(2010/10) October 2010 MTB

hi all mummy to be ..

it's been long time and the thread has grown! ;)


i'll be 8 weeks tmr, edd as mentioned in the scan is 7 oct...

last week we went for a scan and can see a sac plus fetus and the heartbeat...

the doc scan from below.. dont know when she will b scanning from tummy....


as for morning sickness, my 5th week is the most terrible so far.. feel nauseous, but no vomiting so far. and feel so tired all the time..

after 6th week, everything seems ok..

hope everything goes well for all of u too!

happy new year...


raindroops ... enjoy your gynae visit !!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]... which gynae you seeing?

Ann ... scan from below? you mean from the virginal ar? harrrrr ... quite weird feeling right?

vivian, exactly.. i dont like the feeling... T.T

raindroops, wear a skirt... ;) so it's easier if want to scan from below...

Raindroops, got MS is good means baby developing well, later you SURE can see baby heartbeats ok?! Can plan where to eat to celebrate tonight liao! How nice! I hope i can see mine next week! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

how to scan from below? i don't get it.. thought it's always done using the ultrasound thingy?

today i had malay rice for lunch with some veggie and curry. it was kinda weird that i found the taste of the food really, really nice, very appetizing. yet at the same time, hard to stomach it. it was just a very contradicting meal. haha!

wow i must be the lucky one who gets a tummy scan and we could see bub clearly. maybe because i have been patiently waiting to get past 7 weeks for a scan. my LMP was 6 Dec and i happened to have an ultra long cycle! gynae estimated that based on my calculations, bub should be 6 weeks+ but it turned out to be 7. i'm over 8 weeks now.


scan from below means, getting probed by the transvaginal scanner. i hate getting raped by the machine.. lol.

Starrymommy, be prepared to strip naked below and let doc insert a probe into vaginal (should be thinner than our hb's 'ahem') to scan [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Thats why Melissa say kenna 'raped' by the machine. Indeed! Early stages vaginal scan sees better.

sunflower, it maybe thinner but it's ultra hard.. lol.. but hey u get the best images from it. relax. it's a rite of passage for every early-stage preggers. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

i have just googled it. lol. the images are indeed much clearer!

is 5 weeks too early to see gynae? i am planning to see one this saturday. looking forward to it, but scared later doc can't find anything. that's be so disappointing...

hi starrymommy, I had an emergency scan at 5 weeks+ a few days ago and all they see is an empty sac which is consistent for 5 weeks. Save yourself the trouble and worry and check a few weeks later. At very least 6 weeks for them to detect fetus and heartbeat

I hate transvaginal scan. Had tt at first preg which led to early mc at 5 weeks. Cudnt see anything then. Didn't know it would end up mc. Hope I can see this one. Tummy crampy now maybe too anxious.

And hope no vi vi scan this time. Gaaah.

Guess i shd be in my 6wks now.. planning to see a gynae next Tuesday.. hope for some gd news..

No MS.. occasional cramp on my lower abdominal when walked long distance.. bulging tummy.. feeling bloated and gassy and i even have breaks out on my face.. DIdnt have much pimples when having period.. it itches.. red in colors.. cant even put on make up..

anyone having the same prob?

hi Puan Sri, i am having very similar symptoms as you are having. no MS, occasional cramp in the lower abdomen (like PMS cramp) even when sitting / lying down, gassy and had allergy-like rash on my face which i nv in my life had experience before. this rash is red, patchy and itchy. really don't know if it is caused by allergy or due to the hormones! it's clearing up already after i took some mild antihistamines.

Hi Starrymommy,

we're having the same symptoms!!!! The itch is really unbearable.. even after cleansing the face..

What is antihistamines? where can i get them?

Thanks alot..

yours is also a rash?? mine developed out of the blue. it started off with just a bit of itchiness on my cheeks early last week, so i thought nothing of it. until last friday, the patches started showing and it itched even more. i had seafood and a bit of beer (didn't know i was preggers then!) during the CNY period and the rash just got worse by the day. on tuesday i looked horrible! cldn't even put on makeup. washing the face was torture.. my face felt rougher than the soles of my feet and i was scratching compulsively.

antihistamines are drugs that curb allergy symptoms like redness, swellings, itchiness etc. just go see your GP, tell him you are pregnant and he'd know what to do. my guess is we are having pregnancy rash.

This is the first time i heard there's pregnant rash..

i looks more like rash and patches.. it started late in the afternoon yesterday and soon i was rubbing and rubbing.. so far didnt had any seafood..

It attack near my lower lips..

ANd thanks alot.. will go to a GP tomorrow.. I couldnt stand it already.. my skins were peeling and flaky when i had my make up on..

Rubie and Vivian,Lingo,Congrates...

Melissa,do u get MS?is it getting worse?I m ard 7-8weeks..and I think my MS getting worse..today..haiz..I crave for food,but mouth cannot open leh..

starrymommy,will get used to it,the V scan I mean ..

