(2010/11) November 2010 MTB

yah own mama forever the best!!!somemore my mil doesnt really noe how to cook arghh...quite frustrating I cook better than her.

Hahaha at least own mama do the wrong things then can tell her not to do it again.

MIL do the wrong things cannot tell her off.somemore my mother in law very stubborn.my hubb tell her not to do something again 4 times she still keep on doing it dunno seems like she is quite thrilled to see us irritated.


LOL haha!!!but this is a MTBs thread!

Babieslove must share your experience with us cos you are the most experience here i guess.

then let's start a "how to deal with MIL" thread !

hahaha.... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

My next appointment is 23rd April.. Another month to go.. Counting down again.. When u are looking forward to a certain date. The time seems to pass slowly hor..

bam78 : indeed... my next one is 2weeks from this tuesday... i already feel time passes so slowly... everynight just dreaming about baby... hehe...

ashley: i kept thinking the past few days (ever since i knew i'm preg)... i will be MIL one day... what kind of MIL will i be... hahaha... new age MIL ???

I went to see my Gynae as "walk-in" today after seeing some spotting. Gave me Duphaston to stabilise my pregnancy. Now only 5 weeks, can't detect heartbeat. Going back to her in 2 weeks' time.

Bam78, can help to update my details?

EDD: 13 Nov

Gynae: Dr Joycelyn Wong

Hospital: TMC

No of kids: 1 upcoming


H Ho:me too!!!haha but confirm cannot depend on our kids in future let them run their own life.My MIL depends on us too much emotionally which I dun really like.haiz

hi jazel... my doc gave me the same med... to eat for 2 weeks... twice a day... he gave me a "an tai" jab as well... after the jab... the next day i didn't see spotting... and have been eating the med... he ask me rest alot, dun walk too much and avoid crowded places...

so stay home and be good MTB this weekend.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

i saw my bb hb that day... doc said was 6wks old...

and we got first pair up... 2 MTB seeing the same gynae... jazel and shm125... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]))

ashley: i agree... kids nowadays more and more westernize... now got to plan for our own old age/retirement... cannot plan that they will take care of us... hmmm....

Jazel : it will... my friend told me that as MTB we must stay happy and be positive...

have a good weekend all !!!

Aiyo, I totally agree on preparing our mil for our new born!!! Lol

Jazel, jia you. Rest more and be positive. U will be real fine ya... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Don't go ard too much ya...

Enuff said, I'm feeling fatique now. Feels abit down w flu. Guess I've been out the whole day so I shd rest more too, tmr!

So so so tired. Now having buffet!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

i throw my temper at my hubby friend.. cuz he talk bad about me.. haiz.. i dun knoe y i will so angry.. n now i abit lost.. for few weeks already always throw temper at my hubby.. i wan to control my temper.. but always come out by itself.. really hope my temper will go down..

Hi all! I'm a new MTB and I'm so excited abt it! Juz found out on wed! Nt sure exactly whn my EDD is yet bt it shd be in Nov! Going for 2nd scan on 3april. Do hope to be of help to all and gain info too!


Fiona, I get more grouchy when i come back from work and tired too. I'm sure your hubby will understand that it's your hormonal changes talking, not you. Think about the happy things, the things you can do with your bb next time....then might make you happier.

Lee Hong: we have the same EDD! and I'll be delivering at Mt.A as well! hehe.... i found most of us here EDD ard the same time.

Bam78, can you please update my details in your table as well? Thanks!

Nick : MummyUnome

EDD : 9 nov 2010

Gynae : Dr Ang Huai Yan

Hosp : Mt. Alvernia

kids : 1 upcoming

Thanks and haf a great weekend all!


Lee hong: yes I'm also seeing Dr Tho @ JE

fishy: I heard my Bb heartbeat on my first visit to gynae on this Monday, 6w5d. My next appt will be mid April.

Velvet: i try to avoid carrying my daughter cos she's not light @ 17kg n very active

oh, so happy for you....... due to my previous miscarriage. Now my hubby and I dun dare to tell any1 abt my pregancy. we only want to disclose after the 1st trimster.

