(2010/11) November 2010 MTB

twinfish> if u want to give more BM to yr bb, less FM, then you need to pump more frequently, like 3-4hrs interval, to stimulate more demand so that yr supply'll increase. unless you like to give half FM, half BM. usually people give FM at night cos supply not enough or maybe to reduce jaundice. i pump every 3hrs now. as CL still here, she'll feed ebm to my bb at night-morning, daytime i try to latch if possible else i pump out. occasionally when not enough supply, i supplement 1-2 feed with FM. then if i go out, i'll usually standby FM to feed.


FM> i used nestle brand.

ueno> i tried not to let bb sleep from 8plus to 10plus at night, these 2 nights he's less cranky (shorter period/frequency). so maybe past few nights he's sleeping too much in the daytime. hopefully it remains like that as my CL leaving on Sat morning.

Hurray my bb finally pooped...a lot!!

Whim/ vividip: i oso got painful lump at armpit...i just keep pumping and massage a bit...it was effective for me...so far the past two weeks hv been lump free...[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

cherry: i jus use pump straight from sterilizer n shake off the moisture...never wipe dry..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Yes, I'm going to increase to 3 times pump this Fri coz this few days busy with malay lady massage n after her massage esp breast, bm increase. Keep giving my bb FM is incase i go out/not around few days, her stomach can take FM... Sometimes i really lazy to pump, just let her latch..

Twinfish/ cherry: after sterilizing, not supposed to clean dry, it become unsterilized again if you do so. When done with sterilizing, assemble parts asap and store away in an air tight container or ziploc bags till you use them.

jen, I let my CL bottlefeed bb most of the time..she can feed fast n make bb finish all her milk. Whereas when I feed, bb always leaves 10% unfinished. Think I need to learn abt bottle feeding then..

I just sneaked out of the hse for haircut and ate junk food. So shiok!! Have to do all these before cl leaves...

Strawberrys, yah...I read that must clear the milk in the boobs. But by 15 min, I'll be so sore...I usually get 2 let downs in 15 min, but still not that much milk...hmm...think I'll try extending the pumping time bit by bit and see how...hehs

Hi mummies,

I received my Gina ford book " the new contented baby book" today. To increase breast milk must let bb latch on then pump. So just now I let bb latch for 30 mins on one breast then followed by 15 Mins on another. After that I only managed to pump out 40 ml frm both breasts. During the day my supply is usually 90-100ml each time... Just now saw the supply 40ml can't help but feel abit demoralized and worried. I know it will takes a while for body to recognize that my bb requires more milk so I will continue to do this latching on then pump for day time but night time will still pump every 3 hrs but dun let bb latch on.


why 8-10pm? after should be bedtime. maybe u can keep him awake more during the day instead? i keep mine awake more during the day esp from 445-545 so that he goes down well at 630 after his feed

Thanks mummies for sharing [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] so I will not dry clean the parts. Hee.. It's day7 for me now as milk still little, I hav to top up 60ml for my girl. Think I'll hold on to the pump first and continue with latching. I also insisted on night latching and do feel tat might over tired and forgot abt the wound down there. Still will feel the pain, jus hope it recover soon cos it can be quite frustrating

My bb awake since 11+ till now then fall asleep. She lie down will make noise then kept wanting drink milk. After suckle 30ml doze off then will wake up a while to drink again. When she finished drinking it's time for next feed, I see Cl so patient kept feeding her, once she's go off think I be in trouble zzzz . Anyone encounter same thing as my bb ?

Hi ladies,

How are you all? Been so busy, sunbathing my gal and pumping that I hv no time to come in here to chat or read the thread. Gosh, the thread hv moved so fast, doubt I will hv the time to catch up with the thread le....

My gal is already 1 week old as of today. Times juz passes so fast. Although her monday check up indicated that her jaundice level is not over 15 that need to put her for photothearapy, but we hv to still continue to sun her....however, these few days are juz so rainy, and it basically rain every afternoon, thus it was impossible for us to sunbath her in the afternoon lor....it is juz so worrying lor....

Are you all still breastfeeding? I seldom latch her on, coz initially when I latch her, she will suck till she zzz then shortly after she will cry for milk again? which is very difficult for us to gauge how much she is drinking. Also, it is tough as my CL will hv difficult time handling a constantly hungry baby lor. so in the end, I pump out. This way, I will also know how much is my supply. So far, I can pump out about 50 to 60 ml every 3 hourly and about 70 to 80 ml every 4 hourly. Which I know is low and not enough for her but no choice, that is what I hv. so I can only keep focus and be determine enough to continue pumping and hope that my supply will go up with all the soup and bu pin that my CL is making for me to boast up my supply.

