(2010/10) October 2010 MTB


Thx for ur suggestin. Will keep that in mind.

I wanna go swimming too. Hope i can find time once my mum is here. She shld be arriving at changi anytime now. Yay!!


any reccommendation where is the place to buy swimming costume?

Last time i bought frm tom n stefanie the largest size. Now cannot fit leh....

Hopefully somewhere in orchard near far east shopping centre. M going there today for next physio session..


Swimming for babies,

Any baby went for swimming session alrdy?

At bby pool or baby spa?

I also want to know when they can swim at normal pool with the chlorine bleach?

paisei was b z again and yet away fr forum for 1 week.

Ian, what movie you watched? So u watched with ur wife?

Marrissa, so sorry to hear that ur sis in hospital. Hope she recover very soon.

Ann, take care and hope you will feel better.

Anyone whom I have not add in facebook can pm me ur email address?

Cin Cin ear my gal will use mitten to wipe her face n suck her mittens sometimes too. Yesterday 1st day took off her mitten and already got 1 super big scratch, haiz.... Dunno how, to wear or not to wear.

Melissa, so fast u return to work? How many weeks of ML u took? 12weeks?

Hi,I am a Jul-10 Mummy.

I have bought extra Pigeon Wide Neck Milk Bottle Teats. Still in packaging.

1) Y Size (Pack of 2pcs)Bought @$5.36, Wanna Sell $4.00

2) M Size (Pack of 2pcs)Bought @$5.36, Wanna Sell $4.00

Self collection @Jurong West St 93

Keen, pls sms me at

Hi mummies

Do u think it's useful to consult LC for low supply problem?

I've been latching on demand but still no increase. Dun wish to give up so soon.


I tried offerring to no 1 but she gave me a horrified look. Hoho.

Did ur ss drop alot after u go bk to work?

afternoon mummies~

apple> hairy potter lor..yeah with wife..but she dozed off even before the movie started..lol

Ann, do take care & hope ur slip disc get recovered in no time! My bb likes bathing but don't like to wear clothes. Sometimes cover blanket for him at night will shake his head.

My niece & nephew alway terrorise him. Like

to crowd ard him & touch him, I very scared they touch his head, scolded them but their parents don't like it. Really terrorist

Shireen: no not getting sns coz no point. My boy dun wana latch at all so how to get rewarded? Haiz...

Zuen & Fifi: I dun mind exclusive expressing but dunno hw to keep up my supply if I can't pump on time. Like today my boy decided not to slp frm 9 til now. Slp a few min wake up n cry. How to pump?

Ann, please take care of yourself.. Josie baptism is last Sunday. My parents and in law is here BUT I never thought I will still be left alone with baby. Zzzzzzzzz. All of them has gone today then hubby hasn't go to church this morning so I am left alone

Because FIL is here last minute go to see Josie baptism. Then he go travels to sentosa lah sands lah and mil plus the relative that helps out cooking everyday to go with him. If he's not here I am pretty sure mil won't travel one. Huhu. My parents also need to take care some business and still insist to sleep at my sister house even though I have bought a sofa bed for them to sleep in my study room [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]. My sister house very far in sengkang leh I am in admiralty

Totally waiting for maid to arrive soon and hoping she will pass English test and is a good maid. Sigh. I thought hubby and I can have ME time but in fact not

Dear mummies, r yr bb very sleepy after hep b injection? My boy went yesterday, the whole day he has been sleeping.. Which is not usual, hopefully he dun wake up tonite to eyes big big

Err.. Want to ask, there's one mummy with the instructions for mim sling, can email me pls [email protected]. I see the pictures online still cannot get it right. My sling fr three years ago, dunno where instructions go to. Didn't succeed using for first boy hope can succeed for second hehe.

Afternoon all,

N thanks for ur wishes..

Today went for second session of physio. Avtually i feel better even though cant move much.

Therapist said will be able to get well in 4-6 more sessions [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] meanwhile i must do my stretches at home!


