(2010/11) November 2010 MTB

Shan- mine same as urs, Dr. Adrian.

Angel - Dr. Adrian also at CCK on selected day. u can consider.

Jollymummy - I'm at tampines...finally got 1 at east area.haha...

tks briebaby for the antenatal classes info. will chk out with my hospital (Mt A) then.

btw is it helpful to attend these classes and any idea roughly how much these classes?

angel: i had got my OSCAR test appt on next Wed(21 Apr). feeling both excited and anxious of how's the scan(result on spot)/blood test results(think need ~1 week) outcome..really hoping everything is good, so dun have to go for the amnio test...i scare of the long, big needle...

Antenatal class

I'm sorry I can't rmb the cost ald. 1 thing that come wif motherhood is forgetfulness. Haha. I v forgetful since #1 came along. I think the classes were v useful for me back then 1st time mtb. And best part was videos on real birth to get me prepared for the big day. V scary to watch, but really needed to see it to get myself prepared. And they teach other things like bathing the bb, breastfeeding, nutrition all pretty useful info too. I oso think daddy go along oso impt to get them involved and ready for their role too.

But this time I won't be gg ler. I went for the mrs wong one which was conducted at AMK hub even tho I registered wif TMC.

irene - wah, can tell us more about it after u go then. Mine is on 5May. I also hope that this is the only test I'll need to do, and dun need to do further ones. :D


I feel bloated after meals too. I burp very often everyday and can't go empty stomach. One way is to drink ginger tea to clear the gas.

Another issue i face is constipation. Can feel my stomach stretch when constipate.

hho, Jewel & jollymummy: thanks for your support! appreciate that. Ya lah, but the second option was kind of forcely squeeze out from HR, I dun feel they are genunine at all. Although keep telling me not to worry about work, cos they afraid I worry too much and become MC, then they become murderer liao...kekekekeke..

I will try to tahan thru this 1st tri, i think I have 4 weeks more to go. jia-you!

Shan: good we can meet up also, quite near [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] btw which gynea you seeing..i'm with raffles cos nearer to my work plc.

Twinfish: U really gotten super duper good bargain! Dun think mine gg to be cheap...cos my gynea is one of the snr partner in Raffles, recommended by my sis in law. Cos Im already 35, plus I have high cholestrol and used to have thyroid...so I better go for snr gynea..my hubby say place safe lor he said I'm over-aged preg mummy..have to be extra careful. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Angel81: ok la, as long as comfortable with gynae, everyone is free to choose whichever gynae depending on their criteria. Most impt everyone has one.

My gynae already asked me to consider the amino test. So next appt, he will ask again. Im going to suggest OSCAR first then see how it goes lo.

Nana, Grinny, Angel81, Ahko80, Briebaby & Jewel - westerners. 6 [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

hho: my bb's hb is like "dot..dot..dot.." continous one...sometimes could be so strong that one-touch you could feel. our hb is diff..ours are slow and steady de.

Everynight, I will play baby music for baby lor thru out the night, even morning also. To soothing the baby...

All mummies,

Do u know that you are eligble to collect My First Baby Journal from Library? FOC de! I just collected it last friday at yishun neighbourhood library [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


- 1 x baby CD

- 1 x baby journal

- 1 x baby height chart

- 1 x bookmark

Before you go and collect, call to check out the library have stock or not. Rem to bring either NRIC or driving licence & your gynea card if needed.

Shan: you can go Yishun one to collect after work today...cos their stock just arrived. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Twinfish: infact I lost weight...not much almost 1kg, I kind of scared as my body was dehydrated so I eat alot of porrigde to replenish fluid in my body.

Now I have to die die tahan to come to work, if not HR and my boss will think of other ways to get rid of me nicely...[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] si bei sad!

Hi Bam78,

can you add me to the list please? Thanks!

Here are my details:

9th Week, EDD 12 Nov

Dr Suresh Nair, Mt Al

2nd Child

Michele, thanks for sharing, i'll call n check fm library.

BTW, u r 1st time be mummy? if not 1st time, 35 is ok...i'm 34, consider high age preg woman..

Michele, let me know if you need tips. Im in HR [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] 15 mins to go.. can go back liao.

