(2010/11) November 2010 MTB

hey ladies,

seems like majority of u have received the ailian items. How was it? Does it fit?

Just want to let you know that due to my busy schedule for the next 2 mths, i won't have the time to organise the maternity wear spree. so sorry about that. I know some ladies are still keen on Mandy.. till then, take care!

Thanks Shan. What does the tmc membership cover? I am not delivering at TMC but at East shore...and duno whether gynae will be sending me to TMC for other scan as well in future.

my gosh, you ladies only put on 1-3kg in weight :eek: i'm only in my 16th week and i put on 5kg sob sob...guess need to control my diet but come to think about it i dont eat alot more ? i am still eating 1 person share of food and not 2 person ...hmm...

hi jo, can email me your recipes to [email protected], if not difficult i would rather cook on my own [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] or else i will order the confinement food then.

i dont know why my breast sometime will feel itchy ?? do you ladies have such problem ?

and Lucky i am putting on avg of 1.2kg every month [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] that is kind of scary

ptb7476, i read in the books it is normal to gain 0.5kg per week from T2, as the skin of our breast and tummy is expanding, it is normal to feel itchy, you can put those stretchmark lotion to minimise itichiness

Good morning mummies,

Have been busy and not been able to keep up with this forum...

Bam, don't worry.. I am already in my 20th week and have yet to feel baby's movement.. Was worried initially then I recalled my mum telling us that when she was carrying my sis, she didnt feel her movement all the way to delivery..

My detailed scan is on the 18th June, hopefully they can confirm I'm carrying a girl cos I have already started buying alot of girl's clothes hehee..


thanks for taking time to put up this Aileen spree for all of us.. well, have been waiting for your Mandy spree but guess wont take place soon.. take gd care while you are "fighting" busily ;)


hmmm.. ur BF for 1year. got latch and pump or pump exclusive? me pump exclusive wor.. if you sent the motor for servicing do they charge? if the motor got no more warranty..

fungal infection:

hmmm.. when i have #1. oso at this stage. i got alot of discharge.. dr say is infection.. dunno is it the same infection.. you have to poke one medicine in at night. the next day will have like oil discharge.. ard 2 - 3 days den ok liao..

can oso email me your recipes?

[email protected]


breast itchy cause growing. plus they somehow prepare your breast with milk.. sometime you bath with hot water, u will find whitish discharge at ur nipple area.. what my massage lady tell me is milk...

Medela Spree

1) shan

2) bing

3) angel81

4) amber

5) dolliepollie

6) tubao


How much is the medela pump with the spree buy..

The thread is running too fast. I can't catch up.

i dunno is it bb movement.

But these few days i keep having this funny feeling coming from my tummy.. its like something swimming inside.. LOL

sob sob. ystd morning n this morning i weigh... i gain 1.5kg in a days time... =<

i start to constipate a bit since ystd. n was eating ba chang for breakfast & dinner. my tummy so so so very bloated now! only after I finished my ba chang my mum told me glutonious rice will cause tummy to bloat... n she still make so many for me some more...

wat can i do to reduce my tummy bloatness? can massage help?

where can I get an immediate pre-natal massage tonite?

lucky, i have been putting on weight since 1st Trim cos i am always hungry during that period =)) kind of scare that i will explode by the end of my pregnancy haha...

dolliepollie , so it is normal to have itch and agreed that...hot water bath do help to relieve it and now i use baby powder to relieve it during the day...

Lucky, I din know we can apply stretch cream too ...worry that it will affect the milk gland hahah...ok...next time i will try to apply some stretch cream...

morning ladies...

Naf, if u nt delivering in TMC, i think not v worthwhile for u to get tat card... might not add up to ya application fee.

Babymiao, thanks again for organising.. too bad, the parcel was delivered to my hse, but my FIL was out for lunch, hence i gg to pick it on Sat lo... so excited..

too bad, my chinese is bad, else i can take over temporarily..

