(2010/10) October 2010 MTB

hello morning ladies [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Baby Tiger - Gd morning! :D

Jasmine- Hehe! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]) Hubby looked so close at the ulradound monitor yesterday. ;)

ZuEn- Aiya!! All kids like that la. Lol. Mai kancheong. ;) She will not poke baby's eye n throw. Try to involve her in choosing baby clothes etc later on? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Gd Morning ladies.....

My NS - noticed that it has been happening from evening onwards to nite.

1st - really low on energy level

2nd - Feel hungry but thoughts of many types of food make me feel sick, so normally don't know what to eat

3rd - When feel hungry is like the tummy is completely empty & need to eat immediately

4th - Eat normal portion already, tummy still feel empty like never eat at all!! This is even after I have drank 1 big glass of water!!

5th - Eat more than normal portion feel uncomfortable & bloated

6th - Whenever throat gets irritated & I cough, have to control as feel like throwing up as well!!

But I don't feel this way morning & afternoon!! So my poor hubby has been suffering at nite.....cos he only sees me then as daytime he will be at work. As I am low on energy, I have not been cooking much at home. He will tabao back but also have headache as I don't know what to eat!! When he suggests food that make me feel sick too many times.....I get irritated!! I feel sorry for him.....but can't help feeling that way.....hahaha.

good morning ladies,

may i know whether is anyone attending the baby talk this saturday?

do you all have more details in terms of the registration? The telephone number or website address?

Gd Mrng Ladies,

Feeling abit mixed tdy. Yest had visited my gynae, and had seen the foetus grew to about 2cm. Heartbeat is normal but didn't manage to hear the heartbeat. EDD maintains at 17 Oct2010.

Unfortunately there is a fibroid which was non existent during my prior scan was seen growing and about 3cm! Although Dr don't seem quite concern and assured that it will not affect the baby, I am still very concerned about this new development.

Anyone have info on it?

Celia, i noe of a friend who has fibriod just given birth, try to Think positive My Dear.

Celia- Dun worry. HUGS. Trust your doc's opinion. I am sure having delivered a gazillion babies and being the specialist here, he knows what he is talking about. HUGS! If you are worried, you could seek a second opinion I guess? Sayangs!!!


First Mums' & Dads' Congress 2010

Date: 13th March 2010 (Saturday)

Time: 12.00pm to 5.00pm

Venue: Stamford Ballroom, Fairmont Singapore

Level 4, Raffles City Convention Centre

80 Bras Basah Road

Singapore 189560

Celia, try speaking over the fibroid? =)

Dear Jesus,

I believe that we can stand on your Word because it is Truth and it is Life. Your Word is Alive and Powerful. We stand on your Word that we don't have to worry about anything but to take everything to you in prayer (Phil 4:6).

So we come boldly to Your throne of Grace right now and receive your grace and help for Celia's need right now. (Heb 4:16) It is written in the Word that You have healed ALL our diseases in Christ (Ps 103:3) and that You have also declared in Your Word that You will make sure we won't be disappointed and that You will turn things around for us for good. (Jer 29:14)

Thank You LORD for Your blessings that enriches us and adds no sorrow with it (Prov 10:22). We know the LORD is with Celia always and that she need not be shaken, for You are right beside her wherever she goes (Ps 16:8).

We know Your will for Celia is to take care of her, not abandon her, plans to give her the future she hopes for.

Thank You Jesus! This we pray in Your wonderful name. AMEN!

Morning Ladies,

Celia, my doc also notice a fibroid when i had #1. He wasn't too worried about it too. We monitor the fibroid for the 1st few visit and apparently, it stopped growing after that. Doc said it won't affect bb so just leave it as it is. During my last visit to the gynae, i did ask the gynae how's my fibroid, he did a check and said everything is alright. Dun be too worry about it. Everything will be fine.

Also another event you might want to take note of =D

BabyCare Festival 2010 at Hall 6B Singapore Expo on 19th to 21st March 2010. Admission is free.

In today's daily devotion that was uber encouraging:

The devil will try to steal our victory. He will come against us with lies and fears, and cause us to be conscious of our failures, weaknesses and symptoms in areas such as our health. But we are not trying to be healed. We are already healed because God’s Word declares that “by His stripes we are healed”. (Isaiah 53:5)

AMEN! =)

Celia- u dun have to do anything, just receive your healing for the fibroid in Christ k? HUGS!

