(2010/11) November 2010 MTB

Ashley, I also read too much but at least u got no dream. Me keeps dreaming...

My back got a lot of acnes, those small blemish.

Mtb, do you have?

Hmm I think got to be more positive from now on since doc say the progress is very good!

All Mtbs dun worry too much let's be positive.

I read somewhere after get pregnant ur skin either become very dry or oily so I guess it's normal to have breakouts


i juz ask my gynae ytd abt facial.but was advise against doing facial as he say the chem might penerate into our skin and in turn harm the fetus...

So muz "ren",dun b soo vain for now ya...!

hahah..my skin get super oily.lol..i tink enff to fry some chicken wings le! ...


Try again yah! dun give up! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Chloe, I don't do facial one, even on regular moments. The only thing I did now is eyebrown threading. Today the therapist did on my upper lip. I want to cry lor. So pain!! For the first time in life I did that...

Nah, I won't do any chemical stuffs for now. My nails are so bare now. No more french pedi and mani!

Ya, my gynae told me nt to dye or rebond hair coz chemicals harmful to our bodies... Haiz, my hair is in a mess nw!!! Bt I think medi & pedi shd be ok rite? Wat do u guys think?

Ive nt got ant break outs yet (touch wood) bt am feeling tired & emotional .... Hubby wrks late & comes hm late too...

Hi, I'm Jean here. Actually I'm planning for a Rabbit baby but baby come too soon...Should be in my 6 weeks now... Waiting for my first appt on 06 April...

Ashley, cannot rebond. Better be safe then sorry.

Peterjune, they said cld be due to the birthmark, some myth I heard. So better not any colour on your nails.

Ashley, I have a fren who just gave birth about 5 months ago. She went for rebonding 1-2 months before she was due. Baby fine and healthy still. She said the chemical didnt touch her scalp coz the stylist was very careful after seeing her big bump.

I'm tempted to do it too coz I have permed hair now. Might wanna straighten it for easy maintenance later.

Fiona: Dun give up and keep trying again next month. I had a chemical pregnancy just 1 cycle before i got pregnant. So gambate!!!

Yah I think they say if want to dye hair must wait after 1st trimester. Pedicure manicure should be ok lah.

Jean, tiger is good cos this year golden tiger. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi jean, welcome to this thread. R u first time mama?

Not sure if tiger is a good year for baby, but again everything is quite unplan so leave it to heaven to decide for us.

Pray all goes well for all of us here!

Fiona, I forget to post. Don't be disheartered ya. Keep trying and you will see result one day. For mine, really unexpected one cos last year we were like trying hard but nothing happen so we leave it for awhile, infact thinking of stopping at 2. Now miracle happens... So u keep going girl!


for me,i got sign packages for IPL n facial.now preggie,those package gona be unused for a long time..

Hahaha..our pain thredhold seems to drop ah..

Ur pregnency oso unplan? hahaha last year,i kept on trying,but no news.den now got other plans,this preg kick in..aiyo...playing a joke on me man...


as for pedi n mani,i tink sld be fine...but for myself,i tink i will avoid mani for the time being ..i scare accidently some chipped nail posish might fall into my mouth..while feeding myself the medi..hahaha..i m super blur & clumsy person..

Chloe, ya lor! I was happy with 2 cos I got a lot of plans on hand. Now I will put all plans on hold and enjoy this pregnancy. Just pray all good things come my way...

I am also clumsy nowadays. Keeps tripping! Aiyo... Gees!!

so angry with my MIL.tdy good mood so allow my hubb to tell his mum that I m pregnant.

Her response is "OH I THOUGHT UR WIFE WAN A RABBIT?"ultimate answer then next she carry on toking abt quitting her job wah lau bloody hell cannot take it spoil my mood to the max.

Hi Ashley, no angry... No point angry. Be a happy mummy... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

thanks fishy!I think my MIL is the only one that can drive me crazy.really buay tahan.I thought she will be happy leh cos during CNY kept grumbling say want grandchild arghhh...

Ashley, alamak... Don't get angry with your mil. Maybe deep inside she is very happy but just casually said I thought u wanted rabbit... Ignore her for now lah and be a happy mama ya... Sometimes hor, old people is like this. Is your hb the only son?

Ashley, ya lah! Very typical of mil one, especially w only 1 son. Usually they r worried wife takes their son away.

U gotta ren ya. Don't let her affect u...

Babieslove, yes! It's golden tiger year! Five elements, metal (gold), earth, wood, water and fire. Golden tiger only comes once in 60 years! So our babies are precious this year. It's not that it's tiger means we should avoid marriage or pregnancy according to Yu Long Zi. I went to the temple on CNY la so I happened to watch the video they were playing.

If you want to know which element of animal you are, you can check out this website.


Fenya, so so happy! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Our tiger baby surely a golden ones... Heee...

Mtb, now I'm so bad with real bad running nose and sore throat. Do u think it'll affect baby? I do not have this before. Now I only take vitamin c and lots of water! Haiz... Pls advise!