Jia you all the breastfeeding mummies. Hopefully we all can hv enough supply to meet our baby demand.

hi koori,

my baby did same thing after week3. and she keep on crying when she was awake too. she didn't sleep well at night too. first we thought it was due to colic but started from last weekends she became less crying and can drag 2 hrs feeding back at least. so we thought it could be because of growth spurt. I am totally latching on her no FM.


Since it's steamed water from the sterilizing, I use it direct while it's wet. As a matter of fact, I do not air dry my bottles / pump since my #1. I keep them inside the microwave sterilizer (avert brand which can keep the content sterile for 24 hours as long as you don't open the cover).

I'll sterilize after every pump and change pump parts and plastic bottles every half a year (until i change to use glass bottle for my #1 and am intend to use glass bottle for charlyn too.

Saw that the topic is on how much milk to feed , I google and found this article (http://www.askdrsears.com/html/0/T000100.asp)

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As you develop a bottle-feeding routine for you and your baby, the two of you will work out which formula is best, how much, and how often. This routine may change as your baby grows. As a general guide:

Between birth and six months of age your baby will need an average of 2 to 2.5 ounces of formula per pound per day. So, if your baby weighs ten pounds, she will need 20 to 25 ounces per day.

Newborns may take only an ounce or two at each feeding

One to two months: 3 to 4 ounces per feeding

Two to six months: 4 to 6 ounces per feeding

Six months to a year: as much as 8 ounces at a feeding

Small, more frequent feedings will work better than larger ones spaced farther apart. Your baby's tummy is about the size of his fist. Take a full bottle and place it next to your baby's fist and you'll see why tiny tummies often spit the milk back up when they're given too much at one time.


Signs that your baby may be getting too little formula are:

slower-than-normal weight gain

diminished urine output

a loose, wrinkly appearance to baby's skin

persistent crying

Signs that your baby is being fed too much at each feeding are:

a lot of spitting up or profuse vomiting immediately after the feeding

colicky abdominal pain (baby draws his legs up onto a tense abdomen) immediately after feeding

excessive weight gain

If these signs of overfeeding occur, offer smaller-volume feedings more frequently, burp baby once or twice during the feeding, and occasionally offer a bottle of water instead of formula.

Jovial: Thanks for the advice.

My bb has been very cranky at nite for the past 2 days. After de last feed abt 11pm plus he won't go back to sleep till 3am. And the whole time he'll be crying, whining, screaming. I'm so super clueless now... not forgetting tired too. I've tried to keep him awake for a longer period during day time hoping he'll sleep thru de nite but it doesnt work [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


diana you dun sunbath bb in the afternoon. the afternoon sun is too harmful and strong. the best time for suntan them is before 10 am and after 4pm if you notice these few days only rain afternoon so go in the morning that is what my CL did every morning


Ya, I mean the late afternoon...heehee yes, nw can only rely on morning sun.

Btw, my gal zhai zhai drop off today le....

ueno> not sure why, but if i let my bb sleep at 8plus, when he wakes up for the 11plus feed he'll stay wide awake till close to next feed, then at the feed after that at 1plus, he always stay cranky longer till 2-3plus in the morning. so when i dont let him sleep at 8plus to 10plus, he tend to be tired to sleep more till morning. btw, my hubby going to buy the GF book on his way back, hee, i'll start reading on it soon. hubby's so desperate till he asks me want to buy GF complete sleep guide book which i told him no need.


basically, i set alarm to wake up to pump milk lor....depending on my last pump before i zzzz, usually I will set to wake up at 3 or 4 am once then 7 am plus once lor....so usually i will sun her before 9 am then in the evening before 5 pm lor

im feeding my bb enfalac, so far so good. But seems like he is not feeding enuff for 60ml, is it normal for 1week old bb to feed on more like 70-80ml? BB has been poo-ing 3 to 4x a day.

I didnt know that cold compress will stop milk flow! no wonder when i had engorment, i used cabbage, engorchment ease but milk flow seems lesser.. so hot compress can stimulate milk flow again? I would love to express or latch my bb for breastmilk rather than relying on FM.

By the way, the lumps at underarm, im having it too, waht's that by the way? will it affect milk flow?

my bb also drop his cord yesterday.

Re: baby not sleeping at night

It happened to my girl last nite too..she was awake for feed at 5pm and stayed up all the way till 1am. In between she had 3 feeds every 1-2 hrs and ended up crying after. I almost went mad cos none of us knew what she wanted. I was relieved when she finally went to bed and woke up later at 4am for feed again. At the rate she is drinking, I am running low on BM....due to my laziness my supply has been decreasing as I did not pump regularly...I only pump when my breasts are full...think I have to be more hardworking liao.

my bb also starting to get cranky in the night. After the 9pm feed, dun want to sleep till next feed. Lucky got CL to entertain him. Now me worried liao, I will hv to entertain him once CL goes back in 2 weeks time.