Tigerbaby, Geri:

Thanks so much for the encouragement. Do hope that the fibroid will subside and become smaller. Cos if it continues growing it may affect my pregnancy. So I have to be positive now and wait for the next visit to monitor its development.

For the first mum and dad congress, unfortunately the registration is closed. But maybe can still try.

13th March 2010 (Saturday)

12.00pm – 5.00pm

Stamford Ballroom, Fairmont Singapore

Level 4, Raffles City Convention Centre

80 Bras Basah Road, Singapore 189560

From The Womb To World – A Journey of Discovery

Dr. Adrian Tan

Senior Consultant

Obstetrician & Gynaecologist

ACJ Women's Clinic

Thomson Medical Centre

My Newborn – What Can I Expect?

Dr Ang Ai Tin

Consultant Paediatrician

Thomson Paediatric Centre

Thomson Medical Centre

Baby Basics – Dealing With Dilemmas When East Meets West

Mrs Wong Boh Boi

Assistant Director (Clinical)

Senior ParentCraft/Lactation Consultant

Thomson Medical Centre

Maximise Your Baby Bonus and Give Your Child the Headstart Financially

Ms Evelyn Law

Vice President

Wealth Management Singapore


Be A Super Dad For Life – Great Ways To Bond

Mr Jason Wong


Rehabilitation Protection and

Residential Services

Ministry of Community Development, Youth and Sports

Registration fee:

$15 per person

$12 per person (for Abbott Family Rewards members)*

$12 per person (for Thomson Medical Centre FBI/SBI members)^

Closing date of registration: 10 th March 2010, 5.00pm

* Abbott Family Rewards members must login separately to register to enjoy the preferential registration fee of $12. If you are not a member, click here to find out how you can enjoy this benefit and other rewards!

^ Thomson Medical Centre FBI/SBI members must use registration link in the electronic direct mailer sent by Thomson Medical Centre. Call 6358 0055 (office hours) for further enquiries.


It depends on the position of the fibroid. I have one too but it's hanging in a stalk outside the womb, so they gynae said there's nothing to worry about. If it grows inside the womb, then it's a cause to worry because depending on the position, it may compete with the baby for nutrients. I am lucky because of its position, it got deprived and eventually shrinked and died. My ex-colleague recommend eating lots of mushroom to shrink the fibroid. I haven't tried it since I have no problem with it.


that's me. i have night sickness. i'm a happy person in the moring, at night i'm a monster. i went through exactly the same thing as you so at night, to avoid hunger, i just ate a piece of bread. and antacids before that. it helps to expel the wind.


congrats on the heartbeat. nevermind if it's blur. we love to see ultrasound photos.


speaking of the middle child syndrome, mind elaborating on it? i've heard a lot of about it and didn't want that happening to my 2nd child so i need to learn more from real experiences! hubby and I are both first child.


it's ironic that your cousins should mention the filial issue. has she herself been non-filial to her own parents? and the part about responsibility and refusing to take it, sounds like an immature excuse. has their parents treat them so bad to leave such an impression of children?

celia, your post just reminded me of my fibroid also! you are not the only one having it. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] but it is small lah, cos during scan he nv say there is anything out of the norm in the womb. i need to ask doctor whether the size has reduced or not. fibroids are only a concern when they get too large. some women have fibroids that are like 10cm in diameter! but they still manage to give birth normally, just that their tummies were huge. if your fibroid is growing, then there is worry that it may squash the baby when baby grows bigger in the womb. at 3cm, i think it is ok.

i will speak to my fibroid like geri had suggested, make it smaller. and ask baby to grow strong and healthy! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Thank you ladies for the info.

Celia, yes.. be positive. i'm sure your little angel in there will be as strong as you are. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Geri, I am very touched with your concern. Thank you so much for the warmth that you have showered me.

It is a great forum where everyone encourages and cheers each other on. Gambateh!

Ade, I will pray and hoped that my situation will be the same as yours and my preganancy will be a smooth sailing one.


starry: AMEN!

My current confession:

"But You have made me as STRONG as a wild ox. You have anointed me with the finest oil." - Ps 92:10

And another...

"His FAITHFUL promises are Your ARMOR and PROTECTION."- Ps 91:4

A very personal question- Has anyone made love to hubby yet during this pregnancy? =)

Thanks, ladies for your kind encouragement and support. Really appreciate it :-*

So far the rate of growth for the fibroid is pretty fast as it wasn't detected during my last scan. But I have faith in my Dr since he said that it should not be too much of a worry. I will stay positive and talk to my baby and ask her to be strong. ;-D

Starrymommy, we jia you together and pray that the fibroids will go away ok?

