(2010/11) November 2010 MTB

Morning MTB, Im staying in SK too.... this afternoon i am going for my 3rd gyn visit.... Worried lae!!! i read this forum previously, some sae bb heart beat will stop 1... my previous prengancy, my bb nv grow. So now very worried. Haiz....

fishy, i'm also worried but my next appt will be 2 weeks later... already waited 2 weeks still got 2 weeks to go... hopefully everything will be fine..


please take care...i knw no matter what we said u'll still feel sad..but do take care, tiao yr body and try after few months..let's hope for miracle...do rest well

chatty: i can feel ur pain, but pls hold on till the blood test result is out, hoping miracle will happen!

Pray for U and All the BEST!

oh dear Chatty... *hugs hugs hugs*

i can undstd ya plight, i was lidat too 7 mths ago...meanwhile, u don think too much,see the blood test result first *pray for u* ...

my case oso similar, i went checkup, wk6, cant see anytin, no foetal pole, don even say hb, only see the sac.Gynea tld me nt looking good.. think wk 8 & 9 i did the blood test for the hcg lvl check, it dropped.. got my D/C done wk10 lidat. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] don blame yourself if the results are nt good, it's all fated.pls rest well n do a mini confinment, mths ltr can start trying again de..

hoope your bb r juz shy, perhaps he's hiding somewhere ... stay positive k... *patpat*

oh holly..so scary.. my #1 was in breech position oso.. i oso so scare of csect, i prefer natural de, scare being cut :p. but heng wk35, he went down liao.. nevermind as long as the bb is healthy, be it how he come out.. haa :p

i gg for 2nd visit w gynea tonite, hope everytin is good & normal [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

angel: tks! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

holly: salute u! u are really one strong woman with very good pain threshold.

i v jia lar type, with very poor pain threshold...not sure how many days i will need to lie in bed as im planning to go for c-sect for my this 1st one..

chatty - crossing fingers and praying hard hard for you. Can just imagine the pain you're going through now. Stay strong ok? *hugz*

Hi chatty, i had the same case for my previous pregenacy. I understand your feeling... Ya you have to wait for the blood test. In the end i had to remove the bb. No feeling for the procedure but after that i had cramps after the surgery. Gyn sae is normal as the womb is shrinking. U want to consult chinese physician? I went to see a chinese physician after the procedure to tiao yang. She told me i should go see her early, she will give me chinese med to pu until the 1st 3mths end den i go see gyn.

I have a fren who had m/c early last yr. She also went to chinese physician for herbs to tiao yang.

Good news is that she's pregs again and gg to have a bb girl in June. Think it's good to go to the chinese physician to get the body well agn. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Chattybear: Dun be dispair first, like Shan said, perhaps ur bb too shy hiding one corner [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Stay postive till results are firm then make decision. We will all pray hard for you...miracle do happens. *sayang sayang*

All Mummies: thanks for your support!

Last night I was discussing with hubby about what HR proposed, he was kind of furious also, as I worked for 5 yrs with the company then 1st time preg, not saying only 5 weeks then preg. Company is not understanding enough. haizzz...kind of sad, yet govt keep asking couples to bear babies, like that how to?

morning mummies... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

chloe congrats.. i know twinfish go see doc at sk... and got very good package... $550 only leh... think she stays there too...

nowadays... i get very forgetful... can't remember... when i jus chatted yday with her... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Cherrie77: dun take too much sour plum, i limit my intake also, cos they are preservatives, high is sodium and critic acid, not too good for baby. I try not to burden the bb as now bb starts to develop their internal organ liao. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

My doc recommended me this - Preggie Pops from Egg (vivo city), more natural pdts. 1 pkt is $ 11 for 6 pops. Perhaps you can try [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Cool k? I had one MC b4 #1 as well. I know is hard to get thru it, but u just have to b strong. Go chinese physician there "bu" ur body and try again!

now hope for miracle to happen. *pray hard* =)


Something to share. I understand MC is a very painful process and I had been through it once. Losing a baby is the last thing on mummies mind. But look, there are a lot of reason why we ladies will MC. Is definitely not about old wives tales, example like "babies very petty, first 3 months cannot tell others abt ur pregnancy." - this particular myth, I busted it with my own theory,

first 3 mths, our baby is unstable. if u tell others u are pregnant and u MC, u have to do alot of explanation. so, rather dun tell ppl n save urselves from troubles.

There are a lot of proven scientific reason why our body will terminate the pregnancy. the most common i heard is,

Our body figured that the baby is not forming well and our body does not want a deform baby. that's why it terminates the pregnancy.

Think about it. If your body doesn't terminate the pregnancy, you might have a baby with alot of health problems. As a mother, we will do all we can to take care of the baby, but sitting in the position of the baby, what will they think? Suffer is being brought on them. Maybe the decision made by our body was even a better choice for them?

I am just stating another point of view. Let any mummies out there who had MC before to think positively.