I want to catch so many movies but if i have the chance... Hmmm maybe i will sleep like ur wife too??? Hahaha...


Congrats on josie baptism. Nikolas' will be on christmas day! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Why dont u join them travelling ard spore?? Hee hee..


After hep b my boy was okay.. He seems to forget the pain instantly after being coaxed by a toy in he clinic.. Hehe..


Maybe he feels hot? Too much coverage for him?

Last time my boy also cant sleep well. I used to let him wear full gear, mittens socks long sleeves pants or pajamas. My aircon is 25-27 depends on weather

Then he keeps waking up. I realise he is sweating.

Now i let him sleep in short sleeves n pants. If i cover with blanket he will kick kick kick n cry hahahaha..

Ian, ur wife got to help take care of baby sure tired.

Ann, glad to hear u r feeling better. If really cannot go cinema watch movie, wait for it to come out and rent? Maybe not as shiok but better than nothing?

I have gave up pumping cos v ma fan n little yield. Been latching my girl n supplement with fm, she seems okie and is a happy baby. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Re: movie

I can't rem when was the last time I caught a movie, easily years ago I guess. Hoho. Time is too precious. If we do hv time w/o the kids, we r usually running errands. Now, with 2 kids, we will hv to at least bring one when we go out. -.o"


Wow your supply is a lot! You're still feeding your first child too? I never bothered to pump after feed even if baby didn't quite empty my breasts. I just let it regulate itself. Now that I'm back to work I pumped twice and it gave me the same yield each time sometimes dropped to about 40 ml but surprisingly enough for him. He still hates the bottle so everytime my mom gave him the bottle it's always a struggle!


My mom grabbed my the top I wore the day before because it has my smell and its the only effective trigger to let him feed from the bottle! And it still takes him about an hour to finish the bottle! He is resisting!


I only took 12 weeks continuously and will spread the balance whenever I feel like it. So now I have 22 days left [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


usually when I change him or wear clothes for him, I switched off the fan & he will scream after 5 mins as he started to sweat. Today staying at mil place, baby is so fussy. Not the usual him.


i'm also waiting for my maid to come, waited for 3 mths, before I give birth till date. I changed any maid agency & my myanmar maid is coming this fri. Hope she understand eng & is a gd maid. Good to my boy boy

ann> I also thought to bring Josie with them to travel BEFORE THEY COME.. but the problem is both my parents and parents in law is super afraid one. Last time after I brought Josie to Yishun to meet mummies here is a bit of disaster. Haha.. My mum keeps telling me poor Josie kena rain, then saying she's a bit feverish lah.. Zzz..

Actually she's ok and just like usual.

I'm also afraid if she sleeps all the way and caused everyone to panic [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]. So sad...

I thought my mom is OK one.. But actually she's OK one if it's her own child.. Grandchild is different. ZZZzzzz.. Dunno maybe she's old already so right now become super afraid..

Haven't brought Josie using stroller yet.. Now everyday raining, got a BIG problem bringing her out because parents and PIL will say poor Josie very windy outside lah etc... Even at home when open window and no sun also said that..

even during Josie's baptism also makes comments kena aircon straight away lah so lots of wind on her stomach. Zzz..

Josie got reflux problem and she burp very loudly. And she also farts a lot. Then my mum keep saying why Josie has lots of wind, etc..

Then they also complains I never ON aircon in her room and never open window. She's actually usually OK one like that, can sleep also. Now they always bring Josie out from her room during day time, saying her room is too hot why I never ON aircon. Zz..

I ON aircon only at night time usually.. When she sleeps longer. Daytime now she doesn't sleep too much, and we like to watch her, so why ON aircon in the room that will only to be left alone, waste electricity [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Good morning mummies, I remembered starry mentioned about the dropping hair thing so I am going for my haircut early in the morning before my next pump.