Have a great and pleasant day ladies!

To all Mummies...

Have a smooth pregnancies... finally i had a bad dream last nite.. but am sure it's just a dream..

meeting my gynae today to take my blood sample to check on my HCG level..

Pray hard.. that everything will be fine.. praying for miracle.. so that the lil one inside me will grow.. and be healthy..

Take care all.. smile and be happy!


LOl! Very small leh. Cannot really see yet hahaha.

Ok I will put the pics up from 5th and yesterday later on, but all you can see clearly at the moment is the sac. Lol. However, the tiniest baby bump would pulse with heartbeat on the monitor. =D


HUGGGGGGGGLES! I know how much encouragement means right now and I feel moved to share the blessings we have in Christ becoz I used not to know what I could claim in Jesus too. Knowing what I have now in Him has brought me so much peace and so much abundant life. =) Dun worry k?

Will be keeping you and baby in prayer. The fibroid cannot prosper because no weapons formed againsg you will prosper.

Keep having a victorious mindset gal!!!

Puan Sri-

JIA YOU! Dun worry about bad dreams. It is just a lying dream. The truth is the baby is well and will be well. HUGS!

Dun allow fear to rob you of the joy you deserve to experience during these 9 months!! =))



Haha, no. 2 (especially if girl) will have lots of hand-me-down. I supposed my girl will probably understand more when she grows older and when my tummy starts showing.


Not that I want to scare you, but some gynaes belittle things. Oops. Do seek a 2nd opinion if you are feeling vex. That will give you a piece of mind.

For no. 1, my BP steadily increased and it didnt help when I was on medication to control. Then got proteins in urine and my gynae still doesnt seem too concern. Maybe he has seen too many of such cases. This makes us not gan cheong too. Eventually, I was admitted to A&E for a totally unrelated issue and BP measured 170/110 then. Gave birth the next day. Baby chose to come out. But God was gracious. It was like He saw me through the whole thing. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Favourtism. Maybe it is human nature but my mum dotes on my elder brother and my dad on my younger sister. So I felt very much unloved. This makes me hated my brother and wanted to compare with him over everything. Until now, I still get upset (very much) when my mum favours my brother. Haiz.

geri, no leh. no sex yet. did you? though hubby and i want to. hee hee! but doctor keep on warning us not to till 2nd trimester. he was like, "no sex ok, no sex!" and we were like, "yes, yes. okok!" LOL! so have to bear with it for another 4.5 weeks.

celia, yah let us jia you together and beat these fibroids! apparently it is very common. let's stay positive!!


my friend has fibroid when she conceived her baby and the whole pregnancy turns out fine too. Your gynae will know how to take care of you, try not to worry okie. Keep a joyful and positive outlook [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


you're really putting God's words to good use. I am sure fella christians in this thread will be greatly encouraged by you.


it's not her personal situation that's bad la but rather she see around her , watch on news, read here and there about unfilial kids la etc etc so it deters her from wanting a baby lor...frankly i feel unless you are ready, willing and prepared for a life long commitment if not dun have baby also good la...

now days marriages are so vulnerable. They break down so easily and if they have kids in the marriage the kids will suffer...so everything have to think properly...


hehe aiyoh then it's more like paranoid thinking lor. i hope your cousin is not the only child. else the generation dies there.


i'm sorry you had to be in that kind of situation. but thanks for sharing. must tell myself now that every children is an individual human being and need as much affection as the next one..

Good Morning Ladies,


I can't but to kept giggling over your story about your lil girl!THROW!!!hahahhaa.....can but one w/o hair.heeeee[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]she is so cute!


