(2010/11) November 2010 MTB

juv - Aiyo, gota wait again to see the gender of your baby. Did Dr Ang try to get ur bb to move & change position?

Ur massage lady is very cheap! May I know where you got the contact?


Angel - Ya, Dr Ang tried to scan at a few areas but still unable to see lor..so got to wait 1 more mth. Will PM u the massage lady details.

angel: ya u rite! u definitely have better memory than me [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] yes i mentioned no yogurt but will try milk [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

juv06: guess our bb are just shy to show us gender now [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] let's hope next round, they are more "open" [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

novembaby : I have a maid to help my mum to take care of the kids. So everyday, i have to sent the maid, 3 kids to mum's place and hubby to work.

So i sleep in the boot of the car...lol

juv - Got your email. Thanks! I'll give her a call after I get the results for my amnio test. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

irene - Haha, but sadly, both of us can't rem who gave the tip. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Angel: Ha ha... me lah, I was bugged by constipation prob even before preg, now no more. : )Glad that yoghurt works for you. Eat more, good for us and babies.

Jollymum: Thanks. I'm a SAHM, I live in the West but am mobile if timing is right and baby is taken care of.

Hmm... car seats, tricky right? She can sit next to the door, the rear-facing car seat in the middle and another car seat next to it. I've seen compact maxi-cosi and britax car seats that can fit side by side in a saloon, so am assuming her car seats are not bulky also. And also, was thinking next year, some parts of the day the older kids will be in school so can free the sapce? A bit troublesome but I guess that's what mummies do- work around constraints. : )

Platsplat: I have a massage lady but I also want to try jamu jamu! Do you have friends who tried?

jo: nope... none... but i read some reviews online which said they were good... but the price is a tad high though. So dunno if should spend the little bit extra

Jo - Arh~ So it's you. Thanks for the tip! Yupz, have always been eating yogurt, but never in the night. So maybe that's why I've never gained this benefit from yogurt. Hehe :D

koori: My girl is like your girl! 91cm and 12.8kg at 21 months! : ) Was also thinking if I should get a full booster seat for her. Britax has nice ones, girly colours designs. : )

Irene (siyeo): I agree with Angel (angel81). Yogurt really helps in constipation. Recently i bought Nestle Yogurt drink and find it really taste good. Esp the Lime and Passion Fruit flavour. Now there is a promo at 2 for $4.75 at Carrefour.

Ooo yogurt drink! Bluesoda, I love Marigold's Mango yogurt drink. hehehehhe, very yummy. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Yah hor, there's yogurt drink. Irene, have u tried yogurt drink? If you don't like to eat yogurt, maybe can try drinking it? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Jollymummy - thanks for the shortlisted models. Btw i also forgt wat model is my stroller, the most basic one from combi haha. OH the news i saw was on Ch 8 - 630pm one.

Jo - ur ger so tall also! tik need to source for compact High booster liao.

Platsplat: No worries. I also heard very good reviews about them. My current masseur is also not cheap comparing the prices that were mentioned in the forum. Maybe should try the jamu.com. Me thinks massage is more important than CL so I'm willing to splurge on it. :p

Angel: No prob, good things must share! : ) Still must take veg ya? : ) Maybe your stress from work caused the topsy turvy in the system.

Jollymum: Just realized our #1 is of the same age and we are SAHM! Maybe we can arrange for playdates! If possible, am thinking doing some children activities also. : )

Jo - Haha, confirm will take veg de, cuz I like veg. Hehe, just purposely ate slightly lesser veg than usual to see if yogurt works anot. Glad to have a good excuse to indulge in more yogurt! :D

bluesoda/angel: oh ya there's yogurt drink hor...never try before..but think taste quite similar to yakult bah?? if so, they shld taste fine to me [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] will go chk it out on the Lime and Passion Fruit flavour(only available at carrefour?, can get at NTUC? cos the supermkt nearest to my hse is NTUC [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]) and Marigold's Mango flavours tomorrow [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] tks for the tips gals!

orangebb - mine felt like faint heartbeat.. except that it is on the stomach and not on the chest. Not painful, but it's a funny feeling and lasted for 10 mins on and off. keke..

novembaby, i m in arizona..haha..quite far..gave birth to my #1 here, pretty pleased with the medical here.and my gynea is very pro natural, he totally rejects me toying with the idea of csect...not sure abt the medical in other states thou...actually i m still unsure if i will deliver my #2 here or in sg...