Fishy, I think we'll know ard 4th month but also depending on how "shy" the baby is. Coz sometimes they way they sleep might cover the important part. hehe...

mummyunome: thanks.. but the problem is i still dun knoe whether i pregnant anot.. hehe.. tahan until monday den check again.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

hello mummies n mtb,

its a rainy morning o!..

Juz got back frm my gynae.Saw the waterbag and a small tiny black dot..So hapi..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi mummies/mtbs,

just woke up after feeling tired and giddy. I had seen Dr Tham this morning, managed to see the sac and it's not ectopic. Will be seeing him in 2 weeks time.

fishy me too m/c before also dun dare to tell ppl now.only told my mum and 1 close friend of mine not even my MIL LOL!!!

The little secret only known by me and my hubby. Last time, we told mi MIL and my mum. End up a group of pp all knew abt it. So nw we didn't want to let anybody know.

ty ty griny & ashley [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

fishy & ashely,

for me,after my hub told his mum,the whole world noes abt my pregnency.1 spread after another 1..Siao Liao!

Cross my finger, hope things will be shun shun..

Chloe, I'm going to tell my in laws next week. Hopefully they won't spread cos' this would be their first grandson. Must remind them not to say cos' pandang. Scared they go around telling friends and relatives.

yayaya fenya, correct is pandanag..

but u noe la.sometimes the in-laws over excited and spill the beans..

For me,its also their 1st grandchild.so i suppose over excited and hence..hahaa.the news spread ...

Had my appointment again this morning..

My Gyane checking very carefully on the baby's heartbeat , How much it grown & the Movement too.

Yes the heartbeat was going strong , it's now 1.84cm now ( 8 weeks 2 days ) & it's moving!!

Anyway , i will be visiting my agyane after 4 weeks!

i lao sai 3 times today aft drinking 3 glasses of milk.... =(

xy78: how's dr. Benjamin? is he very detailed and willing to answer all your doubts? thanks!

i'm going to see him on monday. =)

Hi Bm78,

could u pls add me to the list too?

EDD: nov 2010 ( nt sure of exact date yet)

gynane: Dr K K Ho

hospital: Mt E / Mt A

kids: 1 upcoming


Gd day ladies...

Was having flu yesterday and keep having nose tap dripping! Guess not enuff rest cos I was out the whole day on fri and caught some rain too.

Today slightly better cos I slept early last night.

Good sleep but again, dreams and pee in the night again.

Anybody has dream, almost everynight?

Aiyo, last night I dreamt of having discharge!!! Woke up went toilet to pee then check. Luckily just a dream. So paranoid. Must be reading too many posts on discharge. Arrrggghhh...

Bam, old people likes to spread gd news. Don't be mad at ur mum lah! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Congrats chloe and xy78. So happy for u gals...

Fiona, still haven't come means gd news! So jia you...

Welcome new mtb, peterjune!

Fishy, I also very anxious on the baby's gender. I heard if you do oscars test at week 12, usually doc can find out abt the baby's gender.

Anybody heard of this? They said by counting the number of spinal bones? Not sure correct or not! All my 2 previous pregnancy, I did triple test instead of oscars. Oscars very ex!!! Haaa...

This time I might try oscars.

Nana, don't worry, you will be in good hand. He is gentle and caring. He's going to TMC soon in mid May and the cost is cheaper alot compared to KKH.

Griny & Ashley, thanks.

Ashley, yup, i agreed that Babies are very 小气. Last time, my mother break the news before i was 3 months preggy, i got bleeding and spotting straight after that.

hi ladies.. my AF still not here yet.. so will test tml morning to confirm again.. take care.. update u all tml morning..


i m sure u will bring us good news [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Slp well tonite ya...[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Morning ladies! It's a sunny day, hope it stays dis way! I guess it's similar to most of us. I choose to only inform my family abt my bb bt hv nt inform my in laws yet. Infact I rather inform my Frends than them. I'm so mean rite! Guess I rather do away with the "unecessary" attention fr them.

Btw, I went wif a frend to expo yesterday for baby fair. Lots of offers going on. It was an eye opener for me!! I wanted to buy everything!!

Aiyo, my mama just told one auntie today. My baby better zhen qi and prove them wrong. We r strong baby...

also, I think my ms keeps in today. Feels nausea now!


I realise I over worry also.haiz kept reading on those discharge lah etc haha...

Anybody planning to store their baby's cordblood?

