(2010/11) November 2010 MTB


When u travel, did u use disposable bibs? I need to get some but then maybe we can use non-disposable ones? but then those bibs can't be washed in hotel. Any tips?


Bam: sorry for the late reply. The wakodo biscuits all major supermarkets have but the porridge and bb food only available at isetan supermarket and mediya. The latter has more range of bb food and juices, very healthy and good quality.

As for heating up the porridge, bring along your thermos, heat up before you go. Then heat up porrige and pour it in. It will be able to last.

Bf: don't have never mind, food is everywhere in HKG. You eat dim sum can feed bb pao! Not all of Their food are salty so use your discretion. Can always order plain soft noodles, then warm up your bottle puree and add it in. Can call that Bam's pasta! 

Hi monyetnakal, which option dud u take for yr iherb shipping? My order in mid jul is still not here.

Bam, u can always bring along babyfood in pouches or glass jar form. My #1 seldom take outside food until he is 2yo, coz outside food is salty or have MSG..

hi clover, i will use the DHL, for my past experience i will receive within 5 days. Tried the international mail .. its taking too long to received although it maybe cheaper for small orders. thats why i want to consolidate more order so the delivery using DHL will be cheaper.

Mummies, my girl has been having fever on n off for the past two days, highest temp reached 38.5 but it did get better to normal temp then today hovering high n low ard 37-37.5 average...i haven brought her to doc yet cos i hv fever medicine...do u think i shud soon?I tink its most likely due to teething cos she refuses milk totally for some feeds (which she hardly does)...could it be something else instead? Need ur advice...

enmummuy, think should have bring her to doc to have a ease of mind. Though most of the time we are pretty sure the fever is due to teething, but to make us less worry and less guilty, I will bring bb to doc.

If like what u have described, most likey its teething. Mine behave the same way when he was teething.. They will refuse milk for quite a number of days although they are very very hungry. At least let the doc screen through and prob emotionally u will feel slightly better.


I have the following balloons:

1 cupcake shaped balloon measuring 26" x 21",

2 round, double-sided balloons measuring 18",

2 square, double-sided balloons measuring 18".

1 First Birthday Princess Balloon 28"

Ballons were used once during my daughter's 1st birthday that just past.

Condition: 8/10

Balloons are fully deflated so only require helium and ribbons.

Selling all at S$23 (including postage).

Free: 18 pieces of First Birthday Princess plates 18" (unopened)

Links for reference:




Pls PM me to liaise. Thanks!

junvis/happy_ocean/sharon: thanks for the concern [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] luckily my girl's temp went down this morning and remained normal for the whole day today...hopefully it will remain the same for tomorrow...yesterday i was so zombified...never sleep the whole nite sponging her cos' i notice her temp rising...then at 4 am she woke up crying pitifully cos' i think she felt scared and uncomfortable at 38.5 degrees....i fed her milk (she drank all *phew*) then fever medicine and she slept at 5 am....crazy me still bother to cook porridge for her lunch at 5 plus am...haha...cos' scared no time to do so if going doc in the morning...fortunately all is well now *cross fingers*

Chris u get the ballon pump at kidz party store. Email them to find the pricing [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi mummies

My son just went for 9th month assessment last saturday . So far everything pass only one of section not meet the requirement. My son still dun know talk ba , ta , ma so nurse ask me monitor again.

Wondering if your baby already can pronounce ma ta da ba when he is 9 months ?

Baby2010 > My baby cn sy all of tat except ma. Tink he isn't so keen to call mama tat sn. :p

monyet> Oh, do u happen to hv the addrs or the shop name? Thks.

Baby2010, yes my girl can call baba very well as well as some bb languages. Only recently then she started to call ma ma (sometimes very zhun) at times sound like mum-mum kinda..

Party Shop

There are 3 party shops at 116 Middle Road(Next to Iluma), they sell a lot of things, balloons, party favour, decoration etc.

