(2010/11) November 2010 MTB

Bam> Yes, u can bring babies items (including water, utensils) up plane (not check in), but its advisable u packed all babies items in 1bag & declare during scanning (so they know inside has cream (more than 100ml) etc...i usually bring hot water (think u can ask from stewardess) myself, u can get at airport boarding gate/nursing room also.


Shoppiee - haha ya its veri nice and handy. Wanted to buy pink color,but was oos when i went there during isetan pte sales.

my son enjoy eating tog with us on the same table. and he tends to make less noise as the surrounding is different and he is busy looking ard. Place the spoon near the mouth,he will open n gobble the food up.

I feed him on the stroller when there is no highchair.So far so gd [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Junvis - i m kiasu. i bought both food jar and lunch box. but the food jar, like wat Mrs Lee says, is veri bulky..Lunch box is more compact [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Thanks Mummywong.

Can check with you if there is Mummy poko avail in HKG? Cos i thinking of bringing only a few and go there buy a pkt. Then balance bring back.

Bam> i replied yr wall post that day, no leh, HK no mummy poko..maybe u can just make do with pampers/huggies here (buy from supermarket/watson/guardian)

yup Bam, i declared the cooled boiled water, bottle + powder.

Hot water i get from plane..

during takeoff, feed baby milk, when they are suckling, can reduce the pressure builtup.

hv fun w ya trip..

1. Can we bring milk powder and milk bottle up the plane? - yes

2. How about hot water for making the milk? we have to ask from stewdess? - can bring or ask.

I brought snacks too. Come in handy when they get cranky or bored.

bam, enjoy your trip! guess you're bringing baby to disneyland? I plan to go when he's around 1.

I bought the food jar too... But no chance to use also.. Maybe next time when go for longer trips ba.. Else y need to bring out 0.9l of warm water. :p

In sin, I think hardly need to use. But I guess our mentality is like - got sale buy 1st!

Thanks mummies..

Shoppiee: No disneyland for me this time..Maybe Ocean park. And i dun think i will be going to HKG disney. If go.. I also bring to Japan one when bb is older.. I also have not been to Japan also.. Good for both.. LOL..

Hi mummies, my boy is 9 months old, doesn't like porridge, any one has the same experience as mine? For carbo, he is taking potato, cereal, yu ren sheng brown rice and sweet potato.


your son not bad already le, take so much.

My girl is on Yu Ren Sheng Brown rice + Nestle cereal and milk whole day nia lor.

She's 8.5 mths.

sheepy n kjboy> i tink no body can beat my bb. Beside milk, He is only on 1 meal of brown rice cereal everyday n half a egg yolk a wk. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] cos my mum refuse to let him eat the puree i mak or bgt. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] he is 8 mths n 3 wk!

Chris, how come your mum doesn't want to feed him the puree? Means he doesn't get in any veg or fruits ah? If she prefers the idea of fresh food, then how about scrapping an apple or pear and then feeding?

my baby turns 8 months today and she started to have a little cough. I feel quite glad that she has managed to stay non-sick up till now..hehhe. Hear her cough then swallow the phelgm, I wish I can teach her to spit it out. I brought her to GP last nite cos PD not open and nanny told me this morning, she had rashes on her face and back, not sure if its due to medicine. Could be heat too. She said the rashes looked like fake measles so I am also not sure. Might be heat rash since weather is so bad? Other than that, she seems a little irritated but eating ok and playing ok.

HPC, are you going to see the PD tonite den? my girl sometime have phelgm too, i will give her the chinese med, hou something.. usually gets better after 2 feeds. maybe you wanna try?

chris, your mother dun trust ang mo style huh? hehehhe...

Junvis: so far i think Foodgo one is ok for me... when i am out i feed directly from the jar unless i want it cooler then maybe will pour out and feed...

Chris: why dun feed? what abt weekends if u are with bb?

Wow, u too so qiao go hk together!

Think now is summer sale too rite [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Chris: dylon has 2 products- colour catcher and color run. That will solve your problem.

Wendy: Count me out pls. Thanks for organizing though.

food containers - I'm using this brand that Mrs Lee is talking abt. It's a Jap brand - zojirushi. But v bulky coz mine has 3 sections. I just bought the Endo thermal magic cooker, will try it out too.