I'm 37 & also have high cholestrol... over aged preg mummy? you are not alone... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


i was with Comoshamla at Forum for my 1st child. They are good n they've classes for prenatal. U can consider. But u can only start after 2nd trimester. u need to ask yr gynae if yr placenta is low cos if it is then there are certain poses which u cant do but the teacher will ask u n u can do other poses which doesnt affect yr placenta. HTH


my oscar will be on 30 Apr, when im in my 12th week

jollymummy & twin fish,

Im from the east too, katong area, I am SAHM.

Michele, ur HR really not good leh...endure endure..1st tri over should be better..my others dept colleague also like u, lost weight, eat wat vomit wat..every week come 3days, but nw ok coz she about 5mths.. Our HR wont say anything as long as her boss not make noise..

For me, no choice, i need to take paid time off, already told my boss n she's ok n understand 1st tri may take more mc to rest...

Thanks Michele!

before gynae visit will be on yr last menses but after gynae visit, it will be based on scan results. usually gynae will n let u know n give u a print out of yr baby. sometimes there is a difference of a few days.


You can go to babycenter website to check on your EDD electronically [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] it will auto-calculate for you.


Usually ppl start count from 1st day of your last menses.

Twinfish: Yes, 1st time mummy, that's my concern. Infact didnt really try all these years, cos doc said im not easily to be preg cos I have PCOS. When I heard HR said like that I was kind of "heartached" haizz...

Jewel: Thanks for the support! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Ueno: If based on my last menses shd be Nov 8, but doc told me Nov 19th??? I also confused, think I will ask doc on my next appt.


maybe u ovulated later, if based on my last menses my edd shoule be earlier too. But my edd brought forward by 2 days after scan today compared to my last visit.

sure angel, after went for test, will share [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] now just hope everything is fine. really worrying..

same as twinfish, im also 34 this year, DS risk slightly higher, thus pretty worry abt the results...

Hi mummies,

This thread is sure moving fast.

Briebaby: My son's birthday is 28 Jul...2 days after yours [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I have booked my Oscar test on 7 May. Just went to see the gyne last friday. The baby is growing well and can see the hb via ultrasound.

I've got 2 homes at the moment - weekday at Commonwealth as my MIL looks after my son. My weekend home is Sengkang...so donno which area I belong to..hehe.

hee michele.. good good.. so near. but looked like only we 2 same area nia.. hee

thx for the info on the lib thingy.. go kaypo maybe tis weekend.

I wif Dr Adrian at Seng Kang de.

twinfish, when u gg to visit Dr Adrian? i normally go his evening clinic de, be gg tmr for my 2nd visit [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Angel, like u i oso choose a female gynea for my #1, at Mt E de, but kaoz..her stitch made me pains for almost 1 whole mth.. i will never goback to her again.. i went to Dr Adrian coz hearing a lot of good stuffs abt him.. hee.. he nt bad, but he super fast!

Hope your female gynea is superb good... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

nana> my sis and friend use dr wong, he's quite good.

i also had MS but gynae didnt give me any multivitamin, he said he alredy also vomit...he asked whether i nit med to stop the vomit but i decided not, as i worry take too much med will harm the bb..

hb, i cant really feel at the tummy leh...i try very hard, i'm 8wks plus now..but already see hb at 6wks plus..i heard tai jiao can (hearing music) can starts from 2nd tri, thus now might be too early since they are not fully developed? is it true?


I read from books that although now bb is not yet fully developed, but week 9, bb already is now about 1" long, the size of a medium green olive. The head has straightened out and is more fully developed, the ears are much more prominent and some new organs (the liver, spleen & gallbladder) are forming. Muscles are beginning to develop too.

Those mummies who couldnt feel bb's hb perhaps bb too shy and hiding in the corner of your uterus!

