i have had miscarriage (no heartbeat) in nov last year and gynae said i could try in feb. i din expect to get it as soon as i start trying. actually, i did test for pregnancy in early mar when my period din come but it was negative. i have no symptoms at that time. after late mar, still no period and i started to feel unwell and decided to test again and this time, it was positive.

i try to take things easy but after going through a miscarriage, i really get the jitters. all i ask for is just a healthy normal bb. boy or girl doesn't matter.

thank you very much for sharing your experience. dun give up. nurse your health back and try again. so long as we don't give up, i am confident that we will be mummies one day.

babieslove - when you went for 2nd scan, did your gynae prescribe any medicine to boost the bb growth? I understand that when some MTBs experience bleeding or spotting, they are put on hormone injection or pills to stabilise the pregnancy.

jelly, the bb growth for me is so slow... i was conceived on 30 Jan too, so we should be on the same timing. When I did test intially, also nothing... then a week after i missed the mense, i test again and it showed positive. Mine could be something not right, because my last 2 pregnancies, after 1 or 2 days I missed my mense, i went test, the result will show positive and that time no MS at all. Just a happy MTB... I guess my body is weak too...

Well, fated one! But i will definitely try again, so now just keep myself busy w my 2 darlings... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

My gynae kinda sense that is not right but give me hormonal pills to boast (oestagen) and warned me if got bleeding, do go straight to hospital. My hb also said she can sense but I thought just slow development of baby. Who knows, bb's hb stop and never grow anymore... 5 to 6mm only at wk 9.. which is unhealthy lor...

Jia you Jellybean!

Holly, yeah... didn't see me, as i was recuperating my loss and doing mini confinement... the weather is freaking HOT!!

Dear babieslove & grinny, so sorry to know tat. Be strong.. Yes u can try again.. I tried after 6mths, but gynea told me I could try as soon as 2 mths ltr, but I tot of giving my body a rest first. They say aft d/c v Ez to conceive. Coz womb v clean.

Ya aft m/c, it's v jittery for my next pregnancy v scare tat gotta go thru the painful experience again.

It's a depressing morn and with this kind of weather, I feel like going back to my bed... haiz. But we have to continue our with life & pregnancy....

With regards to the stretch mark cream or oil:

1) Clarins Body Treatment Oil (yellow in colour). This is slightly oily so suitable for nite application... 1 bottle can lasts quite long. You can find this at Clarins counter, neighbourhood toiletries stall, online and of cos airport DFS (shld be cheapest).

2) Another pdt I bought is Elancyl stretch mark cream suitable for day application cos its non greasy. 150ml... but dun think can lasts v long.

You can find this in Guardian.


babieslove, u r indeed a strong woman. jia you and take care of urself ya [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

jellybean, dont worry so much too, since ur menses is irregular, u might ovulate at a later date. cos me too.