Hi mtbs,

I heard that the smells fr doing nails might make us wanna puke. Is a response that a mtb has naturally to warn us of harmful fumes and chemicals. Same for hair chemicals. As for nail color, when we get admitted to give birth, they won't allow us to hv painted nails cos they will see our nails chg color if we not enuf oxygen.

My skin also become oilier. Feels yucky. I probably will continue go for facials. My last pregnancy I did hv lotsa dreams, but now no leh. I starting a little bit of MS finally. I was starting to wonder if really pregnant w/o the MS. Phew! Crazy.

Ashley, mtbs can get rather emo, u take it easy k. Me, if someone tries to irritate me, I purposely bochap to get back at them. Only difference is the person who irritates me is my step mum, not mil. Mine died ald.

Thanks Briebaby!

Babieslove I think u need to rest more.

Fenya:thanks for the info lol mad happy cos me and my hubb lacking the gold element in us!thanks fenya u made my day!


common flu and sore throat wont affect the bb (as advise by my gynae)..but but if u wan to intake medication,pls do not be doctor urself,ok...

consult a doc...no joking ya..coz certain medication sold at guardian is not suitable for mtb [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

i m down with fever last wk..too..hahaha..in the middle of the nite..went to thomson medical ctr 24 hrs clinic to c doc..hahaha..

take care ya..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

yah, agree with Chloe. I was down with runny nose on Friday. Dared not take my meds for sinus so went to see doc. Quite heng cos' the doc told me my sinus meds may alter heartbeat. I'm not sure if affect mine or bb's heartbeat also.

He prescribed something called "Rinityn". He advised that paracetamol are fine. Panadol is also fine but not Panadol Flu and Panadol Extra. And, 1 pill is enough cos' some people in a habit of popping two at once.

I'm a fengshui siao. So, I read up alot on this subject. To ttc, i even put a pair of elephants on my bedside as elephants are good symbol of fertility. This is something i did different last month. So, maybe that's why i hit jackpot. So happy!

Lol I also but not as detailed as u fenya.I m thinking of c section but still thinking of which geomancer to go and chose the date.i trust You Long Zi alot but for new borns his disciple will do and recently my friends who went to his disciple all the names very orbit one fenya any other recommendations?

Ashley, dnt b upset, dnt let it affect ur mood & bb! Ultimately, I feel dat Reguardless of gender or zodiac animal, as long as bb is healthy, datz all dat matters isn't it? I knw hw u feel, I'm dreading d day which I tell my mil..... Haiz.... Bt reguardless of wat she says or do, I've plan to handle my child myself as it's ours, nt hers rite?

Fiona, thou I do nt knw u, bt I wld like to share wif u something. Dnt stress urself as I heard dat stress causes our hormones to nt be able to conceive. Need to relax, enjoy the moment during love making...

Babieslovely, try rest more, avoid crowded areas as I heard a cough is going around. Nt to mention, weather has nt been gd.

I've been hving v bad constipation for arnd 4 days!!! Wat shd I do?

Hving Monday blues aldy......

I know of one who's quite good with names and numerology located in Aljunied. I consulted him when choosing my house unit number and carplate no. He tells fortune through numerology. But, he's likely to tell you that it's doesn't matter what time the baby comes out as long as his IC no is good. Anyway, IC no, can't control also.

I remember one auntie told me that anytime of the day is fine except the wee hour that the rooster usually crowls, which is between 3-5am. She says that any baby who borns this time will chong everyone no matter what zodiac he is.

If you want to know which good dates, you can go and buy Lilian Too's 2010 diary. Costs $12.90. It tells you which dates are good for giving birth, weddings, renovation, meetings, what colours to wear everyday for good luck, etc. Wah, you more pang dang than me man.

Peterjune, agree that as long as baby comes out healthy. Gender and zodiac signs don't matter.

I'm also having constipation despite eating fruits. Is it true that we must avoid watermelon, papaya and pineapple?

Ya, I heard dat watermelon & pineapple v 'cooling' no gd for bb nw. Including coconut. Bt drinking coconut in last few wks will help to ease bb & provide smooth delivery.

Good nite all MTBs!!!

Hi ladies, gd day! School reopen again. My kids r going bk to school today.

I'm in bad shape today. My throat r so bad and the running tap remains open. Aiyo, so pek chek. I didn't dare to see doc yet cos I don't like to take medicine one. Arrrgghhh...

Re constipation, I think its safe to take papaya. No worries on that. I'm quite lucky cos everyday I poo...

Re pangdang, I think we shdnt be too pangdang when we hv baby so when the baby comes out to this world, its easier to look after. Parents shdnt be too pangdang. I've experienced le. My elder one, we r too pang dang and that's y he's a difficult baby to look after when infant time. My 2nd one I bo chap so quite westernise... And true enuff, he's so easy to look after when baby time. So you gals decide. I think everything zhu ding le. Maybe after baby born then pangdang w names, etc... Then not too bad yah...