Heartlink Trading

#01-02, 116 Middle Road, ICB Enterprise House, Singapore 188972

p: 62974939 f: 63398834



116 Middle Road ICB Enterprise House

#01-03 Singapore 188972

+65 63968208

AZ Gift & Trading-62913130

Nelotte, I bought a few boxes of pigeon disposable bibs cos I was so in love with them the and convenience. Then fater using a few weeks, baby now decides she doesn't like bibs and before I start feed her the first spoonful, she will tear off her bib. End up now, I don't even put on any bibs. I just try to be careful when feeding her [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] What my friends do is the use those plastic type, like ikea sells them and quite big also. After that just wipe or rinse off with water, dry it and pack back into bag.

Hi mommies,

can I ask if ur little darlings are sleeping thru yet?

Mine, at 9.5 mths old still not! She will wake up, sit on her bed and cry for attention. Till 1 of us go over, to lie her down, give water and paci before she will go back to sleep.

I am so tired...

anyone has suggestions to overcome, pls?

sheepysheeps, my girl used to sleep thru' the nights.. But as she grow older and become more mobile, sometimes at night she will wake up, flip, crawl and sit ard too. Yes we have to pat her back to bed. But at times when she is too tired esp wkends due to we often go outside, she cant have full nap hence she can sleep thru'.

I guess it is just a phase, endure and it will pass thru' ;)

Hi, sheepysheeps.

I've been trying Gina Ford's method for 2 weeks now and it seems to be working. She's only waking up at 4/5 am, so not as bad as when she was waking up at 1 am/ 3 am etc.

But I don't follow her method wholesale. I first adjusted Z's timing to closer and closer to Gina Ford's schedule. e.g. morning nap supposed to end at 10 am. z's original nap is 10.30 am, so I kept trying to put her down for a nap 15 mins earlier for a few days, then another 15 mins earlier, until it's almost the same as Gina Ford's.

But I'm still carrying Z to sleep, she cannot be put on e bed and patted to sleep. Will work on not carrying after she can sleep thr e nite successfully.

babywonder/ sharon: thanks for your well wishes...my girl has recovered...yippee!!...i even brought her shopping at h&m yesterday...*guilty look*...oops...[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] i am not sure what caused the fever...but fortunately all is well now...

baby2010: my baby can call bababa a few weeks ago...now she has expanded her vocab to jajaja...yayaya...ah ah ah...and surprisingly after her fever bout a few days ago she started calling mamama and mum mum...must be too touched i sponged her all night and when she was sick mama was the one who comforted her...hahaha...*joking*...anyway its really music to my ears whenever she calls mama...

sheepysheeps: u are not the only one...my girl will still wake up at least once throughout the night...only a few rarer occasions sleep from 11-7 those kind...i hope she will outgrow it on her own soon too...[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi mummies... My friend has just started selling kids' clothes on facebook... Her stocks r quite nice and r from Korea and Taiwan. As she has a boy herself, can find quite some boy's collection in her page! Pls add her... Her nick is Sesire Kids! Happy shopping! =)


can pls share more about Gina Ford's method?

morning nap end at 10am? My girl only starts to nap at 10+/11am+...

enmummy, good that BB has recovered! *YAY*

oh.. so seems like i not alone in my sleeping woes..

sheepysheeps, I can't remember the precise timings but Gina Ford's schedule for babies 9-12 months is something like this.

7 am - breakfast, change nappy

9 am - start to put down for nap by closing curtains etc

9.30 am - wake up (ideal)

10 am - if baby still asleep, must wake bb up

11.45 am - eat lunch

12.30 pm - take nap

2.30 pm - wake up. If bb not awake, must wake bb up

2.30 pm - drink milk/snack

5 pm - dinner

6 pm - massage, bath etc

6.30 pm -milk/ put down to sleep for night-time.

I'm not 100% sure, u might want to check the Contented Little Baby book to confirm.

Originally Z also takes her naps ard 10-10.30 am and afternoon sleeps from 3 pm. Her original lunch and dinner timing also different from Gina Ford's. She has always woke up before 7/8 am no matter how many times she wake up at night.

So what I did when she was abt 9 months was to adjust her routine.

E.g. Day 1

10 am - Try and put her down for nap

11 am - wake her up if she hasn't woken up yet

2.30 pm - take afternoon nap

4.30 pm - wake her up.

Do e same for abt 4 days

Day 5

9.30 am - try and put her down for nap (timing is brought forward by 30 mins)

10.30 am - wake up

2 pm - take afternoon nap

4 pm - wake up

If u remember at the Little Gym trial, Z is v strong-willed and won't sleep just becoz we try and adjust. So got to slowly slowly adjust.