Talking about vacation, I have asked my husband to book a hotel stay for next weekend. We bringing bb there to try out. Hope we could manage well for one night out of house. So excited just to think about it, could just go shopping and back to room for feeding etc. :D

Aiyo Josie vomits on her 9 pm and 11.40 pm feeding. Must prepare to wake up early. Huhu. Strangely her 11.40 pm she vomits when I try to latch her while she's sleeping and she keeps sleeping like nothing happena even when we changed her....

Nelc, please don't give up on breastfeeding... Perhaps your baby is not latching correctly?

Baby shouldn't just take the nipple, must take the areola too. Try to massage breast while they latch. Your feed on demand is it frequent like 7-12 times a day? Have you tried pumping? Does your breast feels empty after baby drinks?


Can consider taking your gal to watch 'Samy's Adventure' is suitable for toddler. I am plannng to take my #1 to watch. may bring baby along. hope baby won't cry in theatre.


the only way to incease ss is latch and pump. after direct feed baby, you pump at least 10-15 min each side. this is to tell your body to produce more. you need to be patient to see results. it can take 3 -4 weeks. you need to rest as much, drink lots of water and can take milo, oat, fenugreek to help. just be patient and persists. you can do it.

going back to work:

I am going back to work end of this month [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] when are you mummies going back to work?

City Square Mall Bubble Tree:

Anyone been to city square mall to see the bubble tree thing with your older kids?

Hihi mummies

I am having the bottle problem with my baby for the last few days. Now whenever I bottlefeed her she keep fussing wail the whole house down. But immediately quiet down when I latch her. At 1st I tot the teat flow is too slow so I change the teat but she still fuss. Same thing happen when my hb bottlefeed her too.

How to get her to accept the bottle again? Going to be a big prob when I get bk to wk! Hai…


Your supply is REALLY good! After latch I can only pump out 30-60ml, depending on what time of the day it is. I can imagine the fullness of the boobs and the blocks that can occur with the supply u have though. But I'm sure they are all worth it!


U got the email for the mim sling? Cyn emailed me before. Let me know if u still need k? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Ur hubby probably in a better shape than mine! Saw that he was still limping a wee bit last night. But he still manages to vacuum and mop the floor. After that I saw him drag out the osim leg massager. Hahaha!!!

Re: back To work

I'll be back to work right after the CNY holidays. Seems like coming very very soon. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


Was harry potter nice? Supposed to catch it with hubby soon.

Re: sleep thru the night

I think somehow my baby seems to slowly adjust her own timing to do that already. It's a bit strange that it's happening so soon though.. She had her last feed at 10.30pm and only woke up at 5.30am for next feed. This has been by far her longest feeding interval as usually it is 4-5hrs during night time. Is this healthy? Or shld I make sure she doesn't drag more than 4-5hrs next time? Worried that she's too young to start sleeping thru the night..


I m super out of touch. Never heard of such a movie. We tot of bringing her for animation but worried thAt she grew bored midway, want to get out of e cinema n waste our $$.

My dd went to tangling mall to play 'snow' niah. Super messy but she had a great time.


I m still struggling with bottle. I foresee my bb crying e hse dwn after I go bk to work too. Now, he still mainly latch. Only bottle feed when I m out. takes super long n he doesn't finish e milk even when only 60 or 80 ml.


I woke Isaac up. Hoho. His last feed was 8.45pm n still slpg at 2.30am, so I woke him up. He latch one side 10mins n refused to wake up. I express e rest. He just woke up for his feed.

Shireen, wat is the bubble tree in city sq mall? U going back to work so fast? After Xmas?

Zuen, Samy is abt a turtle I think, a bit similar to finding nemo kind if I am not wrong.

Anyone Noe if dun shave baby now that baby has some patches, will it become better w/0

Doing anything?

Morning mommies!

Thanks apple. My sis finally out of icu yest. Been v tired taking care of baby and going back n forth to hosp.

Thks fifi, i realised once a mth sofea will b v cranky n wont sleep at nite.