I saw a program think the bb ears and hearing develop ard 14-16wks. Can check the babycentre to see their wk by wk growth too. But I guess wanting to talk to bb or wanting to start tai jiao is something v natural for mtbs lah :)

I juz came back fr a walk wif my son, helper and my dog. Wah, normally I won't but I got into an arguement wif a man when he v rudely talk to my maid abt letting my dog into the playground. My dog nvr bother anyone there lor. And nvr let onto the play things either. Juz standing at the side the benches there oni! I juz automatically talk back until shouting eventually. Piangz. Juz when I tot I was so bored until totally nua, the adrenaline rush really wake me up! Feel like a bit emo then I will argue back, but my maid say I so fierce. Haha. I'm usually not like that. The poor man has no idea i'm driven by a lot of hormones now. Haha so angry still. Gdness, this bb dunno is it chilli padi

jus up from nap... stupid weather make me so headache...

ueno: welcome and congrats... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

michele : 1st tri over very soon... jia you!!!

i have decided to give oscars a miss... too scary... the results and all... too stressful...

i'll just take it easy and be happy... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

good luck mummies... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

2nd tri no more mj?? cuz bad for tai jiao?? haha..

my mummy was telling me she played mj all the way when she having me... is that why i play mj all the time... hmmm.... but playing mj is not bad wat... hmmmm... at least it keeps me occupied... hhahaha....

this thread really move very very fast.


my #2 actually confirm not a nov baby already. but my edd is Nov tt's y i am here. my #2 is confirm to b a end Oct baby coz I will need to go thru c-sect by 37 or 38 weeks. ho ho ho~ most prob 37 week i guess.

jewel - hee, true true. most impt is to b comfy with our gynae. :D

michele - is it cuz ur cycle is long? my cycle is 40, so i'll ovulate slightly later than the usual 28days cycle. Think babycenter.sg calculate using 28days cycle de. Go search for calculators that ask u to imput the no. of days for your cycle, and u'll get a better estimation of ur EDD. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

irene - *pat pat* think all mommies will worry. Don't worry too much, if not stress will affect bb too. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

shan - my colleague who used her b4 said that her stitching is good. so hope for the best bah. :p have been reading those horror stories abt bad stitching, can't imagine how it was like for u man. *shudders*

my gynae said tat oscar is good to do, not a must-do too. But at least we'll have peace of mind or could be prepared if there's sth bad. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

this thread suddenly move really fast

BrieBaby & holly - my #1 also born in jul 08. cool... but I am not very active in the forum.

michele - Your HR so strict one? Your gynae give you 2 weeks MC to rest and go back was given such option from HR... they scare you get another 2 more weeks?

1st tri is always the tough period to go through, for most of the pregnant. Can't they be more understanding a bit?

twinfish - your gynae allow you to take package so ealry one? and it is very cheap lei 550 only. Until delivery. Include medication?

I see my gynae 2 time already cost me almost 400, how come they don't allow me to package before wk 16. There is still sometime to week 16.

I am staying at sernagoon north area, anyone around this area?

angel81 & michele, for babycenter u can choose the ur own cycle 28 days, 30, 35.... etc. Can even see if you & you baby horoscope match or not. play with it... quite interesting.

Chattybear where r u? how' did ur appt go?

Didnt hear from Worriedgal & Ginny for quite a while. Hope everything is ok for them.

Irene & Twinfish:

I'm also turning 34 this year! The worst thing is I'm not just high maternal age but also overweight...so gynae told me to cut down on sugar, etc.

Twinfish: Yay, very near my house!

Ueno: Welcome! Another mummy from East. I'm SAHM too.


Thanks, how do you make ginger tea? Or does it come pre-packed in a sachet? Does ginger tea keeps us warm? Sometimes I feel very cold at night.


Jia You!! You can find out your EDD thru this website http://www.ovulation-calculator.org/

It tells you your likely dates of ovulation too.


Can I ask why you are undergoing Caesarean?

Abt Oscar:

Like HHo and SHM, won't be doing Oscar bec will be keeping baby. Sometimes these tests also got false positives, so no point stressing myself and doing confirmation using invasive amniocentesis which carries risk. We didn't do screening for 1st baby too. Just my thoughts...

Wow, this thread is really too fast...

Chatty & ANgel: Yes, i agree with you, can hardly keep my eyes open after 6pm. I drank some tonic brewed by MIL on SUnday but it still doesn't helps...