I do have fibroid during my first pregnancy too,however was told by gynae it is ok and we kept monitoring the growth of the fibroid thereafter...[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]He did explained some wanted it removed however it is not neccessary as it all depend on how and where it grow!So do let your gynae know your worries and if you are not comfortable,do seek a 2nd opinion[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

You will be fine!We are no doctors here so can't assured you much on your worries but to pray that it will be gone..YOU AND BABY WILL BE FINE!HUGZ!![IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Can't sleep last nite..MS strike late night then hungry and woke HB up at 2am to buy me 2pcs of Roti Prata kosong with fishhead curry!He Was so blur,got up,went out straight to get his key...i stopped him and asked him to get changed cos he is still wearing his sexy boxer!wahhahahahha!!!!!I had a great laughed after that and we had delicious roti prata and maggie mee goreng at 0230hrs yum yum!!!

starry: Lol!!! Ok must wait till 2nd tri then =D 8 years le... need refresher course. My belief is this- dun worry. God will always protect the baby one. ALWAYS. =) So we rest in His finished work and stay in His shalom. =)

Etelle: Thankee! (^.^)v My opinion on marriages is this- some points relevant for believers at least, but most stuff are relevant to non-believers too! =D

1) Dun expect of each other. Expect of the LORD. Because humans are not perfect and are limited. The LORD has limitless love that is unconditional and perfect. Expect from Him and draw from Him to love each other.

2) Our partners cannot read our minds so it is important we communicate clearly and patiently with each other. Let's not speak to each other in a rude way. If we cannot control our temper, ask Jesus to take over. If talking is hard, write to each other.

It is ao important to communicate before baby comes esp for first time parents as it can get overwhelming for some ppl. Life is gonna change with a baby in your life, and it is important to know what to expect and to pray over the future and believe together blessings and goodness over it. =)

3) Dun keep score. Keeping score and bearing grudges will only make it impossible to let things go and move on to brighter and happier days.

4) Make time to paktor with each other. Dun make work, kids excuses not to spend time with each other and to get to know each other anew.

5) Write him little love notes and hide it in his wallet from time to time as a surprise. =) It can be about something you appreciate about him, or an encouraging bible verse =)

Marriages are as vulnerable as we allow them to be. Let's not follow the world to think that marriages have no choice but to be vulnerable in this day and age. =)

geri, one of my favourite verses was the one you mentioned earlier:

ISAIAH 54:17 No weapon formed against us shall prosper.


ROMANS 8:13 If God is for us, who can be against us? (not even fibroids!!)

etelle, broken marriage is the constant fear in my heart actually. not that i don't feel loved or that i don't trust my hubby outside. but in my ex company, i have 2 very close female colleagues. 1 is a divorcee, who was married for 1yr+ after a 7yr relationship and divorced because caught hubby cheating outside. the other 1, is a mistress. her "boyfriend" is also a colleague in another department, married with a young daughter. their affair almost 3 yrs already and they always have their trysts in cheap hotels somewhere but the wife nv finds out. it's like, i nv know if someone outside is targeting my hubby and being human, temptations are ALWAYS around. i can only pray that he stays faithful, just as God is always faithful towards us.

starry: Believing that the HS will guide ur hubby. Dun worry. Dun worry n juz keep taking any of ur concerns to Abba in prayer. Keep praying FROM VICTORY over your marriage. Dun fear. Dun worry ur fears into existence. HUGGGGGGGS!

geri, HUUUUGS back! while i fear, i also worry that i will worry them into existence. haha! a bit silly hor! anyway, will just leave them to God. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] can i know which church you attend? don't know if it is ok to ask here though. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/embarrassed.gif]

Starry: It's ok. =) Take time to slowly let go of your worries. Sometimes we fear and worry because we have been told so many things by the world. But scripture reminds us we are in this world, but not of this world... this means, Daddy God's got your back. And if you know how HUGE He is, you can't help but see how itsy bitsy all your problems are. =D Keep seeing God bigger than all your problems and trust Him. Huggles.

I am from New Creation Church. I have been there for about 6 years odd now. =)


as much as i believe what God has put together , let no man separates. But yet at the sme time God gave us a very power weapon "Free Choice". So he doesn't force people into doing things. So well i come to believe what will happen will happen. temptations are lurking around everywhere but frankly its really up to the individual to stand firm and fence off the slightest tempt lor. No use worrying about what has not happen or will not happen. Just remember to take time to maintain your marriage =) communication is very impt...talk to one another everyday as much as you can lol.


I am a member from New Creation too. I still live on pastor's Prince's preachings. He's a great instrument from God.