I also want to go HK... do mad shopping! Now planning to bring baby Z to Malaysia. Anyone got experience bringing their 8/9 month old baby on long car journey? My girl loves crawling ard and being super active, I'm concerned that she'll hate a long car journey. Plus the car seat is not supposed to be used longer than 1 hr each time, right?

sharon, mrs lee n hpc > my mum only trust fresh food. Bt even puree mak on the same day also cant. Besid tat, i also dont knw y my son cant swallow well. Esp if got water. I fd him half egg yolk on sat. Sun i wil try to giv him puree made w the blender n steame. Bt he often gt choke on the puree. My guess is tat it has too much water. Hw huh? So old alrdy stil dont knw hw to swallow. Lik tat hw to start him on porridge? Haiz.

Chris, both my mom & my MIL also only trust fresh food. My MIL even asked me not to give my girl tofu coz it's bought from the supermarket e.g not home-made. Dun worry. Ur boy will get there....it's not a race.

But just out of curiosity, how come cannot swallow if got water? If you replace the water with BM or FM, will it have the same reaction?

whim > i tried to spoon fd bb w water, he wil gt choke most of the time. Thn he wil gt so angry n refuse to eat any further. Vry long time ago tried spoon fd milk, wil also gt choke. I m tinkin he doesnt knw hw to control swallowin since water wil flow faster. Whereas cereal or egg yolk is more lik paste. I m nt worry tat he is slower, bt wat really worries me is tat he may nt b gettin the protein, carbo n iron tat he needs. Hw huh?

Chris, if bb is ok w the cereal, u wanna carry on try to feed more cereal? U can try on sweet potato and pumpkin puree but use less water to make it pasty. Hav to trial and error to get the consistency tat he likes. Jus hav to keep trying ;) cos he haven get use to eating from spoon if the feeding is not frequent.

Chris, I think ur BB needs nutrients from different kind of food besides cereal n milk right? U cannot take control of what to feed ur BB? Bring ur mum to see PD together n let the PD talk to her? I just started my BB porridge at 8mth + I already find it quite late..

Bam, both Disney in HK and Japan are nice! They have similar but different things, Hk Disney is smaller but u can't really finish everything in Japan Disney especially with the long q! I will bring BB to Hk Disney first when he's older since Hk is easier for me..

Mrs_lee, I got the food jar from Thermos.. In fact I see many mummies using it..it's quite compact.. Zojirushi is good but more exp I think (Thermos ones are $50) wait for Isetan private sales if u can haha.. I also got the one with 2 compartments beside the food jar and I find it too big for now.. I just started with porridge... Total I have like 5 food jars!

Wendy, I wanted to join for 12th lunch but since only limit to 6-8 pple and it's way too far for me I will not join.. Enjoy ur Lunch and thanks for organizing

Shoppie, u mentioned that u don't feed BB outside, so u can only go out for few hours? I always feed BB in highchair unless really no choice.. Cereal puree porridge, I feed outside, if its not my meal time but bb's meal time, I will pop into starbucks or fast food restaurant (isetan and taka nursing room provides highchair too) where I can use the high chair and get some hot water to warm up my puree/cereal.. So far so good..

Chris: feeding is from lips, if you put spoon into his mouth, chances are he will feel gag and hence the choke. Use soft tip spoons and let food touch his lips then lift spoon handle to let the rest of food flow into his mouth. Food or liquid, both the same. Alternatively, for liquid, sippy cups or straw cups can help.

hammiebao, you're jar collector? hahah.. so many of them, think my mom will nag at me if i get so many of them. thermos is the one with cartoon character? im indeed waiting for sales to come. hehe!!

whim, is that so? carseat cannot use more than a hour? my last trip on car is when bb is barely 3months, that time she keep sleeping so it was easy. for now, i think u have to prepare lots of toys, snacks to keep her occupied.

Jo > thks for the info on Dylon. Bt it cam abit late wor. Alrdy threw the stuff away. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] Ya, I use vry soft tip sppon to fd. the tip cn even b twisted.I can't fd Mathias bt letting the food sip in fr his lips leh. He is stil sticking his tongue out every time I fd him. So I hv to mak sur the fd lands on top of his tongue, in the middle. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] N hv to b fast, cos if nt he open his mouth, stick his tongue out n close his mouth w his tongue still outside. If u knw wat I mean. Last time after u recommend tat I try sippy cup, I did intro him tat. Bt he either let the water sip out fr corner of his mouth or sm water did manage to get dwn his throat, his face will turn all red w difficulty to swallow or keep coughing leh. Bt I m still letting him try once in awhile.

