(2010/11) November 2010 MTB

Hho - I recall is detailed scanning and blood test (I think!) I don't recall anything more invasive than that.

Any mummies remember?

h ho,

i doing my oscar test on 30th.

re: tummy,

i wish my tummy wun show so soon.. but seems like is coming out already. but still only visible by myself. others still cannot see yet la..

holly: i doing the scan on 30th... and blood test this friday...

what i was told is that the blood test results needs alittle time.... and on 30th will do the scan and let me know the results as well...

it's a test to let us know if it is low risk or high risk...

Hi mommies, I'm from Jan 2010 thread.

I have the following I wish to let go:

Via post or Self collection will be @ my place in Aljunied.

Nursing Bra size 40C (Nude(brown) and light beige) - $8.50 each including postage

Washed not worn. Bought wrong size. Ribbon in the centre has been removed.

For pictures, please visit http://www.flickr.com/photos/23825906@N03/sets/72157623457485138

Brand New Unopened (without box) Medela Purelan $10 including postage

37g Expiry June 2012

Brand New Unopened Avent Nipple Cream $14 including postage

30g Expiry June 2011

From Little dreamers

Healing bottom spray $13.50 including postage

Brand new unopened 120ml bottle Expiry Sep 2011

I had to go for c-sect thus selling this off.

Dry confinement Powder (for hair) $7 including postage

3.4oz bottle Expiry Oct 2011

Used 30%. Tried using during confinement but end up washing my hair. :p

Do PM me if keen.


if my memory didnt fall me...

wk 12, test for down sydrome and blood test for HIV and DS (i think)

wk 20, detail scanning

wk 28, glucose test for those with family history

wk 32 - strep B test


though mine at week 5+ but tummy started to show liao. maybe its no 2 so easier to see... my bottom cant fit le, so sad

hmmm... then mine is not oscars?? i am just doing blood test and scan... the doc told me it's DS test... not sure if the scan is detailed scan... but will be doing the scan on week 12... no test for glucose and strep B...

i am doing mine at kkh...

Aiyo, I also want fab body during pregnancy... Mine when in morning, figure looks gd! But after breakie and lunxh, my tummy gets biiger. It is filled w gas and more gas! Ha... Bloated big time!

I like fruits too, and non oily vegs. Best is soupy food! Ha!

How much is oscars?

bbl: mine is only $300+... i think it's called NT scan... based on what i am reading a baby centre... not OSCARS...

bam78: i think it's the weather.. my niece and nephew are down... my hub was feverish yday...

take care... go back rest ba...

Tks Bam for updating!

Yes, I do burp alot more nw & feel giddy too...

Not a gd day at wrk today.... Monday blues..... Boss in bad mood....

velvet: so yours got a scan again on week 20?

mine only got a scan at week 12... end of 1st tri... which is end apr for me...

sigh... so what is what... confused... price the same as mine... unless the adviser didn't tell me in detail? hmm...

HHO - erm, my OSCARS scan is on 28th, so it's week 12. I think it's short form for something. As for what milo indicated, there shd be another scann in week 20 or there abouts. Think that's also when we can see if its gal or boy, if bb in the mood?

wat i had last time when i had #1...

1) OSCAR test during 12 weeks.

2) Detailed scan during 20 weeks.

other got any test anot i dunno. after detail scan i had nuthing but i only preggy till 31 weeks coz my boy is premature. so after 32 weeks got wat i dunno le.

hmmm... that week 20 scan is part of the OSCARs package?

i tot normal scan will be able to see boy or girl? the usual scan machine that is used when we visit the gynae each time...

pardon my ignorance... that's what i tot...

My wt is constant from wk 5, maybe cos I vomit, but my tummy getting bigger.

Velvet, read in some books that cramp can be due to lack of calcium. I used to have cramps ard wk5 but not anymore.

For those who is suffering from MS:

Am feeling cold during day & nite time... think my body too liang... am turning to drink warm ginger juice to reduce nausea feeling. For those who are always feeling warm during pregnancy... can try warm peppermint instead. Of cos, consume comfortable quantity.

Just came back from gynae.

saw my baby moving LOL doc was so amused by it.

been so busy the last wk due to best friend's wedding.

Hows everybody?

Jewel - interesting, where you buy the warm ginger juice? I usually detest ginger but I seem to be more inclined towards it this time round. Maybe I can try a small quantity to test.

I'm fairly cold in the day but hot at night! I times I wake up in the middle of the night to get the covers off me! heh.

h ho,

detail scan is done using another machine. detail scan is to see whether ur bb is growing healthily anot. heart got hole? kidneys in pairs? liver working normally? n so on. the veins n brain developing. some ppl go for detail scan also might not b able to see the gender yet de.


wow! how many weeks are u in? my bb still not moving when i saw him/her last sat...

OSCAR test is to test for risk of down syndrome. is a blood test... n the result normally out only after abt a week or 2.