Thanks for advice, twinfish and mummy wong. Hmm... i will get 4 more bottes to stand by since now got spree.

Jovialz - oh dear, i still use bottles, caps and pump kit from my #1 2 years ago. :p Hmm... I better buy new parts too.

Diana at least u set alarm I too lazy to do that I will let my biological clock wake me haha anyway it is CL that bring bb to sunbath hehe

Jun, my 9 days old drinking at least 90ml and he started this amt on some feed when he around 1 wk old.

Sophia - is bb crying both days at same time. bb prob has colic, try applying ruyi oil on tummy. Bring to doc if condition persists. My elder ger used to cry from 10pm to 2am, doc prescribed ridwind for her colic.

Ptb: my bb has baby acne too from 3rd week so sad leh...tink it wun go away so fast one...

Jun: my bb taking 80 ml every 3 hrly for the past two weeks (she will turn 4 weeks next mon)..first week take 60..u can slowly increase to 70 ml c whether ur bb ok with it...

enmummy mine only 8days old when the blemishes appear sob sob .. CL still comment good that he get it now then later :s so ugly


I read b4 that babies born in the evening till night (5pm-1159pm) have a higher higher chance of day/night confusion. Wonder those mummies whose babies r active at night when were they born?

Ache on bb face: it's milk rash usually appearing 3 wks onwards. U can use cold boiled water to clean it or buy the Avene spray from Guardian to clean bb face. I'm using the spray n it clears up quite fast. Did the same for #1 too.

Hi mummies,

Woke up to pump and feed bb. Wanted to wake

At 2am but couldn't. Didn't even hear the alarm goes off.

Luckily can auto wake now. Breasts are so


Bb hk fussed frm 10plus to around 12plus or 1am. He only fall asleep finally after latching on for a while. Gave him pacifier also no use. But when I carried him or place him on my lap he will quiet down.

Wonder if he was colicky or he just need security and


Strawberry I hv same qns too wonder if my boy is colicky.

He def got wind in his tummy, but nt sure was it serious until classified under colicky tat needs to buy med to get rid of wind. So wonderg if a non colicky bb uses ridwind, is there any side effects?

I asked my gynae abt e painful lumps @ e armpits. My gynae says its lymph nodes tat r swollen.he advised to use cabbage leaves to ease e pain but do not massage e lumps as they r lymph nodes and will not go off even if I massage and may worsen.

Today I called KK lactation consultant and she says it is due to milk storage at e armpits as breasts are full... I told her I pump until my breasts r empty but they r still there and painful. She advised me tat it's due to some blocked ducts at e nipple obstructing e milk from flowing out. She says to use cabbage leaves over e armpits to sooth e pain and massage e nipples to unblock e ducts. I asked if I should massage e lumps, she too says dun massage e lumps, instead massage e nipples to unblock e ducts.

Hope this helps for those w e painful lumps... I m still trying, dunno if it works for me.

Mummies awake at this hr, happy moo-ing

Jun, my girl will latch on and then FM of 60ml at 1am old. Prob u can increase bit by bit and if he don't cry to ask for more, tat will be the amount to feed.

Vividip, hope it gets better for u..

I'm getting frustrated that bb still don't wanna come out.. Keep asking bb why still don't wanna come out but EDD not due yet... guess I'm getting emo n stressed.. Got very angry with hubby today n scolded him when I met him after he knock off.. N now feeling bad abt it.. First time I got so angry during my whole pregnancy.. Really don't know why.. Does any mummy feel very emo when nearing to give birth? I know Naf mentioned something like this before.. Any other mummies?

Ueno, I heard the same thing from old folks tt bb are able to differentiate day n nite if born in the morning. My bb sleeps more at nite, but Duno they are correlated or not.. Thanks for sharing on the spray for rashes!

I'm so tired of Bf.. The breasts keep on hardening and need to be cleared so frequent.. Aft clear left side, right side getting hard, vice versa. I don hav enough sleep since gave birth.

Hammiebao, I think it's caused by ur anxiety of wanting to see baby as soon as possible and at the same time fear of the birth process? I was having the same feeling as u before gav birth. I waited for 11 days aft mucus plug came out. Bb wil know when to come out when he's ready k, so enjoy his kickings while he's stil inside. I feel like want to eat back my bb into my tummy to enjoy her kickings n ever thinking of getting no.2 alto hubby said one kid is enough.

Nana, it has been a week since my mucus plug out.. These few days on/off I see abit of red after pee.. But tummy no feeling leh.. Hope he really out soon.. Haha.. Anyway 1 child very lonely lah!! Try to brain wash ur hubby!! Hahaha.. Thanks anyway.. Take good care k..

Hi Shan,

Now Pumping again[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I'm giving my son dentinox frm pd. I give it before food every 3 hrs. It makes him fart and his poo smells worse. I didn't really give him the colic med yesterday's afternoon. So that

probably explained why he was so fussy last night.