Let us all be focus about our pregnancy and have joy. Happiness is the key to a safe and smooth delivery. Don't worry unduly okie allz!


yeah lor sometimes think too much hor also problem..if like kids shd just go and have kids hee hee [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] then the world can still go round. If everyone worry about this and that earth will disappear

geri, NCC! that's nice! singapore must be proud that you guys are building an iconic structure in Buona Vista. can liven up the neighbourhood there otherwise usually very quiet apart from holland v. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

as for worries, yah trying to let go a bit every week in church. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] the recent jack neo scandal also brought some food for thought on the whole event and how his wife is handling it really well. i really salute her... she can hold her calm and retain that last bit of pride for her husband and her family. really amazing woman.


spot on girl! those people are too uptight! need to let loose and it's ok to make mistakes once in a while because you will learn something new from that.

suddenly thought about that Beautifully Imperfect commercial by director Yasmin Ahmad who passed away last year. remember the ad about the single father raising her daughter and the broken red shoes? and another about Eulogy. simple but send me to tears. if only people could take the message seriously. spread the love!


woah speaking of jack neo, he had an affair when wife is pregnant with child. how despicable! wonder if they're holding off sex till the child is born? or is jack neo really horny? i can never keep my hubby high and dry for reasons like this. i am sending him a message, even though we're having this child, you're still a part of my life and i'm still your wife. at least if he sees how tired i was, he will just pat me to sleep and took care of the kids. (he really needs to because they like to jump on me! lol)

melissa, horror stories like jack neo are a bunch a penny. he's famous that's why all his dirty laundry is washed in public. he hits on innocent teens as well, this eurasian model who was then only 16. i can't remember her name. it is disgusting. anyway, i also tell hubby not to hide from me if he has "needs", esp this sensitive period when we are instructed not to make love! we are coping great so far and he always make it a point to cuddle and talk before we sleep. and like you i also keep telling him he is my DH, we are having this miracle which we created together and i love him no end for it.

how come your kids like to jump on you? i usually see kids doing this to daddies, not mummies. have to tell them firmly that it will hurt mummy, make mummy cry?

Tiger Wood,Jack Neo..Eeewww!Disgusting..SALute to his wife!Face the Media with great courage and poised!

Look at these men..When something happen,they always seek forgiveness from wife and family,when they were having hell of a "great" time out there,wonder if they ever thought of their wives??

it happened to my GF who married a filthy rich guy!

3rd party alerted my GF then Gf left the family with her child... 1year later,she is back cos hubby felt remorse...

We have ears and eyes..he is still doing what is he GOOD at!This time..he got his wife pregnant again!Sigh....

Temptations are everywhere and we can't stop but to watch over our family with faith and trust!

The LOVE they have at home can never be replaced nor found somewhere else!We have to do our part too![IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I sincerely wished everyone to have a blissful marriage,happy family and as smooth pregnancy.[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

HI mummies to be. Just to share: Takashimaya having baby sale this month from 11 - 28 March. Go grab your baby needs. In addition, Big Belly Mama is having a free gift with every purchase of Belly Bands for pregnant moms. http://www.bigbellymama.com/bellyband.html but you need to quote Singapore Motherhood to get the free gift. And finally if you sign up for to be on the mailing list of Hann & Thann at www.harnnthann-sg.com you will receive 2 free bottles of Sea Foam Milk 30 mls.

Well although some of us cannot make love yet. we can still have physical intimacy with our husbands. Experiment and rekindle the passion ^.=

Honestly, I dun think we should worry ourselves like that. I know some mummies feel insecure becoz will grow rounder and all... but tell your partners how much you appreciate them and treasure their honesty and love for you. Keep edifying them and they will edify you back.

I agree that I am full of admiration for the way Irene Kng is handling the whole situation. It must be tough but she is really handling it with grace and forgiveness. Admirable!.

Etelle: COOL! Which service do U attend? =) I really appreciated last week's sermon. I couldn't attend personally so I called hubby (free incoming) and heard sermon over phone. It was very encouraging. =D The Nerida Walker sermons from 2008 are also excellent. She was a guest pastor then. I got them 2 yrs back. She is also on FB and she very kindly chat with me and sent me one of her sermons. If you'd like it, personal message (DM) me on Twitter @hungribunni. =)

Starry: Thanks! That's very kind of you. =) For me, I am juz relieved for the church that we will have a proper place to anchor ourselves too. Right now whenever Suntec has events, we kenah have to move to Kallang Indoor Stadium or Expo =p But moving to One North will mean we won't get "kicked" here and there. Phew. ^.^

mummies, how often do you tell your kids and hubby "i love you"? i tell my hubby that at least 5 times a day ( i think!). and i always say that he is the best. oh, there is a study that shows that couples who kiss each other in the morning before leaving for work have much lesser chances of marital issues than those who don't. so kiss more! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

geri, yah. shifting is always a chore. i am from CHC and we always had to move around. especially expo. if hall has event, need to move to another hall then move back. sometimes i need to help out. but now pregnant no need. hee! oh, i saw the artist's image of the new one north building. looks like a ship, really impressive! it is really, truly God who makes it all possible. finally can go into the Promised Land!