cherry > TCM sy brown rice cereal shld feed only 1 meal wor. think it is difficult for thm to digest. I tried giving him pumpkin cereal. Seems to b better than apple or carrot, cos it cn b less watery. Bt tat means I can't use the steam n blender, cos if use tat, even if I pour out water after steaming, the puree cn stil b quite runny. Hw do u make sweet potato n pumkin puree? Nw the steamer n blender i buy if almost lik a white elephant liao. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Hammie > Ya, totally agree w u tat bb nd othr nutrients, although milk shld still b their main food. My parents feel my bb nt ready to tak othr food yet n worry tat bb may reduce milk intake if feed othr food. Last time I feed bb avocado n he got cough n flu n lots of phelgm. Thn Parents start to blame mi lor. Bt whn we bring him to PD, PD sy it shldn't hv anything to do w the food. Bt till nw, whn I tell thm I wana feed him new food, thy will start to nag again. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] I knw thy meant well. So I m nt angry w thm. Bt I m just worry lor. Tld my mum my worries, she will sy last time we also lik tat n my nephews n niece also lik this. Furthermore my niece is jus 1 mth older than Mathias n she jus started on porridge. So seems like I don't hv much ground to argue leh.

Hi Mummies

My son is 8months 2 weeks now...he cannot sit a place at long time and want to stand, carry and play with him...my hubby almost cannt tahan lioa..haa...very active...any mummy encounter same as us oso?

Chris: my mum used to object cause she felt not fresh but later i told her to try and at least there is variety to the food so that bb will enjoy else bb will never learn.. even though my boi in porridge forabt 3 months already but then he is still not very good at eating moreover his teeth not hard cant bite and at times he will tend to want to vomit... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] so must practise and try lor... u at try doing it on weekends when u are alone with bb at home?

Baby2010: my boi also [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] but no choice lor take turns lor.. this is an active stage la i think especially boys i think???

Chris, maybe can add a bit of the puree sweet potato or pumpkin into the cereal?

Hammiebao, ya, norm not very long. I feed cereal before going out.

Thks for info, will go to those plcs...


Could your bb hv narrow throat passage? You want to check with PD? My ex neighbour older son have this problem, so they cannot feed him too much at one go de coz he choke easily.


Mayb your son 'pointed bum' (chiam ka ching) ;-p coz last time my son also cannot sit for long de, wan to be carry to walk around etc, so my MIL say he chiam ka ching lor...hahaa...then hor, now my gal sama sama like her brother lor....so my arm is muscular after having them lor muahahaha

chris can de, the steam&blender, jus pour away the water and left abit to blend, i can make it v paste eh. i mean hw abt those bellemy or healthy times or happy baby cereal? drinking water from cup/spoon is not easy for them. try the magmag. my girl drinking from straw a mth ago and her last mouthful will always spit out cos its their normal reflux. now much better alrdy.

baby2010, yes nw is their active stage. haa! my bb wont sit still either. will always rush to me whwnever i walk away even in kitchen and toilet. super sticky. even im sitting beside her she also will play a few mins then turn ard and climb to me. they need all the attention now.

cherry. diana: yayay..almost the same..jialat..

cherry.yr gal know how to use straw to drink ah? good ler..my son lazy to hold bottle and dun wan to hold. i try buy a training cup for him to try but he keep to play the cup...my god!!!

sharon > Ya, i wil giv him at least 1 puree over the wkend. Cos Sat giv egg yolk, sun ill b a puree.

Shoppiee > I ever thot of adding puree to cereal. bt my boy fussy eater. Cereal w milk, he doesn't lik. Cereal w egg, he also doesn't lik. So i scare he won't wan2 eat, so I dare nt try. Mayb I wil try this wkend. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Diana > My hubby also suspect tat cos my hubby also always get choke eating gluey/sticky stuff(e.g mochi), even nw. Bt thers no cure rt? We will b bring Mathias for his 9mth review at polyclinic sn. So mayb will also ask the PD abt it.