Btw, i do order GAP/ON/Osh Gosh sometimes, perhaps we can do one together oso next time.. i juz got my OshGosh Loots ytr nite..hehheee cheap & good ..heehhee waitin to know my #2 gender, then i can start purchasing baby clothngs heee...

Dollie.. v long nver go our thread to see eh.. got gathering leh ..

Clover..can the instructor update u who hvnt paid etc.. coz i hv sent out my cheque to her since last week. i nt sure did she received or nt leh.

Btw, tat CC is nt the one near Junction8 hor.. alamak i duno hw to go yet..hee

Good morning ladies.

FYI, standard chartered credit card will have 10% discount on TMC FBI/SBI membership fee.

Hi Angel,

So far u only gained 1kg! Envy leh.

Hi Bling,

May i know if the medela pump comes with local warranty? Does it include shipping charges?


bam: thx for helping me keep track on the medela freestlye.. for those who are interested, I got mine at usd 300.. with delivery to sgp and current exchange I expect to pay abt s$500.. I'm not sure if all wants the freestyle.. track moves too fast.. can't keep up..

if any wan any further info and if I dun reply, pls pm me..

Tigger - I think I lost some weight (around 1-2kg)when I was down with pneumonia in early May. Maybe that's why till now only 1kg.Haha, during my last visit, my gynae told me that should aim to put on around 1kg per month from now onwards. How to sia? When the body won't put on? But like what most mummies say, as long as bb growing healthily, it should be fine. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

orangebb - hehe, so that 1.5kg weight gain in one day doesn't count! It must be due to indigestion of the ba zhang u ate.

Bing - get well soon! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Must be the weather, rain heavily and then suddenly hot sun.

Wah, the spree sounds good. Medela FS is so much cheaper here. Think will really wait for the spree to buy liao. Thanks for the great lobang! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Haiz... I'm being forced to go back home to continue my HL. I was admitted overnight from 6-7Jun, and gynae gave me HL till 21Jun, as she's away this week. So just in case anything happen, I'm covered. When I went back on 11Jun for reassessment, she said that if I'm really fine, I can go back to work. And I did so on the following Monday (which was 14Jun). When I handed in my HL cert today, my mgr told me that HR is afraid of the liability it may cause for me to come back to work when I should still be on leave. Sadly, I didn't know about such stuff, and didn't ask my gynae to shorten my HL or write a note to certify that I can go back to work.

I called my clinic and they called my gynae who is still overseas. Gynae said that it's better that I rest then. SOOO bored at home, and I think I got slight depression for staying at home last week. People kept telling me to eat eat and eat. Made me feel so pek chek, as if I'm only a baby machine.

Ironic right? When we're at work, we'll wish for MC to rest at home. When got MC, just feel like coming back to work. hahahhaa

So ladies, I'm going off for a super long lunch before going back to "house arrest". Chat with u guys later. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

*hugs* Angel... don be upset la.. btw, forya work, able to bring some home to do? work from home, so tat wont be so bored ma.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Oh ya i rembr someone said her hubby is having chix pox rite... gotta be careful.. don get it from your hubby eh... having chix pox when preggy can be v dangerous, last time i got a gf lidat [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] in her tri 1 .. then [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


Shipping charges is included in the price. There's no additional cost if you do self collection. Otherwise I think you pay a few dollars more to deliver to your house. There's no local warranty included.


I was very bored at home when I was given 2weeks+ HL in tri 1. Eventually, I try to occupy myself with watching SCV movies, reading and listening to music and time past much faster.

Are you able to work from home to keep yourself occupied? Actually it's good to rest more during pregnency. But human beings are never satisfied. When at work, hope to get MC to rest. When get MC for too long, will get bored and wish to go back to work..haha..


you got the link. i oso dunno go where find lei. -.-"

orangebb: i've pm you bout the pre natal massage.. but hoh... preggy they dun touch ur tummy part de lei.. but the help to remove wing in ur body.. at times u will burp or fart..