I am still worried about my #2 actually. Like i mentioned in some other post, my MC before I had #1 was detected without hb at 9 weeks. n its size stopped growing at 8 weeks. I am now at my 9 weeks. I am paranoid too. but i kept telling myself,

If its meant to be, its meant to be. Being our baby, has to b a strong boy/gal. =)


u lucky eh! at least ur #1 turn! my one was all the way down until 29 weeks he turn up. den 31 week he kick until the waterbag burst. den no choice.... have to tk him out.


eh it really depends. maybe coz tt time i wanted to see my son so badly tt's why i can tahan the pain. LOL!! I din get to see my son coming out from me coz i was on GA. n I din manage to see him until day 2. coz I was tubed and he was in NICU.

mikilee: when you have to give your hr an answer... hope all pends out well for you... 1st tri over very soon... dun stres ya...

i also got a almost good news... my next potential employer called me today... said they are still finalising the details... though they have told me 1 wk ago... they are very kind and reassuring and keep calling me... so i hope to get the job... wish me luck.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

h ho - that's great news! with all the sad HR news that we hear, it's good to know that there are still some companies who will employ preggie ladies. Hope u get the job! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/kao_clap.gif]

h ho, you are lucky. my friend was working in this famous massage chair company when she realize she is preggy. at that time she wasn't a confirm staff yet. they ask her to leave straight away. lucky her husband earn enuff for her to be SAHM.


Very encouraging to hear company want to employ preggie, cos they must be prepare that 6 mths later that there will be a gap of 8-16 wks for your position.

How many MTBs here will be taking 16 wks in one short? I know I cant...

thanks ladies... jus wanna share there's hope out there... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

jewel: like u i dun think i can take all at once.. will pace it out...

Jewel, i don think my job will allow that even thou they are quite family oriented. it's due to the fact that i'm from the sales team. usually 2 months already quite "siong" to take cos u'll tend to lose a lot of customer and no one wish to cover for you for like 2 months. i'm thinking still got so many more months before i decided so just leave it first.

any mummies out there cant stand the taste of meat? i really got problem eating meat like pork... i havent try beef but seems like whenever i eat pork i feel very disgusted by the taste..


ME! ME! ME!!!

I officially turned into a vegetarian. I even dream of myself eating veggie and I know my mouth was moving as I sleep... eating the veggie. LOL!!

Hho: U're so lucky! Congrats! Worth waiting then...[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] I dun know yet, I am trying to tahan to come office everydday till 1st tri over. I cant afford for paycut as bb needs money to see doc and buy this and that, plus confinement lady leh, might consider a maid after delivery also, cos I dun have people to help me take care bb. I compared infant care prices, very exp, and after work I still need to do housework, might as well get maid.

Perhaps when I cant tahan I just take 1 day or 1/2 day mc lor, what to do! haizzz...

Am so sleepy now...keep thinking for my bed. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

michele... you getting maid to look after your bb during the day? got other own ppl or not?

just a suggestion... my sis got one before she delivered... like 1mth.. train her first... send to my mum during the day... cuz if no training... you might end up taking care of the maid... i have heard of friends changing maid every other month...

holly: thx... 2wks... i so bored liao... can't wait to go back work... feel like i rotting at home... moreover the work place is very friendly... no OT... not like my prev job... 9-6... really hope for the best... thinking abt it... if they really will take me... i will only work 6mths then will go maternity liao... hmmmm...

holly: haha..ya i agreed, i think tat's the "power of a mother", for the sake of your bb, u can tolerate the pain..

h ho: good luck and hope u can get the job soon! keep us updated of the good news!

Human being v "mao dun",... there r those who are bored staying at home & cant wait to start work. But there are those who cant wait to stop work & stay at home.

Me shld be putting my bb in infant care or babysitter... too many maid horror stories.

Hi there, I'm from the May 2009 thread. I have 2 extra Mamil Mama 900g selling for $22 each.

Interested pls sms: 90086345 (self collect at west coast)

jewel.. lol... true... wat to do... we r human... never satisfied... hmmmm...

if no own ppl looking after bb with maid... better to put at infant care or babysitter... nowadays too many horror story... need to be very careful... my mum's place like infant care... my sis 2 kids here... my kid gonna be here also... but got maid help la... if not she gog crazy... complain to us that she watches barney the whole day!!.. haha...

btw, i got a question for all mtbs...

is bird nest good??

my family and relative tells me not good... might cause eczema / asthma... anybody heard??

then my hubby side keep saying will make bird nest in the 2nd tri... cause 2nd tri coming... i also very mao dun... haha...

Thank you everyone for your encouragement and prayers.. read quite a few abt seeing a tcm later on...

Guess I will check back with you gals on which TCM u all visited at a later date..in the meanwhile, i will try to be strong and continue to believe that God is doing wat is best for both me and bb...


Be strong! I'll pray for you.


*wave* Another mummy from the East!


I see. I'm underwent Caesarean for my 1st baby too, except I'm not sure if the cut to the womb is horizontal. I suppose it is as my previous gynae told me I can try for natural birth if baby is not too big. My baby did not engaged at all and gynae was not sure if baby was too big or my pelvis too small. But she said better to do caesarean bec of risk of baby ingesting meconium (poo) as she saw some black stuff during final scan. I'm not going back to her bec my hubby and I felt she is totally risk averse, and most likely will end up undergoing caesarean again if we go back to her. I'm gonna try for VBAC under my current gynae. Any mummies attempting VBAC here?