I thought it a norm to get v scan on yearly check-ups?I always scan every year leh to check for lumps etc in my womb leh..I guess I kiasu bah..haha~("p)

Congrats to all the mummies here too![IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi Paws68

Actually my edd is based on online edd calculator as well as putting in my cycle..i have yet to confirm by my gynae on my actuall EDD but will be seeing him tmr to confirm. I calculated based on my first day of LMP i should be 7th week by now. There is always a plus and minus 1 or 2 weeks difference so dont worry about it.[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Just like Marrissa has mentioned who knows in the end its up to God to decide. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi Weishy

my boy was born on 29th July.how abt yours? guess should be early august.

and now your no 3 is on the way..i really have to salute u leh. how do u handle this? are you a SAHW or FTWM?

Hi Starrymommy

At 5th week u still can do a scan but usually doctor will do a transviginal scan rather than ultrasound scan. Ultrasound scan is to detect baby's heartbeat but at 5th week it is still too early stage to detect therefore doctor will perform tranviginal scan to scan for the sac. I did it once during my first pregnancy and i hate the feeling so for now i opt to wait patiently till 7th week for my ultrasound scan. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi clare

You may want to try ginger tea with lemon for your MS? it helps me alot during my first pregnancy. Luckily there are no MS for this time round...hmmm weird hor [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi Puan Sri

Actually pregnancy rash is very common during pregnancy [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Some will break out on their faces during early stage and some will have rashes on tummy and lower part of body even on your legs so it depend.

I have rashes on my tummy during my 7th mth onwards. it was so unbearable that i have to stay in aircon places to keep cool. My gynae prescribed the caramel lotion to ease the rashes and at least it helped to ease.


you dont wanna see the ugly strech mark on your tummy so its time to start applying now.[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] I have tried many brands and so far would recommend strech mark cream and tonix oil from Clarin.

Hello ladies!

Scan was ok. I was a bit off my timing by abt 1 day so actually i'm only turning 6 weeks tml. This according to Dr Kee! What a nice doctor! Funny and really patient. Really explained in details how to take care of ourselves knowing our mc history.

Saw a baby sac abt 1.93cm! He said right on schedule. Progressing normally.

Psyched but he reminded me to take things slowly and to get as much rest when I can. Also prescribed me some progesterone pills for two weeks after which he wants to see me at 8 weeks. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Also noticed a large cyst in my right ovary. But he said it's normal but it should recede by the time beanie is 3 months. Apparently the cyst is providing necessary hormones or something for baby's growth and should recede when placenta takes over.

2 more weeks and till then I'm just gg to enjoy every magical and miraculous journey of this pregnancy.

Hey Raindroops ... can feel your excite oozing out from my PC .. HAHAHA .... Since Dr Kee is from TMC ... you will be delivering there?... I've seen MT e and Mt A before (When visiting my frens) ... but never seen TMC before ... dunno whether it's as nice...


I have full blown MS since 5 weeks pregnancy. NOw I'm 8 weeks+. I should be the "oldest" here, since my EDD is Oct 1. In fact, this is the worst type of MS i've ever had compared to my two former pregnancies. I haven't taken any rice since i had it. I am averse to just about everything and I am despising anything sweet. SO my favorite Milo now, I can ony drink it KOSONG! My favorite teh tarik, is a NO-NO already. and ginger tea don't work on me. it makes me feel even worse. the only way for me to survive it is to try to throw up, actually no need to try. I'd still throw up anyway. and it doesn't even make me feel better. So if anybody wants to see me being a big, irritating bitch, come see me after 5pm.. lol. Ah not forgetting, the gas, the bloating, the dizziness, the headaches. But i'm lucky I have no breakout and my boobs don't get sore.

i think that MS will peak around 8-10 weeks that's when the HCG level is the highest. i remember getting better only at 14 weeks onwards. just going through a hellish period of time. even at the point of writing, i feel nauseous!


thanks for the update. you meant the waterbag right? the advantage of scanning at 5 weeks is to rule out ectopic pregnancy. i'm glad you're out of that danger.

puan sri, starrymommy,

i heard of mommies who had to stop putting on make up or change brand of makeup. you can ask your GP about this. it's the hormones babe. some say it's related to a particular gender that you're carrying. don't ask me what gender, because I don't know. i have two girls and my skin is clear.

HI Rubie and Vivivan,Lingo [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Congrates~~~~!!!!!!!!

still dunno when's my EDD yet just know tat it oct.......think gynae wanna be "conservative" bah :p

Tku ladies for the wishes..

my EDD is 20 Oct 2010, currently in 5wks+. My appt with my gynae is next week, hopefully can hear the heatbeat. Until now, still feel insecure until i see my bb.

I also looking forward to hearing the bb's heartbeat ....

Question to all ... when should we tell our boss about this har? ... I'm a bit worried about this part ... I joined this company just a month ago .. and already have one preggy colleague in our dept of four (EDD Mid June)... don't think my boss will be happy when I break the news to him ...


i was in the same predicament last two years ago. i was quite new into the company so i decided not to tell. it helps that i'm small built so no one can guess that i'm pregnant. u need to make sure that you have served 180 days there and be a confirmed staff before you can even feel "safe".


do you have any MS? if there is, rest assured your pregnancy is doing great.

i am feeling great this morning. not looking forward to pm and nights. yesterday the first thing i did when i reach home from work is to puke my stomach content out. then no appetite to eat dinner at all. merely have 2 glasses of cold water. sipped slowly. glad i don't have to purge that out too.