Gina Ford's routine is recommended for younger babies, but she did say in her book that if we want to introduce for older babies, we have to be patient and might take longer for the older baby to adapt.

I don't follow Gina Ford's routine wholesale. Z still wants to be carried to sleep and won't sleep by the pat-shush way. Am thinking to train her on pat-shus after I can get her to sleep thr e night. She also doesn't go to sleep ard 7 pm, 8-9 pm is more like her bedtime.

So far, for e past week, Z has only been waking up ard 11 pm (need to be comforted for a while) and then wake up at 5/6 am for e day.

Hi mummies, just asking. My bb is currently 10 months 10 days old. But no teeth at all. No white showing in her gums. Any bb out there just as Bo gay? Asked Polyclinic during assessment, they say nevermind. Just wait.

Hi Mummies.

My son vomit 2 times on 4am this early morning..do u all know usually vomit is bcos what reason? is it tummy got "wind" or eat something wrong? same as usual...nothing special ,only feed him some avacado on 3pm afternoon but this is not the first he eat.

but night time we bring him go to zoo and there have a event. nanny say is bcos smoke so to make his stomach not well.

Anyone encounter this? please advise yr experience.

wow the thread here these days so quiet [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Junvis when is the gathering? any idea?


My bb will also vomit suddenly kind. In her case is usually she choke. Till now, at 9mths 3wks old, she cannot bite.

So all her food are very smooth. Porridge must be so mushy till everything is paste. Else, she will choke.

And once choke, all comes out thru the mouth.


Then how is BB Z's daily schedule like har?

My BB's schedule is like this.

7.30am - Milk

8.30am - Go to the garden for a walk with my mom

10.00 am - Morning Bath

10.30am - Cereal + whatever new food I want to introduce to her. Currently is Egg

11am - Nap (on good days, can nap 1+ hour, else, 30 mins or so)

2pm - Lunch (Yu Ren Sen brown rice)

4pm - Nap (on good days, can nap 1+ hour, else, 30 mins or so)

5+pm - Milk

6pm - Evening Bath

7.30pm - Dinner (Porridge)

9pm - Bedtime + Milk

Then 11+ and 3+ will make noise to look for Paci/water.

I want to try change her morning nap but I dont knw how and also dontknow wat is a good time to go about doing it lor.


U mentioned u tried to put BB Z dw for nap. How u went abt doing it? Mine, when she dont want to nap, she just plainly refuses to nap. She will scream and shout while standing in her cot.

We lay her down, she will put up a fight lei.

sheepysheeps (sheepysheeps) : my son oso 9months 3 weeks now..the porridge oso have to make till paste type.. in this stage, they should know know to chew ? i tot my son is normal. but he can eat the teething biscuit and chew it..should be ok right?

Hi, I am selling away the Haenim play yard to clear space

1) 6 panels Haenim Normal Play Yards (Blue and Red design) to let go at $65*

Consist of the following :

• 1 Activity (Normal) panel

• 2 Doors

• 3 Plain panels

Condition is 6.5/10

* Buyer may want to buy replacement parts+:

• Suction pads (A few have dropped off due to wear and tear )

• Bear stickers (Decorative purposes only, buyer can leave out if there is a budget) Optional

• Mirror sticker (Not reflective, buyer can leave out if there is a budget) Optional

Self collect. Interested buyers may email to [email protected] for viewing.

+Replacement parts can be purchased from SMH Bulk purchase spree:



I thought hv to start teaching them how to chew? Coz I can see that BB is just swallow, w/o even attempting to chew lei.

Ya. Teething biscuit/gerber puffs/youghurt she can sort of chew and make it melt before swallowing.

I read sme where, if BB lazy to chew, will affect speech development in the later stage lor, so I want to get her to start chewing. But she refuses la.

But then, even teething biscuits, sme times she bites off too big can choke also.


Sheepysheeps: hur? will affect the speech development ah? dun scare me ler. my son now still dun know how to call mama or baba or tata..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] what abt yr baby? seem like my baby is swallow without chew ler...

How do you teach yr baby to chew? i oso wan to know....start my worry liao..