Irene: Yoghurt drink is yummy, like smoothies but not so thick. Bliss also taste good. Alive's passion fruit also! And yes, NTUC has them. I just came back from NTUC. : )

Angel: Hee hee... I'm sure you will. : )

Koori: Ya, think she is too. That's why also headache about stroller. She uses the stroller a lot and can sleep in it also, haven't figure out whether to buy a twin stroller. Am thinking about crowded places, travelling, times when walking is not feasible and rushing from one place to the other, if kids are strapped up, can get things done more efficiently. Oh, am getting a buggyboard also. I think it'll be useful. K, will go look at booster seats- at least one down! : ) Are you working or a SAHM?


Whoa! So coincidental! The only difference is I'm in East while you are in West. What sort of children's activities are you looking at? I'm open to playdates. =)

BTW, can buggyboard fit the Combi Well Comfort stroller? Sounds like fun for #1.


U r welcome. Do let me know if you have shortlisted other models so I go take a look too ya? =)

I didn't see any report in Straits Times today. Am confused if they go by age or height.

Jo - i working, so tired everydaY! ur ger so good can sit in stroller, mine will run non stop, she don need to sit one so my stroller now is white elephant in the storeroom.

Jollymummy - news reported say 8yrs and below, did not specify the height.

Irene - yah, think the taste abit like yakult. Try those small bottles first. If u like the taste, then get the big ones bah. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

ladies, on the Clarins Body Treatment Oil-Tonic for the stretchmarks...how much did u get it for? I found 1 selling at $56...is it a good bargain? anyone?


Thanks for your detailed info on the stroller. I didn't know that there're so many things to look out for. Must really go and take a good look and try them out before decideing which one to buy. I may need to buy 2 for my twins [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


Are you going to the Isetan private sale today? I intend to go after work. There are 23% off for the pigeon items so I'll be getting all the pigeon basic necessities like cloth nappy, nappy liner, bottle brush, breat pads, bottle detergent, bottle thermal bag etc today. Seems a little early but since there's a good deal, I just buy first. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Don't worry about not gaining weight. I told my gynae that I was worried that my bbs won't have enough nutrients since I'm not eating well. He said bb will get nutrients for the mother's reserve in the first few months. He has a patient who vomited throughtout the whole pregnancy and lost 12kg in total. But her baby turned out to be 3.2kg at birth! So don't worry too much. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I'm just wondering whether mothers expecting multiples tend to have worst MS. I have 2 friends who carried twins told me that they vomited badly in the first 4 months of pregnancy. So bad that they almost got dehydated and had to be warded in the hospital.

My MS is not getting any better. Feel like vomiting every night. The feeling can be quite terrible [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] Coke and fast food are my favorites now. I didn't like such food before pregnancy so I don't know why I have such cravings.

Oh you gave away the bb stuff already? I thought you can reuse the items and save some $$. But you'll have to get 2 sets of everything like me now. I think can burn a deep hole in our pocket..haha..


U r welcome! Oh ya! It slipped my mind that you are expecting twins!! I think those tandem stroller (front & back) or side-by-side ones would be better.

It's difficult to manoeuvre 2 single strollers.

I've seen parents using the side-by-side type but they are really wide! So if you are in as crowded area, you will probably find it hard to move around with stroller.

Tandem ones look more compact bec it's like single stroller, just that the other baby sits behind. But not sure if can recline fully or suitable for newborns or not.