Hi hammiebao

not only during pregnancy u can feel this way, after u give birth u may have mood swings or explosive behavior. Gotta keep yr mood in check. Recently I also quite irritable then yesterday was quite ok. Something like mood swing.

Take care.

Enjoy the moment of yr bb in yr womb cos he/she will be out soon. ;)

Never tried ridwind med so cant give my opinion on it.

Hammie: it's normal. These few days relax maybe bb will come. Go for hair spa! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

My emotions is actually e worse after I gave birth. During pregnancy it's only during T1 when I was having MS tat I broke down and cried and also when my hubby wanna go for his regular soccer sessions, leaving me alone on friday.

Now after I discharged, I cried when I reached home due to engorgement and e whole family of my hubby and mine was in my house w my godma, godfather and their son. It was too much to take w so many new things to adapt to and e crowd at home jus adds up to e frustration and stress. Then my hubby locked us in e room and slept beside me to accompany and talk to me. When his sis wans to see e baby, he says we r busy and ignored her. Tat day his mum called and said she will come up to our house after her work and he also declined it saying to let me rest. I m so grateful he is there to block e unwanted attention for now.

That day when I was pumping my BM w my dog at my room's door, I cried again coz I felt I hav neglected my dog who used to get my full undivided attention. But now I cannot even carry and hug him due to my c-section. Felt v bad but kept telling myself I will get well enough soon to start playing w him.

Vividip, I understand too. I also v emo and feel so pek-chek. To handle the pain below, to breastfeed, MIL, the sweat and all. Feel so useless and helpless when can't squat to pick up things and so on. To make it worse, I got too heaty tat I fell sick. I jus hope the stitches recover soon and all the confinement to be over and wash myself, dye hair to make myself feel good all over again [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] jiayou!

Hihi vividip, cherry and all mummies,

I cried 3 times during first week of confinement cos I was feeling so guilty towards my no 1. It was worse when he kept asking for me to accompany him to bed and sing. I cries as I sang his lullabies then. But now it's better, I let my Hb accompany him to bed though daddy doesn't bother to sing his lullabies after his last milk feed he can still sleep. Of cos he'll throw tantrum / cry and resist changing his pjs cos he knows its time for bed. Initial part / changes is always most difficult butI always believe things does get better just have to stay positive:D

Hammiebao, 3more days to Ur edd, v soon.. Is ur mense v on time before pregnant? Someone told me if mense come on time before, the bb wil come out on time. For me, this applied. but I Duno whether it was coincident or there was a link btw them

Sore eyes,

Anyone having same prob when look at the PC screen or handphone?

ueno> my boy was born noon 2plus, but he also active at night..seems like babies tend to be staying awake at night around wk3/wk4 old as more mummies are discussing about it now. my boy seems to get better these few nights, hope it continues!

hammiebao> pregnancy is definitely an emo affair, be it during or after. thus talked to your hubby & said u might even get more emo after give birth (pre-warn him) & tell him u feel bad for scolding him, he'll understand. jia you, you are near there already, very few mummies get to have a wk40 baby, feel proud that yr bb is getting so much nutrients inside yr tummy. take more photos now. i didnt get my last day of pregnancy photo as it just happened so suddenly..

Hammiebao, jiayou. My baby still happily inside. My EDD is 2 Dec. Last week she turned head up into breech position suddenly and I thought I needed to schedule a c section today to take her out at week 39th. But who knows at Tues gynae visit, she turned down again. Gynae says this bb very active and fickle, within days can turn a few times, which means possibloe to turn up again! I reject that and believe that she will start to engage liao [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] So very boring at home, waiting for signs. What is bothering me a lot is the stretching of the tummy, not the marks but the itch and pain.....my tummy has a huge shint patch and can see the red blood vessels cos i scratch till got marks. Very irritating feeling...I also cannot wait..... Jiayou hor [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hammiebao... Cheer up, take e time to enjoy all e good food and bath all u want first! Then when baby is out, u can hav all e time to see e baby! =)

@cherry: yah, I also cannot wait for confinement to b over then I dun hav to stay indoor. Now is only e 8th day of confinement and my mum who is doing confinement for me says after the 12th day then she wil prepare e water for me to bathe. I think once I dun feel e pain at e wound, I will start feeling better and more energetic! Waiting for tat day to come! And during my pregnancy, I cut my long hair short thus cannot wait to rebond, cut and colour my hair too after my confinement, gotta look like a well maintained mummy! =)

good morning mommies, can i check if any of you have introduce pacifier to your bb already? My bb gal is 3wks old le, this 2days abit fussy at night, cl was suggesting to give her the pacifier.. Im abit reluctant to give as i find she is still v.young and will affect her gum and teeth if given to her too early.. Wana seek mommies' opinion here.. Thanks..