Ok, ladies - did some research:


OSCAR stands for "One-Stop Clinic for Assessment of Risk". This is the latest prenatal screening program for Down's Syndrome, introduced from Fetal Medicine Foundation of United Kingom. The screening program is performed during 11-14 weeks of gestation, and consists of the measurements of Nuchal Translucency, maternal serum level of Pregnancy Associated Plasma Protein-A (PAPP-A), and free beta-human Chorionic Gonadotropin (free beta-hCG). The chance of having a Down fetus is computed using the above information. This screening test is safe with a detection rate of 90%.


Firstly, ultrasound scanning is performed to confirm the gestational age and fetal size. The nuchal translucency is also measured.

Blood is then taken from the pregnant woman for PAPP-A and free-beta hCG assay. The result will be available after an hour.

A software issued by Fetal Medicine Foundation will be used to compute the chance of Down's syndrome. The test is regarded as positive if the computed chance is higher than 1:300; otherwise it is negative.

About 7% of all women undergoing the screening will have a positive result (high risk). Further invasive procedures such as chorionic villus sampling or amniocentesis will be required to confirm whether the fetus a Down's. We recommend chorionic villus sampling as it can be performed before 14 weeks, and have the same risk of amniocentesis (1% abortion rate).

A negative screening test indicate that the chance of having a Down fetus is very low, though it cannot be totally excluded. Invasive procedures are not indicated.

Velvet, you can buy those instant one in sachets from NTUC, just mix with warm water. Or you can boil some ginger over water at home & add some sugar to it so that it doesn't taste bitter. Both also can. It works for me...

Holly:i m exactly 9 weeks today.

H Ho:eh i back out ask another buddy to be the emcee cos I really feeling very lousy last week.

lol... Jewel n Bam78.. me so envious of u 2.. at least u can release the air.. mine is all bloated inside.. haiz..

any air relieving solution? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Jewel - i suddenly felt very cold in the middle of last nite... haha.. tot what was wrong with me.. was shivering as I was bathing too...

Think i have been drinkin too much cold stuff...

chatty, from chinese medicine point of view preggy woman shouldnt be drinking cold water. that's why i'm banned from going to the fridge at my house and ordering cold drinks whenever me and my hubb is out dining. btw not just cold drinks but food that is consider cold also. like watermelon, pear (those yellow ones), kang kong etc etc...

yeah i remember last time my frens say they were barred from drinking cold drinks.. but my cold drinks are like fresh milk, yogurt drink and soya milk lah..

So for the first 2 drinks.. like cannot dun drink cold leh... i already try very hard not to drink cold plain water liaos (coz usually i only drink cold plain water)...

chatty, i got the same prob. i love the cold cos i cant stand being hot. weather so hot still drink hot. but due to the first bad experience i had i better be good gurl. i got banned drinking cold milk was asked to drink anmum and hot milo. so i have replaced cold milk with anmum and kopi o with milo. there's a lot of things that i kena banned from drinking and eating. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

babieslove, this is my 10 weeks.

velvet, im should be taking the blood test/scan in next/following weeks. hoping results is good so will not need to do the amnio test. tks for the good info on this DS tests [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

good luck to your result too!

ashley: wow ur bb can move at 9 weeks already. that's really interesting! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] mine is not moving even when the scan was did last sat at 9 weeks 5 days.

Jen, try ginger juice/water... cos ginger can help to expel the wind.

Chattybear, try to take more warm drinks. Cold ones will only make u produce more discharge, as I have earlier experienced & no gd for the bb.

For those 8wks & above, yr bb is officially called foetus (ie. the little one) [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

hi Jewel, thanks =)

for my 1st one, i did drink and it helps.. but for this liitle one, i'm very sensitive to smells leh.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] nevertheless i will try once i'm back tonight.. feel like a balloon these few days..

i m so windy inside till my gynae when she scan, she have to press very very hard to see. i complain my tummy coming out.. but i think all are wind inside lo..

Hi Ladies!

my boss asked me how i'm coping in the new office and all.. keke.. then i told him i buay tahan the noise until i headache.. then he say we can work out something for me to work from home. woohoo!! hahahaha.. hope la.. all these tow kay say for fun nia..

i have my next appt on wed. i'm still not feeling super attached to my bb yet.. coz i know its going to be a logistic nitemare for me. sigh.. i did not do the OSCAR n triple test thing for my first bb coz i find it not neccessary.. and the results sometimes not accurate also. coz a friend got 1:13 for the ds test.., which means that her baby sure DS coz normal result is 1: 1000++ but then she didnt terminate her pregnancy n her bb boy is a very healthy and normal kid. so for these testing hor.. dun too stressed over it. take it easy!

phyl, good for u lor can work at hm =)

me also dun feel the bond w the little one.. haiz.. dunno izzit due to haven seen it yet..

also worried bout $$ and whether my gal can bond with it anot..


piggi: wow ur boss really good. at least he has the thought..now just wait for him to carry out the real action.

and ur fren really one positive person! i admire her courage and really happy that her boy is normal. if i got the result of 1:13, i really don't know wat to do [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] sure supper stressed...