Really gotta do your homework and look around! =)

allo ladies. .phew bz today.. my side shifting office.. from 1 buildg to another.. done & sian.. haaa

time to go home!!

wow juv, ya massage lady v cheap leh... $34 per session.. mine $50 per session.. was recommended by thread in sgmotherhood.. juz gv a try lo..

my old massage lady was $35 per hr, i tot the rate all abt $50 nw.. but nevermind la..i confirmed w her this AM lioa.. lazy to change.

my MIL & hubby persuaded me to get a CL, so i will be geetting.. via agency de, thru my hubby's cousin's recommendation. $2.1 k...

so meanwhile wont be getting maid, wait until the CL gone then get.. else double spending :p

ckcs... u in yishun too? heee i am oso.. i in khatib.. 836 [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

cn mit up someday eh.. u wif which gynea?

Sorry to side track..

I am so upset at work!!!!!

Keep seeing ppl resigning.. But i have to tolerate and tolerate.

Just quarrel with another colleague.

Just because of 1 small mistake I've done.

Who dun make mistake!

Everyone so busy at this period of time..

Bound to forget some procedure de mah!

Really feel like tendering. But cannot...

Cos no one will empoly me with my condition..

Bing - i wont be gg to the isetan sale today, cos got most of my items for no. 1 liao, guess will just be waiting for some dept sale - 20% to stockup accessories, etc nearer the date.


So sorry to hear you so Wei3 Qu1.

Ya when pple resign, morale become very low one.

But you must Ren3 if you need this job.

But try to think happy thoughts ok? Bec baby can feel what you feel de.....

Time to knock off right? Have a nice long weekend! =)

Babymiao, I got mine at $52, so urs is ok... just 4 bucks more.

Bam, MIND OVER MATTER.... if you dun MIND so much then it doesnt MATTER [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Just think another 5 mths+ to go & you will be off! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Jiayou!

shan, actually gd to get maid when CL is around coz she can teach ur maid how to cook nutrious stuff for u and how to handle bb properly. Double spending will just be for 1 mth afterwhich CL will be gone.

Ya lo Bam, if u could juz bear w it for the moment. Don tk their words too much, juz try ya best.. The rest is hard for u to control.. Hope they will b more sympathtic, coz preggy easier to get tired mah.. Jiayew...

PTB, hee.. I oso duno the agency name.. I juz called.. Anyway the agent is coming down this sun, to sign contract, I let u know more details.. FYI thru agency de, we nid to pay levy, work out to b $168.

If u wan CL nt thru agency, I can get from my colic, he say his is nt bad.. Then v funny he told me his SIL's de, still gotta set timing for her to slp so tatby midnite she can focus to tk care of bby, not bad hor paid to get sleep.. Haa..

tks jo/angel, ya will buy the yogurt drink from NTUC to try tonite..then hope tomorrow can have a "nice relieve" output [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/lol.gif]

bam: oh..ya can understand the low morale..but think of just ren for another <1/2 yr and u shall be going on maternity leave liao..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] after ur maternity leave, maybe u can think of changing another job.

thanks everyone...

I'm still struggling in office..

Anyway I took leave on Monday.

I'll have a super long weekend and i'll take this oppurtunity to relax abit.

Happy Vesak Day to all Bhuddist.

Happy Holiday to everyone...

Have a nice weekend!

Bam, just need to go thru today and you'll enjoy yr super long wkend. Think postive.

Shan, my MIL is selling popiah in blk 848. Free can go eat if u hv craving for it [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


PTB7476> there's one agency call:


it might be the one shan getting?

Shan> i agree with cutiebb, gd to get the maid earlier when CL around to learn the basics of how to handle the bb/take care of u. however, i dun trust leaving bb alone with maid if especially so young if no adults are around.

Bam> if u think u can forgo the 4mths maternity leave and yr hub can afford, then its of cos gd to take a break than always torturing the nonsense from these people. BUT think of what u can do with 4mths maternity..try to ren loh..don't work so hard loh..leave on the dot. take more mc hee..