JollyMummy: I stay in the East too, tampines!


i had a quite traumatic experience when delivering my #1. he was a premature n was breech back den. I under went c-sect to deliver him but coz of his weird position, i have another vertical cut inside my wound that is not visible from the outside other den the normal horizontal bikini cut. I dunno how real it is coz i can't see but tt's wat my gynae describe to me. n ever since den she told me i wun b able to go thru natural birth coz i cannot get into labour which includes contraction. the "movements" of the contraction might hurt the vertical wound and is risky for me.

for the past 1 yr plus, everytime i see my gynae she will remind me of that. always tell me if i pregnant den will try to make bb stay till 37 or 38 weeks n bring him/her out via c-sect. always remind me of this..

i am not utterly happy with this arrangement coz i always believe that going thru natural birth once is a once in a lifetime thing. but oh well~ as long as my kids are healthy and i can tk care of them myself, dun care la.


Juz came back frm gyane..Saw the hb of bb...suddenly,so excited..9wk3d,standing at 25mm

So nice of the Dr to give me 1 flim at no cost.


hmm my gynae package starts at wk 12 till birth for $700 (price exclude medication)..

going back to him 3wks later,and will sign him up..

If not every visit,pocket burn 1 big hole...my av. bill range frm $110 to $140..


haha i m living in SK area,the thread move so fast,aiyo cant catch up who is living in SK too [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

So there are at least 4 of us with similar aged #1s. Holly, OneEgg, Aprodite and me [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Our #1s will be around 28mths when #2 arrive. I hope my boy will be a gd gor gor.

There are also a lot of 34yo mtbs here. I'm turning 35 end of the yr. Even tho I think I'm not high risk since I have #1, I feel like I'm old and tired to look after infant and toddler. But when I was younger, I didn't like kids. Now I wish I had them earlier.


I thought of opting for C-sect this time leh. Cos the last time I had natural delivery and I hurt my tail bone. I endured pain in my butt for almost 17mths. But when I told my gynae, he advised me not to decide now... cos surgery still got more risk than natural. Sigh... if I have to sit funny for more than a yr again, I dunno how upset I'll be.

Holly, c-sect recovery, was it tough? I know my episiotomy was terrible to heal. I didn't dare to do the do with my hb for more than half a yr after. Was painful.

wah this thread is moving so fast...hard to catch up..

shan and holly: i heard somewhere that pregnant ladies are "stronger" than brides even tho both are considered joyous occasions...so you may wanna ask if they mind or not..if they say ok and you feel comfortable abt going, i don't see why not...

my gynae wasn't really pushy abt the oscar test when we visited her..she merely highlighted what it entailed and the accuracy rate etc..but my husband used to work in the healthcare sector and feels that we should go ahead cuz the risk level is not so high..plus i am 33 and first baby so i thought better give myself peace of mind..i guess it's all v personal and subjective whether you wanna go for the extra tests or not..discuss with your husband cos it should be a joint decision...

i don't have morning sickness but it's definitely nite sickness..i always feel nauseous before bedtime and i have such a huge craving for sour plums...not too sure if it's due to my late dinner...i can take lotsa fruits but the smell of fish turns me off..going to foodcourts when i pass by certain stalls too..i can easily eat 3 to 4 sour plums in one go...dunno if anyone is like me...i also feel my breasts are less sore than previous week...paranoia at work again..only can get assurance when i go for second visit on wed...

michele: your company hr policy doesn't seem to be pro-family...i will feel quite demoralized man..really can't help if you are on MC..who would wanna be at home on sick leave unless they can't help it...hope you will get stronger soon!


it really depends on how much ur pain threshold is eh. my cousin who did c-sect said she din get off bed for 3 days. but for me.. i was already walking ard in my ward the 2nd day. n 3rd day i walked downstairs to NICU to look at my son already. Is quite tough but my pain threshold is quite high. so it really really depends.

Hi Jewel...thanks for asking..its been a traumatic nite for me..

Well, am gonna have to trouble Bam to remove my name from the list.. coz gynae said she couldnt see the bb's hb yesterday..and the bb hasnt grown much too..suppose to be 8 weeks liaos but scan still shows at 6 weeks 6 days..so chances are not looking good..

She has taken some blood yesterday and i will need to go for another blood test tomorrow morning.. to test for the hcg level..if there is no significant increase, means baby is not growing and she will have to remove it..

Its very hard to type it all out..very painful.. but i guess its some sort of closure for me too..

I know some mummies here have had mc before..can you all kindly pm me and share what the procedure is like to remove the foetus?

Am still praying for a miracle.. but i think the chances are slim..

Thanks for everyone's support over the last few weeks.. and all the best to the rest of you! Take care...