I am very mushy one hahaha. So I FB msg him, sms him, write him notes lol. All my friends say we give them the heebie jeebies. We have been together for close to 6 years now, married for 2 years as of Feb 2008.

Also, we both believe that there is no such thing as "Honeymoon period" because the WHOLE marriage is one big Honeymoon. If anyone thinks there is a Honeymoon Period, there is always this fear the period will end. So change the way u perceive your marriage mummies and see an improvement from there. =)

When hubby travels, we skype video, sms a lot and he always sends post cards so I can collect them. I hide notes in almost every item of clothing in his bag too. Hahaha. He travels a lot because of the nature of his job, but I know I can trust him.

Before we got married, he had to travel to China to direct a Nat Geo documentary that Zhang Jing Chu hosted. He didn't think she was chio ahhahha and then the China crew tried to get some Karaoke Hostess to sing with him, but he refused to and told them he had a fiancee he loves. The Crew was quite insistent so he got the Producer (a friend of ours) to fib that they had a conference call and they quickly left haha.

He has been really sweet waking up early to take Kae to school every day, and helping out with the chores and running out past midnight to buy me munchies hahaha. I told him he has never been sexier than now. =D


u so lovey dovey ah...haha how long have you been married?? understanding and communication and commitment between couples are very important, when the right element are in place everything is in place lor. Haha kissing each other before leaving for work will ahve less chance of marital meh...lol can become a routine also wor....

my gynae did not say that we shd abstain from sex when we're pregnant le. As long as no medical concerns or what then shd be okie to have sex le....

etelle, hubby and i been together 5 years plus, married not yet 1yr. the kissing thing was a study which i found out in the newspaper years ago. true that it can become a routine too! as for sex, don't know why my gynae so serious about it. anyway, we thought it is better to be safe lor and just guai guai listen. later anything happen we won't be able to forgive ourselves.

geri, i find my hubby sexiest when he is doing housework like mopping floor, scrubbing toilets etc. lol! encourage him to do even more so that i can rest. :p

darn, my MS comes back after lunch le. feel so queasy. should be called AS (afternoon sickness). sigh..

starry, etelle: Kissing can become routine but there are other ways to be spontaneous haha. ^.^

I love how hubby does the tilt we backward thing to kiss me haha. He does it out of the blue to surprise me hehe.

Yes! They are sexiest working up a sweat doing housework for us aren't they? hehe. I wonder if he ever thinks I am sexy when I do housework hahahaha.

Huggles starry... have u found ur anti nauseau key yet?


Dear Mum-To-Bes, I'm a Jan 09 mum. Like to share an upcoming event on Breastfeeding. It's free admission as it is organised on volunteery basis. You can PM me for more queries or arrange to meet this Sat.


Calling all expecting mothers and young parents!

The Parent-Support-Parent (PSP), a parenting network initiated by a few CHC mothers, is organizing a Breastfeeding Talk this weekend. This meeting is not limited to CHC members but open to all.

Details of this event are as follows:

Topic: Best Feed Forward

Speaker: Dr Lena Goh (Vice President, Breastfeeding Mothers' Support Group)

Date: March 13, 2010 (Saturday)

Time: 3 p.m.

Venue: Singapore Expo Hall 1, Conference Room 4

* What is most natural and perfect for both baby and mother?

* What is the most economical & environment-friendly milk for baby?

* What lays the foundation for deep and secure bonding between mother and child that will last a lifetime?

This session is conducted free-of-charge and serves to educate parents on how to achieve the best nutritional source and emotional bonding for their precious child that will give him/her a headstart in life. The whats, whys and hows of breastfeeding will be addressed and there will also be trained BMSG counselors available after the talk for consultation.

Kidz@Play will be opened for those who are bringing children aged 3 – 9 years old.

Please register via http://www.chc.org.sg/psp/

For more information, you may email your enquires to [email protected]

Looking forward to seeing you there!

Yours sincerely,

The Parent-Support-Parent (PSP) Network