Lucky u jac! I wish sofea would start sleeping thru e nite! But thk god last nite she was back to her normal 3-4 hrs sleep routine frm 8pm-12am, 12-3am, 3-7 am. Luckily e waking up every 2 hrs e nite b4 was a one-off thing.


So good that jadelyn can sleep for 4-5 hours before asking for milk. My boy still wakes up every 2 hours. Only occasionally 3 hours. Isit becos u give FM also that's y can sleep longer?

Any mummies still swaddle ur bb when sleep at night? Hv not swaddle my boy since abt 3 weeks old. But then for the past few nights he kept waking up crying. Always startle. In the end last night decides to full swaddle him again. He seems to be able to sleep better n longer. Only wakes up after 3 hours for milk.

If swaddle him at night now, then I also wonder when no need swaddle Liao? When wld bb not startle anymore? My boy sleeping on mattress on floor. Think mb tats y cos closer to ground can feel movements.

Hoping that bb will be less fussy today. Yest he was very fussy. Kept crying n can't sleep.

Ann, he after jab he slept again. Yesterday he whole day sleeping. Usually he is awake a few intervals during day. But luckily last nite he ok, wake up for milk only didn't eyes big big

ZuEn, high five! Now go everywhere must bring one with us. I think even when we celebrate our wedding anniversary next week must bring the elder one with us haha

Starry, maybe u email me? Thank u in advance ;)


Wow your supply is a lot! You're still feeding your first child too? I never bothered to pump after feed even if baby didn't quite empty my breasts. I just let it regulate itself. Now that I'm back to work I pumped twice and it gave me the same yield each time sometimes dropped to about 40 ml but surprisingly enough for him. He still hates the bottle so everytime my mom gave him the bottle it's always a struggle!


My mom grabbed my the top I wore the day before because it has my smell and its the only effective trigger to let him feed from the bottle! And it still takes him about an hour to finish the bottle! He is resisting!


I only took 12 weeks continuously and will spread the balance whenever I feel like it. So now I have 22 days left [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi mummies,

recently my girl wants to be carried then can go to sleep. Last night I had to coax her for 3 hours then she went to sleep. Kept crying and fussing. I think that it's because when I bring her to my mum's office (in stroller) my mum kept carrying her to sleep. She doesn't wanrt to sleep in stroller. So back at home she wants to be carried.

During the day, she sleeps in Yao Lan. I tried not to rock her if she's not fussing. Just let her lie in Yao Lan.

I didn;t set routine for her cos in the past she's able to sleep after her night feeds. After feeding, she'll feel drowsy and when we put her on the bed, she'll sleep.

Any mummies have similar prob? Do your bb need to be carried/rock/pat to sleep?

Can share your night routine? And how does your bb nap in the day? Need coaxing as well?

I think I have to start a routine for her. Really hope she can go to sleep w/o being carried. She not light lor and carrying her for 3 hours is no joke.

back to work:

I am starting work middle of Jan. bb will go to daycare twice a week as my mom is going back to Singapore.

sleep thr the night:

bb is now 8 weeks old and he slept from 11 pm to 4:30 am. bb will drink at 7 pm, 9 pm and 11 pm before he slept for the long hours.


Is it because boobs are feeling uncomfortable already that's why gotta wake him up?


I didn't follow thread and just saw ur post abt ur sis. What happened? Hope all is well now that she is out of icu.


Few weeks ago was on fm, she will wake up every 3 hrs on the dot. Then few days ago, I started latching her even for her last night feed (no fm) and she was able to sleep for 4-5hrs. I am still giving her fm for her past-midnight feed though as my supply during those wee hours is very little.


What's ur email add again? I will email u. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Is ur girl feeling any discomfort? Babies usually won't out of the blue fuss and cry for hours. For my girl, she will need yaolan to sleep better in the daytime. Then sometimes we let her lie in her rocker and she will also be able to doze, but not for long. At night no yaolan at all, just straight to the cot after her feed. So far she doesn't need much coaxing to sleep. She will ask for her paci and beanie and that's it, as long as she has these 2 she will sleep, just a matter of whether 1hr nap or really 4-5hrs deep sleep. Hope ur girl goes back to her usual sleeping routine... No joke carrying for 3hrs non stop.