BTW, have u all found & booked post natal massage lady and confinement lady? I have tentatively booked 1 confinement lady and her fees is S$2000 for 28 days. Is this the market price?

oh gosh.. the medela is so affordable here.. so sad that I have bought Ameda last week liao [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]((

I see. I heard the review for ameda not bad too and furthermore yours is the new bpa-free version so should be better.

Tigger, Baby's Kingdom @ Shunli Industrial is selling same price.. so you may want to go there if you dont want to head down to town.

Actually the saleslady at Baby's Kingdom and my gfrd highly recommended me to get Ameda.. hope this BP lives up to their recommendation ;)

Bing (iceblue) - Do take care. I was on mc yesterday. Had a bad headache recently. Perhaps due to the terrible weather these days.

Bam - I do feel something swimming in my tummy too.. not sure whether is the baby movement.

tigger - my CL is charging $2200, but she'll be cooking for my hb

Bam and blue soda - Instead of swimming, I feel like something vibrating in my stomach. Feels like those battery operated massaging cushion. :p

my CL via agency de, is charging 1.9k but +$100 for cooking fo family + another $100 for having stairs in my hse + govt levy $168 (if u do pte one, u don nid to pay this)

Hi Piggydog,

I like how you describe your bb movement - "like massaging cushion".

Confinement lady

As for CL, the one i booked is actually recommended by my friend. Hope she is really good. BTW, she will be doing basic household stuff, take care of bb & cooking (incl. my hubby share).

Seems like getting a CL via agency is much more ex. Will there be a free replacement if the CL is not up to your standard?

Angel: I think so too. must be the ba chang & ystd food = 1.5kg! Btw, what is HL?

My tummy so bloated. I think it's going to burst.

clover: i just mailed the chq.

dolliepollie: thanks so much! =>>>

Confinement: my 5th aunt ask my another aunt to come n do confinement for me & my 5th aunt is very insistent even though I say I wan to get my own CL. It will be good that she can come, after all she have 5 child n she did confinement for her daugther & daughter in law. Of course, I'll be paying her. But I am afraid what if last min she can't come. She got 5 grandchild whom she is taking care of NOW. And she say they r going back to their respective in laws. But when I ask her, I felt that it was my 5th aunt who force her to come. haiz. Also don know how the situation in Nov. I also scratch head. What if she cannot come and I don have CL last min. headache. Think must have backup plan. check for confinement caterer.

jo: can know where u do ur prenatal massage? is it that the massage lady come to ur hse to do the massage for u? how much is it? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

angel: so good, u only gained 1kg so far..i weighed this morning n i had gained 3kgs liao. hope i can keep the weight increase slow n steady [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] and yes most importantly is bb is growing well and healthy lah [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

babymiao: yes i had recv my items liao. tks! materials wise is ok. just wanna chk if u have the same feel that the tights "ku dang" (sorry not sure if i pronouned correctly or not) is abit too long? also the tight i had ordered is grey colour but got it in blue colour (actually website does not carry blue colour). but then its ok too lah...blue colour also not bad [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

thinking of buying somemore...understand u are busy currently..do take care and let us know when u are free to organise another one [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

bing: take care and rest well [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Hi Irene,glad u got ur items already. i did not ordered any tights. u might want to check with HHO, cos i rememebered she ordered a few. As for the blue..that's e grey according to the seller. i have verified with her while i was doing the sorting. I wasn't sure if she gave me e wrong one or that was e piece. Yeah, kinda busy with work lately and according to my list, it's going to keep me busy for the next 2 mths. I will let u folks know if i can slot in anytime. =)

Ref: Breastpump

Hey Angel, i got many recommendations to get Ameda too. My 2 colleagues are using it and it's cheaper to get it from US, it's only 200USD, compared to Medela. I was planning to get freestyle but now, likely purely yours. By the way, is it ok to get a 2nd hand sterilizer for bottles? Anyone knows?