Cherry > Wanted to try giving Mathias othr brand of cereal, bt havn't got the chance, cos my mum keep saying taking 2 feed of cereal may ovr feed him. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] Whn u mak the puree? Do u mak alot at one go? Cos I only mak a little bit. So wonder if tats y the puree turns out to b vry runny, even if I pour away as much of the water as possible. Ya, I giv him the magmag soft spout cup. Same same leh, either get choke or the water just flow out fr the corner of his mouth. For straw, I cn only intro if bb knw hw to swallow better, rt?

baby2010 > My bb is still ok. Cos he loves the TV. Can easily put him on bumbo seat to watch TV. He is also easily distracted by my dog. So I get to hv my toilet breaks n stuffs lik tat. Does ur bb lik TV?

Baby2010, let him play n get familiar with the cup.. I let my BB used straw cup when he was 6months+ old.. He can suck but he always play n spit out the water.. I think it takes time, now he uses straw cup well

BABY 2010th,

My girl also active. So I rotate around playpen, bumbo seat, jumperoo, play mat and we carry. Each place about 15 to 30am mins. But she can sit quite long inside the excersaucer at my mum's place. I guess its the toys keeping her entertained. She also like to watch 'baby Signing times' which has music, singing to teach sign language. So sometime when I need mire time, i'll.switch on the show.

Chris: Yes, my boy like to watch tv but we not prefer let him watch and only let him watch some education app via ipad.my son like those got sound, song and moving program.

hammiebao (hammiebao) : okok will let him try..

Jovial: yalor..me too..have to keep to change if not he will make noise.

hi mummies..did ur baby bite you? my son bite me and my hubby ler..walau his teeth is small but very sharp!!! even nanny oso complaint say he oso bite her hand when she brush his teeth for him....heeee..

Hi Sheepy and Chris, my mum stress me la, said that how come this boy doesn't eat porridge, while my niece and nephew started porridge at about 8 month.

yup baby2010, same as hammiebao, i let my girl drink from straw at 7mths. she can sips up and play w the water. jus let them get use to it [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

chris, i only make the puree for lunch and dinner portion. fruits will make 2 days worth. the water i pour away to the minimum. it can become v paste le. i let bb hav cereal for breakfast and lunch, dinner with porridge abt 1-2tbsp only cos she's not a good eater. tea is fruit puree.

i also stress tat my girl don't eat. and she's like small lor.

but what to do that she dont want?

Chris ar, can i chk with u, ur bb eating egg yolk now? How old is BB? Coz PD specifically tole me avoid egg yolks till at least 9 mths lei.

Any mummies on huggies ultra still on size M? My colleague reco to me and I go n buy today at NTUC cos got offer but size too small for my boy le. He is on mamy poko all along. Tested with 1 pcs so left with 63pcs. Letting go at $16. Self collect at jurong west.

Any mummies have any ideas hw to get bb to eat more?? PD says bb a little underweight... due to all the teething,LS, fever...haizzz...

cherry > wah, ur bb eat much more compare to mathias. Envy envy! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] bside these, hw much milk intake? Hw many times a day?

Sheepy > i did chk w tcm, thy sy ok, jus nt everyday fd. N i started w less than 1/4 thn jus recently increase to 1/2. Started since he was abt 6-7 mths bah. I tot only egg white cannot wor. My fren fr shanghai fd tis to her bb vry often n in larger qty leh. Sy is vry gd for brain. Apparently her father is sm sort of professor in a top uni in shanghai. So i tot shld b safe bah?

I also let my baby eat egg yolk. Started when she was 7 months. I only avoid egg whites.

This morning, my girl refused to eat bread with pink guava. She used to like pink guava.... Think have to keep trying different food. So far she hates yellow peppers - tried to wait for a while before introducing it to her again but still no success.

But she loves beef stew and will eat a lot of it. Drinks v little milk tho'. Am going to see PD in early Sept for her checkup, hopefully the PD will say my girl is ok.

Baby2010, my girl bit me while she's latched on. Super painful! She even drew blood.

Mrs Lee, my combi car seat says baby cannot use the car seat for more than 1 hr, so I also dun know. See how. Maybe fly to Msia instead of driving.

Carrying baby, saw sheepysheeps had this good product & introduced this baby hip hugger to me. Might be easier to carry baby around in this? Am considering between hip hugger or ergo baby carrier.


Whim: wah..sure painful one....yr gal eat a lot of food lioa ler...my son only eat apple, potatos, pear puree....[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


whim > wah ur bb eat beef stew? Mmmm... sounds yummy. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] I also hv smthing like tat to carry bb. Bt, it is call hippy chick or smthing lik tat. No chance to use yet cos bb keep wanting to face frnt. Mayb u hv to conside tat b4 buying.