Yx oso has the same timing as ur gal. She usually take her last feed at around 10pm - 11pm n she will clear both side. After tat she will wake up at abt 4am to drink n zzz till 7am++.

Last night, she broke the record n woke up at 5am to drink. She cld have zzz longer if not for e fact that the 2 boys went to wake her up at 730am.

Dun need to worry abt her not waking up to drink cos its suppose to happen. As long as u did not intentionally wean her off the night feed, then its ok.


it's normal for baby to sleep longer! they do that b'cos they're ready too. i asked my PD (Dr Gong) once and he said to consider myself very, very lucky lor. he even congratulate me. that was my first child experience hehe. now my boy, on good nights, can sleep from 9pm and wake up at 5am. on typical nights, 11pm to 5am. either way it's ok b'cos i'm a late sleeper myself.


if i feel like sleeping through the night, i will swaddle baby. it does work but i swaddle him with my aunt's knitted blanket b'cos it has lots of holes for air ventilation. my boy perspires! sorry i can't remember when babies stop startling.


Thanks! At first thought kinda abnormal for her to sleep so long on BM. I shall monitor and see if this is going to be permanent or just an one-off thing. So it is a lot more manageable for u now that Yx is sleeping thru yah?


Haha! In that case I'm crossing my fingers that I am just as lucky as you! Really slept well last night. Heh heh!!


I don't swaddle baby anymore since she was like 2 weeks old? She will protest and fight to have her arms free. Her startling was quite bad at first to the point she will scream and wake herself up. Now at 2 mths she outgrew it le. There is the occasional arm/leg jerking but she won't wake up or cry. I place beanie across her chest and let her arms hug it so maybe that helps somewhat, esp at night when she sleeps in her cot. Oh yah, pacifier helps also.. Sometimes I catch her startle a bit and she sucked vigorously on the paci and went back to sleep very quickly..


I feed my boy fm but he demands for milk every 2 to 3 hrs. very tiring. He's drinking 150ml & he is 2 mths 1 wk old as of today. Last night fed him 150ml as usual at 8pm & he's not drinking enough, start to scream & eventually doze off as don't want to overfeed him. He woke up at 3am & again, he's not drinking enough as i did not anticipate his needs & i tried to coax him to bed. Later he woke up on time at 6am for his next feed and again he's not drinking enough..slept & woke up at 9am..drink 150ml, just sufficient for him, play for 1 hour then have his bath, but he's not enjoying his bath today as he wasted too much energy playing & hence he want to chop chop bathe & sleep. As a result, he cried the whole house down & eventually went to sleep..still sleeping now..

Should i increase his milk intake now? As according to the guide on the milk tin, it says 2-4 month is feeding 180ml. Maybe i should try giving him 180ml for his night feed.

Will they be another gathering where i can learnt from experienced mothers how to remove & wear clothes for baby and bathing tips as as of now, he still scream when i remove or wear clothes for him. I tried talking to him but he simply ignore and scream!! Faintz.

Can 2 month baby sleep on pillow now?


i think you should increase his intake. the formula guideline is a one-size-fits-all method. you should give what's best for your child. maybe he's a big eater and maybe he's growing through a growth spurt, which could be a temporary condition.



My bb is still crying murder whenever I bath n change her. I just ignore her n faster finish the task haha they will soon grow out of it!


Yes much better at least all of us get some decent zzz heehee n she doesnt wake my #2 up in the middle of the night. I still swaddle her though using the kippothumas (think its spelled something like this heehee)

Re: Gathering

I missed the last few n wondering if any mummy wan meet this fri? Can come to my hse or meet downtown oso can. Have send invite via fb to some of the mummies who are in my fb. Mummies who are keen can PM me if u not in my fb then I can coordinate the gathering.

I stay in Bishan =)