Rubie, i am exactly same preggy age as you. My EDD also should be 19 Oct and now 5wks+. Have you started feeling any MS?

Raindroops, congrats! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Melissa, i actually thought that pregnancy rash happens during 2nd or 3rd trimester. that's what i came up with when i googled it. didn't expect it to happen so early in 1st tri! i will ask the gynae about this when i see him tomorrow and "report" back. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Irish Coffee, really must start applying cream to tummy already ar? tummy still flat now leh.

Hi all mummies,

I'm new here. Just tested positive on 1st yr of CNY. Went to see my gynae (Dr Lawrence Ang) and got to see a sac on the ultrasound..

still trying to get used to having something growing in my tummy.. Extra careful in my actions now. Cos i'm quite a klutz normally. hehe

starrymommy, advices from my colleagues who have had 1-2 childrens, is that to apply the stretch mark cream as early as possible. they said it will help to prepare and help the elasticity of the skin.. so as to minimise or avoid any permanent stretch marks.

hi Shirley, congrats and thanks for the advice! wah.. day 1 of CNY test positive, that's really double happiness!

ok.. i shall drop by watsons to get the palmers anti-stretchmark cream this weekend. any reviews on this?


its' not bad actually. i've tried it and i'm stretch mark-free. then again, i totally omitted the stretch mark creams for my 2nd pregnancy and realized that i'm the few lucky ones who has no problem with stretch marks at all (save for some old, teenage years). so oops, don't quote me.


congrats. the surprise couldn't have come at better timing! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Melissa so lucky ... no stretchmarks ... must have very good skin.

Actually, about stretchmarks... my colleague was asking for anti-stretchmark cream from her gynae. While looking at her tummy, her gynae remarked, "your skin won't need any." he also added...stretchmark anot... it's "tian sheng" one wor ....


Hi ladies, i am a mother from the Jan MTB thread. i just gave birth to my boy on 3rd jan and wanting to clear my excess stocks of Neurogain. I have 3 bottles of Neurogain PB fish oil (expiring in May 2012-Usual price at pharmacy: $34.70-NOW selling at $28)

You can check out this website for more information: http://www.mederis.com.my/NeuroGain_S.html.

Interested pls PM me.

hello i'm not that lucky. i've had stretchmarks all over my butts and thighs during my teen years!! so i could never be a teenage porn star! lol. i'm saying, i was just lucky i don't have it for my pregnancies. those days are over! i've done my time.

Melissa, i have stretchmarks on my butt and thighs also from my teen years also (i would have failed all the porn star auditions!). just now i was even thinking i may have it on the tummy this time. but if you don't have, maybe i will be just as lucky!

Hi All

I was actually prescribed this pills called Utrogestan and have absolutely no idea but the moment i ate it this morning, woooosssh... half an hour later, i was reading newspaper and suddenly felt like i was going to sleep.

My head is so light right now and made me want to bawl because i've nv felt this sudden exhaustion in my entire life. I can barely keep my neck straight.

Anyone took this before and share with me how you all combat the drowsiness?

Thanks starrymommy & melissa, It's really double happiness for me. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I used to have stretch mark sduring my teen years too! Lol. they're gone now. but since this is my 1st pregnancy.. gonna be 'kiasu' and use those stretch mark creams la, tonic oil la, whatever they have.. haha.

Hopefully i'm also tian sheng no stretch marks. :p

oh yah, Vivian, i had wanted to ask you when do you intend to tell your boss? hubby says to tell when in 2nd trimester, but i am afraid company (esp. HR side) won't be too happy.. 'cos a colleague is going on maternity leave next month and i was just confirmed as permanent staff then now have a bun in the oven.

Starry: I can't keep secrets ... I think I will tell my boss right after the Gynae appt next week ... I think my boss will be quite vexed ... he has to do resource planning for 2 employees with ML back to back ... ...

wow, this thread really move v v fast like rocket. I just went missing for 1 week+ and i have so much to catch up. hope u all don't forget me hor [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

mummies with bloated and gassy feeling can drink ginger tea cos it's really help alot. hmm, i was also prescribe Utrogestan but aft taking it i don't feel sleepy leh.

hi Tiffy, i'm new to this thread. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] yah, it moves really fast!

Vivian, me too, can't keep such big secrets too well. lol! i may just blurt it out during lunchtime. my company is very small.. only have like 14 staff. all female, except the boss. once i tell my closer female colleagues, i think the boss will know of it very soon too.

Raindroops, Tiffy, actually can insert also. And apparently absorbed better when inserted and less effects on your digestive system too. I inserted that the last round [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Tiffy, Shirley, you gals around 5 weeks preggy then? Congrats! I am also around 5w3d.