My #1 would be 27months old by the time #2 is born. Hope she will love her sibling and not be jealous. BTW, how did you hurt your tailbone the last time? Sorry to hear that, didn't know that natural birth can cause tailbone to hurt.

As for Caesarean, total recovery period is quite long for me, like at least 3 months. Even though I can get down from hospital bed on 2nd day and walk/limp around and also breastfeed my baby, it wasn't a pleasant experience. Back home, I find it hard to climb onto bed my bed is quite tall, so I used a short stool to get onto the bed. I couldn't lift my legs during the shower. I couldn't lift the laundry pole using the pole "catcher" to hang wet clothes or take them off, simply bec I couldn't stretch tummy area. Quite sad and frustrated the entire time my wound was healing.

Flubby & Holly:

Me too! Last night I ate only half a steamed prawn. Lightly marinated with only salt and pepper, but it seemed so smelly/fishy! Yucks! In the end, I ate asparagus with rice and topping.

Holly, you are so funny, can still dream of eating veggie while sleeping. Maybe you are hungry in your sleep? Hehe... But I'm also like you, turning vegetarian soon. I can't stand pork, fish and prawns now. Wonder what else I can eat now...


If you are getting a maid, pls train her well in advance of your delivery, if not you will have an additional "baby" to take care of. Heard of too many horror stories. Perhaps you can get your mom or someone to keep an eye on her when you go back to work? All the best and hope you get a good maid! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


hope all goes well for you and baby..it must be so hard waiting right now! just know that whatever god's plan is, it's all for the best, and that it's not up to us to make this decision...

to all the other mtbs,

i just heard about a case of a stillbirth, bb just stopped having hb in the womb at 38 weeks..makes me tear just thinking about it..sigh...end up not sleeping well at all last night cuz this was weighing on my mind..


if ur lookng for TCM, u can try beijing tong ren tang, my hubby is going to the outlet in IMH in hougang side cuz near our place..so far he finds it very good..just google it, they have a few branches (think AH also has one)

h ho,

i ate birds nest EVERYday for my #1 cuz my In laws bought for me, and he is very fair (but so am I) but also had eczema (but we also have family history of asthma, which predisposes child for eczema!)..;p so either way u believe the myths, also works!

lilyn: ya its indeed sad to hear of such news. one of my colleague is bb born dead, think due to her cord caused her bb to stop breathing...so sad to hear of it [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

lilyn... lol... i also dun know what to do.. my family say it's the bird's feather left over which cannot be cleaned total before we boil it...

sigh... actually, i not particular... during our mummy time where got bird nest... i also grow up strong and fair and healthy... haha...

aiya! got den eat lo! nuthing is good or nuthing is bad for the bb de la. can eat den eat. better den ppl who vomit all the way thru their pregnancy. everything also can eat, but moderate la. haha!!!


whahaha.. i tot it was funny too lo. I actually dreamt of eating veggie eh.. which when i carrying #1 this definately wun happen coz i was a carnivore back den. now i cannot tk meat or oily stuff unless, i wrap the meat with ALOT of veggie to get rid of the oily n meaty smell. is not the taste i dun like also la... i dun like the feel of biting the meat. dunno y. my bb tiger is a vegeterian. LOL!!

wah! u took so long to recover ah? i think i took about 2 weeks only. by the time my jamu lady came doing the jamu massage for me, i was already running ard. maybe i move really alot back den coz #1 was in NICU so I had been running thru n fro the hospital. actually moving ard does help the wound to heal faster.

Re: mummy from the eat,

i SK.. also quite east la hor.. hahaha! I used to b from the far west though...

Re: work or no work,

hmm.. i am abit different from h ho la. I am contented no need to work actually. Maybe coz i still have #1 to tk care so is not as boring for me ba. I still got bring #1 to play dates if there are any.

my #1 is also born in 2008, but April [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] & i am in the extreme east too! hi to fellow easterners!!

bird's nest: i think there are some good in eating it, but in the later stages of your pregnancy, or else now nothing is absorb into baby yet [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Oh wow...this thread is really very active. I cannot keep up!


please consult your doctor/gynae about your UTI. Peeing often is normally at the later stage of the pregnancy whereby the bb weight is pressing against our bladder. UTI if not properly treated will cause kidney problem. I believe there are medication out there that are safe for pregnant woman. You need to take care of yourself for the bb.

Re: West

Hey, I am residing in the west.=)

Re: Birds Nest

Best to eat only 2nd tri. Old folks say bb's skin will be white and smooth. But hor...I beg to differ...i eat so much but my No. 1 follow her daddy skin colour...dark dark one! fed up! haha


littletiger: really fed up with my UTI. it keeps on coming back. think antibiotics not working for me anymore.

mummies.. last 3 weeks i can feel my bb heart beat by placing hands on tummy. but these 2days i can't feel anything. trying to search where's the bb heart beat but can't find. is this normal? is it because bb is hiding? or i should get doctor to do u/s for me? or i'm just too kan jeung?

